tv [untitled] May 20, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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jim o'connor (clapping) pr we also have numerous board members in the audience (clapping) to my right we have our training staff captain mickey my lieutenant bob. (clapping.) lieutenant justin brown (clapping) lieutenant john cob by a (clapping) lieutenant norm cob by a (clapping) ernest ca rely (clapping) arnold cho. jason drapery (clapping) james costa mesaer
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(clapping) julie anyhow (clapping) george sxhith and tyson yee who's not here today (clapping) under ems staff we have chief which you have chief melanie brandon and jay perry (clapping) paramedic captain glenn >> under special projects captain ed mow (clapping) in service training staff ti training center captain jeff. (clapping.) lieutenant james mel burger (clapping) lieutenant james read i didn't (clapping) and lieutenant pat shaw
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(clapping) alleyway also in attendance my administer staff (clapping) at this time looked like i'd like to introduce the honorable bodily mayor ed lee who will address the class (clapping). >> thank you assistant chief williams tom o'connell don't fret someone referred to me as captain ed mow this morning so (laughter) what a great day. one hundred and 16th fire academy class for san francisco. 39 people who today, i look
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across the crowd of your friends and proud of the city proud you spent 16 hard weeks training yourselves and going through all the lessons this academy training class has to offer and most importantly you're joining the world-class fire department and thank you for the opportunity chief joanne haynes-white the conspiracy that worked with you and all the staff we've had the privilege of working certainly my 3 years as anywhere 80 mayor to be at the 3 sites usually i'm there with the mop up crew but watching the details of how fires are fought and the energy teams are saving lives. i know i join with supervisor wiener and the entire board of supervisors all of our lefkd officials to say thank you to the san francisco fire
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department for being a great, great partner in the city and helping all our residents know and feel comfortable that they're in the greatest city in the world congratulations to the fire department (clapping) to this class i'm particularly brought out ways i looked over some of the resumes you came in with you got interesting variety of backgrounds some of you were mortgage brokers people who were former police officers and rec and park gardener and someone who sunshine had energy braukdz or kraftsz we're going to need all that skill because in addition to our firefighter duties i ask the folks to volunteer a lot of their time as well. i'm proud that the families
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you've asked to join with you today to let you know we're proud of you and i come into the fire department that sets high standards and also a city that has very high presentations. and rightfully so we're only 49 squeals and our population in your careers about approach over one million people and we're going through get everyone to lead a decent life in the city whatever happens to people whether or not visitors or residents whether or not their tenants in apartments or homeowners open the west side that your fire department will be there to protect them and respond in the most short minutes as soon as possible to get to the problem and we'll do everything we can in the city not only the response times are
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there but all the more than that practices of saving lives are inculpate indicated and trained as i believe they were done if you're 16 weeks were irving to be joining accountability professionals that make it their lifetime goal so you'll be matched with people i've spent time with at the public works or the intercept of new many dispatches all of us working together to make sure the system works for everyone. because as i said earlier there's high expectations but there's a deep trust we have in your fire department. a trust that is so strong wherever we have an opportunity to present a general obligation bond to the public so help
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rebuild and revisit our infrastructure we ask our fire units to take the lead in that because people trust our fire department they, you know, your selfless and put your lives on the line first before others and know your arrest you going to spend with the uppermost trust that's why next month we ask our residents to spend another $400 million in earthquake safety response bonds to build the infrastructure to very visit in our high pressure water system we'll also have great conversations over portable system on the west side to compliment that we do this renewable every year where some of you need to show up at the
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5 o'clock a.m. but everything there is a fire alarm fire like in mission bay how we responded and put that fire out well, and lessons learned without the high pressure system along the trained staff we wouldn't have been able to save more of the property and with that involves lives it's more important to make this real for the folks whether or not in a neighborhood fire station or is ongoing conversation we have with the emergency management and the drills and the tangible top compressors using the fleet week to engage our military around the city in times of great needs and events you know as well as i
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do your entering into a city workforce where a major event will happen in our lifetime not if but when he and train people and getting more and more of our neighbors involved in cpr for the first 672 hours we practice this to the skill sets you've earned and learned today, i is this with all excitement and knowing your backgrounds and is sacrifice you and your families have made our entering into the best jobs in the world the best city in the world i take this opportunity to thank the training classes and trainers and the commission and the management and chief but also is a thank you for joining the best
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fire department and congratulations to the one hundred and 16th class of the san francisco fire department. thank you (clapping) and at this time looked like i'd like to have the president of the fire commission come forward and address the class president steve (clapping.) good morning, everybody. . what a beautiful morning i also wanted to make remarks in terms of of the one hundred and 16th class as a special identification with the support of our mayor, mayor ed lee the creation of this particular what i call unprecedented exceptional and talented special groups to
