tv [untitled] May 25, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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that's where i used to get my mail from. you all don't know anything about the southeast sector. thank you. >> francisco [inaudible]. >> you know, doctor, jackson has been coming here for a long time. there are a number of ya'll that get my emails and i'm sure if you open the email i sent you this morning on the investigative report done by nbc, that two white, white [inaudible] employees have testified about the botched clean up on the shipyard. now, in the past, blacks have come forward who work for them now. three blacks.
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their attorney was angela arioto. they got some money, but we got no information as to really what's happened. we know what happened, but didn't get anything in writing, but here are two white professional employees of tetra tech who got over $500 million in contracts who botched the clean up of the hunters point shipyard. now here you are, supposedly intelligent people, that can be likened to the land to ginobel. you hear these professional people talking about uranium, other types of chemicals in
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high levels that adversely impact people. we're not talking about some joking staff here. all the experiments conducted in the beginning, the ships brought to hunters point, the rest was down here in every way. large animals that were radiated were buried here, there and every. some people who not advocated on the issues don't know didly. i work for the presidio so i'm privy to a lot of information. if you come to my office, i have information from 1976 'til today. 1976 today. so [inaudible] getting the money, getting the land practically for free, but we are hurting and they will hurt
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because i've said it again and again, and i'm going to say it finally, no good, no good ever will happen on hunters point shipyard. that's what native americans say, aho. >> thank you. if there is no further public comment? >> no. we need to [inaudible] to replace the tape. 30 seconds. >> okay, thank you. wait 30 seconds for sfgov tv to replace the tape. 30 seconds. >> okay, thank you. seeing no further public comment, i'd like to turn --
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we've seen this items over a course of a number of meetings as presented by staff, is there any comments or questions about this action today? okay, seeing none, i will start -- so just as with last time, there's a little bit -- i'm going to read from the script because i have to get the words right about how we actually approve this ordinance. so this time consider a motion to adopt the ordinance number 1 and waive the reading in full of the ordinance. is there a motion and a second? >> so moved. >> thank you, is there a second? >> second. >> okay, thank you very much. madam secretary, please call the roll. we're just going to do a voice call. so i'll just say all in favor, if you're in favor, say i. then i'll say opposed. all in favor, please say i. >> i. any oppositions, abstentions? excellent, hearing none the item is adopted unanimously so
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we'll consider a motion to adopt ordinance number 2 and waive the reading in full. do we have a motion? moved. second. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. opposition, absengss. hearing none, this i team is adopted unanimously. please call the next item. >> work shop on proposed revisions to accommodate increased street width discussion. madam director. >> madam chair, i'd recommend that we continue this item to the call of the chair in light of the hour and the need to leave the room at 5:00 due to another commission. >> okay. thank you very much. we do not need to vote on that item. we will continue this item not only because it's late, but i also heard parameters of this transaction may have changed so we'll have more information at our next meeting as it is.
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we'll continue this item to our next meeting. let's see. madam secretary, next item. do we need public comment on this item? >> yeah. >> sir, i'm not trying to -- >> it's okay. that's a learning curve for anyone that wants to aspire to something better. let me state it this way. what i feel about this is that the city engineer [inaudible] and we have a woman fire chief that's admired all over this nation, others experts agreed that the width of our roads now, because of what happened with mission bay with the huge fire should be 26 feet. this is what the experts say.
