tv [untitled] May 28, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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initial launch where we went out and looked at the car and filled out the is survey and said this pole has got to go. her feedback which i thought she was supposed to be a neutral person said, don't you think you will get used to it. i thought about that. i know i don't like change at this point in my life and would i get used to it? the answer is no. it may work in an empty car, but that reality is never a reality. i think when we talk about a car of the future, what has been overlooked is that chairs are growing in size as people are growing in size and the dimensions that bart used, they use the minimums. there is nothing to say in the regulations that you can't go above and beyond the minimum. so i want to encourage that in the future, bart and any other government agency look at going above and beyond what is the minimum requirements. i
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personally travel with another person often, my husband in a wheelchair. the two of us trying to get off a train that is not even crowded with a pollen there is going to be a big obstruction. i also wanted to say it's brought up for me too because it's an cumulative process. as a person with a disability requiring the use of an elevator with the bart it's not an equitable experience. at the time i have got on the train i have to hold my breath to make sure it's going to work and i have had to hold my breath inside the elevator and many of you know what i'm talking about and by the time the train door opens, there is no place for me to get on. i will leave it at that. thank you.
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>> thank you. next we have bob plant hold. >> i'm bob plant hold. a former long time member and officer of the bart access task force. so i got to go to a lot of station openings. i'm bringing up the outreach because i want you folks to think back at the date chart we were shown of these various prototypes. san francisco has five stations that is right the most traveled in the system. the downtown 4 plus balboa bart. so there is a lot of people in and out of this city through here. i don't remember any in invite from bart coming to senior action network now marked in the
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senior disability action. i talked to members in the commission of adult services. they don't remember getting any invite to the preview discussion. i don't know that there has been extensive detail design for those brought here to the disability council. i'm trying to bring up their significant agencies represented working with seniors and people with disabilities having the most passengers. we didn't hear about it. there is a defect, a flaw. even in earlier feedback. myself and janet were part of people among a focus group asked about seat design. we said keep the poles by the door. that was before 2011. i don't know what happened to that focus group and response and feedback. the point is they are helpful, not just for people to hold onto but when you are sitting near the door, it helps to have a pole to pull yourself up
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rather than trying to leap yourself up from the seat. the pole have a value to us as well as those that need something to hold onto while standing up. that's been ignored. i'm going to suggest to julie's question about the response to emergency needs to be taken care to. thank you. >> next john alex lowell with the fdr democratic club. >> thank you. i have drawn a proposal. may i lay it down to be displayed for all to see. i have had two 2 points of improvements in my mind. to have two curb rods that meet
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in the point where the current rod exist that is similar to the current long poles above the seats. that would be sufficient for people standing up right. in addition to that, item no. 2 would reflect the insertion of two vertical sealing to floor poles next to the designated green seats. so that would address the pull up poles, plus it would be sufficient for people who are short in height because of the medical condition to cord plays -- condominium plays or age. the three prongs that form a mesh at the same height from the long poles would be sufficient for people standing and not lead to a
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an obstruction. the point of need of training of emergency evacuation. has there been a trial run on evacuation of people in wheelchairs during fires or any other disaster on bart? there has not been. that needs to be engaged to ensure they are safe in an emergency. please consider these three options in the redesign. thank you. >> next i have thalia j smith with the tndc. >> next i'm going to have some trouble. michael cluk.
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>> hi, good afternoon, councilmembers, my name is michael quack. i was serving like you as the mayor council and around 1999-2003, that's the time i was serving in council and then i was serving on the taxi commissioner. most of the advocacy been around san francisco specific ally for para transit. in early 90 service to east bay and then -- so some opportunity to work with some of the advocates and a few other names who are not
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so active. long time ago. looking back the last 20 years, i thought we had moving along. we are supposed to be a percent improvement at all. i don't see that. i saw at the mail come in today. i try to do this last minute try to catch up on what's going on. i can see that to the central pole. my comments is to be removed to must be removed and why it has to be there. and why there has to be no where else. we don't have a design, we are going to space, we could not put a better design. hello, what are they missing. do we get it. no. 1, a lawsuit. i will be the first one. second, personal injury.
