tv [untitled] May 12, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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the remaining units were corrections to the city records. this steep increase in unit loss is the demolitions of the 18 training thank you plaza and the commissioners will have noted the second phases of the training thank you was completed in 2013 all this added up together of a net addition of 9 hundred units plus. and in this chart you you'll see we're consistently climbing out of the 2008 downturn and the 2011 with only 2 hundred and 69 net units. the department of the building inspectors permitted 2 hundred units plus this is 20 percent
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higher than permitted in nevada the stanford housing unit are a critical indicator of the future compared to rests of the bay area san francisco accounted for 16 units to be constructed only second behind santa clara whether with 4 in a 9 percent it will be in multi single-family units this is the next file under review and entitled with the planning department. about 4 thousand 8 hundred units were underlined filed with the department as of december 31st the total number of homes was 74
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hundred units and the planning department approved in title 2 hunters point as for affordable housing it made up a third of the units added to the stock and seven hundred new units came on line including 4 hundred plus inclusionary and the inclusionary units increased by 76 percent from the previous year >> breaking the seven hundred and tel aviv the majority were affordable to low income hourltdz representing thirty percent of ail affordable units the 2 hundred unit were made affordable to the low income and the remaining 44 to moderate
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hoirldz been 10 percent of all affordable housing units in 2014. >> accountability finding were the new construction that tripped from 9 hundred plus to 2 thousand plus you units also in condos conservations to condo went down in 2013. according to the department of building inspectors they were for profit and nonprofit and haven't changed since 2012 in 2012, the s r o building dlrsz and nonprofit buildings increased by one building from the previous year, however, the number of profit has increased by 2 hundred and - excuse me. 2 hundred and 23 rooms and the number of nonprofits increased
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by 2 hundred and 49 rooms from the previous 2011. also in 20132 hundred plus were rehabbed of the preservation on arlington as pictured below the particular project was funded by mayor's office of housing and in 2013, the inclusionary fees collected were $9 million this was the largest collected since 2008 by far in the beginning i talked about how the targets are determined by the state department of the housing and development and the recreational bay area government
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for the element report circle is 2 hundred thousand unit plus by the end of the 96 and approximately 18 thousand or 60 percent must be affordable to householders earning moderate lower they need to earn up to one hundred and 20 percent of the medium income or less. based on the 2014 pipeline report in the race seven years 2007 to 2013 almost 16 thousand 4 hundred and 50 housing unit met the city's goals this represents 53 percent of the reproduction this is for the hoirldz of the medium he percent
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this includes one thousand units plus preserved through acquisition and production of market rate housing units is on the same period to meet the track and by the end of the 2013, the city shall have provided 2 thousands plus affordable to householders making more than moderate income this is only a shortfall of less than 2 percent of meeting the deadline pr there was a shortfall of 10 thousand 41 units of affordable householders meeting the medium income as also it's on the website and we've published the table on
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line at if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> director ram. i want to thank audry for her report the housing issue is in the forefront of the commissions concerns i want to remind us this is the basis for the the dashboard you now we now do on a quarterly basis we're going to include that it's more easily available to the commission next week we'll have a second hearing on the topic the mayors executive order as the extremely for the department of building inspectors not getting the
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topics confused >> thank you. let's open this up for public comment first any public comment on that item? oh, i'm sorry dr. espanola jackson >> good afternoon dr. espanola jackson. i've requested the other day to the board of supervisors to call for a hearing dealing with the a m i for history for those of you no aware from the 60s when redevelopment came into our community they talked about in 12970 affordable housing ways occurred is you have a staff
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that came about lastly from the mayor's office of housing that has put together a m i that says how much money you must make to qualify for affordable housing. now i've been saying for many years and you've heard me my have been saying affordable to whom not affordable to the people that live in san francisco. and commissioner antonini you may talked about people moving in but what about those of us who have been here all our lives homeowners those of us who have retired and don't make $48,000 a year to get into a one bedroom unit there needs to be a hearing about san franciscans i don't
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hear nobody talking about those you're here to represent. now the affordable stuff you need to be aware and i'm so happy you finally passed all the motion i know i'm not supposed to be speaking from the audience i got this call about the redevelopment when the redevelopment closed down projects were clousz close and all of a sudden here jumps up another area with no funds and guess what the birth portion is bayview hunters point the pack committee was closed down and you've got the supervisors setting up committees callingism to make decisions on things they don't know nothing about. and can i say this. for those houses you're going to
