tv [untitled] May 20, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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(clapping.) john and take the 6 or so names. >> president tan and commissioners. officer parker and everyone here. my name is i'm john, i live in berkley california and a formerly homeless addict recovering from the streets of san francisco and its centerline to my recovery i'm a junior at the university they taught me tot to write and i was awarded this prize a prize from uc berkley without the community that supports very sincerely, coach it's more than a space but a community it supports me in my sobriety i'm innovate allowed to drink at the very sincerely, coach my sons say water for john it's frustrating and secret to
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be cared for its not just me this community monitor its own and responsible for itself. i wouldn't be on the scholarship at the uc berkley if it wasn't for very sincerely, coach and the people that support it thank you very much (clapping) thank you >> i don't know who you are a 6 or half-dozen are could you have them come on up to the mike whosoever next. >> line up the other 5. who wants to go first >> i'm kelly currently have been doing booking for very sincerely, coach. i came into the community as a musician and it was a inbart
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that give me space to become part of the community and find a home in inform i know everyone loves this place and has a lot of love to give back to the world so i building it's you know the fact it needs to continue and there are a really good group of people who want to make that happen thank you very much and jonathan thanks >> thank you. >> any i'm pete leigh filmmaker maker started out in san francisco. i don't like what everybody said but from a filmmaker equal love for anyone that approaches him a
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guards that space with caution but the caution comes from, you know, the love he has for the space. i know a lot of people has approached him with on different motivates and ideas for the space to be but john in the community behind him have been very, very caution about the space and it's context with san francisco and it's neighborhood. and really move forward by the support here and the support i've seen from the commission >> thank you. >> hello, i'm jufd i want to say why i think it's important to approve this. this is like the very sincerely, coach is like the prairie home
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life will be gone in san francisco san francisco has been seduced by technology everything is hyped-up and electronic but very sincerely, coach they have manual typewriters and a families bathroom they have an uprig upright piano and it's just the human scale place. and it's just too important to keep the human scale. i don't know other places in san francisco except for city lights that realize human humanity and not machines life isn't remediated through machines it's san francisco legacy it's the
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culture treasures so thank you for considering this >> thank you. >> hello, i'm ilene i own virtual cfo and i kind of have a neat prospective i'm not part of the very sincerely, coach community so i'm here anyway they've been great neighbors do for the last decade and i would like to complain their good quiet about when their events because walking home i want to, if there's an event i could probably read poet but there's no sign. i'm part of the v mc a and is board member so judging from the
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philosophy we applied we'll be happy to support it are i want to say is joining we should work things out with the offer fleeing flow and have people hang out at my coffee shop >> is there any public comment feel free to come on up. we can start a line actually why don't you go ahead your closer to the mike. >> go ahead. >> i'm carla i'm the 25 year resident up in mission and business person. and what he said the whole tech thing and lots of change very sincerely, coach is a little miracle i'm a deck ratify artist and there's just aren't that
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many host spaces for this kind of like magic it's a magical spot to here i've heard poetry and gone to a whole night of deaf and dying one of the cruelest things i've seen and it's super fresh and real and the people are really smart and nice that's an awesome experience i fully support it, it's like a magic spot so thank you >> thank you. come on up >> i'm scott mcdonald a sound engineer i work a lot of events in this town and bay events transitioning. i want to speak on would joining
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and ken spoke on there's a lot of cfo shops but the band that are trying to bridge the gap there's no many places to play and none of them sound as good as very sincerely, coach it's not a large sound system he has a lot of help and support from other sound engineers helping to dial the room it's an amazing place to hear quiet or any music if you haven't checked it you tell you all should >> okay. this is our last speaker oh, one more or the >> hi i'm patrick stevens people know m me and trick most people think i will here the
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reason i am here i support the music in general and support business and support artists in general and i support the city in san francisco because my son does live in san francisco i've lived here at one time and loved it since i was 10 when i first saw it. the partnerships developed in general sense that are happening here and the future effort arts in the city are important. i'm supporting the intentions that are involved with that and very sincerely, coach in particular thank you for taking consideration and hoping we can are support this thing in the future thank you very much >> thank you. >> come on up. >> please the board.
