tv [untitled] May 11, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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but you want to perceived as a transit that provides for all. and but fix the 30 and fix the 42 and goes through lines of means. and you want to work on the 46, and those are people of means and you want to take care of them and expect their vote. while you judge and the feds will judge you and you judge yourself of how well you are doing with people with no means. your actual performance as a muni board, do you get that 20% up, the 20% of people of means. does it get to 21 or 22? that doesn't mean you are not serving the people without means. but that you have a means over all. and that's your job, and i have to come, and you have to do the
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whole job. and i know you will. but this is a measurement and it's an essential measurement of how you are doing the job for those that don't have choices. and it's essential that you take care of the people that have choices too. thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> steve wu. >> good afternoon, directors, steve wu from chinatown. the policy you have before you represents a lot of hard work from your staff and community membe members. we are happy to support the approval of this policy framework. your staff has done a good job of incorporating the stakeholder's feedback and happy with the product before you. i think there are two really important aspects of the equity analysis that will help the
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board and this agency better plan their service. first it provides a concrete, quantitative approach to addressing disservice disparities and inequity. and for a lot of agencies equity is a buzz word but this provides a concrete approach to solve for equity. and we are happy with this. and second it's a flexible tool. what others have said, what julie said in some neighborhoods an approach may be different than other neighborhoods. overcrowding in chinatown may not necessarily be the same as pass-ups or on-time performance in the bayview. this provides a lot of tools and this is in general a ground-breaking approach, and i am happy to support and thank
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you to julie and director reiskin for pushing this forward. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners, my name is piran, with senior and disability action, this is good, we applaud all the work going in there. and being dated, it brings up my level of having this. and all the extra data we have asked for years, especially with seniors and people can disabilities. and how it can be addressed to equity. and also some things to expand it, equity and paratransit and combine paratransit with this and make it more effective. it's a cost that is going sky high with that. and some what i call disability
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conflicts inside of vehicles. when we have multiple wheelchairs and walkers and strollers at the same time. they all need to be on there but at times it's almost overcrowded how that can be addressed. and we are happy with this and a key item is outreach. get the data, and fine, and bring it back to the community and have them look at it and how it reflects how they feel. this is very good and we are happy with this. >> next speaker. >> peter cohen. >> board members, peter cohen, community housing coalition. you have heard some several folks and working together eloquently and talking about it. and we think it's a fine piece of work, staff has done an
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excellent effort and working well with folks in the community. it's a work product that has a lot of shared participation and investment. i think director reiskin kind of asked the question and perhaps it was in response to one commissioner's curiosity. how does this relate to the revenue measures? and ideally as i mentioned earlier, this kind of analysis would be built into how the revenue measures in the fall is spent. it guides it some clear way it's not just an interesting exercise but how new revenues are spent. and if that's the intention, then the question is how close we can get to something that is guiding and not prescriptive. and how to operation is the next question and how to use the word teeth, what is the
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accountability on page 4, under methology, develop corrective action. and what are the corrective actions and the accountability to be sure there is follow through. that's the bottom line, and i don't think that anyone disagrees and we know that senior staff wants to make that happen. and we have to elevate ourselves above present company and make it accountable. and of the performance and a guarantee of certainty to the community and that's what we need to do. >> next speaker. >> chairman gill. >> good afternoon, directors, with the san francisco bicycle
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coalition, we support the muni equity policy, we believe it's a good step of addressing the disparities that exist as well as providing opportunities to make the streets safer in all communities. in particular with those areas that need it the most. in the past years we have worked on projects, and this experiences the value of working for complete streets. more recently we are working with vision zero coalition to address for bikers in san francisco. we believe as supervisor avalos mentioned that a strong muni policy will serve as a model as a comprehensive process that includes walking and bicycling. in conjunction with vision zero,
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we believe that this could tackle the most manifest and urgent disparities and service and safety. >> thank you. >> anthony spouser. >> good afternoon chairman, my name is anthony baluster, i am a muni coach operator, i am here on my own, not representing sfmta or the union. i drive on the 38, and i understand what the station is talking about. and from myself and other muni operators will approve this policy. you can help us with this, we like that very much. we like being on time and not being late. and speaking about pass-ups and by the time i got to power and
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carry out-bound. my coach is so full that people can't fit it in the back doors. of course i won't allow anyone to stand in front of yellow line. and no one is getting off or on, because i do not have any room. and i understand that's one of the rules in sfmta rule book and only two reasons not to pass those stopses if another coach behind us and not have punching. if this policy can help us, all coach operators would support this. i support this. and we can roll out the new (inaudible) for the 60-foot coaches, and the low floors, all the time we have passengers that put their bags on the step and take up one step and put their
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bag on the next step and come on. and with a lot of people going in and out and we would like to help but we can't. but the new floors will help us and cut down on time. i support this policy and i hope you do too. if it will help us, it will help everyone. >> nicole snyder, last speaker. >> good afternoon, nicole snyder with walk san francisco. i want to also extend our support, walk sf for this analysis. i want to commend staff and the advocates that helped shape this policy to come front and center to mta attention. i think that equity is something that we all need incorporate in our work. we know that from pedestrian and bicycle perspective.