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be voting on make sure there's an viable impact done on those homes we in the community has to file a lawsuit when you passed on lanar and the housing situation in bayview hunters point at the hunters point shipyard and the judge ruled and i have the ruling i'll leave it you're not supposed to be doing nothing in the area >> thank you, dr. >> thank you. >> you all should be ashamed of users i'll go home now. >> is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon peter cohn council of community you housing organizations the housing inventory a fantastically snapshot every year at any point
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many the market cycle i want to point out to keep in mind real estate development development and capital this is showing you is dramatic and periodic is didn't stand still we have to look forward and look backward. i'll highlight this your staff pointed out the change between 2013-2014 if you say between 2011 when the housing market that tanked tlrgs there's a 6 fold increase in the rate of housing presumption that's a dramatic acceleration that's causing all united states ruckus that's how quickly that's accelerated from 2011 with the things that have cooled off there's no rate of increase in
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any period. the punch line it is the production units and you can see there's an imbalance between the affordability levels to medium to low income go those are unit that are built it's thought talking about the entitlements folks you don't send outbuilding permits to construct your role is to set the pace of entitlements not a whole lot of putting the shovels into the ground so you saw those bar charts but i want to show you director ram made reference to the dashboard. those are the numbers from the current quarterly dashboard hard
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to see what's been built and entitled the city is more than exceeded it's housing through 2014. the problem is getting the entitled projects built not necessarily about entitling more have meant but we have a glut of entitlements ready to be built i'll show you in the bar graft what does that look like we don't have to get crazy with numbers in a chart those are the 3 basic middle and protecting and moderate low income halfway there to the entitlement and moderate income less than half and above is 2 hundred and 11 percent
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>> thank you is there any additional public comment. >> commissioners my name is terry andrew's i'm a resident in bay area district district 10 there's a considerable amount of low to very low income housing that's not available. there's a lot of housing being built but you know, i often wonder when i see the public housing vs. the new housing who's being given the opportunity to actually going get into the new housing that's supposed to be affordable even when they talk about the affordable housing money being put into the system when the new
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construction goes up how many people is it impacting throughout the city for people already living here not only the people coming to san francisco they've got the high tech jobs and the new money. i know it is a great discrepancy and disservice to the people to see the deboggle and the name games and the neighborhoods pitted against each other and people that are daftdz and trying to make a living obey forced out of the city and we talk about how many new housing units we're building with the housing for people that have been here for years are we're
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still doing little to nothing before changing their lifestyle from double rock to sunny vial to west point and you've got mixed income you've got people buying units what about the renters come back why can't some of the money be used different and the renter being given a chance to buy the same renters are going to come back as residents why can't people living there are 90 for years your displacing people. we need to get real and talk about issues that are transparent >> is there any further public comment. >> hi i'm assuming i'm a parent
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of one a student at marshall elementary school which is at the 16th and mission i have a procedural question and a comment we have been approached by the developers that who have submitted a former applications to build 3 hundred and 15 units at the corner of 16th century accounting and mission the parents have trying to thinks the process we're only getting information from the developers we have a lot of concerns regarding pedestrian safety they're proposing to have. >> it this about the housing inventory. >> no, but it is a time for public comment. >> this is for the housing inventory. >> well, i, frame it for this as well. >> there is general public comment after this i can good
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enough my information about the comments. >> can i make the public comment. >> under general public comment inventory. >> i'll wait then thank you. is there any further public comment seeing none, public comment is closed >> there seems to be a higher number of losses in 2013 i think you heard you say because of the training it. >> it was a major demolition of 4 hundred and 18 units in the same year there was a constructions of the same amount of units. >> so the number of both mergers and legalization unit is within the realm of other years. >> yes. correct. >> all right. thank you. i just wanted to make two
