tv [untitled] May 21, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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mitigations as part of the courts services >> ms. kingsley i have to you tell you off. mr. flores if elected what could do a is a trial judge to look at the most serious problems >> with respect to what the problems is i agree with my opponents as to the budget crisis and budget cuts being the biggest problems faced i'll bring to the table to address the many issues not only hard work and efficiency i've practiced in the federal system that operates in a more efficient manner there's a lot more that goes on 55 the electronic means i don't know exactly what has stopped san
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francisco superior court or the superior court of california from gaining the same speed but i'm dalely look at what we can implement in san francisco to make those more efficient. as someone representing individual i made it a point i not only see the problems with the system but also see that the poor people in the community are the ones mostly effected by the budget cuts i've had to bring my legal assistant in court to act as a interpreter my client simply wanted from her ex husband all her family is undocumented and i'm trying to ask my client to see whether or not she can bring someone from her family and i know that's in
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the process of changing it's a huge problem as someone who graduated law school at the 25 and to a firm at 22 i can help >> before i turn again to you i want to remind the members of the adu audience there are cards and writing implements on the table in you want to inscribe any questions for the commitments and we'll try to get to some of the questions. so, now coming to mr. flores for question had the topic close and near and dear to every practicing lawyers mind how are the disputes to be handled >> first, i think with respect to with judges can do in particular is create an environment where discovery
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disputes should be treated as first of all, it is legitimate and we should start from a standpoint there's legitimacy behind a dispute and respect the fact that lawyers are fighting about something and create their opinions and act swivel to create an containment that plaques that clear that disputes in existence simply to stall the other see or overburn the other side or come as a result of against manship should have their consequences someone that practices civil litigation and has seen how difficult to achieve justice on behalf of the client when someone who has more money is able to put obstacles before you i've experienced it
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first hand and it's something that adds to our backlog because judges and our courts have to find a way to deal with that. in san francisco unfortunately in mining experienced i've had longer hearing in disputes with substance disputes that deal with my clients abatement >> you have 30 seconds left do you feel you can make a condominium on the monetary sections. >> i think there is definitely opportunity and circumstances in which monetary sanctuaries are extremely appropriate and would do love good for the legal community so lawyers know that against manship will not be
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tolerated. >> thank you, mr. flores ms. kingsley how do you feel that contention discovery should be handed. >> first and this is perhaps not a direct answer perhaps a this more indirect aside from handling them as a judge i think that discovery disputes in particular lend themselves well, to mitigation. i know their presently discovery masters people that handle this but i think that process can be made a little more educational and if applied early on that can avoid a lot of the disputes around discovery that arises later although i think applying mitigation types of skills an
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approach that would work best started early in the case when discovery tests bogged down mitigation would be a helpful tool to use. in terms of the my approaching it from the bench as the judge on the case i'll encourage the lawyers to take the time out and work with them initially to reach perimeters around the whole case and the discovery of the whole case rather than on various motions had are made along the way and failing that if it is still seemed out of hand so to speak i'll encourage them to go into private my objection for those matters so there is that in terms of the mortgaging sanctions it's
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suggested there are times that are appropriate and i'd apply the rules when appropriate >> thank you, mr. kingsley ms. williams how should the discovery disputes be handled. >> well sooner arena later if there's an issue it maybe remodesty before a full-blown issue by the matters maybe briefed orally or in writing to assist the court in making a determination how to follow the law and which way to turn interest oftentimes there's a miss pd where the court can come into play by listening to the parties asia determining what's at stake legally and in criminal cases we're incited by the penal
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code when the discovery is appropriate that's a brown benchmark for the court as well as the criminal procedures so in any stance the matters maybe handled expeditiously there are any things like sanctuaries or the denial of evidence used at trillion maybe a sanction to be mediated by the court. there are a few seconds level left based on experience as a criminal prosecutor i would think that monetary sanitation do you have any feeling about sanctuary >> that is one way and the denial of evidence whatever the
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issue in a party is found to be at fault may hurt far more than monetary sanction. thank you, ms. williams i'll turn again to you for question 5 describe our judicial philosophy you do have to realize i work at a law school >> i'm going to go bay of a story when i was an under graduate i thought i was going to be a physician during that time i followed a physician an orthopedic and i scalding asked him what's the worse part of your job he says everybody comes to me in pain i'm seeing people at their worse.
