tv [untitled] May 28, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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supervisor about a year and learning the different types of people and learning the community and service industry that's opened a gateway and it helped me to find my passion in helping others and learning about the industry and serving go others not only in my community but the customer service industry and indefinitely opened my eyes to study hospitality and tourism if it wasn't for match bridge i wouldn't be studying the broadcast industry but i've found my passion in helping and serving other and through match bridge and reflecting back when i was at a match bridge hiring event i said chris, i think i
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was the one getting interviewed and to share that experience of being on the other side of interviewing people that were in the same shoes looking for a job it's amazing i can't contemplate on what a beautiful experience to share that with starbucks you've they've opened a gateway and i want to thank you guarantee again for letting me share my story this program is an amazing the feedback to give back to the young adults that are in my shoes a couple of years ago it is amazing in working with starbucks and i think everyone should support it that's amazing i wish i could tell everyone thank you very
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much for letting me share (clapping.) so elizabeth thank you for your again taking charge of our own future and career one observe i you might stay in the hospitality but you could do anything you want to do and also want to give a quick shout out as elizabeth was talking that's barbara and amy stand up for a second because they (clapping) together they have helped manage the partnership are starbucks in particular and helped to prepare young people like elizabeth elizabeth thank you very much. all right. and now ladies and gentlemen, starting at inside line backer number 43, 49ers
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>> what's my number yes, sir. yes, sir. 53 and so it's the fourth quarter they're on the eight yard line threatening to score they drop back to catch a pass and he goes 89 yards for the go ahead score. >> thank you. >> one more wait, wait this is a test to say if you're a 49ers fan. >> we have 49ers fans i'm i'm here because i care. just to hear your story is amazing i can think badgering
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back to what i was trying to figure out what i was trying to do with my life in the summertime people around the age of 14 and 20 your usually outside or getting into some bad things. so mayor ed lee what you're doing is not normal i want to say that because summer jobs are hard to find and some kids don't want to work they want to enjoy their summer but i know it says a lot about a child when they're able to put the fun aside and know that life is important and time didn't wait for no one i commend you that are looking for a job it's inspiring to me. another thing i think that the benefit of summer jobs allows
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you to be in conducive settings and once again stay off the streets and out of trouble but that helps you with great habit one good habit my only job i worked at wendy i didn't see my and the person that hired me was my mom (clapping.) (laughter.) >> but my mom is not a push over he walked in there thinking it was going to be easy but she put me to work i didn't want to do that by (laughter) you know, i didn't want to do that but she was doing that and provided for yours everyday and she worked so hard to put her
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heart towards providing for us i'm happy my mom provided for me and my brothers but some of the habits that i've learned while working at a job like that was punk i can't let, you know, attention, you know, kids those days attention is and punk light are two hard of things for children our age to a understand but it builds character and shows your boss what type of mindset you have and how far i want to succeed in life a few the others things the relationships you'll build in those jobs or fields it may open up another door down the road there's a lot of great things you know when you get a job it's
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not just earning money you look at the bigger picture and try to get something more than money, money isn't everything i'm a believer in that i have a lot but it's not the only thing that makes me happy interest to your job employers just get to know those young men and women that are out there trying to get a job and what you're looking for maybe give them words of encourage for their next interview my hat goes off you overcame adversity good job ethically elizabeth. >> here's our time your moment
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hopefully, you have your pledge cards ready and so are we still able to track realtime where we are in terms of the pledges? okay. so those are the employers that have already made pledges and so we have i'm going to jump down don't sue me margaret. starbucks and hotel council party staff and the fine arts museum and american eagle and others having pledged before we walked into the room what's our goal mr. mayor >> 7 thousand. >> all paid jobs and interning and we're up to 4 thousand walking out of the room not bad
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give yourselves a hand (clapping) and so then as we close i'm sorry that's 4 thousand seven hundred and 31 let's do the math that maples with we have 22 hundred and 69 more to go you like that math thank you very much. all right. here's our opportunity and challenge we still need those 23 hundred jobs if you pledge thank you very much if you contributed financially we have one last ask tell son-in-law and encourage them it's one opportunity or a hundred tint we need them all and appreciate the partnership on behalf of mayor ed lee and our corporate sponsors thank you
