tv [untitled] May 11, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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benefits and the city gets the property taxes give the guy a chance >> thank you. >> thank you is there any further public comment seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'd like to ask staff a question looking at the map you've provided us and i mentioned this is vacant for a couple of years i'm not one of the speakers said it wasn't that long but two other vacancies on the same block. >> the block appears to be turning slowly but. >> but 3 stores vacant. >> thank you for your information i'm favorable about this because of the vacancy factor and the other two comports or 3 are formula retail so it's like it's not like we're
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protecting local businesses just whether or not another one can expedi compete you can have some of the same pursuits but the representation is different and the way they work with their consumers that's not you come in and pay our money and leave but there's service how they, help you with our gallows so this year's only 6 percent formula retail in the area so this formula that'd be open from 10 to 8 and i hope the project
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sponsor will be able to police the front of the store but i hope you'll give the police and others the ability to move anti people that maybe using part of your store to do drugs if they're on your property you can give permission to have them displaced. so i would be in favor and move to approve >> second. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. a couple of questions to staff. i'm curious this is an investment in the neighborhood and the mayor's office have i heard anything >> no, i haven't. >> also to project sponsor i have a question or two. the city's determined this is
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formula retail your connected with a national company but you said you're not a franchise you wholly own the operation but under some obligation i assume to market their products >> we've licensed the name kaishg executive products. >> but you have the ability to sell whatever. >> yes. >> you also mentioned the newt traffic shop didn't have sales online. >> that's correct. >> i went on line and tried to buy one of our products and can't do it. >> that's correct. >> that's different than max muscle i went to makings muscle and i can buy products online i
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don't know about the two national chances but on one you have to go to the store that's quite surprising to me. >> commissioner moore. >> i would call 4 years ago when this was much more a frontier we have an immigrant that was putting his life savings into the store i remember a brief conversation between commissioner johns we were struggling how to help small businesses particularly with people that are starting in the economy find a way to help them. and after long discussions in
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the neighborhood kind of supporting this although they had questions i felt we were doing the right thing in the discussions in the small business commission spooek looking at situations like this we felt we needed to run and excel rats the approval and get into business. this was the front take care commissioner fong and i asked can this person succeed in the environment and the neighborhood is rapidly changing and today's voice by representatives of the business community as well as neighbors are asking us to pause and not approve this project because it is already the same
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time is a sameness factor people nearby who sell some of the products and the tennis by which we approve the previous project started to feed themselves. i strongly believe the reasons still hold for me, the attentions i need to spend on every project in front of me has to meet criteria that's higher than what it in front of me i can't support that nature just the in that case a direct way they can compete i'd like to see this project move somewhere else there are quite a few of other vacancies it's the neighborhood that can support more than one but not in close proximity so
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those are my comments in terms of support but this particular application i cannot support >> commissioner fong. >> we had that conversation and still feel the strong support for the business entrepreneurs ate interesting that f when cvc is going to become a healthy area even with walgreens we need to take into account this is shifting towards a magnet and medical area i think that g nc is there and they're at 10 locations which by our san francisco standards keeps them brown below the formula retail.