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i think as a prosecutor and someone that's been involved in the criminal justice system and the civil courts for 20 years i realize that everyone that crows the threshold of 4 hundred mcallister juvenile or 850 bryant is coming in pain mr. whether the defendants or the victims or the community at large are i think it is inincumbent b upon the jury's to finders that and note withholding believing that everyone will agree with me but i believe they've understand i listened with the rules and principles of law this is what they wish most of all is to be heard and understand >> don't you think of one beverage officer living ever
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dead to compare yourself to. >> i think we steal from everybody in terms of how they run their courts like judge bullying i don't think how she selects the jury the jury's understands their importance and terry l. jackson because she let's the parties know what's expected of them when they walk through the door and judge gathering because he handles that mental issues and handles the defendants and how and garner acceptability. >> thank you, ms. kingsley describe your photograph when people come to the court they want to be heard and feel competent they've been heard entirely and want evidence of that.
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they're looking for fairness. they want to make sure that the process has been fair to them. and a and they want to make sure that the judge nicole is maintaining the appropriate decorum in the courtroom. confidence in the process it primary importance and truce the process and truce that their case has been treated and home matters symposium appropriately and again being horde. and of utmost importance that the law has been followed and that above everything else being heard and the fact has been followed will create confidence in the court system and satisfaction services.
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>> and there's will 30 seconds a living officer you'll compare user to arrest i'm hesitant because i don't feel that i feel i'll be arrogant to compare myself to somebody. >> i mean who would you emulate. >> that's a much more ease one in that i think there are so. fine judges on the court both at the inn the city of san francisco in the 13rish9 is like which child do you love the most. we have such a wonderful beverage with truly very special judges. and i must say through that on the california supreme court our cohesive judges justice
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expresses me her background and demeanor what she's done >> mr. flores you get the last word describe our judicial philosophy. >> i'm the son of immigrant that came from el slad and they came to experience the american dream i've been privileged to serve people it's something that it is in many ways very humbly to have the honor of having someone come to our office and entrust you with they're vulnerable moments in their lives some of the most difficult times and they're the ones who want help. my judge will be the philosophy have never loss sight of the serving action not only any
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particular interest or side but to serve the interests of san franciscans to try to achieve the best results whether it is something that is geared towards keeping tour community safe or getting the right results for a open space who financially not getting paid on an invoice they need to keep their business alive that's what i want to keep in mind. is more specific philosophies my philosophy would be one to allow the lawyers a fair opportunity to argue their case they know their case best and that's to all the aspects of the case such i'll be able to do it but try a case in front of a judge who last year about the civil rights movement that completely muted them and when it came time to
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ask a question they without the possibility of parole offend the judge that inhas been marked my ability to select an impartial jury that's something i'll not include in my philosophy >> reserving direction for the last time. mr. flores i realize i maybe stealing your thunderstorm tells us why you're the best candidate >> thank you. i sit here before you as he only candidate p.s. that has substantial criminal and civil service. i say that with receptor to my candidates my background is representing monthly what's seen
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in the courts individuals people who don't that not want to be in court that have problems that vice president obey resolved and i've been with my clients through the good and bad through the selection of experts and came back my classes clients to see if they've got enough money to hire experts and my two opponents have not experienced that. i have experience as a small property owner in san francisco having to deal with overhead and payroll i've demonstrated throughout my career that i have approached any career as one of service. when i was 29 years old i got a case of $1.5 million tell the i shut down my practice and volunteered in the pvrp office.