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no. 3, pocket damage. in the next 60 seconds. the space for the wheelchair, i have no comment how small they are and how many requirement because the way i look at it, they don't care. we do whatever we can whether the passenger is facing us. i'm getting too close. hello. they don't care. why should we. so the space is going to be a problem. but we can work with it. last comment, make it available in all the space available in the train because that will increase mobility and disability. thank you. >> next we have larry juice evan. >> her hello, my name is
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larry juice evan. we did come from tndc, the ambassador hotel. i think it's good with the bart going on. it's good. bart is good. i think one thing about people with low income in san francisco with sro's a lot of people don't get to ride bart. a lot of people cannot even afford muni. i hope this can come to pass. we used to ride bart from balboa to the inner city. we need to bring that back because bart comes to our city. once the bart there it's a sign of relief in san francisco. a lot of people don't know that. i know a lot of people in wheelchairs and
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sro of market they would love to ride bart to loektsz. -- locations. we have to depend on the soul train and t train. it's a heavy train that goes out to third street. i think this is good that they are redesigning the bart trains and a different color would make people realize that they need to honor those. people don't think that i have disabilities. they don't recognize that. the bart will be a good service. also, we never get to use the restrooms in san francisco. all other bart station, because the restrooms are underground and people have the restrooms to use at bart but interested san francisco there are no restrooms. that will help take some of the blight off the
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streets for people using the restrooms. it a good idea. thank you. >> is there any other public comment here? all right. the bridge line? any public comment on the bridge line? >> can you hear me? >> yes. >> my name is bruce wolf and today i'm representing san francisco. i agree with all the priest -- previous speakers on the critiques that they have. shero -- they are very important. i also want to include a guide and service dogs. obviously a dog takes up some room. usually they are fairly large when they are used with a harness and when the cars are very busy and maybe all the disability seats are taken by people with
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disabilities, there isn't additional room for a dog to take up enough space for 1 person. so i'm wondering if there was some ability underneath to provide underneath the seats enough space. i have not entered a car yet with my dog. i do have a disability and have a service dog for balance. i would appreciate any consideration you can make for those of us that require dogs to be functional. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other comment on the bridge line? okay. moving on. going
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was one area of many exercises. it was community based organizations and city and county government, muni and private enterprises to solve the problems with transportation during a disaster. the next topic the committee took up was the review of the city shelter database. which roughly 50 percent of the city shelters are fully accessible. many others are unusable but not ada compliant. there were
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many efforts to make shelters fully accessible or at least unfavorable for people with disabilities in an event of a disaster. there are three categories of shelters in the city. one is city owned properties and schools, two churches, three, private schools and the work base organizations to work on accessibility issues. there are no requirements for private schools to be accessible. the committee thought importance to pursue in the future. then the committee set several goals in the next 18 months. included in the list were for data base, point of distribution, sites throughout the city for food and supply for people with mobility issues and coordinating with government and community based organizations to lower -- services and ensure maximum
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effect of services in the event of a disaster. this concludes the report. the disability committee meets next on friday july 11, 2014, at city hall. we welcome all to attend. thank you. end of report. >> thank you. >> you're welcome.>> i would like to make a correction or clarification to the board. one of the items that were discussed at the disability disaster preparedness committee meeting is that more than 80 percent of the site on the list on the shelter data base list are usable to people with disabilities are not necessarily ada compliant as the current regulations of the department of traffic
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requires. and approximately 50 percent of the site are city and county under city and county of san francisco jurisdiction so we know a lot about the disability. the other 50 percent are faith based organizations and community agency which remain to be inspected and reviewed. >> thank you. moving forward, we have agenda p item no. 9. public comment. items not on today's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc council. >> hi, good afternoon. cochairs. just want to touch on a little bit of the history
