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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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[speaker not understood] to bring this forward. i also want to thank my colleagues who are so far co-sponsoring. supervisors mar and supervisors campos. i think this is a measure that's really about democracy. it's about good government and how can anyone really be against democratic elections. so, colleagues, i hope we can all come on board with this as it move to rules committee and gets placed on the ballot. and we can give san franciscans the type of democracy that he he we all believe is worthy of this great city of ours. the rest i'll submit. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor campos. >> thank you, madam clerk. i want to speak about two item. the first one i do want to add my voice in supporting the charter amendment that has been introduced by supervisor avalos. in the last few months i've had a number of constituents and residents of the eastern half of san francisco who have asked
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me questions about, you know, what happens when there are vacancies, including vacancies on those board of supervisors and consistent with the statements that i have made, i believe that it makes sense that when there is such a vacancy on this board or any other office, that it is up to -- should be up to the electorate to the voters of san francisco to decide who fills oyez vacancies. in the past we have seen a power struggle between the board of supervisors and the mayor which is one of the reasons i really appreciate the way that supervisor avalos has approached this because instead of actually trying to engage a power struggle or a tug of war between the board and the mayor, i think that this takes it out of that and brings it back to the voters. i think that makes a great deal of sense, letting the voters
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decide. i also think the study that was done by the lafco on this piece -- on this issue is very informative because it actually shows that san francisco is the exception, not the norm. but in fact, in most other jurisdictionses, the voters are the ones who decide who fill a vacancy. and i think that consistent with the democratic process, certainly consistent with the statements that i have made in the last few months, i want to make sure that i add my name as a co-sponsor. the last item that i, that i want to speak about, you know, i just want to just simply note that it is interesting that even in the year 2014 there are still lessons that even in communities like san francisco people learn and i specifically want to talk about what happened at san francisco sacred heart cathedral preparatory school where you
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had a pretty incredible and courageous individual, jessica urbina, a senior at sacred heart, who saw in the course of a few days becoming, you know, the center of attention and the subject of discussion. over the very simple fact that she, looking very sharply, had a picture in the year book where she dared to wear a tuxedo. and then we saw the school and the archdiocese of san francisco proceeding to pull that picture from the year book simply because jessica dared to wear a tuxedo. and i am grateful and really proud of the rest of the student body of that school that rallied behind jessica.
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and it was really inspiring. and as a gay man, i was really moved and touched that it was the students who organized and taught the adults who run that school and the adults and the archdiocese that there is simply nothing wrong with jessica and what she was doing. and i am pleased and grateful to sacred heart that they reversed course. and i know they issued a statement and i appreciate the statement. but i actually think they have to do more than, you know, learn how to support students who are not navigating issues of gender identity. i think that more than that, they have to learn that, you know, part of being in the business of educating students is to accept students for who they are and that making
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assumptions about people just based on outdated notions is simply not how we do things in this country, and certainly not in san francisco in the year 2014. and i think that we all can learn a lesson and i especially just want to acknowledge jessica urbina who has more courage than i certainly would have had at that age and the way that she has handled herself with the class and dignity has been really exemplary. thank you. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor campos. seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes the introduction of new business. >> thank you, madam clerk. why don't we now go to public comment. >> at this time the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board, including those item on the adoption without
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reference to committee calendar. please note that public comment is not allowed on items which have already been subject to public comment by a board committee. pursuant to board rule 4.22 please direct your remarks to the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor to the audience. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify and if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector please clearly state such to sfgov-tv and remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. >> first speaker, please. yesterday i was in david campos' office asking his people to -- i gave some bad counsel the last time i was here. he was calling for an independent investigation, but really don't we already have those overwhelming evidence? let's stop. it's going to be blocking rebuilding the bridge. it's what i'm asking everybody to do, okay. we he stop the demolition of the good bridge, the old bridge
