tv [untitled] May 23, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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the great outreach organization and encouraging residents to get jobs in the growing city so i want to thank everyone who's been part of the effort and thanks to the mayors task force and construction committee where a lot of the recommendations have coverage including the ideas of the owners itself. with that, we can go on to public comment or colleagues, any questions about this owners we can entertain those right now >> colleagues, any questions or comments. any city departments that are here wish to comment on this. all right. open this up for public comment oh, we have a city department. >> donna labor of office
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standard enforcement i thought i'd add to the discussion about prevailing wage san francisco will be the first charter city in california to make changes to its administrative code or city governing code to come into compliance with sb 7. i wanted to appreciate supervisor avalos for your leadership around that >> okay. if no other city departments is there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? on item 7. please step forward >> mac. ladies and gentlemen, the board of supervisors in san francisco with the leadership of joovms have done a proposal that will make san francisco better. it will be a you've set a line
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of integrity that this city will look back some years into the future and saying wow. they think in just an. thank you john and the mayors committee. and i want to thank oewd but i really want to take my hat off and thank where's pat. pat mulligan why don't you come on up here i want to thank patty he dealt with a real circus and got everything done and rachel upper fantastic that's ends it let's cut the cake thank you very much >> okay.
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>> next speaker. >> with briekt line with the mayors we have a quorum construction committee if we're going to get the data around the local hire and the local success we're seeing an average of 38 percent a year ago it was 34 pictures but let's do something we've done something great this is the strongest prevailing wage law perhaps in the western united states and beyond now an expansion of the successful local hiring model that guarantees success for the community and it's been a lot of work, work eave proud to be part of that i want to shout out administers naomi kelly she's been working with the staff and
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working with supervisor avalos and rochelle that's not much to add you have the organizations first, the warriors he made a mandatory local hiring commitment and waterfronts through this process they've made the ordinance better and upped the commitment to supervisor avalos said to increase that to thirty percent meaning more jobs dedicated for the community members thank you for doing that. one thing he's going to get embarrassed but a lot of us have been through here for pat mulligan thank you to city director pat mulligan a round of applause.
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thank you all supervisors this is great >> just in time. >> next speaker. >> jake representing forest city with the development working on pier 70 we're proud to be following the leadership of the board of supervisors in particularly supervisor avalos. and his staff in taking what has been a local hire component that was primarily structured around public works ideally because we get to build things quickly and being the first project to build now housing and parks and places where people live and work. i also want to second all the partnership and support that's come if 9 task force from pat mulligan we've had the task force from the intersection v o
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and bright line and, of course, the unions mike who we work with quite a bit and we'll make the jobs happen >> thanks thank you very much is there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? on item 7. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor avalos >> thank you mark farrell. >> again, thank you to all the parties involved definitely to pat mulligan you've worked well, that the office and with rochelle and her you can tremendous delineates and, of course, deputy city attorney ron flynn for your commitment to make that a solid piece of legislation colleagues, i urge our support. >> you think we have a motion on the floor by supervisor avalos to accept the amendment
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as a whole trademark by our city attorney and john gibner, deputy city attorney yeah. i don't believe there's an a second and we have a second by supervisor mar and colleagues, can we take those motion without objection and the underlying item can we take that without objection? do so as well thank you madam clerk item 8 >> item 8 is an ordinance to amend the prevailing wage code for work on the on-site assembly that's temporary inhabits delayed and module especially inference for covering the deck ratify materials with conventions and others special events on city property. okay supervisor wiener.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker, colleagues this legislation will help insure that workers who are involved in the set up and take down of trade show on city property are paid a living wage. we want to make sure that the people living in san francisco, california live here we have a history of making sure that people are paid a decent wage. this legislation that is endorsed by san francisco labor council says that workers will be paid for take down and set up and others special events when this work happens on city property. the legislation is clear and explicit that street fairs run by nonprofits and other community event are not included in this legislation. the legislation is about
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insuring with the large corporate events the advertising of a product product and service pay a living wage they spill out into the city streets are include like the pride and folsom in free public access are not. when the legislation was introduced there was concern raised they'll be saddled with a new financial obligation they couldn't food that's not the case. colleagues this is the right thing to do and will have a benefit to the workers. today i'll be making a cynicism
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non-adjective action after the board of supervisors adapts the wage so we have a prevailing wage rate created by the commission so colleagues, i ask for your support and i would like to call up joe the business representative from local 10. >> thank you to the board and to supervisor wiener. also to andreas power who has worked with us for quite sometime. this is a big deal furs. i've been with local 510 for 42 years grew up in san francisco and the sign delay work is my trade it's allowed me to stay
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and make a good living in the city. my primary you don't say was tree crossroad with the local i see what it's like to have opportunity to live and make a decent living in a city like san francisco that's tough. we fall in any local a sort of a strange inch we're not part of san francisco building trades but our inch is a service industry in the trade shows some of the corporate events closings down t down the oracle shows there's been confusion about it for us whether or not whose jurisdiction is that.
