tv [untitled] May 14, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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with the decals a lot of people will park in the ferry building area before 7 o'clock and sits in the space that signals that the meter they're parking illegal it's not okay. so we've worked with sfmta as well. >> the clear signage in the evening time particularly with the parking meters they go to 10 o'clock at night. >> supervisor mar. i'm reilly appreciating the financials but can i ask you're looking at preserving space for nonprofit and there's a point also have adapting to rising sea level and i know that's a cost to the city but if you get
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talked about the key priorities >> yes. what see happening in san francisco and in the bay area the demand for warehouse space it above the space particularly at the port where it's proven to be good homes for providers and nonprofits for cheaper rents so with the added pressures of people needing chair space in san francisco we want to make sure that didn't displace some of the other needs only nonprofit but the distribution repair for the whole city i don't want to sound like this is an issue yet but we're mindful in making sure that our property didn't force
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nonprofits to have to move away. the sea level rise and the seawall itself the seawall stretches 4 and a half miles from fisherman's wharf to the ball park in mission bay this was built over 15 years ago but each renovation project we try to enhance the seawall in particular the area from howard street to washington street and the ferry building area protects a lot of private assets particularly the downtown but the public the muni and the bart tube and the sewer and water systems there are so it's a high priority we're investigating the caliber of the seawall to
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withstand the elements and there are 4 departments mr. sharp in a unique study in mission bay and creek to see the nukes that can come up for flooding on the ground that is rolled into the creek. you'll hear more about it in the coming years with you but the budget provides the funds for the studies >> i know that rising sea level add to our budget significantly but i want to say only that pdr space i'm hoping that mission rock and the area allows companies like small businesses as well i'm happy to say that are last year supervisor farrell and the economy tried to
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prioritize the elements in the - i want to see if you have responses on how the port handled social economic. >> we are mriltd a couple of projects to provide the retail slash restaurant space at 33 and a half we're about to issue a question the issue with the port the cost of entry are high because of the infrastructure costs if you come into put a new restaurant our converting a warehouse to bring it up to code so there's been 16 restaurants and most of them are on the higher end, if you will, they're still separate we know the i don't have have a house medium
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or low end we have an opportunity to use some of the bond precedes to upgrade a facility in peer 43 and not look at the private sectors e sector we're putting that out as a pilot start up retail restaurant we're leaving it up to the proposers to see what they want to propose but partnering up maybe with some companies they have an opportunity to come syndrome the property if that workouts we'll have other proipdz to put our investments rather than the investment of the developer the two lots you mentioned those are very much being planned in terms of the actualized but the port
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commission says there a has to think opportunity for the local enterprises and little mission rock, llc on lot 337 yesterday, i got permission from the port concussion to work on those types of things merging slough and, of course, keeping some of the smaller boat yards or smaller repair shops and things in our southern waterfront is something we're trying to do as well. >> thank you. >> so then to quickly go over our expenditure trends our budget is growing over the years
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and the pie charts indicated the growth over o those two year period is related to salary and friendly benefits it includes 8 hundred thousands of for possession it is adjusting to citywide costs we're having work order growth it's growing so significantly by that approximately, $1 million and it passes on the costs we actually recover not setting them out and dock and use the short shore utility we have management costs for example, peer 29 fire helps to drive that increase and the other extension weighing we're going were trying to create
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surplus revenue to receivers it for capital. regarding the staffing changes one the key priorities was to improve the efficiently and effectiveness of operations this issue is in our maintenance division one idea for improvement was to create a day and night shift for the crews to clean up the waterfront and put the traffic on the embarcadero we're trying to accommodate additional clear up requirements. the port is changing as well so adjusting to the complex environment and trying to build promote staff to cover the budget and debt mettle and capital planning. protecting the revenues a new property manager is trying to bring the protocol up to closer
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to market trends to double the standard rate with an additional staffer so we see this as a highly valuable position and asset manager to help driving our at large strategies and give ideas for developing the property and the temporary salaries are meant to move the projects up in the waterfront like the giants and the pier 70 work and another important item is the ic strategic plan we have the funding to accommodate the requirements up to the point of the transitionedal services that is currently being planned. and then additionally for our capital budget over the 12 years we've got 8 point plus million
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dollars allocated in the southern port wide areas of the waterfront. we'd like this number to grow someday if we want to maintain the waterfront and repair and replacement requirements they'll be closing to $23 million a year. and then additionally the budget includes the reallocation of funds $2.3 million of our participation we were award and approved by the board we were able to have the savings bringing some work in house and have the staff do it the supervisors approved last year in our budget as well as ac/dc requirements and much of the work did address other b cd requirements on the line up and
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are required as part of the planning for the america's cup. finally i'm aware that another item on the agenda oh, sorry >> just real quick. mr. clerk call item 5 and item 10 then please. 5 to 10 >> 5 and 10. >> item 5 is the encouraging that the controllers that approved can be performed by a private contractor by the work of the city and county of san francisco for various surfaces and item 10 is the authorization of the san francisco to expend $3 million in grant fund if the federal railroad administration ferry building of the lee track for a term of july 31st, 2016.