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i've been attending performs at the very sincerely, coach since it opened 4 years ago i've never witnessed the space xhvbt providing those members and life changing experience and people taken out of the comfortable zoning never met someone so supportive so thank you for your vote to support that which supports creativity in the city. thank you >> thank you. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen. i live on valencia street for 40 years i own many buildings before. i'm several businesses and i've met joni call him jonathan
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anyway so i know the event and how he runs the business i run many businesses on mission since 1969 so i'm here to support him and really appreciate what you're doing because he's a nice person thank you very much >> thank you (clapping) all right. any is there any additional public comment after this i'm about to close that one more go ahead. >> my name is jess and i came to san francisco 4 years ago i'm a woman of solitude and quiet nature but also found the feed need to dance and sing and act this is a place to do this and i
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go into the basement for hours and dance he let me go down into the basement and act i couldn't be more grateful because it let's people break the wall of fear and a room for creativity. and i think that the fact that that exists in san francisco is amazing i need it we all need it thank you for considering that >> thank you. let's have the final speaker. and just wanted to thank the commission and thank you, everybody for your turnout and support the only reason it exists is because of our wonderful community we hear to
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talk about this we've arrived and a at a doifg moment we have to grow into a haven for brilliant music and we want to help the many people many visit our city >> thank you very much (clapping) last call for the. all right. i'm to close it. >> so i move to approve. >> i'm going to second that and ask that we add the police conditions 1, 2, 4, and 7 i believe 3 is covered by the good neighborly policy and 10 is covered in the good neighbor policy and 6 show the climates
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arise very sincerely, coach representative should take reasonable action to mitigate the complaints covered by 11 i need to have a phone there to answer at any time in case the neighbors call and this has been a heartbreaking experience myself lost a club 5 years ago a free drag club because it was two old to get permitted and i've missed it everyday since it was a butch of people that lived open the street and did drag and the last 5 years made me want to leave to so thank you for coming here (clapping.) thank you so the motion is well, there's a recommendation to the motion so i don't know if you
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want to thank that motion. >> no, i accept it. that's to only hold conditions is 1, 2, 4, and 7 from the police commission >> i want to say that, you know, valencia street is changing this is the first time i've seen so many of the communities come out for a place and i really hope you guys keep it up once you come out into the open there's more attention and i think no, i was - >> finish our comment. >> i'm very big club guy i'm also a x manager i think that valencia should stay this way but hold this together it's a great place.
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>> i'm personally a big sport passport of loud music imitate venues or huge stadiums i'm glad to see this coming up. any last comments and san francisco is expensive and venues open and they get real fancy and do a lot of stuff and can't pay the builds. your little venue is community based and and you support each other where fancier places fail >> let's take a vote. the motion is to continual grant the conditions although we're going to strike 3, 5 he 6 >> on that motion a.
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commissioner akers. commissioner joseph. commissioner hyde. commissioner lee and president tan. okay motion passes (clapping) all right. we still have a couple more things to discuss >> one more permit. >> so everyone is welcome to stay you're not here for that but your final permit is and this is. >> a fixed last resort. >> please keep our voices done as you leave so we can conduct the work. >> william is here asking for a limited live the old hoorts to fisherman's wharf and switching it up and it's a chance
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restaurant but also want live music. >> i'm sorry, i have a policy of one. >> again, i'm william. glad to go wanton point. we have a sound system throughout the restaurant 12 speakers total. we have two main speakers on our stage. we have a system of camera systems two outside and one near the door and two employees posted near the access from 10 to close and have restaurants for the guests we have lighting in the parking lot and we're near fisherman's wharf we're have conventional slagstion the windows and doors will be shut
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you from 7 to 10 public comment p.m. and we have twenty-four hour security. i contacted the restaurants next and right above us and given them my personal business card. we have attended the mayors resource event. excuse me. we contacted the self-help with the elderly i believe it's ann ready and signed up for the aids walk we're with the in love it supports the local band that's my goal >> we've joined the fisherman's wharf association and next. >> great commissioner joseph. >> what size are your front
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house speakers and other speakers. >> i will 10 to 8 inches. >> those are your substances on the stage. >> yes. >> so what do you use inform on the stage. >> they're hanging up above. >> are they arrays or around the room. >> all around the room. >> all right. thank you. commissioner hyde. >> so i like the ideas that you've done, however, i'm just going to say the community outreach did you get the list of what we expect for community outreach the things that are offered giving a presentation in front of either a business association or in front of the a
