tv [untitled] May 11, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is lori ransom. and i just wanted to tell you a little bit about my story. i had lost my apartment, and cheated death, due to an intruder in my apartment, and i lived in my car, and i had lost my car, because of a ticket and ended up on the street, eventually. chp i applied for chp housing and i was accepted. and i would like to say, and thank them, because of my circumstances, they didn't it was not a cookie cutter, they did not treat me like, you know, they treated me like an individual, and they gave me hope, and they gave me and they showed me choices, and there is more needed, and you know, because it took me 16 years, to
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finally move out from an sro, with my beautiful 9-year-old son that i have now into a better or more suitable living but it just took a long time and you know, but, without the case managers, that they had there, and you know, helping me get my record clean, and helping me move up, the ladder, but, you know, it is just it was a long time coming. and i just wanted to thank them and i hope that there will be more people that can get in to affordable housing. >> thank you have youer mfp. >> high name is don seno and i just want to say and i want to thank everybody for the services that are in place i was homeless for ten or eleven years i did not want even want a place and i finally ended up
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through the chp. and with the lori there that was just speaking and her son but they were great and the services and you know as soon as weed a kid and then they moved us into a better place and they always had a supportive services and stuff for my son. and for guests and you know, if you can't afford them. and i just would like to say that after that, we were very lucky that we actually got a section 8. okay? but then at that point, i want to comment because of the fact that i have seen the people with the section 8 vouchers in san francisco that lost them because they were housed. and they got stuck, right? and now luckily that did not happen to us. but, using our section 8 was another nightmare that took like 8 or 9 months and we did get a nice place and we are out of the project based house and into section 8, but without that with not do any good and i am going to make this quick.
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but during my time at there, and they got me looking interested in school and i went school, and i got 96 and successful units and i got one b and i did pretty well in school and if i could find someone that needs the stuff thatvy learned and i am going move forward in life and if it was not for the services and the system involved, we never would have happened and one more quick thing and the wait list can he center is a serious wait list that i have seen and took about nine months. >> thank you. >> thank you, i am phillip mastercola and i am a member of the khunt community and i am concerned about this housing issue and i want to thank you supervisor farrell for bringing this up in such a disruptive way. and try to find creative solutions to this and i think that the only way to do this
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process and i would really like the med foreof the ladder. and i really appreciate the people that are here today and the people out there building the ladder. and especially those that are here that are on the ladder that we have heard from. and it is such a sad thing to think that the legacy of san francisco, and is that the exit that the only, and the only exit that we have heard about today are the is the exit based upon getting jailed, locked up, towed away, or had to get, you know, a bus ticket out of town. the exit should be based upon what is good for people, not in an economic way. but in a human, caring way. and the lady from the department of health made a good point. the part of their care, that they provide, and the mentally ill is housing, the way to get them cured, is housing. and i think that is for every
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human, resident of san francisco. and it is necessary. instead of evaluating things on a economic cost, and what about a humanistic cost and i will finish with this. the question of supervisor mar asked was important, what are the other countries doing to solve this problem? and i think that if you look at northern european countries, they solve the problem simply by saying, we are going to provide a house for everyone. regardless of the cost because it is the right thing to do. and i thank supervisor mar for that question and i hope that the city of san francisco will find a way to answer it. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon, my name is carera and i work for the coalition of homelessness. today so the first thing that i want to say is i appreciate mr.
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avalos, farrell and mar for being in this issue about housing. so, i want to mention a couple of things that we facing over and over and over. and we are talking about it through and for example, so we have a 500 homeless families in the shelters, 260 in with the bed and 250 without bed, because nobody on the list for 6 months and we have 500 homeless 23578lies who are living in sro hotels since 2001, when we do the first out reach and the defenses, we continue to have the same number of the families in the hotels. and 2011, and 2011. december 12, and report to these board, 2200 homeless children in the san francisco school district and today we continue to have the children, and the school district and what are we doing? what is doing on with these issues? we continue with the same problems and the city.