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>> to briefly touch upon the ports proposition we have two contract one for security and janitor the security contract we've spent $300,000 a year, however, we've used that and it could cost up to $6 million a year that is a savings of 9 hundred thousand it's a range between 5 and 9 hundred thousands of annual savings as detailed in the controllers report. we believe this result of contracting out the work there are 15 position city portions that are forgone and for the jailbird contract 3 hundred thousdz thousand dollars a year and we've saved money and hired
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6 cuss to tell employees. on that note fizzing >> colleagues, any questions for staff at this point. okay mr. rose to our report please. yes mr. chair and members of the committee on page 17 of our report rereport our recommended reductions for the port totals 735702 that are going on savings this is $60 million or 18 percent of the 2015- 2016 budget and it totals $600,000 plus all ongoing savings my understanding the port concurs with the recommendations of the reduction are shown on packages 18 and 19
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of our report we'll be happy to respond to questions >> colleagues, any questions for mr. rose at this point in time okay. i'm sorry please - okay. so colleagues, any other questions of staff or mr. rose >> so i'm sorry the controller's office should we move or propose those amendments or move on. >> monique from the controller's office you could move those items condition that the public hearing took place and you'll take final action at the end of the precedes. >> okay with that colleagues have is a motion to - yes, a
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motion to accept the recommendations those are final upon the public comments. >> we'll take that without objection. thank you very much. and i want to talk about item 10 >> thank you megan waltzing the port of san francisco this item is to accept and extend a grant from the federal railroad association. so in summary in 2011, the port of san francisco was awarded a $2.7 million grant from the federal railroad association from or to complete the tack t strange it came upon a match from the port we've budgeted 3
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hundred and thirty millions in our capital budget in 2013-2014 and just for by way of a little bit of background it's the coke e connecting track that serves caltrain as well as any cargo freight that comes between the port and the rest of the peninsula. and the improvements to the track are really a requirement for the port to be able to expand on the cargo services. and really as a snapshot of the really the benefit of cargo to the port we budgeted approximately $5 million a year of revenue and we're trying to preserve this important piece of our maritime element of our revenue in our budget. here's a snapshot of the street you see on the bottom reporter the long track is particularly
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and cuts over to third street bridge area and here's on image of our cargo facilities off the left is the heritage park and peers 96, 94 and 80 that is where we receive the ships for bulk and dry cargo that requires access to freight. i have a quick summary looeld leading up to the point we have a grant from the next step is board approval to move forward >> colleagues, any questions on this item item 10. we don't have a budget analyst report >> actually, we put this report in the back of the ports bundle
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on page begins on page 20. of our report and on page 23 i'll note the matching funds references do 3 hundred and thirty thousand has been appropriated by board of supervisors in the ports 2013 budget we recommend you approve 2 this >> colleagues many questions at this point in time we're going to try to close out item there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can i have a motion to move to the full board >> we can do that without opposition. we're going to continue so members of the public we're going to after the airport itself library and other go we're going to take the public comments so it wouldn't be conditional bending by the end of this meeting that will be
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final. thank you to the port. library okay library is up next >> thank you very much chairman farrell city librarian here it's my privilege to present this budget wept to talk about the key fy 2015- 2016 budget for the 2015- 2016 budget and the next budget is represents an increase of 11 ftes from the current number of ftes at the 652 to 663 immediately other ftes for the
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following yes, sir. the key drivers are the emphasis on walking safety we want to toward the safe environment and the increases you see in the budget are driven by enhanced capacity the building of the proposals area we were e.r. we're looking at 3 additional custodians and officers. we're having the capacity to help our in house social workings and providing work order help for additional help in the area we are reviving in technology whether web band we feel it's important for the library the roll it plays we
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have the corrections and enhancements we want to discuss the possibility of relocating the facilities requiring lease space for the operations that's built into the budget. let me move on to the key initiatives it begins with the expanded hours i can't help to say how proud we are in san francisco to have additional hours this month we've got 56 additional branch hours 19 of our branches are open 7 days a week. we're also looking at increasing hours at some of our key service points liking the library for the blind, the deaf services and history center we're very, very proud and this came as a result of the community process to
