tv [untitled] May 24, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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francisco unified school district should be that destination school district where people from across the country and world come and see how we use technology, not as a club, but rather as a tool for transforming how we teach and how we learn and how students can demonstrate their proficiency. with that said, i'd like to ask mr. ryan and mr. kinsey to take us through this plan. >> the term lay the foundation is -- also can be termed the low hanging fruit. this is the traction we need to make immediately. we need to embed technology into the ela and math common core standards and into the next generation science standards, through visualization tools, tools that facilitate persuasion and argumentation in our classrooms based on evidence. we need to think about what are
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the productivity tools that we shouldn't delineate between what the adults and students use. all students should be using office suites, all students should be using google apps. those are things we should make traction on quickly. the next piece, the deep and expand, that's the idea that where we need to go, where students have not only the curricula available to them, but they have a box of tool,
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digital tools and they make the decisions on how they use the tools to solve the problems that are presented in front of them. and those -- and that is how we get to full integration of devices, that those devices are simply transparent or seemless to what we see in the classroom and to what we see learning. part of that is we need to develop internal tools. district wide tools like learning management systems and professional development systems that allow teachers and students to have access to what they need immediately, but also teachers to get that just in time help. i have students showing up in classroom in five minute help and we should be able to have that kind of [inaudible] to the type of support they can get.
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that's what we need to create within the district, within -- over the next number of years that it will take some time to think about those our enterprise systems so it's not an easy implementation, but it's one we're committed to. i'm going to hand it off to matt to talk about resiliency. >> as we make a shift to instruction and how we expect this to work, we have spent the past couple years spending a lot of time increasing the bandwidth of our infrastructure, but there are many single points of failure in the network we built. a story that i experienced this year is that we spent a physical therapy amount of money
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of donor funds to put wireless access to our middle schools. and the parent teacher conference in the fall, one of the school's wireless access went down so the school was frustrated with me and said we can't have parent teacher conference without access so i was confused because they didn't have wireless access the previous year. that shows how quickly this become an expectation this works so the resilience in infrastructure is not going to be cheap, but it will be critical in terms of ensuring the resources are there when they need them. so --
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>> the next thing we need to do is we don't really have a very clear picture of all the devices that are out there, which schools have which devices, which software is on there. so it's critical we implement a comprehensive management system. our finance department has already started that work to roll out the system for next year and his team's already going to auditing to see what's
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out there. the other thing i want to do is that pretty much every school district has this history of they get one time funds, go out and biotech knowledge, and the technology gets really old and people don't know what to do with it. if this is to be embedded, we need to refresh that technology on a frequent basis so we need to change that shift from the one time funding to really making it part of our baseline budget and lease the equipment so we spend about the same amount of money every year and make sure we get refreshes over a period of time. one of the first things we need to focus on is providing our educators with the technology they need so they can start learning technology. unfortunately reality is in some cases our students know technology better than the educators so it's critical they understand how to use technology in the classroom and how to redefine the learning
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experience for the students. for me, one of our first priorities we're focusing on for next year. then focusing on -- this plan really talks about the total cost of ownership. not just what does it cost to acquire the devices and equipment. what does it cost to -- we look beyond that. we look at what it's going to take to support this technology going forward, when's the refresh points going to occur. and how to provide ongoing coaching and professional development as educators change, as the -- what we -- as our curriculum changes and as we try to use technology differently we want to sustain that going forward so this plan addresses those concerneds. concerns. i'll hand it over to mr. ryan to go through the curricular objectives. >> when we talk about the curricular objectives, one of
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the things we need to make clear is that technology is not a driver. technology is not on enabler, it's an accelerator. and as we move forward we need to think about what are -- what is the -- what are the signature practices, what is the curriculum, what are the bodies of knowledge and the ways of thinking we want all students to walk away from our schooling experience with and what is the technology that enables that and how can we make that body of knowledge and that way of think inging. not only that, but we're also -- as information and data
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becomes available at all times, the trick, the true education is how do we teach students to determine what is useful and what is useless. and that changes our classroom dramatically. we have to teach those skills and information that they have is not all that -- is just -- we need to teach them how to access it, but how do we interpret it, how to use the tools in our classroom to make arguments, to be persuasive, to evaluate. the other piece of the student experience is that what technology can do as an enabler or an accelerator of schooling is it can add transparency between the student and the family and the classroom so that they have -- so that students' progress and growth in status is available and
