tv [untitled] May 24, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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and given the skill there will w be no significant impact on the street capacity or muni system although it's more than 45 years old the resource elevation determines the current structure is not a historic resource this is within the rh2 zoning district so the proposed two unit building is compatible with the surrounding current development along the subject block and finally we building again, the project will result in no significant light reduction therefore we recommend the commission approve the
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proposed demolition and to two family dwelling that concludes my presentation. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. thank you >> project sponsor please. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and members of the commission. i'm david silverman i'm working with the owners and occupants for the project he covered most of the ground so i'm not going to speak long. the project is to the a spec development it will be occupied by the project sponsors who live in the adjacent house and plan
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on having mrs. lee's mother living there. the project compiles with many of the planning code remits for demolition as mr. wang covered it is a factors and received the full support and recommendations of the planning department staff. the proposed project will be 10 feet lower than the allowable height and a set back of feet and two setbacks at the rear facade. i'm introducing robert evans and vivian lee. thank you.
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>> okay. hi good evening. i'm vivian lee my husband and i are the occupants of this. before i guinea want to say thank you to the commissioners for taking the testimony time to review our case and especially the planning department for working with us to bring this to the level. we and our children have been living to the this small house we're both architects working in itself city we want to build this how did to build the needs off our family but an improvement to the city. this is an edition of a second unit we anticipate the day that when our parents will no longer
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be able to live on their own my mom is here. it's important this project can accommodate the multi generations to our values with that i'm going to turn it over to rob how we arrived at the current deadline. >> hi i'm robert the project sponsor. to begin with we started the project by working closely with the neighboring neighbors had significant outreach and met with on 8 occasions are concerned neighbors on the project. we've included numerous letters of support in your packets tonight but we've also worked closely with the staff and as mentioned previously staff visited in person to understand
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the neighboring properties the project has been reviewed twice by the residential design team and found consistent about the guidelines. more importantly what i think i'd like to say we think this is a good project. we think that's a reasonable project and a responsible project. we that that this building makes sense in this setting and neighborhood a lot of care has been put into the building that's respectful for the neighborhood. on the front of the building we're setting the third floor back 15 feet to minimize the scale of the building and included a sloped line to respect the typography. each the 3 floors will be
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split-level to keep the building at the 10 feet below the allowable height. in the rear of the building we've included a setback between ourself and the eastern neighbor. and in the back we're terraced the rear facade to you incentive >> sir, your time is up. >> open this up for public comment. >> my name is is a jan i'm speaking in support of this project i live at the 449, 27th on the south side of 27 street i'm the owner of my house and
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have lived there more than thirty years vivian and robert have lived across the street while they've developed the new plans i've been very impressed with the process. they've met with the neighborhoods on 27th street on both sides individually and to review the plans for the new home. they listens to each neighbor and he will group meetings and mag matt made modifications. i've talked with many of the my naibdz neighbors on 27 the street it they agree that is a positive experience because they were so responsive to everyone's concerns i hope you approve the plans as presented today.
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thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening commissioner president wu and commissioners and the audience as well. thank you for taxing time i'm the person who lives in the apartment that they have next door my fellow tenants would like to have the project where in opposition of the project we would like to actually have further time to study the shadows of the building and it impact not only my apartment but neighboring apartments. there were light studies done i've seen i think there are a couple of things not taking into consideration actually - for starters.