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what i dislike is some supervisor coming over here and trying to put pressure on ya'll that is 20 feet whatever, you know, which works in boston or new york that that should be implemented in san francisco. if that is so, go back to new york, go back to boston. we don't need you in san francisco. let me further say this, when you get this conception plan and you get some road map, if i ask you or anybody ask you what type of building will be at the corner of this and this, nobody can state. if it were three or four satisfactories, i understand. stories i understand, but imagine having 50, 60 stories and having a fire. the fire on mission bay, there wasn't -- the winds didn't move for about 45 minutes, five or
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six buildings from ucsf would have been burned, would have been burned. our firefighters did a good job. they know, they experimented that they got a chance to experiment having this huge rig. actually you need 34 feet, 17, 17 feet -- 34 feet. but trying to work with 26, so that we can put out the fires so that we can address safety, so that, you know, our firefighters are not put in jeopardy, but here we have a supervisor -- he doesn't know didly about fighting the fire. he doesn't know didly. and fires have taken place in his district, but the guy doesn't know didly. he just wants to propose something again and again and again against the poor, against
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the [inaudible] in a park that is a private park. leave them alone, sucker. leave them alone. you are a supervisor who doesn't know how to represent. now ya'll are commissioners. ya'll hear the good, bad, ugly. you have to represent, you have to have a thick skin, but at all times you have to do right. that supervisor, no good. he needs to be booted out. >> i was at that hearing and one of the things that came about because of where i live in the area i live on james town and when they would have a ball game james town would become like a highway. people that live in my community, we church folk. we couldn't even get home
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because the cars would not stop leaving the ballpark and what occurred is that going to a meeting i requested that stop signs be put up. and if you go jamestown and you see all the stop signs except where one most needed where i live and i've been asking that a stop sign be placed there. so stop signs is all in the area. because you have a wide street do not mean it has to become a highway. all you need to do is put 25 mile zone, 15 mile zone in the area because that is homeowners in the area and most people don't know that we used to didn't have stop signs in hunters point. so what the need was all of us church goers needed to get home from church at 2 o'clock in the afternoon or 3 o'clock so i agree with what they said
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because they'll still be meeting on this issue to talk about what the width should be and whether or not it should be wide or smaller. i think in your last time, you did, and i'm not too sure because you didn't read it off was about tashgs. tax. was that increment tax? yeah, but i heard something about taxes so i just wanted -- those bonds that was said anyway so i know now i have to go to supervisor. >> thank you for your thoughts and sorry for almost skipping public comment. next item. >> the next item of business is item 6. public comment on non agenda items.
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[gavel] >> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, may the 20th, 2014. madam clerk, could you call the roll? >> yes, mr. president. supervisor avalos? avalos present. supervisor breed? breed present. supervisor campos? campos present. president chiu? chiu present. supervisor cohen? cohen present. supervisor farrell? farrell present. supervisor kim? kim present. supervisor mar? mar present. supervisor tang? tang present. supervisor wiener? wiener present. and supervisor yee? yee present. mr. president, all members are present. >> ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
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all. >> colleagues, we have our april 15th board meeting minutes as well as april 16th special meeting minutes of the budget committee. can i have a motion to approve those minutes? motion by supervisor farrell, seconded by supervisor breed. without objection, those meeting minutes are approved. [gavel] >> madam clerk, any communications? >> there are none today, mr. president. >> and if you could call our consent agenda agenda. >> items 1 through 4 of the consent calendar are considered routine. if a member objects an item may be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues, would anyone like to sever any of these items? roll call vote on items 1 through 4. >> supervisor yee. yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye.
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supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. there are 11 ayes. >> those ordinances are finally passed. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 5 is a resolution approving the award of a contract for procurement of a type ii fireboat to vigor fab, inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $11,637,660 pursuant to san francisco charter, section 9.118(b), for the term ending december 31, 2015, to commence upon board approval. ~ 11.6 million. >> colleagues, same house same call? without objection this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 6 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the port of san francisco to accept and expend $2,970,000 in grant funds from the federal railroad administration for the rebuilding of the quint street lead track for the term of april 1, 2012, through july 31, 2015. >> same house same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted. next item. [gavel] >> item 7 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the fire department to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $7,608,000 from the federal emergency management agency to purchase a fire boat for the period of september 1, 2013, to august 15, 2015.
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>> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 8, resolution declaring the intent of the city and county of san francisco to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness; authorizing the director of the mayor's office of housing and community development to submit an application and related documents to the california debt limit allocation committee to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $47,500,000 for 1301-4th street, san francisco, california 94107; authorizing and directing the director to direct the controller's office to hold in trust an amount not to exceed $100,000 in accordance with cdlac procedures; authorizing the director to certify cdlac that the city has on deposit the required amount; authorizing the director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the state of california if the city fails to issue the residential mortgage revenue bonds; approving, for purposes of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended, the issuance and sale of residential mortgage revenue bonds by the city in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed the $47,500,000; authorizing and directing the execution of any documents necessary to implement this resolution; and ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the project as defined herein, and the application adi find herein. ~ 47.5 million. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item, please. >> item 9 was referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee. it's a resolution authorizing the san francisco municipal transportation agency to execute a transit advertising contract with titan outdoor, llc, for a term commencing july 1, 2014, and ending june 30, 2019, which offers a minimum guarantee to the sfmta of $28,500,000 over the term of the contract.