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from the pedestrian perspective most people that are hit and killed in our streets are low-income residents, the elderly and of color. we need to figure how to address this, we have data from the partnership that has uncovered this data. and we would like to see mta take another step further on the pedestrian equity, in terms of addressing the equity issues. it's part of walk first, and we would like to understand how accessibility and people with disabilities are disproportionately impacted. that's one part of the data we haven't understood. and i encourage mta to take this a step forward with vision zero
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framework and the equity framework, full support on this and thank you for considering. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen, appreciate the participate. let's take a little break. >> we need vote? >> this is a vote. >> then i give motion to approve. >> second. >> all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> good catch. >> directors at this point in your agenda, you are scheduled to return to the director's report. >> taking a break? >> yes. >> we are back in session. dr. reiskin, continue your
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report. >> thank you, mr. chairman, i have a number of things but will try to go quickly given the hour. i want to let you know about the program for investment and economic recovery it's a project across the country to close gaps, multimodal proposal, and we had a gap proposal for mission bay and completing that loop. it's an important project that you heard about the tpt, funding from this gap would close the funding gap if we are successful in getting it. it's a very competitive grant
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program in the past. but we have done, san francisco has got grants for doyle drive and mission bay loop in the past, and we have a regional proposal and canvas the region and we hope to be successful. and we applied for a planning grant to look at core transit capacity, and particularly transbay in san francisco and the caltrain corridor. and tonight we will have staff participating in an open house to talk about a number of different projects on columbus avenue, at telehi neighborhood. and the reason it's happening, there are a number of different
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projects, restoration that the city is doing, and tap project that you may recall on columbus to help the 30 and 8-x, and the transportation authority has done a sidewalk study. there is a lot of things happening, the purpose of this open house is to get community feedback on where the folks are on the different projects. and to try to come out on a consensus path forward on columbus street. and thursday is bike to work day, i look forward to see you all out there. there are convoys coming in from all parts of the city, starting from 7:15 to 7:45, and culminating at 8:30 and we have
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a press conference. and the highlights is the new bike lane and particularly the one two blocks south on polk street, vice chair and supervisor avalos joined on friday for the two blocks south of grove. that include a contraflow lane, a nicely landscaped contraflow lane that is protected from traffic. a small geography, those two short blocks but a critical connection for people north to connect on polk. a great project and curb-ramps in and signals and sewer work, repaved. a complete street project that closes a critical gap of the bike network that exemplifies a
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complete street approach and did it collaboratively with dpw and it's what we can achieve with success on the ballot, to complete streets like this, that benefit all modes of transportation. the alliance for biking and walking publishes a biennial benchmarking report to look at cycling and walking in all 50 states and the biggest cities. i will skip down here, port found that san francisco has far more miles of bike infrastructure per square mile of any city in the country. the report found that we have one of the lowest rates of cyclists fatalities and the highest rate of cycling or
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walking, that we beat portland in biking in a significant category -- not that we are comparing. and we do have slightly fewer cycling fatalities in portland on a normalized basis. of course more than we think is acceptable, and we are fully embracing vision zero. but it's good to get affirmation from an independent source that we on the right track. customer first program, we talked about before, but it was a grant from mtc to do low-cost, high-impact changes in the right-of-way. and the biggest are the red transit only lanes are -- we got them on third and now on geary.
