tv [untitled] May 10, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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identifying behavior, that obviously demonstrates over indujing, that will allow the police services to be provided to the people truly in need of the police service or emergency service and allow his club to probably flourish without the presence of the police there and the people becoming confident, and walking outside of the premises and be able to endulge in the activity to be a referee to the police to their actions and a couple of recommendations that i have to help mr. montoya, be successful, juan of the things that i think bottle should be left unattended so there is no leeway to over induj and i think that he should have the employees engage in lead
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training, and puts on a class that is sponsored by the alcoholic beverage control and helps to identify issues of intoxication and might even consider, the patrons that are over intoxicated getting an alcohol measuring device to see if they will volunteer to say am i intoxicated or not? you have the choice. and i know that may not be one of the best solutions. >> and then the people would not come back to the venue. >> it all falls on the responsibility of that person drinking and what they will do, once they leave the establishment. >> and so, we are opened to any suggestions as far as helping out with the problem and i would welcome any comments and questions. >> where did you get this >> because this is really good. >> it came from the internet and dartmouth college >> that is the address.
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>> >> and it is all free on-line? >> it is all free. >> but a couple of these on-line, and the america distiller association has a guide similar to that and it is also on-line. >> i just have a question for the officer, could you come back up? >> every time that you report out about the incident, it does sound like you have talked to bennett and he is responsive and yet you come to some sort of an agreement about how things should run the next time around, do you see, i mean do you see him as a cooperative, and a responsible owner, and business manager? >> yes, i do. >> you do? >> okay. >> so i think that for many of the things and the suggestions that you both have just made, and i feel like bennett said that he tries to implement or has implemented and we asked him, do you meet with the staff regularly or the bartenders and we meet with him every third weekend and do you do the bottle service and there is a server and a host for every,
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and each group that comes in, and so, i am hearing, and i am hearing alignment, actually, about what you are saying that he should do, and what he is saying that he is doing. and again, you know, without being there and having our eyes on there, every weekend and we are not going to know exactly how everything is run but it sounds like the intense and i am glad that you feel that you have a good relationship with him. >> and you know, i feel like, and this is just sort of my opinion, but, sometimes you know, that the responsibility does lie on the owner and the managers of that establishment, but you know, depending on what the crowd is, they may not have a lot of self-control or judgment and there are times that i know people think that they are fine and perfectly fine, and that, one final drink, at last call or whenever it is, pushes them over the edge and i think whose fault is that? and i want to put the blame on someone and we should put it on the venue and there are times when the personal responsibility will be there too and i think that i don't
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know if they are doing the messaging around that time and telling people, you know what? all eyes are on the street right now, and we make all of these go away if you don't be more responsible for yourselves. but i do think that there is a component of just that personal responsibility that we just can't bring every person in here to grow in the limits on drinking. and commissioner hyde do you have something to say? >> do you have more to... >> do you have more to say to that? >> sorry. >> okay. >> thank you. >> i have a small portion, just finishing up. >> mike? >> and i was trying to problem solve as far as the bottle service. and one of the things that i am very happy to hear about as far as it being served by a hostess, i agree we would like to have the bottle, not on the, and unless it is being served and i know that part of the atmosphere and you are having a party and a social occasion and
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maybe you can put a prop, you know, a fake bottle or something, and just something, and well, you know, the people when they are having the bottle services they kind of want the other people to see it as well and what we don't want is a glass bottle there that could be used as a weapon. >> if we can get a host that can come over and leaving the bottle there, so if someone has got or has cocktails on board and they might look over and they are going to pour themselves one and if the bolts is not there they can't do it. that was the last part as far as the bottle service. work with intoxicating people that are loitering or will not leave when ejected. bennett in the past has talked about the police, you know, the police being there, but i think that we can get a better partnership, so let's say, they eject someone. and they are hanging out and causing problems, it is hard for the security that just had a conflict with somebody or
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somebody from the staff saying that you need to leave now. and even if they tell them there is no loitering policy, it is difficult but the police coming in, and they have got a better chance, and we have a better chance of them listening to us because we can take them into custody, and so what i am going and one of the things is the sis have a radio and a lot of them are out there and they have a radio that goes into the commander of the person in charge of broad way, for that night. and so, if there was a time, that if fis, if nonis not listening and if they have been ejected and will not leave, if they are loit loit loitering and will not leave, and what i don't want is atmosphere on the phone on hold and non-emergency number, and you know, as they are dealing with this and so my point is. >> two police cars parked outside. >> and sometimes, and i am going to address that in just a moment, but not all of the time.