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it's been in question we took what we saw from our colleagues with local 16 and the teamster's and took that as a prime model to follow suit and avoid conflicts in the future we're working with getting along with each other for the benefit of the city and industry. i really appreciate the opportunity be to be able to put forth this language. i'd like to call forward a couple of members from our union that by the end from the work we do >> why don't they come up urging during public comment we appreciate the remarks.
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>> thank you. mr. chairman at this point we can open up for public comment >> is there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? >> good afternoon, everyone i'm affordable housing phenomena's i'm a local 510 sign and union member he i was born and raised in san francisco and recently completely that i apprenticesship program it's made it tougher than ever for the san franciscans to stay here now as a journey mammal it allows me to make a decent living wage for my 65-year-old mother and i to live here.
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i'm concerned that one day i may not be able to afford living here that's why i feel it's important to continue to train and provide living wage jobs for san franciscans so that our community and our local communities my delivery and keeping san franciscans in san francisco we keep our culture alive thank you very much. >> next speaker >> i'm a second year apprentices with local 510 when i started my apprenticeship i had 5 dogs now widow he would it down to 3 to afford to live lessor for the first time i have health care and a pension and
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money in a savings account please approve that measure so we can continue to live here and support our community. thank you. >> thank you is there any further public comment mr. chairman may we close public comment. >> colleagues at this i mentioned that is a good step forward in our city's commitment to earn a wage where we can live in the city and i would like first to adapt a minor amendment i mentioned and ask we moved with a positive recommendation. >> we have a motion on the floor it's bs'd been circulated a second by supervisor mar
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[gavel] good morning, everyone welcome to the san francisco supervisors budget and finance committee, i am mark farrell, i will chairing this meeting, and want to thank sfgtv for taping this meeting. clerk, any announcements? >> yes, chair, please silence all phones and submit documents to be submitted to the clerk, as today will appear on the may 33 meeting. >> call item 1. >> item 1, proposed budget and appropriation ordinance for selected departments as of may 1, 2014, fiscal year-ending june 30, 2015 to june 30, 2016.
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item 2, proposed annual salary ordinance for selected departments for year-ending june 30, 2015 and june 30, 2016. >> item 3, hearing for mayor's proposed budget for selected departments, for fiscal year 2014-2015, and 2015-2016. >> thank you very much, we have a continuing number of city departments coming before us, three departments, child support services, retirement system and municipal transportation agency, with that we will start with child support services.