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i have got feedback in terms of the high level of compliance, in terms of people getting out of way when they see the red lanes. i heard from transit folks and taxi folks that it's working well. the red-carpet on church street was the basis for, expect to see more and rewarding to have results almost immediately. likewise in terms of transit signal priority, we launched a pilot on the mission corridor, where using slightly older technology, but we had available, we put the signal priority in place for the 14-l and the 49. and immediately after doing so we reduced the trip by five minutes. for the corridor. and if you -- just for an
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individual while five minutes may not seem like a lot. if you think about the commute back and forth for a week, that's a lot of time you get back. and if you multiply by the people that ride the 14 or 49, that's a lot of people, that's hundred of hours of time that we are giving back to people. and it makes like the red carpet lane more reliable. reducing bunches in gaps. exciting to have that and ultimately as the radio project. we will have that on rapid corridors throughout the city. significant improvement, being the mta with both the traffic and transit together in one agency, we are able to do. >> (inaudible). >> i think it's probably too
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early to evaluate the data we have on travel time. we have immediately, i know the sustainable street folks are working with transit to get the transit signal in place. and that's something that they will be evaluating. but it's not systematically making all the lights on mission green all the time. it's not extending every cycle. so it's not going to have -- >> (inaudible). >> yeah, it's a great point. it's something that we should measure, and i expect as part of our grant requirements, if not for our own interest, that we would be evaluating that. that's right. but again even muni performance alone, the better muni works, the more attractive it is, and the more people on muni.
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and that's fewer people driving and competing for travel space and parking. but that's a great point and something that we include in our evaluation if not already. i want to mention on-time performance it's not where we it needs to be but continued to inch its way up thanks to john and his team's effort. a number of things in signal timing and boosting non-giant game service during giant's games. the turn-around time at embark d embarkadero we sustained that and the three-car shuttle and subway have made a difference and reduced our gaps as well. and happy about that.
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and one significant thing to note, the life-line program during the budget process, we serve more than 20,000 low-income folks through the life-line program that we do in partnership with the human services agency. what we did over the last couple of months is complete a transition of the life-line customers from a paper path that they used to have come in for every month. to a photo i.d. card that we will be doing with periodic income certification process. we have taken what was an arduous process, for us and more importantly for our riders, to get their path and turn it into a less burdensome process for everybody. it was a lot of work. a lot of technical work and
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organizational work and outreach work with our staff and in conjunction with the human services agency. it will reduce transfer times by more than half and provide for people to buy stickers and put on their cars so they don't have to come downtown. and so far we are getting positive feedback, it was a huge to transfer thousands from one course to another. and it was successful one. maybe not as exciting but important for a large group of folks that rely on muni service and trying to make it easier for them to access it. and i will reemphasize, we are starting community town hall meetings starting this coming
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monday for the transportation 2030 measures. we have one for district 2, we welcome you to be there and the public to be there and we have created a website, sf and learn about that and the systems to make it better. >> any questions? >> will we receive going to the refillable meter cards? >> so we have looked at that technology. and so far the cost benefit analysis has not supported going to refillable cards. i know it's frustrating even from an environmental standpoint this we have these cards that are not reusable. but we haven't been able to find a cost effective way to do it. and as we replace all the
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parking meters, recall that every meter will now be able to take a credit card. we will keep the parking card because some people prefer it and like it, it's still a valuable product. as we see a greater deployment of meters that accept credit card. and i will say that our pay by phone each month increases. i think we are up to 20% of transactions and the parking meters done by pay by phone. that is inching up every month since we launched it. and that's a popular means of payi paying. >> any members of the public? then we go into closed session. >> it would be appropriate for a
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