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i'm kind of leon towards this project contrary from the recent conversation to support this >> can i ask the project sponsor to describe the neighborhood outreach. >> i went to 9 neighborhoods and met with the commissioner on several incidents and spoke that david chiu and met about president chiu i met with him on a couple of occasions and went to the district representative commissioners, any questions or comments? and spoke with her staff and spoke with all the businesses in the building i'm looking to rent and a lot of the businesses a couple of the bars i was approached by one of the bar owners and would don't a
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renovation on his boomer i'm a contractor also this year this is not the best place to do business on the many occasions i've walked the streets and people are doing drugs right on the corner of where the store is located this is the rents are changing the neighborhood is changing and i want to be a part of that. i did speak with ron case on many occasions and those are a group of neighbors as well as merchants. i've done everything i can aside from hiring someone and that's what i wanted to do as a business owner get to know the people in the neighborhood on a
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personal level >> okay. thank you. commissioners there's another motion and second on the floor to approve with conditions. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. no. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. if you could for the record if europe following the procedures >> commissioner moore. >> no. >> commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu >> that motion passes 5 to 2 with the commissioners commissioner borden and commissioner moore voting against. xhirgz commissioners that places on item is 13 for a conditional use authorization >> good afternoon president chiu and planning staff this is
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for a at&t making could facility the project site is a 41 foot tall church the site was developed as the george washington ma sonic area and the site is surrounded by single-family residences with the expectation of the park as well as the mixed use building to the south the dell tin and the residents above will feature panel on the roof or sectors that will be set back and rise 6 feet above the roof and it will mimic penthouse elements the facility features a cage roof
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access ladder in the northeast corner of the building as well as a rear yard equipment area in the area currently you used as a parking lot given the nature it will be clear the radish area so the rear yard variance will not at about required as discussed with the applicant this is for the wireless guidelines. staff received approximately thirty different contacts if residents and county groups expressing opposition with the radio transitions as well as any concerns regarding impacts for the church parishioners and they
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received requests to consider other parts of the city. that concludes my presentation staff does recommend approval the project it complies with the planning code and guidelines >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu. >> members of the commission i'm the director of external affairs with at&t joining me that the radio frequency engineers that conducted the third part analyze and also joining me it eric with the permit who did the project management for this project. at&t is seeking our approval on
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a conditional use permit on san yawning avenue it will allow app tens this is a preference one preferred location on the guidelines. although not required at&t conducted a significant alternative site analyze and looked at it 13 locations and the project site lies within the outdoor mission avenue it is in front of which the site and the rear the church is separated in adjacent residents by a 25 foot greenbelt that continues north to santa isabel avenue.
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at&t's oriental design to place for sectors on the rooftop for 16 antennas and they've agreed to reduce the antenna count down to 10 and attended a meeting with supervisor avalos at the request of the office with representatives of the neighborhood and asked to consider moving our site to balboa park at&t researched that and took that back and determined we could move would be sector to balboa park unfortunately, we have been working with rec and park for several years and don't have at about agreement in place that allows wireless carriers into the park under any circumstances that's not a visible option not
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something that at&t said we'd consider but willing to decommission that sectors so long as we can operate there. we are going to go on in order to close 80 a significant grasping gap and asking for your support if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> thank you. let's open this up for public comment. (calling names) >> good afternoon, commissioners terry gain eerie live on santa isabel we heard about the project in august last year, we went to a public meeting to at&t we're not naive
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people he need many technology and people get now phones you're saying there's a something like that a gap we don't find it we have great certify let's assume the gap. what about the site you picked is a church in the middle of the resident neighborhood right across the street it from the church is balboa park wide open space probably about the same elevation roof wise and behind that you have a football stadium and all kinds of area where
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you're not impacting retains. if this thing goes ahead and they build their installation on the roof of the church the city's public health department has said for this antenna that'd be functioning people within a 56 radius on the same level it could be dangerous and trained he technicians can't be within this area people can't be doing extensions to their homes or the option 4 hundred feet across the street you've got open space and a place to be modified
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incorporate into the pool that's being modified. the other thing where they said they've done the extensive research they eliminated the pool from the research 4 hundred feet across the street but didn't consider the retains one a is a one story yeah, that's going to work they're talking about roof it's is not reasonable. they didn't do their ground work >> thank you. >> thank you for your time. >> next speaker. >> commissioners. my name is david harpoon i