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(inaudible) for the purpose of the building this is my belief here >> i'm sorry ma'am, speak spots microphone. >> this is the building on the one side i don't believe is drawn into the plans presented but what's interesting this is a complete enclosure of the other side of our building and provides a perfect example off our concerns about having similar enclosure of this side of the building. as you see in this drawing i appreciate the terracing in the
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front and back of the building in question but this completely enclosure the light well, i'm not the only apartment it's affected. essentially we only get direct light between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. with the direct light. and i have some time left so i took as you heard earlier just to show an examples of what the light looks like when it's not between 11 and 1:00 p.m. the brightest it ever gets would be currently i'll show it is it
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11:00 a.m. with all the light coming from the southeast. this is noon when it's directly overhead which is basically, all i'll have if the building is constructed as currently ground u drawn. this the one p.m. >> i'm sorry ma'am, our time is up. >> i can leave the material with us. >> pardon me. >> you can leave the material. >> i believe you have all those materials i mean, i'll leave the comments for the next - >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, commissioners i'm michelle i'm the owner of 15 sociowhen we purchased the building two and a half weeks ago was the natural lighting it
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will jeopardy the natural sexually assaulted and disruption the views and lower the value of our properties. i understand that several neighbors are in agreement with this decision but their buildings are not impacted. as also units one and 5 shows how it the lighting is blocked and that building next to us is already on i believe a 2 story so we don't get the natural latin-american on those two units thank you is there any further public comment >> okay seeing none, public comment is closed. and commissioner antonini
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>> yeah. i'm looking at one of the daylight studies this shows the courtyard i need help you, see where the apartment is of laura murdock and that makes sense it shows an before and after i'm trying to figure out where the new structures are supposed to be if we can pass that down it looks like it's exactly the same before and after as far as what's there. maybe the project sponsor can answer that >> commissioner, i, answer that the reason why it looks that it is essentially the same before and after what we've determined from your analysis this is a minor shadow cast right here in
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the morning hours and that shadow would stop to the approximately 10:00 a.m. in the summertime and winter one p.m. i want to pout those two units are facing north already so there's absolutely in change but the other two units ms. murdock referred to they're not impacted by our project at all. that's what's happening with the light. >> so i guess when we look at the picture our project happens to be in front of the of what we're looking at right and yes. >> this light area has been there all along. >> that's correct. >> because of the structures that existing structures that will still be there are we're
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only seeing the short shadows your project is to the west. >> wore to the east. >> you're to the east of that space. >> that's correct. >> and when we looked at the picture earlier in the book it shows the spaces between buildings if you move that open to an earlier package it senior housing shows the view from the rear of proposed building and i think it looks yeah. a little bit further building relative to the other buildings. >> is this the view. >> yeah. so somewhere on the top is where the courtyard k is; is that correct. >> we're right there. >> that's all preexist you're only putting a building there to the.
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>> east of. >> ante that's why it looks the sale because the building has a wall that's similar. >> the building there is much smaller the point i'd like to make as architects we a tried to design it sense work we want to match a light well in this case it is really a huge light well, i mean it's 18 by 16 feet so our building is is to the east there will be shadows cast in the morning hours their minimal. >> if you had been scribble south maybe alters of morning sun. >> that's correct and 4 of the units two face north those two
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units have windows on the rear of the properties so they have access to the rear view. >> thank you. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i make a motion to not take dr. >> second. >> commissioner moore. >> i'd like to note? a citizen activity designed with respect to the courtyard it creates spaces including the rooflines that's sensitive to the x we don't have rules against density indication that has the types of shadows we're experiencing there's indeed room for desecration but it's not in a way impacting sometimes, we see where we modify a building not
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to talk about that earlier today but the discretion this is way within the boundary of good projects. >> i understand this is in this courtyard but this project is sensitive in the way it is we see projects that are much more aggressive. >> commissioners there's a motion and second to not take dr and commissioner antonini. >> commissioner borden. >> confusing second year commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on public comment i have in speaker card >> any public comment seeing none, the meeting is test.
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>> thank you, everyone for being in attendance today at sf general we have millions of americans that slip there the crack in the health care system the americans make up a significant portion of our homeless population and cause the amazes of paring for members of the families for years. we need more efficient tools to help the families laura's law is one of the actions it's been
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enacted in 44 out of this 50 states that's why today along with 3 colleagues on the board of supervisors i'm introducing legislation to fully implement laura's law in san francisco. in addition because we know the prior attempts at city hall have failed i'm with my co-sponsors placing laura's law on the 2014 ballot if we can't pass laura's law i believe this is an important enough issue that the divorces voters even if san francisco should decide the outcome. i want to share about a mother i've come to know in san francisco. a mother who cared for her acknowledge son who was diagnosed what moinltz that was
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stable in school in san francisco and did well but ones this individual turned 18 he decided not to take his medication any long longer and this individual started to lock hitch in his room and exhibit violence toward others family members and towards himself and now move forward out of the house and the parents have no idea where he is. this heartache and this situation it has many stories across the city and cross our country can be avoid san francisco, california and should do better. families and friends should feel supported by the laws they're in place to help those individuals.