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in san francisco in terms of advocacy and also what you have been doing and those before you. i recall one, after the meeting. one item in front of us was ada related training. soon after the incident approximately 12 years ago. after heated discussion and ada coordinator from michael sergeant sullivan, i don't know if he's still there. he asked for $40,000 in training for the police. it's not big money. after the discussion we moved fov it and support it. i talked to myself, 5:00 p.m., why have we done so far, are we going to make a difference. the guy, the supervise who controls the funding, the
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finance committee. that happens to be leland yee. so i make a phone call to his office to give it a try and we are in some relationship with -- mayor's supervisor. he's done a few good things and significant by the city college. i was a student at that time as well. i made a phone call. two days later he called back and woke me up and he said, this is leland, are you there, michael? i said yes. what happens to the $40,000 funding for the prang is -- training is not a big amount. it's never been my style or my approach, but i think when we as advocates or councilmembers we should try to do something we could have
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done differently or out of that box to make that phone call whether you know them or not because they serve on our behalf. they are on our payroll as well. annoy -- you know what i mean. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other public comment for item no. 9. items on today's agenda? okay. >> hi, my name is larry j edmond's. yesterday was my birthday. i come down here especially because i want the mayor to know that and sro's that we have a little bit too much race as much, verbal abuse, profanity, threats and violence and phobic. i have been dealing with this since february. a young lady came to me today where she's in a
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room at 208 and i'm in 520. i'm glad that she was here. she left before i got here. the ideal that the current newspaper, i told her that she can come here on a third friday. she was amazed and she beat me here. generally when we get to the hotel, a lot of tenants don't know about these meetings here because somebody will remove them in our building. she was like, i was just glad that she made it here and she knew how to get here and now she can come back. but being a person with disabilities and not being able to approach a person is sometimes is hard that people don't want to is survive by your disability. you should have disclosed the disability when you respect others. but, today i'm supposed to be right now. mental health really
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matters. i really hope that more on mental health will be brought up for keeping the sro's because there are people just sitting there. they don't get out. i think bart could be good. i ride bart to the end of the lean. -- line and people can use those types of mobility back and forth and i hope bart will run better. i know when they come in those bicycles and wheelchairs. i ride cal trans a lot for football and basketball games. they have a set up where you put the bicycles. something needs to be worked because there is frustration with people not being able to. last night about 2 or 3:00 i'm looking at the ac transit.
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about 60 people getting on the bus. it's amazing how a 24 hour bart and it's amazing how many people got on the bart. so many people come here at night. if you are ever downtown at 2 or three in the morning, it's taking so many people back to east bay. it's amazing and wonderful. thank you.a any public comment? we have on the bridge line. >> hello. are you there. >> i have no more comment, thank you. >> okay. thank you. okay. moving forward. agenda item no. 10. information item
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correspondence. >> there isn't any correspondence this week. >> thank you. discussion item. agenda item no. 11. discussion item. councilmember comments and announcements? i have got a comment and a question. how did everyone here at council think about today's show up of people in attendance? comments on that? >> it was encouraging to see as many people out here as possible that we saw. in particular the mobility impaired, sight impaired community was represented. i wish we could have heard from more. >> thank you. i agree.
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cochair supanich that it's always a great sight to see in person and the bridge line people taking advantage of that access for their means. today hopefully moving forward whether it be about bart, whether it be about housing, whether it be about any other issues affecting our community that you know that you have a place not to just come every third friday, but for a place to go afterwards. this is a hub that we can create here to go forward outside of this council and do good work. and comments? councilmember? >> did i just cancel myself? i want to thank the organizations and the disability community coming out today. i'm really glad that we could provide a forum for these issues and concerns about bart and access issues.
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and i hope this begins the dialogue between the disability community and bart. and going forward, i would like to see a future updates from bart and from the disability community to see handout you -- how this partnership goes forward with the recommendations. i look forward to hearing more. thank you. >> thank you. and with that, agenda item 12. adjourn. thanks for coming. we'll look forward to seeing you next june on the third friday. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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