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>> good morning chair farrell and members of the committee, i am carol roy, head of child services, i would like to thank you for rin vieting the department to present before you today. in the interest of time, i will keep my remarks brief. the presentation i will provide today will be a high-level review of the department mission, and case load, and fund
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structure and existing funding challenges and solutions to those challenges. and i will complete today with a quick look at our service delivery strategy. the child support program understands that sometimes parents need help in meeting their obligation to provide economic support for their children. many parents responsible to pay child support are themselves struggling with poverty, lack of permanent housing, face long-term unemployment and significant barriers to gainful employment. in response the department has changed their skrukture from punitive to family centered. helping parents meeting their economic commitment to their children, leads to stronger family ties and cooperative
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parenting. based on district representation, our clients are predominantly african-american, latino with a number of asian and caucasian families. many receiving public assistance, but personality to note that our services are available to all parents that need them, regardless of income. low-income families that timed out of public assistance, rely heavy on child support as a safety net. child support is 40% of a family's income. for deeply poor mothers that receive it, child support is 60% of the family's income. in 2014 we collected and distributed $26.6 million, and of that 95% of every dollar
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collected, $25.4 million went directly to families and through those families into san francisco economy for basic needs. provided by federal and say the and local governments and recoups welfare cares. 100% is from federal and state resources, the county does have cover this cost and with the expenditures in 2014-15 is to live within revenue streams. the most significant budget challenge facing the department s. rests with the growing cost of doing business today and tomorrow with funding that is less than the department received 11 years. the program stresses on this budget are growing costs of salaries, business and office
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space. funding for fiscal year 2015 is reduced by 2.6 percent for phase 1 of a department labor grant, and one-time funding for it-service replacement. the department has absorbed the short fall without interactions and direct services. in 2016 the department anticipates a minimal increase of 1.8% in federal funding that represents an increase of matching federal funds and completion of the demonstration grant. over the last decade our case load has steadily dropped from approximately 28,000 cases and 158 budgeted positions in 2004,
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to maintaining positions that represent salary savings but can be filled should the case load grow. there is are no new positions in this budget and the department does not have an overtime budget. the funding sources are threefold, to provide excellent in-house service to the staff and controlling impact of the operational budget. direct services now represents 93% of this budget. second, the department began working with the department of real estate a few year prior to the end of our lease to leverage the opportunity to renegotiate new terms and prepare increases in the budget. led to competitive rates and
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slower lease costs over time that translates into long-term lease savings. and we floon share our office space and savings with other city departments. finally the department has right-sized overhead and keeping costs in line with a small are workforce and reallocating savings to fund increases in salary cost. going forward we will continue to engage our employees to look for ways to deliver quality case management is both efficient and keeps pace with the needs of our clients. the department will carefully manage its staffing levels and reduce spending on non-salary costs. we will continue to settle worker injury cases when possible and remain committed to reduce the number of new cases through prevention strategies that include ergonomic training,
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evaluations and work-station assessments. the department will also focus on cultivating alternative grant opportunities that utilize existing services, build resources and promises a 66% federal match on every dollar invested. these solutions are thoughtful, viable and ensure that the department will live within its baseline, ongoing reductions are seamless to clients, and that service delivery continues to exceed state-wide performance. the department has a workforce that is culturally competent. case workers appreciate and respect cultural differences and take them into consideration in order to effectively provide excellent customer service to parents in a reliable manner. the department has prioritized
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language access understanding that absent effective communication and cultural inequity service delivery is very possible. we regularly analyze and criticize our systems in relation to client feedback and concerns, to ensure that systematic barriers to access do not occur. roughly 2,000 noncustodian parents are delinquent in their payments. 85% of these parents have a relationship with the criminal justice system. the department is committed to do more to assist all parents in their effort to overcome barriers and to successfully compete in jobs. we understand that this requires a concerted effort and child
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support must be a part of that effort. we can and must do three things, continue to grow partnerships with other service providers, continue to grow and enhance case management to barriers that reflect our client demographics, and continue to develop realistic orders that are reliable and make sense for both parents. we have created initiatives to confront the challenges these parents face. in my experience a good budget offers practical solutions to the problem of its time. and practical solutions work. we have made meaningful progress, we have proven to our colleagues, our child support colleagues in other counties and other states, that fresh thinking leads to strong performance. of the 58 california counties in san francisco, san francisco is
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ranked fourth in statewide collections. and although the majority of our parents on our case load have a low income and struggling, parents are stepping up for their children. 74% of families with children are receiving child support. the san francisco department of child support services managing both with conviction and optimism. we continue to build a stronger and more valuable program for all san francisco residents. for all san francisco families. by leveraging our partnerships with relevant city agencies and community-based organizations, strengthening outreach to our neighbors and inreach to our national program to build deep client connections, and through holistic case management we deliver relevant services through innovation and promote
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familiar relationships. i would like to take this opportunity to thank the men and women who continue to make child support services in san francisco their career, and service to the public their passion. i would like also to thank the mayor's budget office and the controller's office, particularly marisa and teresa cal and teresa sandler. to help the department connect to county policies. and on behalf of the 11,699 children we support, thank you for your time and attention. that concludes my presentation, and i would be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much for your presentation, colleagues do we have questions at this point in time? comments. okay, we don't have a budget
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