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comments the first is that so the seven hundred and 12 affordable units built last year, it is about thirty percent i think that's a fairly high ratio for the history of the city and i think that's one that's been discussed a lot of within larger conversations pink supervisor kim talked about the housing situation and the mayors initiative has an affordable level i'm happy to see in 2013 it was achieved. and then i wanted to make sure we're clear on a number of data measurements i'm happy that the quarterly dashboard will be put in the director report and be more public and you don't have to go through the case file to find it there's another day
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piece that's called the meter. that mayor's office of economic development is keeping track of you want to understand how the meters and the numbers feed into the dashboard and the inventory to be assured they're all the same numbers >> commissioner president wu and commissioners i'm sarah with the office of economic workforce development one statement he i'd like to not correct but you you know the housing meter we've baufrnd last, as part of the ongoing efforts to create more public awareness in the hoosiers world i'll call it not a data piece our data disburse reduce are in the front row but at the
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office of economic workforce development we've had access to inspectors get an account and put this on the website so we we talk about data all the data will think synced up that data will not be if you try to break down the data f it won't line up because if it's a final certificate certificate of the occupancy so as we get to the end of the year we'll have more to sync that up that's a meter to make it ease for people to look at easily. >> thank you commissioner antonini. >> yeah. a few observations i noticed that peter cowen talked about a lot of projects approved but not being built there maybe
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some of those i'm not sure they're not but this year a good year for projects approved over the last 12 years they're getting approved now the funding has come through and a lot of them under construction. i just wanted to ask staff for a definition with when we talk about unit built that's our finger figure that you came up with approximately 19 hundred >> 10 thousand 9 hundred and 60. >> did built mean a certificate of completion when it is built. >> we consider it built when it's in its final construction phase and then in the case of affordable housing projects we looked at temporary certificates
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of occupancy because those buildings are being inhibited. >> so you must have something which one time you say it's been considered built. i guess. what's being sprishd is that what our saying >> correct. >> you need consistency it can a change a lot. >> our permits have a notification. >> well, thank you i appreciate that that or i have a few other comments the approval process is also something that is really very good as far as our overlay production with the expectation of santa clara couldn't is the largest population over 2 hundred million residents resident we had 16 percent the second largest larger by far
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than alameda county that has over million and contra costa county maybe larger an san mateo county so that part is very good to see but what's a problem in you look at the distribution of units santa clara approved almost 19 hundred single-family unit and krois approved 15 hundred and alameda approved 12 and alameda and krois have approximately 5 hundred thousand more residents than san francisco and over 16 percent we only had 35 houses approved as
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single-family homes the reason people are leaving is because of that in parts of san mateo county donates notice o not on the tables you've presented but on page 36 we have a shortage of los angeles police department with you should make sure we build the kind of housing that families need and not try to cram too much on the parts of the land. and i was happy to see the big increase in affordable in this particular year as you mentioned unfortunately almost all of it is low and very low but there's very the being built for the
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middle only 10 percent for the affordable housing within the 19 percentage actually and people that make a little bit more their housing is not counted as affordable housing. so we have things to do but overall that's a positive report we'll talk about this next week the mayors goal and try to approve projects when we can >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i'd like to on table 19 on page 22. maybe it's definesal b you - al
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take 2013 we have a total of seven hundred and 12 units and a total of all new units at the 2439 my question is how does 2499 compare to table 21 on page 6 if you take 2013 i don't see where 2239 orients >> this is for all units that were produced looking at the positive. >> on table 2 units completed from new construction it's not a
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correct number. >> that must have been a mistake so. >> it kicks up, up higher. one last question from 2009 to 2013 commissioner president wu pointed out the affordable it 22 percent is that expected to continue given the mayors initiative given the inclusionary the inclusionary percentage has dropped because of the veto so do we have any idea this can be sustained? >> it's a hard question the mayors goal is to sustain thirty percent a number of projects in the pipeline the question is it's hard to know but the housing truth fund sets aside
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funds so some financing. >> i guess in terms of collection of fees a lot of the fees should be coming in this year. >> that's right. >> commissioner hillis. >> a comment i know we're to have future comments on this but i think, you know, mr. cowen said inaccurately the market drives this market rate housing but funding you sources for you know that the city gets controls a lot of the affordable housing so it would be good to get an understanding what did funding horizon looks like for affordable housing is it going down for the redevelopment is it underway are we
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