tv [untitled] May 16, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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it seem like not too much to ask so i actually, i want to be consistent with myself i'll be voting against it i was told something different than today. i said it is going to bring in lots of money it will pass without my vote my vote is a protest vote against the ads and it's worth of what i do as a supervisor in keeping my word >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. chairman. so i have a guess a slightly different prospective. i'm really appreciate supervisor breed's prospective open that in terms of you're going this money to start at least back filling a
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portion of the money the mta give away i believe supervisor farrell making made a similar argument i'm concerned about the long-term fiscal health of the agency and muni system. you know, we know there are over 2 employed in deferred maintenance on the system. we know over the next 25 years muni has like $5 billion or more in capital needs for which we have no identified funding we have a growing city we're not visiting in the system to meet the current needs of our resident let alone our growing city whether in the market street subway or on third where the system is not keeping up.
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and mta is doing i think some very good things in terms of professionally the way it's investing in maintenance and making smart moves but all the smart moves in the world will not get us out of the predicaments and i don't think this building has gotten serious about the health of the muni. the introduction of yesterday's bond i'm extremely supportive of it and i hope it passes but it goes beyond. mr. reiskin you and i have had various civilizations i was disappointed last month the
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board of directors gave away millions of dollars for free this and that i didn't support sunday meters when it came in there were people who supported free muni or didn't support it and in a way it's not about whether or not one supports charging for meters parking optional sunday or whether or not citizens are kids paying muni but once again, we have a policy goal not having people to pay for this and that but instead of finding a way to pay for it it comes out of muni operations and maintenance. it's absolutely the lazy way out and, yes google is paying for two years of free muni for
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youths 17 and under that's terrific but for two years and that may run out after 2 or 4 years and that's going to be back on muni. so between the extension of the free passes and the meters it's 19 point plus million dollars paid for by muni it's not clear in the vehicle license vehicle fee is going to go forward and see, you know, you look at the big issues about the $19.4 million decisions that the mta board of directors made last month and the uncertainty around the vehicle license fee we're told we need this small amount of money to wrap all the buses
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that's important for the fiscal sustainability for the system. the money for the wraps is in the inn the league whether or not people likes adds on the buses i'm in the mid on that issue i don't like the direction we're making those large negative financial decisions for muni that's harming the system and told sell the ads spaces and we know that adds are a psych he will thing with the bus shelters it's unclear whether or not it contract we're not going to get a good deal maybe we will but ads are not a bedrock of the long term of the financial system i'm frustrated about some of the decision michael that's happening in mta and on the city
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side. and i don't think that this contract is something that will help stabilize the system. i'm skeptical of the contract i've not mating made a decision i'm willing to put it out but not with recommendations >> supervisor avalos. >> i thought i'll continue my tirade actually. so a couple of years ago we were working on the gross stacks there was this city hall battle going on the mayor's office, tony and steve saying we don't need any more money i was trying to see if the gross tax was going to happen i said we can
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use the money for the muni operations and services i said that to the mayor that was part of my my argument oh, we have huge needs muni can run effectively so, now i'm desperately trying to find many revenue for muni the capital maintenance and operations and we're stuck. i'm going to i expect this will get approved it will go to the full board and a small portion for digital adds and for the bus wraps is going to be inconsequential to the board of supervisors. so me it's going to be a wash i'll vote against send it to the full board but we'll see what happens >> supervisor mar.