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which was perfectly fine and we immediately start rebuilding that. as soon as that thing is back up, we shut down the piece of garbage that we built for $6 billion. please, you've got to do that. okay. that's the wisest way to go about this. it says in the bible the place of wisdom and i believe god has given me this wisdom. that's the right course of action because we can throw millions, billion of dollars -- we know that the [speaker not understood] bank did not pass the stress test. we have a multitude of problems. i believe this is the correct way to go about it. i don't know why barbara simpson is no longer on kfsa. that lady was a great talk show host and one of the last broadcasts was about the bay bridge. i don't know why she's gone. i know there are many christians saying she needs to be back on. there is going to be anest to put her back on the radio. i'll tell you what, when ronald reagan stopped the fairness doctrine, he he he did that for good reason and free speech is
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being shut down more and more. more and more. but this is my advice to you. once again, repetition is the best teacher, all right. if you go -- i guess you can't evict barbara simpson ksfo broadcast podcast. lately you can, but it's easter. if you haven't done that yet, you research that and there is overwhelming evidence that this is the right course of action. we rebuild the good one. there is absolutely nothing wrong with the old one. the professor u.c. berkeley was talking about we don't even [speaker not understood]. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. i have three pictures i would like to present. this city is the only city in california that had only had one truck route and that's over in the bayview district. the picture that i'm showing
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you is a tanker truck, double tanker truck that we call a rolling time bomb. it's down between mason and taylor right across from the hilton hotel. the second picture i'm about to show you is the garage that that tanker truck is putting gas to service the rental cars. this is bad. if we check back on september 11, a.k.a. 911, we all know what will happen if a red light bomber hit this truck or someone [speaker not understood] or et cetera on their cell phone. anything within the vicinity is an accident shall occur, you will have to be at least two football fields away just to stop feeling the jolt. anyone within that range will
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be attending church by way of a hearst. this is what it would look like if something what to happen. anything within that vicinity will become urban renewal. it will be dealt with and it needs to be handled at once. thank you very much. good afternoon, president chiu and supervisors. i went to the asian street fair last week and it was really great. all the city street fairs, in fact. ♪ one of a kind city street fair it's the kind you read about in the fairy tale one of a kind city street fairses and i know you're gonna be there and you're gonna care
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and you're gonna share all i know is you're gonna bring your love and the city's gonna thrive all above one of a kind city street fairs it's the kind you read about in the city fairy tale i knew in the city would come a day when the city would really, really thrive and every day one of a kind city street fair money, money, money city money money, money, money money make this city sunny sunny and bring it, let it take wing
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and that's why i sing and the city's gonna ring and we're gonna make us a king money, money, money city money make it won't you bring and let it take wing and your political office and i hope you'll do great in your running and do it before this thing goes ding [laughter] >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon. dr. espinola jackson. that rang right on time. i'd like to say i've come before you many a times requesting the same thing, but you don't do anything about it. you know, there are laws on the
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books like hud, section 3 of the hud guidelines. but this city has ignored and continues, and you all supervisors, did continue not following the laws of the city and county of san francisco. you know, it really hurts me to come here because i know the health department, the city planning, land use, you the supervisors, are not going to pay any attention to the fact that my people are dying and continue to die at hunters point. how many of you live in hunters point? how many of you are homeowners in hunters point on this commission? not one. haven't had one, never had one. do you know why we raise the salaries for you supervisors to over $100,000? that was because the supervisors at that time were getting 38,000, but they were lawyers and they couldn't attend the meetings all the time. we wanted to make sure that you lawyers would be at the meeting and be there on time to
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represent the constituents. you all are not representing the constituents. you take longer vacations. you're going to be off on monday. you don't even show up on tuesday. you know, you take more time off than regular people on regular jobs with all the money that you're making, it's a disgrace. you don't even deserve it. i'm going to see if we can go back and bring the money back down. >> thank you. next speaker. if you all don't pay attention when dr. espinola speaks and those of y'all who have been in this auguste chamber, we are asking the city that has a legacy like dr. espinola come here regularly that when you all have a hearing and make us sit down there for 4, 5 hours so that she gets two minutes and then when she speaks at her two minutes, they challenge her.
