tv [untitled] May 11, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> the police commissioners thank you very much for letting me speak to you tonight. i have a lot of questions tonight, and i have not collected my thoughts yet, but i am just going to do what i can any way. so over the past few days, i have had a lot of questions, and i have been, i have been really anxious to hear the full details as to what has happened to steven from the families, but and i would assume that they would have information seeing how, and i was the time sensitive investigation and unfortunately, up until now, they have received like a little more information regarding what happened with steven. and that leads me to you know
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question whether or not anything it being done to get justice for steven and also to give us the answers that we need as to what has happened. and as much as i would like to give my opinion on what this shooter, and what this case is all about, i don't have all of the facts but then the fact that i do know that i want to share with you today is what steven as everybody, before me has said he was a, he was a quite a genuine wonderful human being and he was a good friend and he was a responsible adult and although, the whole time that i have known him for five years i never showed it to him that much, and i really requested him because i knew what it was like to be or to lose a father and then have them to be as a grown up to the man of the house.
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and like, me, and along with all of our friends just agree that you know, steven did not deserve this. steven did not deserve what happened to him. and he deserved closure, and he deserves to he deserves to have justice and we really want for him, and we really want for this investigation to be expedited just so the family of steven can get the justice that they need, and i really hope that the sfpd will, and the da will do the right thing and give the closure and justice to steven's friends and family that they need and deserve,
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thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good even, my name is tom sell hoarse and i was not killed and no one was killed and involved in the situation described and i feel shallow bringing it up and i am sorry for your loss, and i want you to know that your new colleague is as ethical as you have alleged that he is, i did provide an article for inspector monroe to distribute to you about the sf, it is a reprint of the sf weekly article from november 30, 2011 called hate expectations about your new colleagues political prosecution of hate crimes on a regular basis, not only did he fail to get prosecutions he over charged regularly and the cases were if not always dismissed. but, i am not here to talk about that gentleman who already caught me too much of
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my time and money and resources, i am here to discuss other things that happened over the weekend, the article on sunday, about the two patrols and the officers, i am sorry, patrol special officers, the heart brothers who are under arrest or just been suspended or just been removed on the patrol special officer hood? because they were working with illegal criminals, and helping to guard their property. and we have been suggesting to you since the controller's report was out and right before i was arrested and your new colleague got to inflict himself upon me, you were told that the patrol specials were a danger and you have done nothing for four years and now you have specials that are involved in crim cal activities and i am not sure that they got arrested for it. let me think one other thing that i wanted to get to and i hope that my time is not lost yet. and i want to thank you and i read recently that you are
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getting badge cameras for a few inspecters or investigators thank you for that and i provided you all a copy of the chief of police study that he did on the efficacy of these cameras and how useful they are for citizen whose have been victimized by this department's corruption and the district attorney who works hand and hand with the corrupt police department and so please read that and use it. and please, act upon it and, chief, thank you for doing so. and i would ask you to please, expand the test to include the officers who really need it like the ones in the southern station and the ones in the mission station, you know they are very corrupt you were there once. and so you know what is going on in mission station and so finally given the new membership on the commission i wonder if you would install it on the commissioners themselves. because one of them at least needs to be watched at all times. >> you speak to the commission and not to the chief. >> i ask the commission to have.
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>> you do not show any disrespect. >> your time is up. next speaker. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> hearing none, public comment is now closed. >> sheriff, if i might, there were a couple of comments made that the suspect involved in the homicide is still armed. we have, we still have the murder weapon, and i am not aware that the suspect possesses any additional firearms. so i don't know why you would feel that the suspect is still armed. we have the murder weapon from the other night. >> and before we move on to the next line item. referring to public comment tonight about three incidents that have taken place fueled by the emotion and loss of a loved one and this entire commission feels your loss and we know that it is not easy to lose a loved one. but there is a system that takes place and we the police department and the commission, the commission policy and procedure, the police department because the investigations and as those
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investigations are presented to a separate body which is the district attorney office which makes the ultimate decision and the charging decision, based upon the facts and the law. the police department gathers the fact and prepares the facts for the police department and so we just want everybody to have patience with the system, whether or not, you know, and it is very difficult, for all of you here tonight. and we feel for all of you, but there is a system. and there is a district attorney has to be able to prove a case beyond within the laws of the state of california. and it takes time to put that together. and so, we just want to give it time. and i could and one thing that i will assure you is that for example in the garm o case the chief met with the entire family this evening and he gave you his promise that the police department will do everything that it can within its power to investigate this case i was present for that. so give the system a chance. that is all that i ask, commissioners anything further? >> well, i am glad, and i am
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glad to say that, because you have to prosecute, and again this does not make the family feel better, and this is stuff to do. and the department assembles the information and turns it over to the da. and it tries to prevent a presented case that the district attorney well say that it can prosecute, but the decision is not up to the department, it is up to the district attorney office, unfortunately the da does not have the commission where you can go and say, why did you make the decision that you made, i get that. so that comes back to us. but i can, you know, echo just what commissioner and president mazzucco said, if he says that he will go back and look at and try to gather all of the facts that he can to present a case to the district attorney that says that we can move forward with this, he will do it. he will do his best. you know, so, let him try again. but, when he says there is no
