tv [untitled] May 27, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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san francisco but also all over the world ring gold is almost as famous as this street it's an international before that happened name, please approve this >> thank you is there any further public comment. >> good afternoon, commissioners i was told a story when i came to san francisco in the 80s when i first came here greyhound bus station was on 7th street so i hit the south of market he the tenderloin before castro. so you i'm saying could i please approve this. i would really like to ask for this jill to really over into other neighborhoods i live in the tenderloin so the builders who can't build in other
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neighborhoods are coming in my neighborhood they're going to do on, on golden gate and i don't have a place to sit down they say go sit in the park in alley i can't see anything we have boulder park getting ready to open up other parks have rich histories aced the tenderloin has a rich history but we have no grocery store we we have is that a to give to the arts and kids my play rooms that's fin and dandy but i want to see give back also being fresh fruits and vegetables so let's put a mix them together and approve
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something like that that i hope you'll approve for my neighborhood which the tenderloin that has a rich history also >> thank you is there any further public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore >> i remember a time when we discussed the project we were all and we'll excited that was not just the huge one building housing block but created a sub scale neighborhood it's fabulous that the project is as far as it is and come forward to approve the in kind. i couldn't be happier to support it is still showing the consistentcy i'm in full support of it >> thank you commissioner
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antonini. >> yeah. i think as sunny pointed out this is actually going to get done many times we approve conceptual ideas that depends on the funding and we want the funding to be able to recognize a park but? is a good concept the public-private concept it's going back going to be done encouraging and it's a great idea. i am sure theirs a shared maintains it is important to make sure not only the private developer but the city do it's part to make sure it's maintained this is sometimes, the problems with projects. i like the idea of ground utilities in some neighborhoods
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i'll point out that many neighborhoods that already have the ground utilities have underground ugly features that make the nights ominous looking that's another idea maybe the project sponsor would eliminate the street lights or put in more energy efficient lighting that's a thought for future concepts we may be able to realize. i want to ask the project sponsor or the staff a construction time on the project not only this part but the entire project about a 2 year period of time? okay. yeah that sounds great
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>> commissioner sugaya. >> yes. i have a question for staff i'm fully in support of the project i have a request about the agreement for the lecture or is week before with respect to the stub of 19 street there were clauses there was a clauses in there that addressed the potential of exceeding the cost the cost exceeding the amount of what is being proposed here. and that clauses it different from the one that's in here why is that the case? >> that one says 3.5.2 if the project sponsor made payments in an amount to or greater than than the in kind value the credit amount shall be equal to
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the in kind set does that mean that the in kind value stand and they won't be credited for cost overruns. >> correct. >> and that's the los last one we approved. >> if the project ends up costing less they get credit but that it costs more that's united states maximum. >> okay. thank you. commissioner fong and i'm supportive of this fee waiver this is a good example of the project that's been maturing a its way through the community and it didn't have to go through the supervisors office but 13th century this time it was helpful so i optional supportive as well >> commissioner moore. >> move to approve the impact waiver. >> second. >> second. >> commissioners, on that
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motion to approve the in kind agreement. >> commissioner antonini. commissioner borden >> commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 10 for case and intention to initiate the development related to formula retail uses and to consider an adaptation of an ordinance at a later hearing >> good afternoon. commissioner president wu and commissioners in the an exciting day for the staff after implementing the formula retail controls we're ready to unveil our policy recommendations. the action is simple we having ask you bring those to life but
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to describe the full action of controls and to hear from you. the broad consensus the noticeable process is working it has expand and seems to be an effective method to provide public input your proposal recognitions this and seeks to build upon the framework. we will expand the process in some geometric areas while reducing some in some circumstances the retail depiction will expand in some and reduce in others. we believe this is a murder and balanced measure. that said we've gotten a strong response and we expect people
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today will have passion we've got feedback from f from those who want more and those who want less control. it's oftentimes planning control leafs folks on both sides seeking change it's our hope you'll arrest a agree the the response needs a reaction we're not asking you to endorse it but the initials is an action that the public that intends to recommend a change and the public is on notice that an action will happen later. the commissioners may he address it but the public may understand this is a day not to be concerned we ask you to consider
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action on or after july 10th. the potential action will happen after or on june 5th we heard from supervisor mar he wants more time to consider the prospering proposal we too benefit from the opportunity of more outreach let us begin i'm going to turn it over to my fear also manager for the bulk of the presentation >> good afternoon, commissioners commissioner burns here's the outline for our presentation i'm going to take you through the 4 aspects and we'll beginning benefit from the public. this is the definition of formulate retail overall this aspect will strengthen the