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my offering arching motivation to serve the community i feel that's why i'm the best candidate >> ms. kingsley why do you feel this. >> i think there are two things in my background the overall amount of experience that i have both legally and personally and in public service. legally i have thirty years of experienced 20 years as an advocate in the civil area i have a broad rage the broadest range the civil services i've handled business forms contracts and will see and trust and real estate maernlts and real estate and acquisitions mergers and the
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tax a white range of civil matters. my services to the public in that realm which i will include and reserve for high collecting a extensive my personal experience as a single mom and raising a child to adulthood and my experience as experienceing the criminal the victim side of crime as well as the law enforcement side i think that brings a richness to my experience to the bench. there's a certain amount of wisdom having to sit in the seat and as a hearing officer with the mrogsz i had years of experience doing that i have years of experience as a moderator listening to talented lawyers and a making their case
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and helping them reach a conclusion and revolving that conflict. and i believe that's the com pot of all those experiences that make me the best choice >> thank you, ms. kingsley ms. williams why do you feel you're the best quality candidate. >> there are several reasons one i have service in a legal and criminal and civil context i held positions not only with the securities and challenge commission but with wells fargo bank i was are working in corporate transactions and the litigation for the securities and exchange position unlike my
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opponents i have over one hundred bench experience i've been in court everyday i said the process and procedure how the courts are run and that sets me apart from ply colleagues, i understand what it is to make decisions that impigeon life and death. as a prosecutor i'm charged with the mandate of charging cases and do that repeatedly i do that in mind with the public safety and that's something i'm maintain as the jury how to understand the consequences of the decision by way of perm narrative as i get ordinary and held my job longer i understand what it takes to transition from one world to another. i have appellant experience that
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sets memo apart i've been on the writs of appeal team when rulings have been adverse to the sprishth or the district court. eye i have expertise in the policy writings to programs of remitigation. >> ms. williams thank you reminder me did you go first or last as i went last. >> okay. your go to go first, you anticipated my first lighting roll up you tried 50 jury trials. >> between bench and jury yes. >> ms. kingsley how many in the form of a number. >> as a hearing officer i've
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tripod 12. >> as an advocate. >> as an advocate i haven't. >> how about as an hearing officer 12 and helping to make the decision on case about 95. >> having have got and mr. flores. >> 15. >> is that split between jury my court. 10 court and 3 civil >> investigated thank you. closing statement >> you stole my thunder. >> this was my intention. >> thank you. as i noted i believe as a person the 3 traits or characteristics that i have that will be of great assistance on the bench are experience, integrity and equality.
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and i as i note in equality the court needs to be more inclusive by characteristics that are seen such color what i mean that i inclusive there needs to be a variety of voices among the bench officers we can't be simply speak with one voice to understand that people have a variety of backgrounds and experiences they bring to judicial to the judiciary although they bring personal experiences. i think that the court is at a crossroad in many ways by the way of platform as a jurist how is the court as assessable for the population we serve the citizens and the people of california what can we do to
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assist those who need our services and is the court adaptable we've seen many things change like the sentencing but the court can be and should be more pro-active to get justice for all >> thank you we're about out of time ms. kingsley our kovment. >> all people deserve high quality legal and judicial services. while i was practicing in private practice i divorced with the lawyers committee with civil rights for entrepreneurs and helped low income people form small businesses and nonprofits. as separate from modest private mitigation practice i have
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mediated many cases for low or no cost. i've trained and meridian other the meertsdz has president of the san francisco women's alliances i helped to bring the first children's waiting room into the haul of justice so the children would have a safe and appropriate place to stay while the parent or kefrz have business with the court many of the lawyers have trillion justices 90 percent of more and more of the cases that are filed in litigation don't go to trial a large pox of those cases subtlety and many judges take the experience that they have on the bench into private practice is as alternative spit people. i seek to do the oppose i want
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to take my 10 years of experience as a mediator and 20 years an american people have on use those for public service serving the people of san francisco. assisting sour strapped superior court to deliver the best services possibly. thank you. >> it mr. flores two minutes. >> thank you what santa fe san francisco has is an opportunity to have input on who is going to be the next judge to san francisco it's a rare opportunity was we know. i'm not running for election because i think i'm the smarter person or election because i'm the most experienced bus running for a election for judge because i believe i have the right character and the right decision
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making ability and my experience and ability what i've strishd in 3 years is good my experience experience on the bench to give back. this is the opportunity that san francisco has. and if you compare my 13 years of practice to my other opponents i believe that i have accomplished more in 14 or 13 years not only that if you look at those 13 years and what i've done ask user what da can daniel flores do for san francisco my intent is to audio value to the court and be one of you're judges for the next 20 plus years it's the value you get in your decision when you go to the ballot box this should be driving what happens and it would be my heroin honor to
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serve you on the bench for those who are lawyers who who don't live in san francisco. thank you for your support. thank you, mr. flores that concluded our program i want to thank the candidates. we're going to get a round of applause. my are personal thanks to all the candidates you showed great professionalism and i respect all of you for having the for the record up to the time it is the duty for throwing your hats into the ring. to the goiftsz thank you for coming and get out there and
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. >> welcome to the san francisco local agency formation commission. my name is john avalos the chair of the commission. joined to my right by commissioner london breed and to my left eric mar. the clerk of the committee is alyssa miller. thank you for your work and broadcast by sfgtv staff. thank you for your work. i would like to make a motion to excuse commissioner camwh
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