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service the improvement terrace association as was stated a neighborhood of single families with few of any retail shops the 1 across the street is like it. when this came up last august there was a number of concerns i understand the concerns about radio transition didn't carry weight but there were other concerns and initially that was a question of 16 proposed antennas on the rooftop now we're down to 10 but the boxed themselves are intrusive. i'd like to thank you. so the representation of the building itself this is one of the few major public buildings
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we have in the community 15 years ago the masonic order sold it and the korean church moved in. you can get a sense of how intrusive the boxes are and i'd like to say on this representation the left side of the building itself features a light well. i'm trying to understand how it didn't extend down the wall of the light well instead of up to the roofline. i've been to the neighbors homes that are shown in the this representation and it is overt the idea of having it extend up that's intrusive an alternative site i'd like to say it's open
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to interpretation whether at&t really figured out this one site and taylor the information to it or whether or not they were active in seeking out other sites poor i've spoken to the representation at rec and park he told me there are can have yeasts but the rec and park was open to the consideration of having balboa pool being a site. so that's one of the things i'd like to is at&t represents it as well, we couldn't do it in the past therefore not seeking it out i'd like to see that as an opportunity. there are false trees that can go up near 280. this is an opportunity to i recall add conditions or continue this for further conversation i'd like to ask you
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>> there are questions about whether the site that they have chosen is that, and we feel that they have chosen a site that is good for them and economical for them and does not balancele needs of the community, and the question that i would like you to ask is this the only site possible that meets their needs? we don't think so. at&t is required to submit a four year plan of all of the wireless facilities every year and they recently submitted one in april, and they listed the name of the search circle, associated with this particular location, as russia and edonberg,, it is located 14
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blocks away. and so that brings to the question, why is the search circle, associated with the fight, that is in the mission terrace. and how does that search circle relate to this particular location when it is so far away? and so that is the first point, is the gap that they are trying to address in mission terrace or the in exelcior, the projfro
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my window. and it does not become apparent of the impact that it will force on the sky line until actually it comes to your door. and so now it is here. and so, we did some research and we did the out reach to the neighborhood, and we got 300 signatures in opposing to this. and 300 people, put to it and said it, and now, the people said, that they want us to go ahead with it, and then, we researched and we said, okay, well obviously we did the research for the fcc and the radiation, and in the united
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states, and it is started from the research in the uk, or the island and basically on the radiation levels and all of that stuff and we can't go in that because the fcc over rules this, and we actually look into our source chapter, and we said that they drawn, and they draw a pen and they drew a circle around that and they give you different variations of what and 15 different locations that they did the research on and each location, there was no way in the world that it would work for them because they are all second story house and this is one of the biggest and largest buildings in the area and the swimming pool is right across the street. and i mean right across the street from this location, and it is better for the neighborhood, and for the people in the neighborhood and say that we are the neighborhood and we live in the neighborhood and we say, do you ever research, and no we have heard it today and that they
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looked into it, but because of the history and with the park and rec they did not go into any depth and so i am requesting a continuance on this to visit park and rec and says that it shoot it down and says yes and no, and then we have it and we come back in and address the situation. and but we have a lot of neighbors in the situation, and the neighbors and the neighborhood association on a member, and opposing to this and we had the first night, we cramed the whole and we actually opened the doors up for the people and you know it is like, and it is ideal after school and my kids are organized my kids to be picked up after school, however, a lot of people that wanted to come today could not be here. and we have a lot of people here. and after 12 that will be held first and in our neighborhood, and old generation, just sort of 12 show up at 11:30 and out by 12:30 and have to leave, you
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know? thank you very much commissioners. >> thank you. >> the next speaker comes up, i call one more card, paul feol. >> good afternoon, everybody. and i'm the oldest person living in the neighborhood i have been there 32 years and i have seen the neighborhood change, and doing so, i understand that at&t has explored many options in trying to get the antennas up and i have seen a neighborhood change and a lot of development and i will prefer if any money were to go to improving the swimming pool that the money is collected on behalf of at&t, because the swimming pool is somebody will use, i prefer that it be in the center of the park where it is beneficial for the city and the gentleman behind me said that there were
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50 people that went out and opinion ate themselves and you know i would personally go to park and rec myself and say there is an opportunity to bring in 2,000 a month to improve this swimming pool, or even the recreation. and it is an opportunity for the win/win for the city to reconsider this. and that is about it and it is a nice neighborhood and it is very safe, and everyone goes out, and i just would like them to consider it. and my house is literally, five houses away from that tower and it is something that does go up, and we would have to move. and it is going to be extremely hard because we have to sell it. and that is about it, and i don't know if anyone has any questions, i am trembling up here. >> no problem. >> all right. >> and that is it, that i personally would like to readdress in the future date and if the park and rec would set up the meeting with me, i would say look, that is an opportunity for park and rec to
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