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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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criteria to the extent this is like a loan program you know you're trying to help people who need help and the criteria required that they have a great credit score or maybe the vuvent which that that's precisely why they need help. i'd like to see more i have a fear that a lot of institutions are going to, left out or could potentially be left out. thank you >> supervisor kim. >> i don't want to belavish this people have been waiting since 2 o'clock but i want to say a skuch of things there's a good track record when the
10:01 pm we should have done more but we did some good work and the nonprofits are listed in confines today, i replacement some of the organizations the development center and the city of refuge were the centers we continue to have serve our neighborhoods. i'll say with mow it requires with advocacy and, of course, our offices but i've been successful in working with mow on teeny good times organizations like the vietn vietnamness association they have a staff of one .5 but working the way through this is something that the intermediatey he helps with to help people to
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relocate and share administrative fees i share the concerns it is our duty to make sure that the services are sprayed out. i certainly want to make sure we're able to hear the folks entangled by the owner and have been waiting partially. colleagues, any additional questions 0 our staff. first of all, thank you for having xheebd the working group and supervisor kim and my staff did in the community we have some really big needs this is why i noticeably proposed it to have the increases in the property tax revenue i know colleagues the use of the economic benefits we've seen in the area to lift up outline
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votes particularly those nonprofit organizations that are to crucial to our city's safety net that reflects what we are in our arts and innovation that's certainly my prospective when i proposed this supplemental i think that what you've laid out, as far as, how we mesh the best practices but at this point, i think we should hearing hear from our nonprofit organizations i know they've been waiting partially and i may have some follow-up questions with you why not go to the public comment portion any members of the public please line up on the right-hand side of the chamber and, sir why don't you be the first speaker >> i'm retired from the 17 after 34 years and now i am
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activity on two boards, you know, in the mid-market area i serve on the legal assistance for the elderly in my building on market street rights on the corner of significantly and market street in the middle of this development you, you know, there are about a dozen nonprofits in the building and eviction you should see the hundreds of people they help with the evictions, you know, you go in there with families gossiping the elevators our lease it up in october we have hearing in september 2nd nonprofits have had their leases in another part of the areas expire already so the hammer is coming down so its urthd we get some progress made here.
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we cannot just wait. it's getting difficult and the time is short. so the only thing i can say is let's work diligently and bryan has done a troublesome job, you know, our agrees at 995 market street serve is citywide we have to be central located and one block your downtown elderly and the families, etc. and it's get this on. >> next speaker. >> and thank you for the opportunity for speaking and echo the remarks of the previous speaker in commending bryan and the task force it's a privilege to be on the task force we've worked hard the representations
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are well-thought-out both long-term and short time solutions were one of the agencies that has been displaced we're in the middle of a innovation we're choose to work here we need to be here and stay here but we need our partnership everything we do is in partnership with the done nefarious in the city this is where we want to be we provide services to ore 18 hundred people through the mid management people we keep them housed over 95 percent through the money management system working through the department of public health. i ask you to work eastbound quickly the needs are not going away i'm finding ada backroom
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improvements in the building that was one hundred and 16 years old we have to move we need our help to stay here for the long-term >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi aim chief operations officer i want to echo the comments and thank you. the city staff and supervisors for attempting to address this issue and time to echo the calls for adolescence and haste in making progress we were looking for a space for 3 and a half years we were fortunate to have a space and rent is itch higher for us than our old sites we're moving into a site that's currently held by a services provider they
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have to move and we'll be spending money for improvements it's difficult even if you find it in our budget for the additional operation expenses it, limit to where a nonprofit can move to thank you for your support. >> thanks. >> next speaker >> good afternoon. i'm mark burns the department at the i h ss consortium thank you, supervisors and supervisor kim's when 6 of us came to our office talking about displacement the consortium was in the plazas took our rent from 18 to $45 a square feet we were fortunate to stay in mid-market by reducing