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guarantee, it isn't because the decision is not up to the department or the commission it is up to the district attorney. >> we will do the best that we can. >> as i told you, we are confident that we can do the further investigation requested by the da by the end of the week. please call line item number three. >> discussion and possible action to adopt general order 7.04 children of arrested parents, or take other action if necessary, action. >> good evening president
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mazzucco and commissioners and chief suhr and director hicks. i am here to present the proposed san francisco police department department general order, 7.04. the children of arrested parents, and we request that this commission adopt this order. and some background, into this, and in 2006, where the juvenile division, worked with the child protective services, office of citizen's complaints and san francisco children of incarcerated parents partnership, project what? and community stake holders to develop the policy intended to protect the children and in cases where they were present, with the parent that was arrested. without a policy for the officers to follow, the focus was only on the arrested party. and did not make the safety and well-being of the child a priority.
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and some of those instances the children were left at school or waiting for someone to pick them up or with a neighborhood or in the cases left alone with a responsible party en route, with the community partners we wanted to insure that the members had the specific protocols to follow and to assist the children in the well-being and the safety, at that time, the department issued a department bulletin, entitled children of arrested parents, and outlining the steps officers would take when children were present during an a parent's arrest. and it was the intention of both of department and the community partners that at some point in the future, this department bulletin will become a full, permanent department general order. and every two years, that department bulletin was reissued, and with much of the same language, each year, and each every two years. and in 2013, the department reissued the bulletin, after a comprehensive review, and that included the special victim's
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unit, and the written directive's unit, and the legal division, and the family and children's services formally cps. and the office of citizen's complaints, and the police officers' association. and the department clarified some ambiguous language, and added additional requirements for the report writing in these cases and at the time, the department bulletin was issued in 2013, several of the stake holders requested that the department changed the department bulletin to a permanent department general order. both the chief and deputy chief concured with the partners and supported the idea. the language in the proposed dgo, 7.04 is essentially the same as the language in the department bulletin and, in addition to the written policy, you have before you, and in concur ans with the captain and the commanding officer of the police academy and marion of
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the occ who has been great and they are developing a training dvd which should be completed and ready for distribution for the district stations within the next few months concerning this exact issue. and some of those community partners that helped in this department general order that you see before you are here today and we wish to thank them for their contributions and their cooperation and their support during this process. and additionally i wanted to add that the one person here who is the most responsible for it with our written directive's unit, sergeant kill shaw and she is tireless on the work on these things and they go on and on they don't take a small amount of time and usually go on for years and so with that in mind, i request that the commission adopt this new department general order. >> commissioners, you have a new general order in your packet and before we go forward i see marion coming forward and would you like to add a few things and i know that you brought a few of the people that participated in the effort and i think that it is
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important and you always do great work but we have the kids here tonight, which is good and i know that you are responsible and we would like to bring them forward too, please. >> before you start, i like to be supportive and you like what is in here and in this document. >> absolutely. and i had a few comments about it. sni. i just want to know. >> this was a >> you like it. >> you scared the children back into their seats. >> come on up. please. >> i just want to know what you thought off of the top. >> go ahead. >> thank you, from the office of the citizen complaints and there are a number of people here that i wanted to introduce to the commission because they are the people behind the scenes, and that san francisco children of incarcerated parents, partnership they have been working on this issue for a var long time back in 2007 they approached the department and the department agreed to these procedures. and part of what this
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organization does is the next work of many organizations including a youth organization and project what and they are here tonight and want to talk about their own experience and how this procedure matters to them because they are the children that witnessed their parents being arrested and they are the ones that helped to formulate the policy and so it is less traumatizing when they are in this experience and so they are here to talk to you tonight and also there is a youth commissioner on the youth commission and the justice committee and she is also here to address this as well because they support this equally. and right now i just would like zoe who is from the project and going to introduce. hi, my name is zoe wilmont and thank you for introducing us and i am the program coordinator for project what which is a program of community works and project what is a teen program for youth who have incarcerated parents in the bay area, and i just want to shed some lights on the reality that every youth in our program has
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witnessed the parents arrest and that is why this protocol is so important to us and so important that you all are taking it into consideration and continuing to being the pioneers in san francisco for making sure that this happens. and as people were introducing the bill of rights for children of incarcerated parents that was developed, by the san francisco children partnership, the first right on there is i have the right to be kept safe and informed at the time of my parents' arrest and we just want to thank you for really making sure that that bill of rights, that right is being adopted by the city of san francisco. and i am going to introduce two advocates who are going to share their personal experience. >> hi, everybody, my name is shinkrebsinger mckenky and i i am 16 years old and i have been a part of project, since 2012, i am nervous. >> it is okay.