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disrespecting her. i'm watching it. i'm watching, watching like a hawk. now, today dr. espinola and myself were at a meeting at the successor agency. i think they're not called the successor agency. they're called the commission to the infrastructure and whatever. they are related. last night nbc had a beautiful video on how to [speaker not understood] botched the clean up of the shipyard. we have people here so-called representatives, they don't give a rat's ass about doing right. but they do care about allowing the developers to fill the campaign coffers. and i say this because if you do not represent the people really and you have a few who
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represent the people really then it's on you. but anyone that does not represent the poor, does not represent those who cannot defend themselves, shame on them. now, some of you are aspiring to go to sacramento and i wish y'all all the best. but i wish the very best to those representatives that really served our youth, our poor and those [inaudible]. thank you very much. good afternoon, president chiu, board of supervisors. i'm going to be really quick. i'm going to read a letter from my mother's physician. my mother is a current resident university of [speaker not understood]. they announced their closure two week ago and it's due to close july the 10th. and i want to quickly read a letter from her physician. "i have shared the news of your
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[speaker not understood] ucsf doctors who are [speaker not understood] to hear this from others as well. some thoughts. moving to a new situation is often disruptive to seniors especially with cognitive impairment leading to further loss of independence, developing coping mechanisms surviving in the current living situation is a manner about their disabilities is observed as moving to a new situation they lose these well worn patterns they and their staff developed in maximizing opinions. i'm going to summarize in had i personal experience the best long-term care i've seen at a nursing home facility is at the va medical center in san francisco. it's almost perfect, but it's also exceptionally expensive, as much of them are. university [speaker not understood] lady's home is not too far from that standard. this is from a ucsf medical doctor of gerontology. i think [speaker not
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understood] a lot less resources, university ladies home has done an exceptional job at what they do. please, i'm begging you do not close this university. we need your support, okay, and the mayor's support to keep this 125-year-old building sustained and economically -- okay, i'm going to -- my name is sandra parker. my mother is alice parker. she lived here for three years now. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon. my name is eddy chung. my mother is also a resident of university ladies home. she's lived there 3-1/2 years. she likes it very much. most of -- all of her daily tasks are taken care of by the staff who are wonderful,
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exemplary people, but low-income people which represents the exact population that jane kim lippe who endowed university ladies home sought to protect, [speaker not understood] the staff is wonderful. however, the board seems to have operated independently and surprising residents and staff alike with the announcement they were going to close and that it what for financial reasons. but by throwing up their hands and saying nothing more can be done, they are [speaker not understood] the lives of our
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seniors. this is 100 year old legacy which is an important part of san francisco's history, this is done in isolation without input from the constituency and i'm hoping that the board of supervisors will assist us in keeping this open because it would be inconceivable for the -- for this to happen. and i'm fighting for my mother's life because i know that she would not survive a change a sandra was reading from her letter. >> thank you. next speaker. hello, my name is christopher valenti and i'm an advocate for older adults. i helped more than 50 residents move into the university of
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mount ladies home. and basically the quality of care there is so good that if those people are relocated it's going to be hard to find viable options for them. i'm very familiar with the situation and the board of trustees of the university stating there is not really any viable options other than closing. however, i do know that the pacific institute which is a nonprofit that runs the [speaker not understood] community in san francisco is willing to take over management of that company or of that nonprofit and to continue to serve the needs of the current residents. the current board states that they're involve sept. ~ insolvent. but to my knowledge there is million of dollars of land equity in that building. if there was a proper management company in place there would be bank -- at least local banks in san francisco that could fund and continue
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the financing till they could become more financially viable. i think it's important that the board of supervisors works with the mayor's office and the community to reach out to age song and the pacific institute to discuss the potential and not allow the board of trustees to close down that building and have access to millions and million of dollars to be able to then distribute among other nonprofits in the city. and at the very least if it is closed down, the current residents that are relocated, many of which are low-income should -- they should have the right to relocation funds from any closing and distribution of fund that might otherwise be used for less noble purposes. thank you very much. >> next speaker. mr. president and member of the [speaker not understood],