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viewable to that parent and that family at all times, so that it's no longer a -- a school is no longer a black box, but it is a partnership between the family and school. what does that mean for an educator? what that means for an educator is if we are thinking that they have -- the students have access just in time and it's [inaudible] so does the teacher and the teacher has access to expertise about them. they have collaborators at all times and technology can give that to them. earlier today superintendent carranza mentioned that it is the desire that the district no longer have to purchase textbooks because they're out of date the moment they print and what technology allows us to do is create a curriculum that is living at all times, that it no longer become
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static and what we need to do at the central office is be able to when we think about our central office responsibilities, our responsibility is if curriculum is changing at all times, then the support we are vied to teachers has to be changing at all times and has to be available at all times and the curriculum they need. not only are we talking about students having personalized past curriculum, but we have to be able to differentiate the support that we offer to educators at all times so they have what they need when the kids show up in their classroom and when the students contact
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them through twitter, through email and whatever it might be 12 years from now. >> we'll move on to talk about the actual digital district plan tgs and what i'd like to start off with is what were the guiding principles as we sat back in december when we thought about what's this plan look like. so the curriculum department sat together and came up with three major concepts that we looked at. number one is that technology should change as the student experience grows through their academic career and within that how they access information and what they do with their information changes so in the early years students generally will spend more time consuming information, taking in information and learning it as opposed to creating information. as you move into middle years
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they start developing more information, but still consuming information. in the high school years, by no means did they stop consuming information, but we start expecting them to start creating information and start creating work product. and then instructional use of technology, again, is somewhat analogous to sort of release of responsibility model where students in the earlier years can be very focused, the middle years will be more guided and the teachers will be there closely guiding their use of the [inaudible] and how students use technology and what technology they use. so with those guiding principles then we start thinking about what's the device look like and so for the primary device, by no means the only device in the early years we see the primary device being the tablet type because those
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number one is the connectivety. many of the resources are online. we need to make the connectivety is reliable and flexible and mobile so students can learn around their mrerning experiences from classroom to lunchroom to the field and back into the classroom. classroom technology really needs to be enhanced to make sure it's a space to allow for collaboration and we'll get into more detail as to what that means. as well as how we budget our resources to support our
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learning. so there are three key components in the technology plan. the first one is to redefine the classroom experience so we talked about what that might look like and we'll delve deeper boo that. er into that. the third one is to build a resilient infrastructure to ensure these things will work. we're going to go into further detail on each one of these. so the first component is a redefined classroom experience. what does this mean? this means that every educator has a device they can use in instruction. every student has a device that can be used in struk. instruction. initially this is not a one to one model. we see for different instructional purposes the students will have difference technology. building on a a digital curriculum so mr. ryan talked about let's stop buying the textbooks and build the
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curricula materials we need for or students and not be bound to any single providers curriculum. technology enabled [inaudible] and mr. ryan talked a little bit about that as well as the classroom technology infrastructure, which i'll get into little bit further detail. so first [inaudible] is redefined classroom experience, where are we now? our current state is not all that great. we don't issue from a district level laptops to our educators. some school sites do issue them, some do not.
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then we need to redefine the classroom experience. our current state only about 7 percent of the student use technology daily in instruction. the goal of the plan is to make sure it's ubiquitous. if we're doing away with textbook and other printed materials, students need to be able to access daily. we're only at 7 percent right now. devices need to be current and reliable. if they're more than 4 years old, that the time devices start having issues and become unusable. we need to get one to one device ratio, right now we're 1 to [inaudible] device ratio. at the early years prek through 5, we need a mix of tablets and laptops. then sixth through eighth that's where the shift starts
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going. then grades nine through 12 we allow students o bring their own device, however there will be a district funded option that will be equivalent to what the teacher gets as their device. all schools will have high end mobile labs available to them to address the more specific requirements of some of the higher end, particularly our english language lerner software and others that require a fully powered desktop machine to do specific work. so the second component is to develop critical tool systems so what does this mean? realtime technology and curricular support, collaboration, knowledge and learning tools, and professional development systems.