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insure we customize the hours to meet the needs this represents 13 percentage more hours than is required all this this is to the good. we also want to highlight >> thank you for your support for the branch program you you've been beneficiaries in our districts or having renovated libraries we completed on saturday that opens the muni north beach library every library is subsidy safe and they're the state of the art libraries we're thrilled month are gold and other categories so i welcome you to join us in some of our neighborhood branches and the key digital media lab is the
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next step we're going looking to godchild build a 5 thousand secret library and it will start in the summer and serve as out of school and connective learning for youngsters throughout the city the key initiative we're going to look at cross-examination in the 5 floor that combines every learning aspect to child development to technology and some quick status 2 hundred and 40 thousand ask the that have attended or youth coming to the library for library destruction instruction we're proud of very important emphasis during the summer of summer elapsing.
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last year, we had over 16 thousand planters and hoping to top that concluding having scholarships for academic success thank you sxhaerl for that as innovation we're targeting is to provide scholarships through a high school online tenant/landlord relationship that is diploma system we're going looking at to have growth in that this is much in keeping with the emphasis on e learning and adult education. in terms of collections they're a robust part of our budget and almost 11 percent of the operating that's books and media and resources i know you're interested in england over 2 million of our print are provide
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in 50 languages so we differently emphasis services to our diverse county. i've alluded to the fact we're investing money into our infrastructure last year, we had 5 hundred thousand hours so we're going to increase that capacity and access to constituent use free inform the public that's along with the free wifi there's free locations and the photograph you see is the key we rolled out in the excelsior district that includes tablets and pc and again - >> i'm sorry what branch. >> excelsior. >> but we're looking at
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expanding to other branches. >> i was there on saturday, i didn't see it. >> you might have been interested in some books. >> identification interested in paying my fines actually. >> we'll be happy to give you a demo supervisor. in terms of the upgrading the board band the capacity in our library there's a lot of data transmission and strong infrastructure we're doing that at the main library as well. it's important to have access with folks with visible and hearing impairment we're having an important aspect there. on the highlights of our socially economic biceps we've got over 10 thousand volunteer
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hours for our adult literacy hours that's one the hallmark programs of the library and one hundred thousand participated in the program the childcare provider and we have a strong multi lingual through the website and i mentioned the citizenship website that's available in 8 languages you'll see one of our staff members that provides >> she's one of my former students right there. >> and last but certainly not at least is the job workforce development we're happy to have doubted the number of youth workers 28 and that remains an
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important part of our resume workshops and again, our job resources on the councilmember sharp center. thank you very much for your attention we appreciate your support if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> supervisor mar are you still up. >> i want to thank mr. herrera making the library essential for that families and protecting people in the city i know it's a safe haven for people in the city. i want to ask with about the tech with the technology to ask what stent are the large companies contributing to our library system >> that's a work in progress we'll have twitter we did a service workday they came and provided some packaging programs for the youth and want to engage
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them in our lab not only in the friends of the library but certainly in the technology support the programs that we're going to over there so it's not where we want to to be but we're working with more and more partnerships in the tech factor. >> any other questions inform mr. herrera. >> mr. rose your report. >> members of the committee he didn't hear if in respect questions. >> i appreciate the answer we concur with the recommended reductions were in full agreement and have had good dialog and thank christopher the support we've had through the supervisors office. congratulates mr. rose two for two so far >> thank you, mr. chairman mr.
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chairman and members of the committee i recommended on page thirty on 4 hundred and 18 thus plus all a ongoing savings that allow 7.3 percent of the departments 2014-2015 budget. and mr. chairman on the advisory on our second recommendation on page thirty instead of a reference to a cell this is a reserve instead of a recommendation to the cell of 19th but the reserve on the ground lease not a sale of the property and that's pending a lease of the property and
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