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and we say thank you and we look forward to being able to celebrate 3r0eb89 in september and final words from our mayor >> on behalf of the sfoifk to our corporate partners and each one of you who pledged money and resources and jobs and intifrm thank you. we say thank you for not only offensive those experiences but brairz our youth and thank you for keeping the doors of opportunity and we'll goetd get to the 7 thousand by this summer. thank you >> have a great day everyonesu. thank you >> have a great day everyone
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(clapping.) >> let's see can everybody hear i'm mark buell the wanting of the recreation and park commission (clapping.) thank you. i want to welcome you all here today and want to welcome some distinguished guests i'm to read names if you could hold our applause and let them know you appreciate them. our da george (laughter) >> now you know who started clapping the general manager he's in charge of everything excuse me. george and our purifying and gloria and tom harrison and all my fellow commissioners on rec and park
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chief suhr our councilmember ferraro and cindy wu and appearance park president and jim the sincere vp and reverend chang now give them a big hand (clapping.) i have two art commissioners roberta and abby i apologize give them a welcome. (clapping.) >> art at this stage of the program i need lilly to help we a.k.a. donna. so i thought rather than giving you my interpretation i'll tell you what wikipedia has to say
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about her. lilly hitchcock fire bell was considered eccentric and smoking cigars and wearing trousers before it was acceptable and an avid gambler and she dressed up as a male to do so. as a young woman she traveled to europe and married howard the caller for the san francisco stock exchange he passed away in 11885 he saw the fire department respond to telegraph hill and helped them get up the hill this was in the days when everything
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was outsourced to private enterprise but she get them up first and treated asia mascot of the firefighters and after her return in the 63 made an honoree of the engine company and rode along where the firefighters or which were in parade she tend to prove this relationship with firefighting throughout her life. she died in 1929 and left 1/3rd of the estate to 76 to be used for the purpose of adding to the beauty of the city the city adduced r use to see to build the tower on itself hill and it is the statute of 3 firefighters down in washington square so let's here it for this beautiful
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lady (clapping.) thank you >> thank you do you want to say a few words. >> all of that is true and even if you're not a firefighter your pretty cute but really thank you, thank you so much for this beautiful restoration of my gift to the city it's incredible and enjoy it and take care of it. >> thank you lilly (clapping.) i would be remiss if i didn't mention a special guest he's a firefighter in san francisco but more importantly he's the grandson of victor who managed the development of the murals on the coit tower so welcome pete thank you pete
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(clapping) all right. moving right long we have a distinguished guest arriving sometime soon so rather than buy time i may introduce the next speaker on the program that's i want you to recall it was the board of supervisors who decided to appropriate this money that lilly left to do the right thing in san francisco and that altercation keeps going with the president of our board of supervisors david chiu (clapping.) good morning, everyone. the sun is shining on telegraph hill i want to thank you for being part of this wonderful, wonderful event and let me start by saying i think for every person here we all have our personal contentions with telegraph hill my coit tower 22
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years ago i visited san francisco and climbed up the stairs and looked at the bay and moved to the city a few years ago 18 years ago every sunday i ran up here to the top of coit tower this is a special place and we all know for decades coit tower has banana amazing similarly place starting in 1893381 years ago you look great but thank you lilly for your friendship >> thank you to our grandfather in 1933 i'm sorry during the great depression painted 27
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murals that depict our strugglers of working families and labor here in san francisco that really is a very much part of what our city is about and who we stand for. over the decades we've had so many members of our community the friends of pioneer park struggled to put together the resources and visit in where we are and more recently thank you to the telegraph hill folks yes give it up for them (clapping) are so many of you who handled the baton to protect the symbol of san francisco thank you all for your effort i know the mayor is coming but the mayor responded to the request of all
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i have us on telegraph hill and working with our rec and park and our arts commission thank you to close to $2 million of restoration work that combined to a structure and institution that will for decades bring tens of thousands of san franciscans to the city s to call coit tower one of our favorite landmarks in the world thank you very much for being here have a wonderful day (clapping.) so as we wait for our special guests the next speaker i have to tell you if last year for the park bond issue that was on the ballot that 72 percent of the people in san francisco said they like the job it the rec and park department is doing and passed the bond by a large