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enter the department at this time is because of the convictions and statements of our mayor, mayor ed lee so we should thank our make sure for the results of this one hundred and 16 class at this time thank you mayor ed lee (clapping) part of that is can't help by have integrated oceans it's a proud occasion but also the weekend of mother's day i can't help but drift towards my mother in the contentions of appreciation and the support she gave me and the love she gave me and what that mother represents to me and many of you in the audience is decade what is representative of the caregiver of the families in terms of your
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friends and families members of the one hundred and 16th class. last night we had a fire commission meeting and on behalf of the commissioners michael hard man and ken cleveland and others we welcome and congratulate all if you but especially proud of the training force with your presence this morning supervisor wiener in terms of the class lord knows we need this membership i'm reminded the awesome responsibilities we have as commissioners. it's like that system of care taking when someone no need call a police when a fir or accident call the fire department if mom falls down call the paramedic division and all that is part of
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the make up in the san francisco fire department we're caregivers to the members of the one hundred and 16th class thank you very much for your incurring and your for the record it is the duty and determination i'm reminded that everything i look upon the faces of to 50 young men and women that would love to be in this situation and the commission wants this to serve the city the greatest hoirp honor in san francisco is to serve the public and to serve your community and family respect the abundantly. that you're going to receive also respect the uniform and from all of us do a replacement to serve the public in terms of safety as well.
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thank you very much. (clapping.) >> at this time, i'd like to welcome the chief of the department chim who will address the class (clapping) good morning and welcome to your distribution of training we're happy to have you here family and friends and active and retired members members e members from other departments you're welcome in the mission district the sun is shining it's. >> beautiful day a proud day to celebrate the accomplishments that the one hundred and 16th class has achieved it's not easy training is a foundation for any
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successful organization i'd like to encourage you to make everyday a training day nornld where you are and you wouldn't be sitting here do i not today without the training division led by the assistant deputy chief i'd like to acknowledge the training division an 19th street he folsom so thank you for your hard work and dedication and sacrifice you make away from our family to make sure the commitments is successful. let's have a round of applause for the training (clapping) it was a proud day for me 24 years when i graduated from this division i take it everyday i remember that day to feel the same amount of pride you're feeling now as the mayor said
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and the president said you're joining is a very elite group of people that are committed to servicing our community you you've ripen to the challenge and again not easy but you're here to start our criteria and start your family in the san francisco fire department when you put the uniform on you do it with provide my carry users respectfully and come parking space before shopping for meals thank you medical call or fire remember your representing the san francisco fire department i'd like to take the opportunity because we know during the 16 weeks it's a huge sacrifice for the families sea friends that needed to support you throw a difficult time and thank you so
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much for the family and friends gathered today is about celebration and thank you for sharing our loved whops this also wouldn't be possible without mayor ed lee he's resorted the hiring in the fire department and police department for the next several years and also acknowledge from the elective branch of government supervisor wiener who's also an advocate for the pedestrian safety 83 thank you and our 5 member fire commission steve and mike and awning draw and newest commissioner ken cleveland for their steadfastness in a well-rounded and funded department. thank you very, very much and for the other agencies and to a
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big shout out to president tom o'connor not jim it's about fifrp a we've been having a adequate staff so like i said, to the one hundred and 16th class stay proud and stay committed and give one hundred percent and also continue to learn and support one other the deputy chief and i williams graduated years ago the friendships will stay you, you go to different assignments but please reach out and support each other those are key relationships you'll gain the special relationship we're happy and proud of you and looking
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forward to hoping all of you have a long and happy career thank you (clapping) >> thank you, chief. fires i'd like to start by thanking the friends and families honoring the one hundred and 16th class over the past weeks without our support and patience and understanding it would have been difficult to complete the progress i ask you continue your support throughout their phases of training and criteria they're about to embark on another journey with the san
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francisco fire department and to the class you completed 16 weeks of a rigorous training and run for miles you've tied the connotes and deltoids the hose i can say i've sitting sat in the doorways and watched as the acted procures to complete some of them but also is a with pride i watched you grow and become more familiar and comfortable with your action out on the training grounded i saw the positive it is your of officers when you raised to 50 when you were not close in support but hung back and impaneled in the conversation. i say the growth i say the development and say with pride i'm happy to see all you have you sitting before me today.