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you are doing a good job. >> and i witnessed my dad get arrested two times in my life and the first time was my tenth grade, and my tenth birthday party. and he took me shopping, and i guess that he was using counterfeit money or whatever the case may be and so the cashier called the police officers and came and arrested him and while he was sitting in the back of the police car, the officers were trying to explain to me the situation that was happening and everything and where he was going and whatever the case may be. but, and they called my mom and waited for my mom to come and get me and so they waited and explained to me what was happening. but i really appreciated that the officers sat there and waited for me while my mom came and everything. and and how to explain to me, i
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feel like it would have been more meaningful or trustworthy if my dad was the one explaining to me what happened, or what the situation was. and why he was getting arrested in front of me. and why he ruined my birthday, because it would have been better coming from him. so, but i really do appreciate how the officers sat there and listened to me and what i had to say and explained to me because it was hard for me to understand it because i was ten. another time that i witnessed my father getting arrested was at my 6th grade graduation, at the school. and it was after, everyone's names was called and everything we were in the auditor um taking pictures and the officers came in and rested him and reading him rights and, my family members were asking what was happening and they ignored us like they didn't explain to us why he was being arrested.
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so i felt like they could explain at least, not to the kids, of course, but at least to an adult what was happening. and why he was being arrested and i think that they could have, well, i think that they should have changed the time and place that they arrested him, i don't think that is the best time to arrest somebody because that was very humiliating for me. and ever since that day, my classmates and my teachers have looked at me differently like they put me in a category that i should not be in because of the mistake that my father has made. and so yeah, thank you guys. and i really do want to thank the san francisco police commission for your protocols and yeah, i think that they are good. >> before the next speaker, i want to thank you. >> thank you.
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>> let me tell you something. you're incredible and i have to say that as a parent, and i say that no parent is perfect, but i am sure that your parents are really proud of you tonight, because what you did is very powerful and it is incredible and so i can't thank you enough. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and i apologize for spoiling your fifth grade graduation and you are 100 percent right that should have been done better and if they look at you differently because you are articulate as a young lady that i have ever heard. >> thank you, you guys have a nice night. >> thank you. >> hello, my name is marisha wise and i am 17 years old and i am with the project since 2012, my mom was arrested in front of my eyes at the age of 12 and when i walked in the door, the cops had arrested her and i talked to her and sat her down while she was in cuffs. and i tried cried and also like when they were getting rid of
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her like they were leaving the house with her, i asked what was going on. and she like explained that they were taking her downtown and they were bring her right back, but she never came back and so it was only me and my sister who was 16 and my brother who was 14 left in the house by ourself. and i feel like the police should have like sat me down or like my siblings because i feel like they should have like talked to us about our safety, because there was no adult in the house and they should have asked like the adults appearance, or they should have like wonder if they should call aunt or something and i feel like that is important to me because i feel like i need somebody to like be there for me while i am worried about my mom being arrested and it has been going on for two months. and until she came out. and so yeah. that was going on. and i appreciate like everything that is going on with the police now, because i know that they are trying their
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best to like help out with other kids like me. and so it will not happen again. and i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> very much. >> thank you for the help, because without your help we would not have gotten the order right and we want to get it right. >> i had a question, go ahead. >> there is also someone here from the youth commission. >> great. >> hello commissioners i am a appointee and a chair of the justice committee, and i am a junior at the jewish community high school in san francisco. i am here to support it, and this year's youth commission and my committee has collaborated closely with the project and i have learned so much of the difficulties and i have heard the most surprising stories and one that comes to
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mind is a girl a member of project what whose mother was arrested while she was at school and had to be told by a school administrator and after school was left homeless and without a guardian and that really stuck with me and that is why i am here speaking to you today. sorry, so the primary bulletin that exists has helped the police officers and children and parents alike and i really appreciate this commission, as well as the police department for having something like that and i think that is kind of revolutionary. but, i think that making this a dgo, is an institutionalizing this is really a way to make it serious and help even more people in years to come and so i would again like to reiterate that this is a huge step in the right direction and an opportunity for the police officers to be the positive impact on the youth that we want them to be and so thank you for your time. >> thank you for your work on