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and i think that if they have a better communication and i think that is what we are looking for to get rid of those people that are causing the problems, the id scanner, and bennett said that a few years ago he tried it out and worked good but then it kept on malfunctioning and i would like him to consider revisiting that. i just know that it makes a big big difference when there is a location where the people that are going on to that premise know that they are not anonymous, the last one is the placement of the police department cars and often times there are cars in front of atmosphere and there are often times there is police cars in front of other cars and in front of other clubs. and they might go to where there is more, attention, and it might act as a deterrent, and but to say that i don't agree with the premises that the police cars are and more problems there, and you know, it is, i just, i just don't
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agree with that. >> i have a question about the id scanners, do you know if there is studies that show that there is a reduction in bad behaviors with that venues that use those? or is it mostly antidotal? >> i don't know, i haven't seen any studies i just know from my own experience when dealing and when i used to deal with the schools and we would have large parties coming on and the very hostile and as soon as they were and we had them sign in where we could check their identification and it dropped the entire. >> the schools? >> when i was in i worked with the schools as far as when we had the people coming on campus. >> okay. >> we would have them sign in and as soon as we had them sign in to know the identity or could be figured out or just made for a much more cordial experience. >> i just want to ask a couple
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of really big questions, because granted that you are right, the patrons, i mean, it was a time when the night clubs got together back in the 90s, and wanted to do, some kind of thing for patrons that were really putting the nightclub business at risk, no matter what you did. there was always, one or two bad patrons that were really, threatening your business, no matter how good you were. and my question for you is this, what do you determine the difference between the cad report and what bennett has on this video? >> how do you... i mean, we want to. we rely on the police. this commissioner relies on the police. and we listen to your reports. and we believe you. we called bennett in. and then he showed us videos about this massive fight, and then it is two guys being taken down by a bunch of cops and i don't understand, and so what is it? is it just that the cad needs
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an address and they are using his address, or what is the discrepancy between what is written and what bennett showed us on the video? >> it might be the angle, it might be the perception, and it is... >> whose perception? >> the police perception or what they are dealing with. if they know that there is a problem, and if there is a fight, and like i know that the incident reports that i spoke about, you know, they, there was fighting out in the street. when, i was there and we had to go out there, there was fighting in the street. and i look at the ability to look at the police reports and get detailed descriptions as far as what was exactly going on and as in very, very big detail. and if there is something that is in a cda i will do a follow
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up conversation with the officer get more information and if they talk about, you know tl, was this fight, and maybe there is other officers that responded, i don't have the ability to look at a video tape, you know, from or for hours or even 20 minutes. and but, if we have an occurrence where there is a fight, and the officers are responding and i talked to them and i know that one of the officers she told me, yeah, the fight was taken care of and you know, pretty happy with that but she was not happy with all of the people that were blocking the sidewalk. now, with that particular angle, was that the issue, i don't know. you know? i don't know if it was over here or over there. but,... >> this is front door all the way to the corner of the alley? that is what we saw on the video, it was on the screen. i mean obviously he has a wide angle lens on that. i mean i hate putting you on the spot, steve i really do,
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but that brings into question, about how these reports are written. and considering the nature of these reports, negatively can effect the survival of this business. it is more than just a communication problem. you know? i just think that there needs to be something that you can address with the captain to talk to the officers who write these reports. >> okay, i will let the lieutenant address this part. >> if i might add, sometimes video is not start at the initial point of the incident. if you look at those videos, there are two patrol cars out in the street, broad way at that time of the night, there is no parking. so that means that a second car to pull up for some reason it was not just to say hi. >> they were sitting there the whole eight minutes. >> that is true, however sometimes there are things that create a response to it. and although, on the video, it may look as one thing, and it