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>> yeah. i thank you. i want to add mr. reiskin i know how difficult it is to balance the budget and i i despise wrap adds i think my predecessor in district one shares some of the similar views is supervisor avalos experienced but like supervisor breed i'm willing to have give and takes. i've appreciative that the digital tufrz will be pulled and from my understanding and i wanted to ask you this 15 adds at any one time increased from 15 to thirty with the director of transportation. are you willing to adjust that back down to 15 like i said the
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other conversations given me the idea their flexibility can you respond >> thank you supervisor mar. through the chair i guess my preference would be that we advance the contract as currently negotiated whether or not recommendation and if there's a desire from the phone bill to make either one of those changes, you know, identically will we'll be open to that i want to preserve as much flexibility as we can and again, the revenues are important to us if we end up needing to make changes to secure full board support, you know, weeping we'll be happy to do 0. the digital video is in the current contracts that's not a change it has not been used because the technology isn't there but because it's potentially a long term contract we'd like to have the federal court should the technology get
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there and should the board of supervisors support that. my preference is to advance as is and if the phone bill wants to make changes >> mr. reiskin we're up and down but we can send it back. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney that's right the board can't amend the contract but the mta can present that and sometimes that happens at a board meeting the department says committee members we've reached an agreement. >> mr. reiskin you said the digital billboards in the future should the technology exist and my understanding is with this contract there's no authority
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lying with the board of supervisors this is for the future. >> for whoever whatever the time of day. >> that's correct. so when this comes to the full board of supervisors thaip then the john gibner, deputy city attorney said we can provide amendments that allows for the changes but once the crack contract is approved in whatever form not a legal request to return to you >> sorry supervisor mar. >> so mr. reiskin our suggesting if we want to change that we do this and full board i ask inform element the digital turdz in the contract and keep it at status quo at the 15 at one time and not including include the language from 15 to
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thirty. >> supervisor mar i think the issue we don't have the ability to amend the contract only say yes or no we can say no if you do xyz we can signal that but not make the adjustment. >> mike, i strongly feel i'll be voting no on the existing contract but sensitive to the revenue for the equality programs for citizens and expending to 18-year-old for the use of muni but i feel strongly about the amendments amendments. >> supervisor breed. >> i do really appreciate the comments from my colleagues, i
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completely understand your dilemma we have choices to make and as i said i'm not a fan of wrap buses for clarity mr. reiskin how many buses do we have in our fleet total. >> the bus fleet is about 8 hundred and 50 and 8 had the and 50 light rails and 40 or 50 streetcars. >> those are for the oldest fleet not the new ones we're purchased. >> we don't restrict by type of fleet. >> that's where a i understand in the contract. >> okay. so it sound like we'll do the oldest ones first. >> we'll not get to the new ones because we're talking about
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thirty. >> we'll have the entire bus fleet replaced one-on-one within the next 5 years or so. >> but the contract will be at the end where the board of supervisors will be making a decision in the future. >> there are two, 5 year options. >> that you can exercise. >> that's correct. >> you'll have to bring it back to the board potentially. >> hold on. >> so the options are what's in the contract your approving now so we will not have to come back to execute the option. >> but you you'll have to come back in order to increase the number of buses that are used for this particular purpose from 20 to 31 you'll have to come back. >> yes. >> so that's what i want to
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clarify and mention other things i'm really happy about the removal of the graffiti within the twenty-four hour time period also the document through our 311 system that's definitely important not only the reason why i particularly made the decision. my preference is where did the chair go? a oh, vice chair. so at this time we move it out of committee with no recommendation. mostly because i prefer to see this contract move forward sooner than later and i do appreciate the concerns of my colleagues but i also appreciate the fact that my desire to push for free muni for citizens and
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disabled require additional revenue this is has the potential to provide that additional revenue. and the number of buses we're talking about i think are not unreasonable intiefrl so i want to make a motion to move this out of this particular committee to the full board of supervisors without recommendation >> supervisor breed we'll consider that motion after. why not move down the speaker list >> supervisor avalos. >> i'll wait. >> supervisor wiener. >> i want to reiterate the things we are hearing from the staff staff and colleagues that were we're going to be selling these ads to raise money to do things that do nothing if improve service on muni so we're
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giving away a lot of money by making different things free which i total respect that desire i'd love for funning to be free for a lot of different people a lot of things fry but there's a cost. we're making things free and not paying for it we're taking the money out of the muni and we're not taking jeopardy fund money we want to give free pass to the kids and disabled that's a total totally good goal but from a two year grant we're putting it out of muni's budget and being told we need to sell adds open the buses to pay for that. i don't see how that's a sustainable approach to funding
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a transportation system. >> so with those comments. >> supervisor. >> i want to respond supervisor wiener there was a hearing about 3 hours you were not here but a lot of protecting people that are struggling to live in san francisco and i would actually expend that making muni affordable is an improvement for muni that's something that people many the city want to see and have that's a form of accessibility and the ability to actually get around the city and go to school and find work that's actually something that can be found within the mta budget. this contract is going to be approved but the way you've been
