tv [untitled] May 29, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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and they combine with the network to allow you anywhere in san francisco without making one transfer and that is really what makes living in san francisco without a car viable and then we have the circular network and these are the smallest routes and travel from the hill top into the original node and providing the basic access for folks. and a lot of these circulate networks needed the tweaking and now it stops right now within the four blocks of the station and so it gets you almost to there but not all the way there so that is an example of the service improvement that
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the tp is recommended. the over all service changes represent a net service increase of 12 percent, and includes some redesigning of routes to stream line the travel and improve the efficiency and it very much focuses on connecting the networks better. and there will be a new 28 l that connected the richmond and the sunset, and the outer mission. and it will lead to reduced crowding and modifies or discontinued the low rider ship segments and then it expands the limited stop service and so, on the busy corridors for example, the five folton and we recently introduced the limited spot service and when you start needing service, every four or five minutes, sometimes, there is an opportunity to add a second type of service, and that gets the people where they are going more quickly and so
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some people are going to take that local service that works well for them but a lot of people will opt for the quicker trip. and the capitol investments take a cost effective transit in providing priority in the traffic and that includes, for example, the j, church pilot that we have out right now, and and it also includes, things like with the term restrictions and stop consolidation, as well as, particularly in our rail lines, we are stopping the train very frequently because there are so many stop signs, for example, injuda and looking
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for ways to stop the stop signs for the traffic signals that we can time to anticipate the train coming. and the environmental benefits of the tp are extensive. and we need to increase the greenhouse gas emissions by providing the increased service and we also will reduce the vehicle miles traveled through the and it will be 25,000 to 45,000 when it is implemented and we recently completed the air quality analysis under the sequa and we did notify any significant impacts, related to the program. and so some of the other benefits of the tep include, reduced crowding and more convenient, transit connections and improved reliability and enough up to a 25 percent travel time reduction, on those
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busy 15 corridors and reduce the transit collisions and enhance the pedestrian safety is also a key out come of the program. and where we do have the trade offs for example, in some cases, where recommending removing stops, we have really tried to minimize those trade offs and so, for example, we are focusing the stop removal on the heaviest rider ship routes and over all 97 percent of stops will be retained. and this is a map of the tep, as well as some of the brt corridors that we are working on and the pedestrian high collision network and as you can see there is an overlap, and so, with the tep, we will also sefrk as is a delivery mechanism for enhancing the pedestrian safety, and which will help us to reach our goal of zero fatalities over the next ten years. and also, we will improve the
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mode share by making not only the transit. just approved a two year budget that increased a ten percent service increase and three percent that will be rolled out as early as this fall and 7 percent in the second fiscal year. and the tp was identified as a high priority in the task force and that was a task force, but the mayor established, and that to identify the funding sources to sustain our transportation system moving forward. and the tep, was included as a high priority for that program. and we are currently pursuing two funding mechanisms, for the
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current november ballot, including the 500 million dollar, geo bond, and it would not be in additional it would be uppeder way and 150 million of it will go towards implementing the transit project and the funding sources also identified, the resources for the new and larger vehicles, which are also critical to delivering the service improvements. and i know that the commission josefowitz and wald were sponsored for the conversations and so maybe, if the commissioner josefowitz if you
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would want to? >> it is a tremendous program and i don't know how you guys are thinking about telling the folks about how successful, it will be, and it will hopefully be, and so, that you can get the credit and really improve in the people's travel times, which i think is, and as you said, even more important than that, and just the decreasing in the variability of the people's travels times and i know that like, for instance, when there is a public works project and there is a nice, little, sort of poster or a sign that says, you know, this was paid for by, you know, american reeninvestment act or whatever it was and that was tremendously helpful in helping sort of the people and coming