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and so, we want to end in it in san francisco and we have to work together and we have to put all of the tools together and make sure that we have a man i don't to create housing. we need family and we need family to review and take this housing and we can move, 170 homeless families to permanent housing and so, please, put it together and working together, and we will want to find and we are going to resolve this issue and end the homelessness. >> thank you for holding this hearing and i wanted to step back, and just kind of paint a broader picture around this issue it you look at a video of sources the only fundamental
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difference between poor people who are housed and homeless is access to subsidized housing as we have made this series of really bad policy decision and have forced people to become homeless and stay homeless for longer periods of time, and the very trauma and the very lack of shelter and the living nightmare of homelessness is debilitating and it addictive disorders are deepened and sometimes even developed and meanwhile, we have significantly reduced our health capacity driving up our aquuty and also driving up the need for supportive housing. and at the same time, we are spending a lot of money criminalizing folks, we are spending over 1 million dollars, spraying down every morning, people's sleeping areas and giving people tickets, and they are doing jail time for being too poor to afford a place to live. we are spending twice as much
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forcing them to remain homeless. and we have made significant progress, and in getting homeless people into housing in san francisco. and however, that progress, that we have made is really going to be coming to a stretching halt as we have the housing in the pipeline but no funding attached to it. and that is where i wanted to step back is one of the reasons that we are looking at the housing ladder is that the exits are drying up and it is, it is really important to insure that people are in the appropriate housing, yeah that the people are in the appropriate housing that placements and it is usually important that we fund the proposal and realize our dream and halt all preventable displacements and rehab the vacant housing units and also invest in affordable housing, and so that our pipeline, does not end up being a pipe dream, thank you. >> hello, my name is melody, i
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have an early childhood traumatic brain injury. i entered the system in 2000, 7 years before i lost my apartment. i have never once been assessed for what i need. i have only been assessed for what i qualify for. even if i can get them to understand what i need, i am told that what i need does not fall under their scope of practice. and the agencies that i go to, have thrown me at bevon dufty's door so many times i feel like a rubber ball. and the biggest thing that you could do, to help some of the homeless people would be to change the law that makes it illegal to sleep in any vehicle under any circumstances.
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if this law were applied fairly, and equally, that means that infant and young children would also be cited. not just homeless people. whose vehicles are being towed. i am not a criminal. i do not want to be breaking the law and i am doing the best that i can with what god gave me to work with. >> thank you >> next speaker please? >> good afternoon, supervisors, thanks for having this hearing, and i am jackie jenks. and in the housing ladder in the house is focused on getting the folks out of the streets and into the housing and so i wanted to talk a minute about you ever ufrp talking about the bottle neck in shelters and the long term shelter stayers, and so just to talk about that, certainly, the cost and availability of housing is the number one issue for this group.
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and there is not enough housing available for us to get folks out of shelters right now, and so, is there a lot of folks stability and their need for support to be able to transition and retain housing i wanted to identify four solutions for you. one is craoe storing the 18 million dollars in cuts to behavior health services. these services currently fund services in shelters in other community programs for homeless and housed folks. and this is low hanging fruit and the 18 millen dollars needs to be restored in the budget, and we need to maintain the support and supportive housing and there is a reason that we have the supportive housing and if we are cutting the support in supportive housing such as chp, the ability to move, the folks who are long term shelter
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stayers are going to be eliminated and the hospitality house consistently places the folks who have a lot of barriers to the housing in the chp and i want to talk about the funding, and the proposal, which is a well developed set of strategies to prevent eviction and to help the people move into them immediately, and into the modest investment for some real solution to what we are talking about in the last thing is to invest in the pipeline of us, and in the...