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talking over the past several years i expect you'll be vociferating in in favor the contract i actually was told by muni they were going to strip out the digital adds and go from thirty to 15 that doesn't happen i'm upset about that but you you know when that comes down to it there's lots of ways to do thing in the city. i've worked hard to find money from sources and some have been opposed and perhaps by you as well. i think the general fund should be more flexibility and finding money within muni i've worked towards the small part i feel the muni staff has broken their word on its offensive i'll not
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support it >> supervisor wiener. >> just to be clear many are struggling we should be doing a lot to help people in need in the city but the question is we have to pay for that. and for all the discussions around the free muni proposals, you know, we said the merits of doing it there are a lot of good arguments for providing reduce or free passes to people who are instrumental. the question is how do we pay for it. instead of making the hard choices how to pay for it we simply take it out of muni's budget the money is not there that's a system of more than $2 billion and can't meet the needs we're not making the hard choices >> okay. colleagues any
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further questions. question for staff our ongoing open up could open this up for public comment (calling names) please line up against the wall two minutes each and anyone else please feel free to line up. >> good afternoon good afternoon, supervisors as a lifelong muni rider i appreciate the predicament our in i understand muni's revenue this is not the right way to do it. when we have a long vision for the city i've been short sietdz by selling adds we have had san
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franciscans vote to stop new advertising in the city and that's because we treasure the beauty of our supply anonymous for ourselves but the turnover industry so it focuses public and private properties sfmta has been exempt with the sturz over the years it's going to hurt ridership and the tourism and make it hard for the transit system to operate because it's running advertising through accident neighborhood lastly i want to talk about the digital adds what it looks like this is coming from the company itself. this is taken during the day but because of the angle we can see a little bit how the bridled shine is during the night and dangerous for the bicyclists or
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the pedestrian at night standing in front of the sign how difficult to see on coming car arrest this is going to be dangerous and expose mta to lawsuits >> thank you. next speaker. >> afternoon supervisors alley erection the pack chair of the mvp lgbt club eliminate revoted amazing to oppose this contract because of the issues raised with the digital advertising and a drop in the budget of what the revenue about bring 110 north we as a club not commercial listing our city or giving away the store and when we feel that by
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adding the wraps you can't see out. i remember trying to look at the view of the church but your windows are covered with turgdz >> from the outside my the picture that coal just showed of the digital advertising we worry about bicycle safety and pedestrian safety and it's that's not been more and more digital advertising but it's also about, you know, making sure that we do have a little respect for our cities landscape that's why wherever whatever they've been issues we support issues we oppose the mid-market time square in 2009 we felt
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having the billboards rolling through our city that's i kind of what are we projecting we want to have muni free for youth and citizens and affordable for everyone but the thing of getting rid of sunday parking meters and not having the money coming in it's not balancing our budget. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm carolyn i live in the castro district. i want to show you a brief video that shows the extent to which our city will become commercialized i want to mention briefly >> allow mow me to introduce you to the people this is san
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francisco it looked fluent and young as a matter of fact, 53 percent of the proposition is 18 to 24 and they're heavy exposed to transit advertising from bus depots it reached unnecessary percent of the population on a mostly our media reaches 93 bay area population on a mostly basis and only second to new york in terms of the transit and people it's a unique and indecently packed market above and below grounded from the downtown transit district and their attendees how many santa monica's cities have part of a historic record those iconic
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cars left wing have .2 million people it's for our media that keeps them company along the way they do not only see that but people live within two blocks of a bus routes it's the busiest system in the u.s. and they have an average commute their overcame station dwell time it 20 minutes everyday it's unavailable in chinatown and in the castro and unavailable in the east bay. i think we get the picture. >> no other company can. >> any questions. >> no. >> mr. chairman, i think the video went on before the previous speaker she was both
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about to say something else. >> your nice. i wanted to say that looking at out is someone of my old icing it's about the sceney you know which trains are crowd it's no time about beauty >> and sit on the national board of directors on site america. as everyone is aware as we come do you want every time the billboards come up open public property and two of the votes the public says what we don't want advertising arresting on public property that is going to the general coffer.
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i want to say that sfmta isn't here in 0 support of the compromise to strip out the digital advertising. that decision the way that's written you're going to lose control of the aspect of the contract for the next 15 years that's being soft pedestrian he would their start selling the ads there's a driver distraction problem and indeed this didn't contributor to personal injury there will be personal injury lawyers that will be making the cats i'll district copies if israel and other criticize that shows the distraction. the digital adds are 12 foot digital as on the sides of our
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buses rolling through the neighborhood. so, please let's get rid of the barn up bailing looking adds. i agree with supervisor wiener's comments we're taking the lazy way out i'm not talking about the overtime charges at the muni but this is just enough money the wraps to run the muni bus only a small portion of the year >> are there any members of the public who wish to speak on item 9 seeing none, public comment is closed. okay. just real quick okay supervisor wiener. >> so a question for the staff. and mr. reiskin had to step out. this was previously in the
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