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number and i believe that's due entirely to the staff of rec and park and the job they do and under the leadership of their general manager phil immensely beggar (clapping.) wow. what a beautiful day, huh? what a similarly beautiful day and after danny sank the natural anthem to mr. president, please if anything the shout out it will show up on my performance elevations i was overcome by the celebration and beauty of the day this is a special mom that we should all be proud of. it is a great and proud moment
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for coit tower a great and proud moment for the rec and park department and arts commission a great and proud moment for the friends of pioneer park and the telegraph towers it's a great moment for the city and county of san francisco it really is. it is so important that we preserve our culture hermg in this city and a thailand time in this neighborhood alone on saturday we had the pleasure of being down the hill of the ribbon cutting for the north beach library (clapping) that sits think joe deimagine plagued that's up next. the library has anizing towards the future and keeping families thriving in the city today is about our past and have preserving our past and focusing
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on our culture heritage a special time for us because today is coit tower and next year down the road the palaces of fine arts and the "x" pay any attention when san francisco welcomed 20 million visitors after the great earthquake they came through the newly opened panama canal and it was the moment when this city of the back from the earthquake this moment has a context we're proud to welcome you here. the funding for this project came from sooifgz e savings nearly $1.7 million from savings from our bond measures i'm very very proud of that (clapping) with that funding we were
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building to obviously restore the murals and murals have been restored here over time and the reason it didn't take quite frankly because lilly your building was perfect but not waterproof. so we replaced the roof and repainted the lobby ceiling to bring it up to date and i can't wait for you to see that the murals pop and it didn't look like the coit tower you've ever seen it's truly particularly we've renovated bathrooms and thanks to our proud partnership our new vendor we've improved the visitor experience it's really, really beautiful
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(clapping) you will see not only the murals but the museum quality gift shop this contribute to 19 thirty comes from the gift shop this is the first purchase of our new gift shop its stylish and the benefit of our partnership with terry and our new vendors one percent of the precedes will be put to workshop the murals and others things this is a thought of and well-designed partnership one intended to last to thank you's it is about gratitude from our mayor to supervisor chiu to identify the funding for coit tower they gave us the authority
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to spend it. without their support we wouldn't be here today. i also want to recognize my department staff and some of the partners in this project first of all, our property management team working with our coit tower vendor this project received unanimous support from the board of supervisors and it's the hard and scompleks structure our capital planning team don and mac and others ceo tran and his team a very, very special shout out to our partners the san francisco arts commission tom you'll hear from him and worked closely with the architecture group to restore this project and tom there are plenty of stories of departments not
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working well together and city agencies knocking heads but the partnership we have is a model for 21st century government to return it to its glory our hard working staff exacting taylor with his staff that worked hard to spruce up the grounds and mississippi low and tim and all our 2 61 apprentices. i really want to thank the planning commission cindy wu and the entire staff for their expertise and last but not least we want to thank the neighbors john for the advocacy for the building (clapping) but is special shout out to the
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finances of pioneers park julie christian son thank you for your tireless advocacy to make this place worth and we're just thrilled i can't wait for you to see it and cheers to san francisco. cheers (clapping.) we're getting close this side of the aisle the bride side it hot the grammar side cooler but the honoree the president charles with us today and thank him for his continuing to nurture the arts coming to san francisco (clapping) and speaking of being challenges the art commission has the
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responsibility for lots of public art in san francisco i want you to welcome the arts commissioner tom (clapping.) well, good afternoon it's a hot one so i will try to be brief so we can get into the shade welcome this is an incredible day in san francisco i wanted to start with everybody who has champed the coit tower and the murals it's an incredible day when you go inside look at the conservatism team what they've done it's absolutely stunning so i'm going to share a little bit about people we have to recognize today on behalf of the arts commission i want to thank
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ann rosenthal and james and jeremy a who has spent the last several months examining the murals and before we applaud them they are the same group that worked on the murals in 1989 we're lucky to have the team that did the painstakingly reorganization and i appreciate the coverage in the media so have the world-class conservation folks working on this restoration let's give ann and the team a hand (clapping) i still mentioned as part of the recreation discovered a that frame in the ceiling you'll notice that t
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