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the commission. >> commissioner turman? >> i have a question for captain, or maybe miss marion. could you elaborate on the training video and what its intent is? >> any time that we have a new develop general order, we have training in that video, and miss marion who is the expert is actually on the panel for it will be able to explain a little bit more and any general order that gets readopted, there is roll call training for all officers so that they adopt and they learn that policy, from the get go. and they have to see the chiefs messages and adhere to them and so this happens in all in general. >> i am aware that have and one of them was more concerned, and more interested in the content of of the training. >> happy to share with you the content. >> we are almost done with filming, you just heard from mckency and she is one of the youth that is in the roll call training, we have put together would scenarios one where the parent is arrested in the
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traffic violation and see a booster seat in the back and asked the driver because there is a warrant and they ask her, whether or not she is a parent at first she denies that she is a parent, which is typical, they are worried that the children are going to be taken away, yes i have a child and they get the information about the child, and are able to get in a responsible adult who picks up the child at school and the second is officers come to a home, and they arrest the father and a young teenage boy who is the son, and role play about how do the police talk to that teenager, there is a lot of myth about of course, if there is a toddler or an infant, the police are going to find out who is going to take care of that, but i think that on the first glance, people will think that a teenager can stay home alone, for many of these children, youth their home for months and months and so it is to really also to
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remind the police officers that teenagers need that assistance and they need a responsible adult and someone in the home and there is the two, and wo ven with the stories from the youth whose parents have been incarcerated and there are other individuals that have worked with our agency and the department and we are hoping to get it out in the next month. >> thank you. >> commissioner luis urzua? >> yes. >> and as a surprise to known, i am thrilled with this proposed dgo. and i want to commend the chief for his long standing commitment to prioritizing kids and really changing the relationship, between police officers and the department and the kids across the city and i was listening to him give a speech at the graduation, never miss a chance to teach to a child and this is the way that
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the way that the officer will interact with a child and what an important moment to do it right. and i, congratulate the chief and the sergeant who cares about all kids and so thank you, and so your work shines through here. and we know that it was a team effort and we want to say that in my day job, at the center of wellness, we talk about adverse childhood experience and how much it hurts the kids, in their long term health out comes for disease and, for doing well in school and one of those adverse childhood experiences is the incarceration of a parent. and so, sort of what we talk about is that there is not a lot of things and sometimes you can't prevent something from happening, an adverse child experience happens, but boy can you make a difference in how you handle it and the significance of even going from a bulletin to a dgo, this is the cops and this is not a surprise, also, and it is a para military organization and so it is an order from the
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chief. and the significance of it is it can't be understated and i have come to appreciate it on the two years on the commission and so when this says that the policy is to minimize the disruption to the children of an arrested parent, that is like a shift in the mind of anyone, like i think that you said, the mind of anyone, because what happened to their parent this is shifting that from the moment that you interact with an officer and they know that it is not your fault and know that they have to prioritize how they deal with you and report that they show you. the fact that officers shall inquire about the presence of children and make the attempt to make the arrest away from children, if that is safe and allow the arrested parent to assure the child that they will be safe and provided for. logistics, executed if you can, not at the 5th grade graduation and we did not put that in there, but it is required, some general reasonableness. i want to congratulate the
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department and the hard work and the collaboration with the occ and the community this is a complete reflection of the san francisco values and we should be leading the way and so it has my full support. >> commissioner wong? >> and i want to commend the department as well for having the bulletin in place for a number of years and also the folks who have worked hard to make this a general order and i had two questions and i support this and i have two questions, one is that you know, having looked at a lot of search warrants recently and reviewed a lot of the booking, i don't know that i have seen any reference to the bulletin before and i am wondering if there is a ramp up in the training to be sure that all officers are following this. and i remember when i was looking this over, it may not come have come to the cases that i looked at and ever seeing the name of the adult with whom the children was left or anybody ever following sort of the protocol and so this was new to me and surprisingly good and it was new to me when i
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looked at it and i don't remember when i reviewed the search warrants and ever looking at a provision that said that we want to do it at nighttime and we know that the kids will not be there to assure that the kids would not be involved. so would i want to follow up on what the other commissioners said in terms of how do we ramp up the training and maybe it is part of the implementation of the general order that will see a wrap up. >> as, commissioner loftus stated with the general order, it is an order by the chief. and so they have to adhere to the protocols within the order. and additionally while they are doing it, in the days where i have gone through the department there was not that much oversight of where the children were going and you could leave them with a neighbor and you don't know that neighbor's history. and so you better, be sure that this person is well taken care of and we don't know, and in dealing with the child protective services or the family and children's services and they are able to once we have connect with them, an
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