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could always be another thing as you obviously can see. and the videos are not truly defining. angles and words that are not heard, and emotions of parties involved. all seem to add up to certain things. discrepancies can easily happen from videos. but, you know, >> so a lot of discrepancies. >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, reports, a lot. >> i mean, if the videos to every report, i think that there may be some that are right on the nose, and some that may be perceived a little bit differently. >> okay. >> thank you. >> lieutenant? >> yes. >> okay. go for it. >> so first of all one of the things that i am going to say with two police cars there i hope that we can and now that we can stop the lingering and
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the crowdedness because that is part of what the entertainment commission passed. but there is no lingering within 100 feet and so that entire street, should be moving and i think that would be really helpful. as a way to work with them. and really could continue the people moving and maybe even getting the signs for broad way saying, you are not allowed to stand around and linger, on this street. up to the code, blah blah blah and put them everywhere. >> right, i know that they do have some of of the signs there. >> i think that there should be more so that everyone is wear. >> right. and i would say that is helpful not only aware, but when the security staff advices somebody and they start giving the security staff a problem regarding that, it is very easy when you can say hey, not me. >> okay, i don't want to go into like who and why, but there were two police cars and police officers there and a bunch of people on the sidewalk so i think that we can all do better moving forward.
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with that, correct? yeah. all right, and then also, you know earlier last call. i just want to say that earlier last call, gets people up there and doing a bunch of shots and a bunch of beers and chuging the stuff and i have advocated for a stal engineered closing and a soft closing and we are having the same problems year after year, and maybe we it kill be a good idea to investigate other tactics other than shutting everything down early. i know that the people and the association not some people to broad way because there is not a cab stand and that is something that i have been advocating for three years and i think that the neighbors say they want it and maybe we can work on that as well. i think that it is a possible way to help, and then, when
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jane kim was running for supervisor, she talked about how chicago has reduced violence, by playing classical music. and something simple like that. not only do lights make people go away, but classical music makes people go away often too. not necessarily me. so, i am just saying that maybe there are some other things like that as well. and i think that the cab stand, and the idea of staggered closings or working towards that or having a discussion about it and you know, really helping with the lingering around, because, if we just keep that street moving, i think that congestion, that was causing a lot of the problems can be dealt with better. >> and ultimately, you know it is not the police that are going to put the cabs down there or play the classical music and ultimately it is the community and the businesses that have come together that say that we want to create the cbd and i don't want to feel that we have to bring it up and say here are ideas and could
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you work on this rather than advocating for no more bars on your street. >> the reason that i brought it up is that i know that no stopping on the street is definitely something that the police really want for broad way and i think that is why one of the reasons that the cab stand is... >> oh, got it. >> yeah. so i think that thank you, and unless you have any final comments to say to us. >> okay. do you... >> yeah i just follow up. i mean, the party bus situation we all know is an issue and there are probably getting a good load when we are coming from freemont or hayward, and they are not quite there yet. and you know, it is the responsibility of the venue to stop them at the door and sometimes, you know, there is still okay and you think thater all right but once they walk in the door and have one more drink and they are gone and i mean that i think that there is another issue here and broad way, has a lot of people there
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already and i mean that it is up to the discreption of the venue to whether they want to take the party buses. and if you have got three party buses coming at the same time and each one has 40 people in each bus tha, is 120 people, trying to get on with the normal traffic that is going on broad way. so, i think that it is a total everything, not just, you know, alcohol does play a part, and then there is drinking on the buses. and, it is tough to you know, i mean, maybe bennett should go before a bus unloads and even though it was already approved, just to make sure that everybody is sober. and he still has the discretion not to let the bus in each though they let in buses, and i think that the different owners run the different model and i think that the congestion will never go away and i think that the staggered closing works great for my place and once the