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neighborhood association, going to meet with someone that works for a nonprofit in the area that deals with life issues and stuff like this and the other one is collections of signatures of neighbors in the area. i appreciate that you wanted to do things like the aids walk and things but the issues we've jefferson have are not about the goodness of heart but the yeah. sort of the neighborhood what is the word i use >> explain the application. >> yeah. >> specifically. >> there's actually, one more i failed to mention the tail high we're volunteering twice a most for citizens. >> again, this is not that i don't appreciate our volunteering did you give a
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presentation at tell high neighbors. >> no. so you gave something to and this is for limited live >> yes. >> so i gave a presentation to that organization. >> yes. >> great. >> commissioner lee. >> yes, thank you mr. vice president. i know the space well, the hotel is behind you >> right. >> did you talk to them. >> yes. >> looking at the plan where it is band where's the stage. >> the stage is directly above us when i walk it is a walkway and right above that is the
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office space that's not occupied in the evening. the stage is right here >> okay. >> actually right here so the small property owner is above with the office space that is not occupied during the night and the front door the band is right there you're going to have a - and that's misleading on the dining room it's about 50 to san francisco o 75 feet away from the door. >> when you do do sound check obviously you've got a hotel behind you they're okay with that i'm worried about that. >> sure. >> it will be until 10 clock.
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>> okay. commissioner. where is it in relationship to the back >> the hotel is behind us so if i'm sitting here the hotel is back this way. there's a walkway above us that's a kweebt of a distance >> have you seen the police condition about the voorm. >> and we have the sore i lumped them together cameras 12 and two outside. >> they hold the recordings. >> yes. >> all right. have a seat i know officer isn't here anyone wants to speak to the condition.
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any public comment on the last resorts duo san francisco don't see any commissioner >> i move to approve. >> is there a second a. >> on that motion. >> commissioner akers. commissioner perez. commissioner hyde. commissioner joseph. commissioner lee. president tan. >> all right. your permit is granted congratulations. we're going to close out this meeting with two more things any commissioner questioning >> just that we are a little bit over 4 weeks out from pride. which is saturday and sunday june 28th and 29 the only thing that's solid the vip city hall is going to have a again and again and the south like court
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will be champaign and jason broke and jim brooke restrict and in the rotonda will be the circus and others i forget the name of the group their body painters creating arts on other poems bodies offering that up to the patrons that's for city hall. and then does that that >> any other questioning r questions or comments. >> commissioner akers on thursday june 5th the st. memory will be celebrating with a dirty wave at the temple he temple launch there's ticketing on the
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website. we have will be hosting the dungeon on the fifth and prince of pen doris will be having ballroom dancing and we have many groups from the sin factory records so the fundraiser it's a lot of kinky sponsors so that will be fun hopefully, you'll come. great anyone else >> yeah. i want to make a comment i've gone to the harvey milk democratic club for possibly moving the commission didn't want to speak about it i want to mention that hard french is doing on outdoor fess a value
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and been approved this is one of the issues they were having trouble with and they've not been able to hire their perform because they've not heard about they're ten b. i wanted to bring that up >> did it approve the permit requiring 10 b. >> i believe so. >> it's a narrow avenue street. >> i was told by one of the promoters that they are still waiting on they're ten b. >> huh? i know their hired a hotel. >> they've not sent anything to the contractor a that's holding them up. it's true >> what's the date of the event. >> it's pride sunday afternoon. >> the 29th so according to what they said to us to have to get them a quote by what was the
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date. >> they're not going to have 10 b. >> i don't conducting u suggest we discuss it because it's not on the calendar. >> all right. any other commissioner general general comment. >> the conditions we voted open at our retreat about surveillance at that language how was that disseminated to the different permitting officers? because i've seen inconsistent language. >> the police were interested if seeing if we revisit that but they've retracted that and said they're willing to meets with the permit officers that have
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the consistent language so that only happens at&t's as recently as the last meeting they don't want to revisit it. >> from the last meeting there was the condition at that time, they wanted us to - >> i wonder at the next meetings have a copy of what we all voted 0 on so make sure it's adhering to - >> it's sort of on hold until an hour before the commission. >> didn't we vote on something. >> it never passed. >> we voted but the police were not satisfied so it's to the communicated. >> now, it's good to go right. >> yes. >> so that language. >> o
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