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our size 20 percent saving the city money we've spent about 2 hundred thousand and a small piece of information that going into any new building you have to pay 35 thousand expensive toement unplanted and unforeseen. the companies like the consortium were they've done a wonderful job helping us to scrape together money and forced into next year. i want to speak to supervisor campos point there are smaller organizations that don't have the time to be at the table they're part of the fabric what we had in the city and every time we lose one of them by them moving to oakdale we lose
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something incredibly important the workers leave and the services go away so i think this very important short term emergency program is only the first step into a large picture of how we structure the financial world in the nonprofits to stay in the city that is benefiting from larger booms thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm broadcasting the scld of 0 positive reservoirs center at the 785 market and we've been there 10 years first i want to thank supervisor kim in hosting the meeting in her office this is a serious concern we currently have 13 thousand square feet and our rent is slated to go up 28 to $45 a
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square feet and our lease is up in february 2015 is clients have struggles around side tenderloin it's important to stay centrally located i want to thank bryan for the presentation the group worked very, very hard to gather the analysis and i want to say a word for the medium and long term strategies a decision will be hopefully made in the affirmative and in the proposition that will mitigate will have of the harm and the challenge we have in terms of the cost pressure but there are real costs that are faced and their businesses and occupancy is a real costs and salaries so we need you hope you'll have a receptive ear when we come to you about the costs of doing
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business that's truly a partnership to talk about a long term strategy by which we can provide services and ultimately look at the real costs. thank you. again you're support and i you encourage you to move forward with the appropriation. >> good afternoon thank you very much it's nice to see you i live at the 25 e twiths and cap i'm the executive director artistic director at 24th and mission we are a community center for the performing arts we have a special emphasis on women and girls and immigrant and people of color and protecting people and the queer arts dance culture in general month of the of of the time we get along well, we have one thousand people could
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through our building and 90 girls in our girl power program and we have tons of different classes for all kinds of people and if you quack by the disdains mission you'll hear the drumming auto the windows we've been there for 16 years and have within an arts movement building since the 70s. we've been hit with a $2,500 a month increase and we don't have a lease it expired in january we're trying to negotiate our way out of this we actually don't know the overall reaching floonz the 24th corridor or the 24th bart station in general we're on shaky grounded and having this legislation pass which likeable kim stated this
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was gone in 2000 when our rent was doubled during and we were able to stabilize us we we got our rent reduced by half and carried forward for the last 167 years were we feel like it would be a tremendous loss to the entire danced community of the bay area to lose dance mission. i'd like to thank all the people that worked hard but i have a better idea i suggest that you assume all the property in san francisco through eminent domain and give it back to us and let us work and live for free power we're in deep difficult times there's a lot of passion i watch the google bus demonstration and
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feel the hostility and the sadness and the arts moving to the east bay because they can't live here that we recognize what the arts and nonprofits have bun for our city and internationally we set the stage for the forward thinking ideas and how the people live and think around the rest of the country i imexplore you to make a space that's multi fat he did and we need to be the beacon of what is truth and justice in the united states here. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. . touch act to follow i'm the director of a 44-year-old organization on 24th and bryant. and for 44 years we explicit own
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our building and we're currently needing to negotiate our lease it's a dire time right now with the changes in the neighborhood that we get support to be able to support our location to continue to serve the one hundred of artists and look for art to create and provide justice i imexplore you that was mexico's thank you for your hard work interest take care >> thank you. next speaker. . >> i'm ann broadly city the director of merry run gallery ambassador i passionately building in diversity and in the
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collaborative. merry run incremental has excited thus far solely because of the belief in diversity and in collaborative effort i'm here today to thank all of you it's been deeply regarding to know that there are members of the board of supervisors of this amazing city the second city in my more amateur years toronto being the second one i'm here to vigorously support of the nonprofits stabilization proposal. i look forward to being asked
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questions to take advantage of age opportunity to learn more about the making of a really vibrant nonprofit. and san francisco has been a vibrant and diverse culture has had rich culture altercations and those are clearly going to be maintained because this city has such is an enlightened city government and it's made it possible to for us to consider our own culture institutions not only survive - >> thank you, ann. thank you, ann.
