tv [untitled] May 11, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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reports so attached to our memorandum is the dissolution in 2013-2014 5er7 leased up open the stand alone leaseable side there was data valuable you, you know, because there wasn't a consistent reporting mechanism there's projects that had more data than other but going forward based on what's included in the mou again, it it is identifying the details of various projects and any occupancy projects we know the xhoeshl obligations maybe require in blight or candle stick that rentals be given a preference we want to identify those and household information
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about the leases their income as the percentage of the area medium income where they originated it or ethnic but we can make sure the developers collect that through the application process. so other features of the mou. just it allows us to dealing deal with angle letter other things that come up and most of the city staff will help with the desk services we don't have a receptionist to greet the public or accept the packages and time keeping and billing is important you heard the deputy director talk about this certain staff is allocated on how much
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on a mission bay project we'll need to be accurate in keeping time and make sure we can bill the appropriate funding source and again, it allows for an annual be budget so we'll clarify that language for the mou hates incorporated into ociis annual budget. you can see that has categories i've talked about the financial closing and the financial management services inclusionary or funded, limited exit program or certificate of preference and the receptionist services. i did want to point out while the certificate of preference services look low on the chart that represents the most cd
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supervisor times there's an ocii employee we cover 50 percent of that staff persons time to work on that that's not incorporated here that's already in our budget i wanted to clarify that. that concludes oh, i'm sorry, i was about to wrap up but i want to introduce jeff white he's our new ocii housing manager some of you met him in transbay but also wanted to introduce some key city staff and many, many people that are not in the room that contributed some familiar faces kate is the new deputy director and kate actually is a former redevelopment employee and have famous with our projects that's great to have this acknowledging
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and teresa and benjamin is a chief financial officer and maria is the director for the homeownership below market rate programs if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> thank you very much. we'll get back to that any public comment on that item? >> there are no speaker cards. >> i want to ask a question and we'll take all i have you. >> good afternoon, commissioners peter cohn with the housing council organizations. i want to say we're happy to see the mou taking shape it's been a year and a half since the
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ordinance is set up and 30 years the agency to take on functions when we were engaged in the quickly processed to get the ordinance passed we asked for this to get it semester for the agencies to get together there was some singtion we wanted to insist there was a process to capture that this moo mou is a closer to make sure how those agencies will work as efficiently as possible the real up shot is the staffing configurations have settled out nicely and ocii needs the manager in housedinitis it's going to help a lot there's a great expertise on staff you have a good balance with the
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expertise and shared responsibility that's helpful for us on the outside we have to make sure those agencies work well, for the housing organizations are moving through i want to give props to the staff work and support of mou. >> thanks. >> dr. espanola jackson. yes, i'm a little bit confused. dr. espanola jackson. when you listening to the mou i don't understand and also, they talked about the tax increments and the obligation enforcement that was supposed to be done i'm concerned in bayview hunters point. by you i don't understand the fact you talk about the
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shipyard. that really gets me. because they're doing work out there at the shipyard and i have a - judge's order here you ought to look at it there wasn't supposed to be any work done because we found out the public health department and the board of supervisors department as well as the other department was all in connection saying there's nothing wrong with the air and ground but learned later, yes there was. everything was supposed to be stopped until it was certified and that's not been done this was i believe this is dated on this 2011 on when the judge made that statement and when she
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talked about just wait a minute ago certificate holders all the certificate holders received the letter from olsen lee saying as of 2016 the certificate holders are not going to be any good this was not in any community meeting in bayview hunters point we got a new cac committee when the redevelopment agency defunct the pack it defunct the group i learned two weeks ago i'm seeing the press conference where is the mayor is going to be doing something on bay shore but all the work in hunters point we don't have any representation i had a supervisor to set up a cac
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against the form there's no quorum nothing going on for the people that's supposed to be helping us what's going on, you know. i guess the only thing a lawsuit will have to be filed against the city what's happening to all the people i'm not talking about the black folks but the people that are dying because things are being built on toxic land there >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm robert woods i've been in the community for a long time i was one of the housing coordinated that developed the one hundred and thirty units on
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top of hill on bayview hunters point i was also a design officer for the california financing action we built one hundred and 50 that he spent $150 million every year and met our schedule we've met our budget every year we did this. and i find that what you're doing is the community have no position on nothing. you gave away 8 projects a month ago and not one black got one single contracts out of the 8 contracts and there's more coming. you are being looked at as gender firs because you're not