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>> supervisor breed. >> oh, hi. thank you, guys. i just wanted to make a statement about this particular contract especially because it's been quite controversial. it came out of budget committee without recommendation because i do realize there are some concerns that some of you might have about this contract. i don't particularly like that we have to advertise on our public spaces. as a former director of an arts center, i would much rather have art than ads. so, i'm very sympathetic to those who criticize this particular contract from san francisco beautiful and others. san francisco beautiful has suggested that the mta require titan to install art in bill board spaces whenever there is not a current paying customer. i think that's a great idea and
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i've worked is mta staff to start the process. and my office has also worked closely with mta to remove all language regarding electronic advertisements. we also developed the language to ensure that mta trackses and listens to complaints about the vehicle wrap. i supported making those changes, but i don't at this current time support reducing the contract in term of the number of wraps. the mta estimates it will need approximately $20 million more per year in its operating budget as a result of recent policy decisions. the expansion of free muni, something advocated by many members of the board, will cost muni's operating budget about 9 million. free sunday parking meters is another 111 million and this is not even taking into account the 12% service increase envisioned under the tep which could cost another 40 million dollars a year. ~ 11 million
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the budget analyst has confirmed the titan contract will give 30 million to mta over five years. that's a guarantee of at least $6 million per year, $6 million could pay for free muni for seniors, 1-1/2 times over or buy almost two new trains every year. with respect to the vehicle wrapseses, i'm not a big fan. i don't much like them either, but they provide a specific minimum of about 325,000 per year. that's equivalent to hiring 3 to 4 mechanics help our vehicles be maintained. and 325,000 is just the minimum. window wraps typically generate between 500 and 800,000 per year depending on demand. it's also important to remember that setting a maximum of 30 does not mean there would be 30 vehicles wraps at any given time. the current maximum is 15, but this calendar year there has
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been 2 to 7 wraps at any one time except during the holiday season when demand was higher and there were 15 wraps. so, this is about giving flexibility to the mta to respond to demand and raise the revenue needed to offset the policy decisions we in this room have made. budgets are about choice. they are about trade-offses. and policy decisions are consequences. there is a give and take in this particular instance. so, if we want free muni for youth, we want free muni for 18 year olds, we want free muni for seniors and disabled, if the mayor and board want free parking on sunday and if we want the 12% service increases in the tep, then we have to accept that there are trade-offs. we have to be willing to support things that will make those policy decisions possible. for us to advocate programs that cut muni's operating revenue while simultaneously rejecting contracts that increase it strike me a
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inconsistent and unfair to the over 700,000 people who depend on muni every single day. those riders are the ones who suffer when muni's budget is left in the red, when vehicles deteriorate and service is cut because there is no money to do anything about it. no, i'm not particularly happy about some of the decisions that mta has made in terms of changes to its budget, but at this time i think this is a contract that would generate sufficient revenue and i'm asking for your support to move this forward. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you, president chiu. i'd like to actually call up the mta staff who negotiated this contract. i had originally voted against this contract in i believe it was 2011 because i was concerned about the wraps and the digital ads. and then when this contract
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came before us this year, i didn't approve of it right away. i didn't have an up or down vote on it and i asked it to go back for negotiations to see if the wraps could be taken out or reduced and digital ads be taken out. the mta staff came back to us in committee and appeared they had not done anything to negotiate those or not. so, i'd like to actually have the staff who came forward to talk to us about what effort that was made to negotiate. was it just that you wanted to come whack with the exact same contract or that you would do negotiationses with titan on the wraps [speaker not understood] ~? we have mr. reiskin here. welcome. >> through the president, supervisor avalos, good morning, supervisors. ed reiskin, director of transportation. so, we heard concerns from one or two supervisors at the
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committee level with regard to specifically the digital advertising which has i believe always in the current contract as well as an increase in the number of wraps that would be allowed under this new contract. the current contract allows 15. the new contract would allow 15. but would also give me the discretion to add up to 30 in total. but the reason we included this, i think supervisor breed said it very well, and i thank her for her leadership and sponsorship on this, was to provide flexibility -- >> i'm sorry, mr. reiskin. my question was really around what was the effort around negotiationses around the titan contract because it was really clear what my position was on the wraps and on the digital arts. i didn't want to be any wraps at all, but certainly wanted to see it come down from 30 to 15. that didn't happen. i understand we're trying to build flexibility in your budget and i've been very supportive of that. i've actually helped to get revenue into
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