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>> (inaudible). >> thank you very much. >> next speaker >> hi the executive director of the asian culture center i'm also working with the studios representing a lot of groups here. when it comes to the arts a lot of the arts have been displaced in san francisco a lot of the of artists are not feeling that's part of the city so this comes at the a critical time. one of the if i things i want to touch on the director pointed out the entity grant program that reaches out to community of color and doing the outreach work that's the best practice
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this is recognized throughout the nation let's not recreate the wheel use the mechanism that's under r there and get out to the communities it will be do a fantastic job. there's an urgency in the art for this to come out i have a lot of faith in the director and everything i've heard about mr. chiu is well founded now great to meet you. i think the best way to lead the process even though that's not enough money the knowledge and the implementation going into this will go a long way and i urge the board of supervisors to do your best to get this out into the community and want to echo the fact whatever we can do it make this as and and assessable as possible that be done as well and the director
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and mr. chiu know how to do it thank you. >> next speaker >> i'm joseph artist instructor for merry define gallery and those are many of my students here. i have intense been an interim with the merry define gallery since 2005 and returned to be an artist instructor and do a lot of work in the area and, see the struggle. and i brought here today a copy off our meridian for all the board of supervisors just to show you many of the valuable work we do around the community i'm in support of direct assistance for our gallery. thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker. . high i'm matthew i'm tail a client receiving services at the nonprofits and how they're going to be funded i don't just have concerns about the funding to stay this the places but where they're at exactly. i've been when i first moved here in february i've been sent from place a and b and c and over to a again, i have a doubt had any type of knowledge on what to do or where to go i don't have the concerns but maybe to get them centralized and everything seems to criticize cross and zigzag if we could find a way to give of nonprofits 40 one stakeholder
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location one stakeholder location for the public to go to receive the services i'd appreciate that and speak to so someone i echo everything that was said i appreciate the fact you guys are working towards the nonprofits needed money to stay where they are or going to the places they need to be but in the end if the public can't access those then it dmaert thank you have a good day >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'm not talking about moving in and i i don't want to change our city life but there's a warm wind and a blowing and the stars are auto and i sure surely hope
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that item towners out all right and the best things in city life are free but we carr could sure this housing money key we need money, money this is a what he want that's what point money doesn't get everything that's true. but i'm not asking for a house with a swimming pool i need money we need money. and i thank you city. >> good evening supervisors richard executive director of hunter house i support the housing benefits management and for about 15 hundred people a year under the contract with
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public health department with about $10 million a year and one of our second our second line item is the space is first is the staff we struggle to keep our staff 0 engaged and paid with the hard work with the people that are mentally ill and homeless we've had to deal with the struggle of keeping our space together with a commercial lease with the office and background room operation the negotiations we started 6 months before the end of the lease and started the negotiations with 83 percent more than we were paying and swallowed hard with a increase of 042 percent i have
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he was happy that all happened before this process started and i had to turn my attention to another type of commercial lease that is for our master lease could operative apartments and we're going dpo to lose those increases of one hundred and one hundred and 35 percent we serve is residential so the economic forces that are driving all of us to think about leading us to the recommendation you've got in front of you i urge tour support of this from the point of view it's seed money this idea of 4 about the $5 million is capitalized to the actual need. >> thank you. next speaker. .
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good evening supervisors deborah yes, from the san francisco human services network it was just about a year ago when we sat with the mayor and some of the city nonprofits were traend with skyrocketing rent increases it was in october with the leadership of supervisor jane kim we had a public hearing and a budget analysis report a most after that, the creations of the task force and two months ago with the leadership of president chiu and supervisor avalos this nonprofit rent stabilization fund was created and placed on reserve i'm xrooel excited we have the opportunity to release the fund and get them to the commensurate. this is the first time we have a concrete step that would have a direct impact to mitigate the impacts ever displacement the
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problem is citywide for many the need harassing has reached emergency levels we need to get the fund out to the community if an exceeded manner as soon as possible this is a short term solution to provides some of the organizations is with some additional time while they seek alternative space or race fund or wait for the solutions full board to be implemented the city is deeply investment in community based nonprofits to provide the services and those organizations who's ability to provide those services with the city is threatened deeply need the support i want to thank the task force for their hard work this is an important first step but keep the focus on the mid and long-term recommendations and i applaud the champ to keep up to date with continuing
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oversight and further hamburgers thank you very much to the task force and the to the board >> thank you. next speaker. . >> hi i'm larry i'm speed limit to be in sacramento for the matters they do things driver's license that we don't get down in t in the city and county of san francisco of luther services they come to my houses and now i have thank the san francisco for the credit union our community they have some of the nonprofits you wouldn't let stay here e.r. assist that help us the people of color the lower level of people it's very prevalent i
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remember this board of supervisors made $33,000 your salary is up to one hundred 13 by the voted to stand on the people but when you come on this side of city hall your supposed to be able to look at it and take care of us in the city you don't know what the city hall is about the mayor has a reporter to do what he has to do but you have to stand up for the people you need to have miller parade a festival people will come here and it's mere i don't know you're letting us all out of here once you did this for the blacks and the enjoying jews you you know what you can build at