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>> and give us an opportunity to move forward, thank you. >> and thank you very much. are there any other members of the public that would wish to comment on this item? >> >> well, you are talking about the evictions, and so what about constructive addictions where is the housing units are so bad, that the people lives. and i need that too, and so i am dealing with the drug dealers on the front door and harassing me and then i am dealing with a tenant who continuously is physically and verbally abusing their child,
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and community housing partnership is not doing anything about this and it is all whimsical, i keep complaining about my issues and problems, and i feel like it is away. and let's go to the homeless coordinating board and i just feel like you all should have a partnership with them and deal with these things, and but, when i look at their agenda and stuff, it is primarily, tokenism that they are dealing with the problems and issues of helping homeless people move up this ladder and i just feel like this have turned their back on the homeless and in their pursuit, to get money for their programs. and all right, the other part, exemptions. they got the exempts from the
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web board and the explain to me how this works, iment working 40 to 103 hours, and then i move to san francisco. and now, all of these people are telling me is that all that i am really good for is to be in an sro and suck up resources and i have the scars from when i have worked and i am still employable and that is all. that is the only dream that they have for me is to be stuck in some room. >> thank you. >> is there any other member of the public that wishes to comment on these items? >> public comment is closed. colleagues i want to thank you for for this longer hearing and thank all of the members of the public and the city department staff that presented today. and thank you for all of the time and preparation, and i
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think you know, we obviously know that there is not enough housing at all levels across the city right now and the steps that were taken and optimistic about what was to happen going down the road, and we need to continue to invest in the housing if it going to make a difference on this issue and creating a housing ladder that is robust and the flow through is going to be a meaningful step in the right direction and we look ward to continuing this conversation. and so thank you everyone and supervisor avalos? >> thank you. jeff allen and i want to thank you. >> for bringing out the series of. >> sorry, we have closed public comment. >> actually, we had closed public comment >> just we want to thank you
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for bringing this hearing forward, and for the hearings around homelessness in san francisco and i really feel that it makes so much sense that we explore this issue and your leadership has really been key and you know over all, and i can see that we can actually make td strong investments in the affordable housing that will meet the needs be it family or sro or family housing or units, and all that have needs to get done and we have the prime presources for it in order for this, you know, the hearing to be successful i feel that we have to look at sources of funding to help to make that happen and i would love to work with you on that. >> prop c has been great for san francisco but it has not been enough especially with the disillusion of the development and the funds going to public housing which is a key priority and we have find the ways to bolster the affordable housing
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over all and i am also looking at, and looking at the development and the financial corporation, the way that we could actually with the public dollars, fund, affordable housing and be an alternative to the financing that happens to the banks and all too often or never supports the real investment of affordable housing that we need to make and i have had the conversations with the members of the retiring board about how some retirement funds that are large amounts of money that are not invested in getting a good return can get a stronger return and it is exciting to talk to the mayor's office about that. and it seems like it is a possibility but i think that we really have to look outside of the box of how we can do the work of investing in affordable housing and construction, is there a way that we can actually enable, greater financing in the market rate units to actually have a higher level, of developers to have a
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higher level of affordable houseinging a cost for housing that will enable, many of the working class and very low income house holds to stay in the city and i love to work with you on that and i appreciate the work that you are doing around these hearings on homelessness, and let's continue the effort, thanks. >> thank you, supervisor mar. >> yeah, i wanted to say that the past three hours have been really, enlightning, and eye opening i thank the community members and the organizations for bringing the personal and human stories and thanks to dufty and the mayor's office of housing and trent war and hsa and the staff and i think that the presentations were hefful.
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and all the clients that are served on that caseload reside in that district. the caseload is capped. this is a specialized caseload assigned to a probation officer. it's capped at 40 and consists of solely high-risk domestic violence offenders. this grant has enabled us to collaborate very closely with san francisco police department and we've had this grant for three years prior. we are required to submit an additional application. we ask that you approve this agenda item as proposed. >> okay, thank you very much. colleagues, if no questions, there is no budget analyst report on item number the so i'll open up to public comment. anybody wish tog comment on item number 9? yes, i am here. [speaker not understood].