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my name is christopher kadall, i live at 16 howard street, 16 meters above sea level. i rise to [speaker not understood]. you've all been in the city a number of years and you're all political. therefore, you should all be aware of the details of gavin newsom's career including one failed campaign for governor and one successful for him at least, campaign for lieutenant governor. you should all recall that both of these campaigns took place while he was serving, so to speak, as mayor of our beloved city ask county. once sworn into office, you should all have read the charter. you should also recall section 3.1 00 of that charter which begins the mayor shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the duties of the office. you should all recall that the same verbiage is included in those declarations of candidacy which you all have signed and which you all should have read and all of you should have read it all. you should all have read -- you should have all reached the
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conclusion that galavaning newsom [speaker not understood]. three of you should recall thises was brought to your attention at that time. all of you should note the video witness of this is available on the youtube channel [speaker not understood]. any of you should realize -- should have realized that giving him budget was funding treason should realize now treason is to a constitution as crime is to a law. all of you should realize you have done wrong by failing to address this issue. apparently you don't. thank you, mr. president. >> next speaker. good day, [speaker not understood], good day board of supervisors. [speaker not understood]ment i'm a nudist myself and for [speaker not understood] i went nude. and as it states by law,
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[speaker not understood] we're allowed to be 100% nude. now, 5:30 p.m. i was arrested and cited for being nude. and this is at powell and market, i believe, right near the trolley cars. i would like proper documentation stating that i am legally allowed to be nude in the city buildings and surrounding areas as long as there is not [speaker not understood] operated. i have been asked multiple times to be taken off of the bus for the san francisco transor patience agency and i feel that it's discrimination. so, could i have any one of you please raise your hand if i could speak to you afterwards and hopefully [speaker not understood] documentation stating that i am legally allowed to be on the san francisco municipal transportation agency buses, trains, and underground tunnels. anyone? you are disregarding your duty to the public office?
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okay, thank you. i'll try to set up a meeting with the mayor directly, then, since even though he is here, he is not listening or abiding by his oath of office. >> thank you very much. next speaker. tom gilberti, [speaker not understood]. born 1950, the original mickey mouse, davey crockett, roy rogers, snow white, kindergarten 1955, college degree 1972, golden age of education, a golden age. took for granted that society had passed the line somewhere around magna cart a, the
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declaration of independence, that we're civilized, we're beyond the river. we're all civilized. and just about three he years ago i realized that, no, every generation has to define for themselves what is civilization. mothers, daughters, parents, children, elders, what we're doing in a town in society. now the medical world we have patients and we don't need people and you can get prescriptions, there is a thing called tinitis which is constantly ringing in the ear. marginal, the prescription is marginal. the dps, department of public health, has promoted into law law 55/45 decibels which means your apartment, your house has tinitis ringing in your
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apartment 24 hours a day 7 days a week. from something across the street, backyard of a roof. if we were to go 55 and a loud noise on a ballot, who would vote for it versus allowing people to contain all the noise they want to make on their own property? you're politicians. you know who would vote for it. by challenging them, we can make it better. keep the noirs on everybody's [inaudible] their property. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. hello, my name is larry juce e edmonds. i want to say [speaker not understood] to michelle edmond.
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she's starting to say racist stuff. [speaker not understood] a generation of all the people where i live they don't report it. so, i'm glad that she dedicated 9/11 on my birthday may 15, so i wore this dress in honor, she was the first one to wear a black and white dress on the view ~. i went to the millennium million man march. i voted rainbow, pom-pom, [speaker not understood]. i want to read this. some terms and resistance, to gain control over my life, to tell the world my story, to stop lying, to be honest with myself, accept who i am, feed my real feelings, feel my real feeling, feel my pain forgive myself and forgive others. practice rebirth and new life, live my spirituality, support and love my brothers and sisters. god is trying to [speaker not understood]. i learned that on 20 generation
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the facts on [speaker not understood]. why i say that is because today we need to know ~ "our climb will be steep. we may not get there in one year or even in one term, but america, i have never been more hopeful than i have tonight that we will [inaudible]. i promise you we as a people will get there." i want it remind people get out there and vote because when i went to sacramento, tom's office is a very nice office and they do have an lgbt caucus there and i want to remind people that memorial day is coming up. that's a day not only for veterans, but for all americans who make this a great country. so, make sure you get out and vote and keep our city progressive like the other countries are doing [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public that