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formula retails controls and those changes will target large established chains while allowing the smaller ones to develop and that's an overall increase in the number of businesses captured. in response to data articulated concern and our professional analysis we're proposing the 3 changes to the definition of formula retail increasing the number of locations to 20 including the indirectly and second not to count subsidies and continue to have retail control and adding the professional services to the distinction of formula retail those changes will capture at least one hundred and 50 san francisco businesses as formula retail. while the existing threshold of
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lavl was not based on data we have data now on how they operate this chart shows from raising it from 11 to 20 only 5 percent will not be captured by definition you, however, other things will increase the number some say the lease locations because leases are private agreements they can't be verified by city. by counting those entitled or permitted locations the vice president can verify those. and further they're not an insurance of buildings that are unable to operate like woody allen grounds by counting the permitted ones they can be counted in a short term. raises the threshold to 20 will
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exempt some saturday up companies for example, phil's deli have over 11 locations but are significantly lower raising the threshold to 20 will allow small businesses like those some are concerned up to 20 are not small businesses, however, compared to the brands like phillip's this is only revokable in this area compared to subway. this leads to a lack of a sense of place. the major retail formula uses are being addressed we're expanding this to include international this slide show us
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10 percent is headquarters outside the u.s. the vast majority have long established places in the u.s. and have established as formula retail. we recognize san francisco is an international city we recognize that an increasing global economy that they can contribute to the standardization and surprisingly including the inspirational that will have little effect on the definition. we heard that counting international locations will hinder the appeal first, the department believes that the flagship companies are better and the combination of raising the threshold to 20 and including the inspirational locations we except few
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international retailers will be removed from the definition many of those outside the u.s. have multiple locations bet they come here if this definition had been that in place it would treat some as formulate retail. the last change to the definition is increasing the land use captured that will increase the businesses harassing as formula retail we ask for limited and professional services and french financial are cash establishment they were included in the inner market street controls for their corporation and limited financial services or atm they're having financial services that are a retail uses and the atms are detracting from the vibrancy.
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business and professional services like h and s block and kinko's are app a combination of financial and others services. coldwell banker and other services are considered professional those are similar to retail formula businesses. let's talk about a change that's not appropriate. we don't recommend including subsidy companies in the definition of formula retail based on the businesses in san francisco this proposed change is unlikely to have a changing effect with only 12 locations are subsidies and most of those qualify as formula retail. the proposed definition is
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problematic a subsidy is 50 percent owned by a company it is a formula use it didn't have to have multiple locations this intense defines is hard to define and this slide shows a recent business they have in brick and mortar locations the proposals to count the subsidies as written may not capture the retailer it intends to regulate and futuristic there maybe economies of scales. including no subsidies can impact the owners this is an example. the owner of super duper you burgers opposes those others restaurants and under the property legislation; right when
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super depositor reaches the physical retail control each of the other businesses have truly unique and don't contribute they're they'll have negative gangs like limiting it and it will be xhifrpt applied as the definitions will be hard to identify. we feel our definition changes are balanced and slightly more restrictive moving on to geometric market street is the city's premier street and it should retain the san francisco character. this parking lot part of the market street is here since 1920 and 40 additional projects in the pipeline this intense
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development it should define the markets shark character. last year supervisor kim's talked about the controls here interim controls are for financial services and french that of him and restaurant and pharmacies when those are visible from the street. due to the visual and importance of the street it recommends the permanent fee controls for formula retail on 6th street this is the summary of our recommended changes covering dings and geography. the second aspect is designed to strengthen the conditional use process by adapting the space
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standards. the code establishes those 5 criteria but gives no guidance that's because it is developing a formula retail and the department buildings it is past time to adapt the guidelines we've seen the inconsistently that don't compare with the data and some key terms are undefined currently, the commission is asked to evaluate the k35sh9 of formula retail this is a good match for the commissions discretion we believe theirs standardized standards are regulated seso we ask for signage and pedestrian design
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first, the biggest proposal is adding the discretion in signages they protect the atmosphere of san francisco. the commission may gage engage in signage but it's permitted separately through the signage department they play a role from the transmission of the visitors. the department recommends requiring formula retailer to have a discretionary on the signage rough one central location and comparability. as for facade we know the vitality of a streetscape is success on storefronts they're the most main transmission it enhances the character of a neighborhood. tenants should be able to convey
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their signage that receptors the neighborhood. store front transparency this is in part an existing remit under days law the department can't ask them to look at the control. it would be required to make allocations the store front can have transparent open sheriff and no ground floor window covering. the standards focused on the visible impacts those ideas came directly from the discussion of this site the commission considered formula retail here without a review.