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making nothing available to blacks and they're the ones implicated impacted in the community nobody has any sympathy for people who need help your carrying a banner that will file. i was the director of housing for the city of atlanta before i left there i told any staff and other people a gray bus is going to pull up one day and when this gray business pulls up you make sure you're making the right decisions where you don't have to be a rider on the gray bus. it sure as hell two years or 3 years later the mayor and 3
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other people went to jail for miss handling and misrepresenting the people. don't let that happen to you ask questions. i just heard i would say the things that the young lady was talking about how person going to manage and do things we took $150 million between the 4 of us and we built we put thirty contracts into operation and we did not have the half of the staff that you guys here is working for you. i think you all need to ask questions and don't be afraid of the hard questions because this is a position where there's a lot of people standing in front
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of the a lot of things that needs to happen in the community you need to be concerned. thank you >> oh, that wasn't public comment do you have a question. okay management my speaker cards any public comment on that item? >> there are no speaker cards madam chair. okay. we'll open it up commissioner ellington >> just a couple of comments on the day to day operations what this looks like our folks reporting to mow or how does that work my currently, we have two specialists working on the
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capital projects. on the inclusionary side project management staff is working on those as well and that's then we coordinate it's helpful we're together on the fifth floor and a lot of coordination with the staff we're working on the proposals for mission bay south block 6 east and hoping to bring to you a draft for the next commission meeting we're working closely with the missouri staff to prepare that there's a lot of badgering or back and forth things >> so far the full-time. >> it's phone number for designated services like the fiscal or accounting or construction management as you see on the budget this is a summary but in your memoranda there's an attachment that
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breaks down the position and the percentage of their time how much time they'll be spending on the pipeline and when their wearing their hats as assessor that's part of the program to respond in preparation of you know the asset of becoming there's. >> got you. thank you >> thank you. i have a couple of questions. so the first one is those are in no particular order i guess this is on the market outreach report. that's what it's called; right? ? arrest >> outcomes. outcomes report. so i think it's great. i understand that there are certain demographic points this be will collected i get that but
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i know that i heard that this was a work in progress but i know it's really, really helpful to have it and in the subsequent u subsequential form form it works great but the actual mou i don't see the information related to specific of preference holders getting access to units as as explicit piece and there's other items that are explicit so i want to have everything reported so in the future get those items i think it's intended to be included in the report of page 12 is references all applicable preferences required by the obligation documents plus
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they're maybe other it's a catch all >> i read that and got that, too but i don't think that maybe it needs clarification because i feel like that doesn't necessarily mean we'll get the drip active notes i don't see that in the mou i can see something lighter that is reported on pretty sure as an enforceable obligation is that helpful. >> that's clear. okay. excellent. next question, i appreciate the changes to the budget to make it much more clear how the resources are one going to be enumerated and one paid for which is appreciated. and i just want to ask my next
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question was on the marketing plans from the developers. they differ in form i've seen a number of different ones at least in my short time doing this stuff. is the lottery requirement so when you have the inclusionary development that includes the lottery is that outlined or supposed to be outlined in the marketing plan or the mo h cds policies for the inclusionary program >> i think the answer is both but i'll ask maria that's going to be the marketing plan it spells how the project will be marketed including the lottery process. >> i've noticed before that the
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loiter process has been a little bit vague sometimes. in the 345sh9 plan i know in the mou it requires that ocii approval of the marketing plans from the developer so if the future we make those are more explicit or clear is that overruled if the vague policies in the mo cd it's the same >> it won't preclude us from more specification there's consistent lotteries held but certainly the lottery plans we can make them consistence it's a good way to manage the loiter process we're going to be looking for their expertise especially the inclusionary
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projects to call out that. >> i know that missouri h cd they're to putting put into the documents the affordable housing if we were as part of our approval of all the documents including the document plan shows clearly how the lottery is going to run it will be signed off beforehand and make them line up with their policies? >> maria benjamin from oc d will add to that. >> yes. it's already in progress to make the loiter procedures and requirements more uniform and more on a providing more clarity to developers as to exactly when way the loiters are
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to be held so we lose some of the confusion with the lottery in one development is held one way and to our people it's all the same affordable housing loiter they're looking for them to be run more uniform so, yes we've actually outlined more details loiter procedures we're tourism to our development all the times. >> okay. excellent last question for me i promise. so last one on the certificate of preference program. i don't want to get into a whole workshop or discussion on how the program works. the document is attached in the mou and still references that it's the agency certificate of reference program and there's a line that says their changes