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during your assignments to the academy i notice you've grown together as a team. you've that encouraged one another through the trials and victories and supported one another through the personal loss of a loved one and celebrated the numerous births that have taken place while continuing to focus on your goals through the course you've 0 your ability to work together as a team will service you best in your criteria and beyond i hope you'll hold onto your tenacity and commitment. your now ready to move into your first assignment for the citizens and visitors of san
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francisco. but no means have you complete our training you all know the foundation was set at the fire academy and now you begin our field training to expand that on the lessons learned here the next 12 months you'll get more training on the engine and truck companies. your return to the academy for the six months and one year final testing to complete our probation it has been said learning is a lifetime endear it didn't stop not even after you've left the academy the continuance will be while checking our commitment equipment and definitely while rorpd to medical recommended
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energies so become successful learning should continue throughout our career and rattle remember through it all we'll be here at the fire academy as a resource to assist in the excusing misconduct of your career of the fire department congratulations (clapping) at this time lloyd i'd like to call captain griffith forward to speak to the class (clapping) >> good afternoon, everyone. i had a lot of things to say it seems like everyone has said it i won't bore you i want to
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personally thank you for supporting our constitutional right is when they came here i believe i said they're like children we nourished them and get them ready to go into the department and i think we've done a dang good job (clapping) i want to thank my i training staff they've had great integrity and determination never wavering they've come in earlier in the morning and tang people aside to make sure things got down u duplicate i presented the in service staff and ems staff to make sure those people dpo do the job they need to do (clapping) i want to thank my chief for supporting us because without their sport we wouldn't be here
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all of you (clapping) i know you guys had a lot to do and i've watched it i quota to talk to you guys when you didn't do thing right but you got through it a lot of times you got through the touch times that's going to happen again but also remember where you came from what you've been through it was not easy and not spotted to be easy and not also going to be easy you've got to keep our head up and be proud because we believe in you. at this time i also want to say your children the babies you just had are now my
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grandchildren without further ado, i'd like to introduce the class historian anthony (clapping.) >> good morning. my name is tony or called crew cut number 43 welcome to the san francisco fire departments one hundred and 16th academy congratulation. i want to started by thanking the chiefs gonzales and guzman for the incredible opportunity i'd like to welcome the members of the fire commission mayor ed lee and other distinguishes
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dignitaries here today while to thank our families for the support you without your love and support we couldn't have done it, it's been long days of being in class and standardizing so thank you very much this is a commitment for you, too. the last 4 months has been an incredible opportunity being part of the san francisco fire department has been a lifelong dream and for my classmates coming from a family of firefighters i'm honored to service serve the citizens of the city center what makes this class unique we've come from backgrounds but standing here as members of the fire department from backgrounds from all branches of the military construction workers and business professionals we came
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in contact as individuals is diverse culture and now leaving as one team united by your passion for the job in this great city there are momsz we won't forgot the bouncing push-up and the works out monday morning amazing works out and push the pace. there was one day us kruts felt sorry for the training they put us in advancing and made us sprint up and down the hill and they're eating do ins and outs and not spilling their coffee. thank you for your burdening users without that you i've saved a thank you to the last
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from the beginning you've been the most dedicated and influential officers any crew cut could ask for you stayed late and came early to make sure we were needing help with a 50 foot lard and that's something all of us 39 kruts won't forget so thank you very much. i want to personally aggravated assault each one of my classrooms for the flishts is the beginning the foundation of what we went through with you're our fire department in san francisco congratulations to everyone we did it now, it's time for the real word to start some of us will be in fire homes
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less than twenty-four hours and real jobs we're ready leave i all with the wisdom take provide in your work and walk quietly and carry a big stick congratulations again and enjoy your career andi. >> i. >> (repeated.) do solemnly swear. >> (repeated.) that i will support and codified. >> (repeated.) the constitution of the united states. >> (repeated.) and the constitution of the state of california. >> (repeated.) . against all enemies >> (repeated.) >> modern and domestic. >> (repeated.) that i will bear true
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