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if laura's law were in place the situation i intrikd wouldn't have happened. it's a compassion at the law for families and individuals to make sure they have a right to treatment here in 0 country and locally. we all know with very a mental health crisis here locally. the recent report featured in a national publication had more than 33 million americans suffering from mental illness and others such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and major depression and over 3 and a half million not getting the care. laura's law provides the outpatient treatment for people as a result of the minldz can't
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access the community benefits. those will hope help those who need it the most not only those but we need to be clear not everyone will qualify there are restrictions to qualify you have to determine not to survive dinl on your own and have a history of hospitals and be diagnosed with mental health protons problems. having been offered this opportunity for treatment but be substantially deteriorating in our community. i'll argue our headlong health system is one of the finest in the country the reeflt we have individuals slipping through the crosswalks and laura's law will
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hope those individuals. laura's law focuses an individual and 44 other jurisdictions and states across our country they have proven incredible results and new york state a law called the tender law was enacted 74 percent fewer experienced homeless additional others psych hospitalized and 80 percent fewer were embarrassed and 87 percent fewer were arrested and laura's law will help to reduce the burdens on our san and our emergency officers and personnel and a positive resource for our officers. today, we'll hear from a number of individuals that that will speak in favor the laura's i
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wanted to recognize a number of people frail the if i that are not here my colleagues and co-sponsors of this legislation supervisor london breed. is supervisor tang and supervisor wiener. i want to thank mayor ed lee for his support i want to thank the wilcox family the parents of laura that this law was named off after and our district attorney mr. george and our excessively enclosing our fire chief chief joanne haynes-white and countless others that are standing behind me barbara garcia and other colleagues that have provide shelters for the homeless. people from our labor and business organizations from across town this is a piece of
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legislation that should unite us i look forward to it moving forward i want to introduce one the laura's supporters our great mayor of san francisco mayor ed lee >> (clapping) >> thank you supervisor farrell and thank you for your leadership on this as well. you, you know, san francisco is is a very came pact city. we spent $2.7 billion a year a great bulk here in the general hospital and the public health department aid thanks to the classification of our fire and scheef and district attorney we pick up a lot of people own the streets and we know when the environment they go back perhaps a day of respite and they're back. while we, provide pride in
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moving some 18 thousand homeless people into shelters we see on the streets we have to do more and this is exactly the issue that supervisor farrell is addressing. i really want to signal my appreciation for his not only looking at this but diving into it and having spent considerable amount of time studying it and finding out what else we can do. while i say our past policies have been successful we have to do more. in particular when you talk with the da and our public health department and the fire department there are individuals that repeat repeatedly get
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picked up and sometimes too late. sometimes, it's in death. but for the majority of time we try to safe them in their psych emergencies or they've over medicating themselves we are two came patient of a city not to be smarter. even with all the work we've done and most recently, i joined our director of health to initiate the cares initiative and move it from a pilot program of five or six individuals that got 24/7 care to a full program where we have 9 additional individuals targeting families who are gotten individuals from their care that are suffering
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from mental health to transitional skewer to experts that will focus in general house to create a mental shelter, if you will, for those individuals we've initiated the cares initiative to give more care and insure is better and successful respond but even what that we need additional help. this is where supervisor farrell's research and contracts have been valuable. it's time to consider what we'll do apart from waiting for someone laura's you law can help us identify individuals that end up in death or in their highest psych go health it's the tool
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this sometimes our law enforcement and care shflts must have to get to someone early it could prevent many more deaths on the street so i'm thankful particularly to amanda and rick on behalf of laura to remember what occurred in that case but also the cases that mark has security guard u suggested have happened and to many others there are many, many other stories about people on the streets we know their habit they will get some respite we'll pull them off the streets and get the hot teams with so many and at the same time hundreds of individuals will repeat and going back to their
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