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could be the discretion of the agencies director i think it says executive director regardless it is still the agencies project but the missouri o cd is going to manage it but the draft report related to the folder there were certain reasons where the preference holders didn't get into apartments and others make sense but maybe that's not an issue if improvements to the program who now is responsible for making changes in the apartment program based on this mou and how things sort >> i think there are two yes, sir. the general question of how we insure that certificate holders are successful in the
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application and the leasing process so they get a unit for barrier removal they meet the criteria of specific project not running into credit observers or issues with down payment as i mentioned most cd is the department that has the programs in place whether the assistance or the rental program again to assist the program but in terms of making changes not affordable housing program i think our understanding is that the commission has the ability to make the certain changes that are called in and out out in the program rules for instance, like the extension provision increase an ability for the commission to approve up to 2, 5 year ago extensions we've looked at that
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so far but thais that's our understanding of the limitation we can change in the program but the question of getting certificate holders into this is the early outreach and getting people hooked into other programs they have referrals to good times and organizations that work with folks whether an credit issues the earlier the better to give people time to get ready to make it through the application process. >> so i guess again, i think you've answered my question the extension provision is pretty clear it will be coming back to the agency commission but some of the other issues related to the department holders is really a question of collaborating with affordable housing inclusionary programs or the eligibility
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criteria can he there. >> yes. it's leveraging more and more most of the programs to outreach to folks to use whether or not financial assistance or readiness and again outreach to make sure that people are aware of the opportunity a so we're already doing for instance, in the things we're calling out more spooifk this is a the expectation of the development team to provide a plan how to outreach for the community including the certificate of preference and the developer needs to dedicate application holders through the process the developer needs to play a key roles we've seen at the helen rogers community there was a lot of outreach there because that
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development team utilized the team for outreach holders so using that as a model we don't see why we can't reciprocate that so we'll start that at the beginning of the process not when the marketing plan comes out. >> can i ask a quick question on the certificate of preference program has it 200 undergone a audit. >> there was a board of supervisors in the any idea 2000 i will say were there was a review of how many certificate are holders are outstanding and we can certainly there was a number of informational memorandums i don't recall the specific details and i don't know if there's anything prior to that.
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>> if there's literature i'd like to review it because i'm still confused about the end game and whether we're make sure near reaching it from the reports i've saw here which the information thank you very much for further the team effort i've read through that but things that jumped out are the certificate preference holders are disappointing in several cases. i understand some of the reasoning but wonder why we're having those conversations this late in the program >> i agree that's a topic of ocii and our staff to look at how we can do better and what was the keys to successful projects going forward we can
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maximize those for the applicants. >> commissioners one second. >> i have a question about the minority contact especially in minority in general and the black community in particular like the gentleman said they get nothing in the contracts. >> well, all of our funded projects will comply with all of ociis program and whatever that project area whether it is mission bay or is shipyard whether the programs and policies require and our contract compliance staff works closely to make sure there's broad outreach so i know i think later in june or later in the summer i know there's a plan to do a just that for the commission on the various contact policies but the affordable housing projects are just like any other projects in the shipyard or mission bay
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they're going to follow the same policies. >> i want to make sure that the black community is included in the list of contacts, you know. >> on commissioner your question i understand about the audit. i don't know if it's an audit or review on the program itself but the inclusionary housing scombr general and how the housing criteria in general the reason we're not seeing the number is the rental their make too much or too the and having eviction proceedings against them >> okay totally. >> if i having can have one more marketing the timing is it
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annual or monthly. >> we left that vague depending on the timing of the pipeline of the project sometimes, the pipeline gets a little bit lumpy all projects fifshd at once and, you know, six months without activity, you know, we can looked at semi annually or quarterly and attached what's happened i think the idea it's not too far after the project has leased up so we can continue to look at that at the minimum it's annually but it would be, you know, soon after a project leases up so we can see how did it go. >> can we say it would be annually and put that in there it's easier to do it right after the project is finished. >> i prefer there be two
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