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you know, the alcohol is done, and actually everyone leaves, and you know, and unless there is a volunteered by the venue owner to stop serving at 1:30 or 1:45, you know, it is not us to say what they are supposed to be doing. that is just my opinion. >> and then the music and you are doing with the staff. >> yeah. >> okay. >> ab, i am going to start public comment, now if there is any public comment on this. >> thank you. is there any public comment on this? >> hearing of atmosphere? >> mr. president, commissioners and mark renne. and i spent and i had to defend bennett in a lawsuit, we were and i was the defense counsel and it was going to trial and we won the trial, but i spent a lot of time with bennett and watching how he operated in september of last year and actually i was really surprised that his crowd was pretty good and he was on it and i have got
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a lot of clients that own night clubs but bennett was right there and it was hard to get his attention because i am trying to prep him for the questions in a trial. and he just watching and seeing the thing and i was surprised that party buses are much smaller than i thought, ten and 15 things and he had them over here and the people on the bus and i actually learned a lot down there and i think that the problem that i have is and one of the things that was bothering me because i was the executive of the statement and i did vote and i had a broad way parcel for a moment and i did vote for that cbd to go in. and i get the sense because people send maoef a lot of e-mails, i get the sense that it is anti-entertainment, it is not that they don't want anything new, they want to kill everything that is there and this is coming out of david chiu's office and high political levels and send out
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the police and write a bunch of reports because if we can't them from the entertainment commission, we can come after their license and now, you are down to two places on broad way. and everybody has got it moved over to polk street and if you kill the places you are killing jobs and bha is going to go in there, these are big night clubs and these people are naive that are running that or organizations down there. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> any other public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and we have two more items which should go quick. i hope >> thanks for coming. >> and officer. >> and thank you. >> all right, so, i am tired. >> item 7, commissioner comments and questions. >> any commissioner comments
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and questions. >> i just want to say something really quickly about the ear plugs. so, one of the fears about the ear plugs, just so that you know and this was an ordinance that was passed before the dawn of history, where the clubs are going to provide the water and provide ear plugs and one of the problems was that the spoungy ear plugs the ones that you can afford and buy a case of them for cheap, somebody sued a club because they put the ear plug in and could not get the ear plug out. and so, there is a flaw in that legislation that does not help the clubs with the liability issues. and so, there is liability issues in the ear plugs and i just wanted to inform you have that. >> be careful where you stick it. >> exactly. thank you. >> here is the liability is everything, though if you over high... >> and okay, any other commissioner comments? >> go ahead.
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>> i have to say the public comment. and on thursday, june 5th, the saint james infirmry will be hosting its 15th anniversary. with ex vie at temple, and i will bring in the fliers at the next meeting. and we will be having performance with and game link willing hosting the soki room and dj harness and rickky sims. and we will be having bottle service. i can't speak to the party buses. >> and well, is that... >> gogo dancing, and lap dancing. >> we are going to have stripper poles. >> and super cool. >> and you can buy tickets at end ticketing or you can go to
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the saint james infirmry for more information. >> great information. >> any other comments? >> none. >> any other public comment? >> no, thank you. >> and finally, and new agenda items for the next meetings? >> i would like to add one. for the next meeting, to revisit police video surveillance conditions. and i will talk to individual commissioners, and individually, before that meeting about that. >> do we, are we going to discuss the letter from the 10 b? >> or do we want to >> if people have any anything that they would like to rely to the staff, and go ahead and do that and i can meet with her and figure out the next steps with that or just rely it to me. >> so that we can if we need to bring it to the entire commission, we will do that.
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