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right now this is only assessable through one assessable door and adding a perform standard can readying address this issue. as we saw earlier the 5 criteria helps us to look at comparability, however, many districts may not be identified by the neighborhood this characters a district and adds complexities by offering a comparison. the department recommends the case reports in addition to the 5 criteria. the existing evaluation criteria directs the staff to look at the whole district like on endearing if we look at the radius of the quarter mile and counted the
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uses regardless of afflicting zoning it is an approximate for a quarter mile radius on geary that analysis captures the uses on complement and the cross streets we'll continue to look at this for the general character with the comparability of the arts and aesthetics but looking at this will provide a more targeted analysis of the proposed formula retailer. the 5 existing criteria to evaluated the neighborhood serving use my side help to look at the goods and services that people want win the walking distance of their work place
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this will be added to the defines and will help to determine in the uses are being d displaced or missing. it will look like this the holistic review of the districts and the specific review of the immediate areas and the distinction of daily needs serving uses. the third aspect of the proposal is the administer review we're not removing anything, however, providing an opportunity for administration review any controversy will result in a full commission hearing. this new performance review will it apply to sites that have received an approval for its
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comparability. if a formula retail use it changing operator but keeping the same performance they'll have the same signage and accessibility. if the project is unable to meet the standards a single person could request a hearing where the formula retailer will be considered. the final aspect of our proposal is an economic impact report we've heard concerns that our study didn't specifically address the economic impacts economic impacts are tied to the size of the store the super stores bring in an influx of jobs but they close because of a inability to match competition.
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why we believe that impact reports should be tied to the scale only. the super stores are large single floors and they don't provide the highest and best use of land thereby creating a loss of revenue. in san francisco super stores are different in size. and boss of the best buys and cost could see have different skiej. the authorization is required for various size of retail under today's controls the cus considering parking and off-street parking and employment related impacts in order to fully evaluate those
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more studies are for larger stores that includes an assessment of the super store effects in the retail and employment the estimation of sales tax and the project of costs to the public services resulting from the operation of the store and any public assistance the employees need and a leakage study to see if the cities is ben and a multiple study for the circulation of local dollars. our proposed changes applied holistically recognize the formula retail controls in a way that creative and unique neighborhood and effort strong activity. i'm going to turn it over to director ram to include our presentation.
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>> thank you. i want to take a moment to recognize her job on this she's worked exceptionally hard and i want to thank all staff. i want to take a moment to thank several of the supervisors that did agree to hold-off on legislation supervisor mar and supervisor breed and supervisor kim waited for the results of the study to move forward i i know it's taken longer than we thought it might. you know, this is a complicated issue we've been balancing various aspects and points of views i know something that was said in the beginning we think this system works the result of the study is the creates a
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balance between formula retail and locally owned businesses and proposing tweaks to make it more restrictive in some cases and not restrictive in accountabilities it's a study based on serious research we were happy to make changes as we hear from the commission and public. we're asking you initiate today not take action but allow us to take the next step. the date in our packet is july and depending on the commissions wishes i'm hoping we can consider as soon as june 26th but that's certainly up to you as well. we'll have several weeks to work out issues with the neighborhoods and the community as we move forward
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