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the current state of classrooms is not in the world's best shape. 27 percent of our classrooms [inaudible] the target that we're trying to get to is that every single classroom -- every single student has device that will be able to stream video. in the common core state standard, pretty much throughout five grade levels, there's a comparison. students were really required to prepare written text to video text to compare and contrast text. we can't play some of the tricks that we used to be able to play to multiple devices because students should be able to choose their own videos and what interests them and what they're doing.
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only half our classrooms have a projector so if you're really trying to focus students on particular work it's difficult to do when looking at their own devices. finally, only 7 percent of our classrooms have enhanced audio. we're looking at wireless at every school and a classroom suite that you see in corporate meeting rooms that you see today so that projectors, modern phone, and then a screen sharing device which may not be clear to people, but if you think apple tv, it's available
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for a student to be able to take their device and put it up in the projector in front of the class and talk about what they're working on. finally to build the resilient infrastructure so we did increase our bandwidth and increeded the ability for us to really be able to stream lots of information down ; however, if one point fails it can bring down a school site pretty easily. so what we really need to do is build more redundant conductions. this is the way airplanes are reliable. they have two or threesomes that do similar things. this is similar concept and how we were to build out or network to be more resill yents. our current state. mr. ryan's commented that teachers don't have a common
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place they can go for the curriculum. they don't have a place of materials embedded by the district that aligns to our curricula goals to access videos and documents and other artifacts that are used. our employee system is over ten years old and it barely supports really the basic transactions of managing an employee. when i was a new hire i had 12 different forms and filled out the exact same information on moegs of those forms with a slight change here and there because there were so many different things on how to do that and some never made it into the system. i commented that our [inaudible] system is not in the world's best shape and we had a couple school sites fail where we managed to keep ahead of the curb, but that won't last very long. fortunately mr. goldman [inaudible] we've been scraping
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together money where we can find it to upgrade our high risk sites, but this is a big risk. what is needed for all this? we need a system that has online content, videos, documents, pictures that are embedded by the curricular staff that is appropriate for the particular learning needs. we need a place for the curriculum where the teachers can go access the curricular materials to develop their lesson plans. related to that we need a learning management system for students to be able to go out and get their assignments, do online quizzes. we have a professional development system for teachers right now but we need to enhance that. as we're trying to do so much professional development with our teachers, we ran into conflicts with substitutes so we need to tie this professional development system in to make sure we're not having conflicts with
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substitutes. we need to ub grade our budget system. we run a $600 million budget off a spreadsheet. we need a budget system to make sure we're aligning our funds appropriately and they're loading into our gl correctly. and our facilities management system. a couple years ago our [inaudible] resolution and we've been working to really understand what facilities we have available for the community, how to use the community, so we need to build out that system. the digital district plan -- one of the things we learned when we first built this is -- and went ran this by our funders is they really want to be able to buy part of the plan so we had to break -- we found that it's going to be effective to break the plan up into multiple components to people can put their stamp on that.
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so the sales force corporation is investing in the middle years. we broke them into nine different projects, which you can see up there. we talk about many of these. year one is intention is going to be next year. we're being aggressive for this and trying to raise funds to help support this and get into that a lit later, but the idea is we're going to do this in a three year plan and roll these projects out at different times. in order to make this work we'll be collaborating with our innovating leaders and thinkers.
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with our network connectivety and connecting us with many different thinkers about education, how with can change our education. google's been a critical partner, redefining how we collaborate and collaboration tools and [inaudible] has been a really phenomenal partner in donating some software to help our students to use their software to create some amazing
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products. finally working with non profits to give us guidance on what we need to so a local non profit is education super highway. they've been working at the federal level to convince and change the way the federal government helps support funding for connectivety at schools. it's a program called e rate and they've made some incredible progress in that area. in fact, i think commissioner [inaudible] and i spoke with the founder of it years ago and he explained his vision to me and i think my thought to him was good luck with that, but i was impressed with how much work he's done and where he is now. they've given us a lot of guidance. [inaudible] has been working with us in terms of how we integrate computer science [inaudible].
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>> thank you, i want to thank you for the presentation. what are our next steps? obviously we want to finalize the digital district plan and this will include the articulation of the instructional objectives, technology, stake holding engagement, implementation plan, that will come to the board as well for your endorsement and input as well. and then identify short and long term budget priorities that we have for fundsing the plan. we want to focus on external fund raising activities. but as a closing note, you may want to ask yourself, why are we talking about technology when we just finished having a conversation around vision 2025. i say to you, this is my
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