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i'm here because i know a lot of things about probation. i've been in jail, have been there [speaker not understood]. from the department of [speaker not understood] you need the money in order to keep people [speaker not understood]. in the teen hotels we have people that are coming through the probation system. in that paper you're going to find out some of the people who abused tnc properties, they have to keep them housed. even the police, the tenderloin commander district said the new housing in san francisco for black men is you have to go to jail to get a case manager. so, i know what -- there are a lot of things. my trauma did abuse and tnc ambassador hotel with the cameras and they don't -- even people get beat in thereby people from the -- what is this? the public -- department of
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probation. when we all live in buildings, we are not safe. your job is to keep those people housed, but someone like me who is living wonderful, i get abused. you want me to go into the system. and we need to have supportive housing so we can stay in [speaker not understood]. you all didn't mention safety at all in your number 2 meeting. safety never was mentioned. it was always housing the homeless, but you never talk about the safety. safety is very important when people live in their homes. and i know some of the people who come from this program can abuse us in these s-r-os and they get moved to other places and that needs to stop. thank you. >> thank you. [speaker not understood] juicy. i stay at the tenderloin tnc ambassador hotel. that's why i couldn't say nothing because cac is much better than them. >> thank you. any other members of the public wish to comment on item number 9? okay, seeing none, public comment is closed.
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[gavel] >> mr. chairman, i move that we support this resolution. >> okay, we have a second to that. we can take it without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you please call item number 3? >> time number 3 is a resolution authorizing the san francisco municipal transportation agency to execute a transit advertising contract with titan outdoor, llc, for a term commencing july 1, 2014, and ending june 30, 2019, which offers a minimum guarantee to the sfmta of $28,500,000 over the term of the contract. >> okay, thank you. i know mr. reiskin is here. we are going to have a motion to continue this item at the request of the sponsor for one week. so -- >> i'll move that recommendation to continue for one week. >> okay. first we're going to open up real quick to public comment. thank you, supervisor mar. anybody wishing to comment on item number 3? we are continuing this item for a week. my name is david [speaker not understood], a lifelong san
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francisco an and member of san francisco beautiful. on behalf of my colleagues on s.f. beautiful who couldn't stay for the duration of the meeting. we want to thank supervisor avalos for bringing attention to this issue. this contract has met a lot of opposition. the harvey milk democratic board voted to oppose the contract last night. it also got a lot of complaints from residents across the city. and we're a city that dies and invests in our public scenery. we spend a lot of money to maintain cable cars and streetcars and help boost tourist economy in san francisco but also makes it a better place for us to live. the vehicle wraps that are proposed to be doubled in the contract, they're not only ugly inside and out. they're also dangerous. they can distract drivers, confuse new riders, make it more difficult to enter and exit a train on a busy platform because you can't see how many people are getting off and get out of the way. there are provisions contracts to allow digital advertising screens on the side of buses.
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and these are a 12-foot long flashing bright advertisements on the side of buses going throughout our city, which is not only ugly, but also distracting and dangerous to drivers. these bright screens that are going to be driving throughout the city day and night are going to be brighter than bicycle lights. it's going to make it difficult -- i ride bicycles around the city quite a bit. if i can't be seen because there is a flashing light moving behind me, it endangers me. san francisco voted 12 times to oppose new bill boards and advertising in public spaces. we're asking the board of supervisors to not relinquish the authority to permit or prohibit new digital advertising screens on the sides of buses. so, please don't cover our city. don't slow our fleet and don't endanger our pedestrians and cyclists and vehicle drivers for this minuscule amount of revenue. >> thank you very much. i have a handout if i could
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distribute it. >> thank you. anybody else wish to comment on this item we are going to continue? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, can i have a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair? >> move. >> motion. we can take it without objection. okay. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item number 4? >> item number 4 is a resolution approving the special transit fare (fast pass) agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the bay area rapid transit district, with a term of july 1, 2014, through june 30, 2020. >> okay, thank you. i know m ta is going speak on this item. come on up. >> good afternoon, supervisors. steve lee with sfmta. the current bart fast pass agreement with the sfmta expires this june 30th, 2014. the agreement before you is a new agreement that will expire in june of 2020.
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