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for them. >> and, that is really, great, feedback. and what we are doing, now. is developing a communication strategy called muni forward. and that takes not only the transit effectiveness projects, investments but also, the new vehicles, and some of the infrastructure investments that we are making and develops the communication strategy around them. and the transit effectiveness project is sort of a clunky planning tool. and so, in terms of communicating we are looking forward for the muni forward as that vehicle. >> one of the things that i think might be really interesting, and it would be to sort of, you know, put on, when a bus gets to its destination to be able to say without it would have taken you maybe not tap as sort of the right
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product and the right term, but you know if we had not done the stock consolidation and all of these things that a bunch of people complained about because it is changed and the people explain about change. you know, you would not be here, for another 7 minutes. but, you know, given that we do all of this stuff, now you are. because i think that it is really difficult to get the people jazzed, to get san franciscans jazzed about the nuts and bolts about the transit improvements. and but, it is so important. to making the system function properly and maybe there is a way of kind of using this as an opportunity and a teachable moment, maybe. and to sort of generate, and enthusiasm for this type of project and because tap is one thing and this is the type of i, imagine, this is sort of an ongoing project that needs to be revise and improved upon. >> thank you. >> i think that the five limited pilot that we have out
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there right now which is saving people five to ten minutes a trip would be a great opportunity to have that kind of message. >> and i don't know if there is a way to coordinate with the department of the environment when it does sort of the commuter benefits to out reach. and where, we can say, where the department could maybe go to the folks and say, you know, i just wanted to let you know, that you know, if you, and i don't know, if you, and i don't know, maybe just a bit too complicated and go to the employer, and as they do the transit route, as they do sort of helping the people sort of map out what the transit routes would be best for them and you can say, you know, this is actually that route that you used to take and maybe you tried it once and it is now ten minutes fas ter and you should give it another go and it is incorporating that in the department's out reach. >> thanks, commissioners. >> commissioner steve on >> and at the beginning of your presentation, my screen had
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something kind of crazy on it and i couldn't see, maybe you would had a chart about this but the 50 percent goal that we have, where are we right now towards that? >> like what percent of strips are you taken in a single act? >> and i am just pulling it back up, i apologize that i do not have the current percentage, but i believe that we are are well on our way to meeting those, and meeting the goal. and you know, because of there is a lot of times of the day, where we are doing much better, than 50 percent. and for example, during the commute hour, and things like that, but getting to a 24-hour, 50/50 is taking that sort of over all approach. but, you know, transit increasing enough but i don't have the exact numbers. >> and along those lines, it was cycling a part of this assessment and did, sort of as you were looking at you know, removing the parking on mission
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street to help with the bus lines, was, you know, the bike lanes, and included in part of that assessment. >> well, we did look at opportunities to use the transit effect in this project as a delivery vehicle for closing the key gaps, in the cycling network in the same way that we are looking at it as a way to deliver the vision zero, but, the focus was transit. >> commissioner? >> thank you, for your presentation. and i understand that the top concern that the people have since the service reliability. and the constituents are working and always brought up the issues about safety, is it part of the recommendation, or is that the reactions that are going to be improving the safety on the muni bus or on the bus route? >> personal security, or the physical safety. >> both. >> and so, in terms of physical safety, we are reviewing all of
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the key collision areas as we developed that 40 miles of transit improvements. and on that pilot that i talked about for the five folton, one of the things that we did was, eliminate a lane of traffic, between or on the folton between central and stanyon, where the lanes were 9 feet wide but the bus is ten and a half feet so we were constantly having, side swipes and collisions there, and so we went from four lanes two in each direction to one lane in each direction, plus a center turn lane. and that allowed us to widen the lanes a little bit. there is also as i said a lot of pedestrian safety benefits embedded in the tp proposals and the proposals themselves don't specifically tackle the security, but we do know that
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there are locations where it needs to be a high priority, and we are working on the phasing of the project and one of the things that we are looking at on the protro, avenue is how we can pay lot the security measures along with the roadway and the service increases, because like you, we are hearing from constituents, that it is a high priority, and we had originally proposed some changes to the 27, and on the bryant and we ended up not implementing the changes, in part because we were hearing feedback that protro, was not working for the customer and one of the main reasons because of the security. >> on a personal note of
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is hard to balance, with the need of rider ship and in the case of my bus line which is the number six, and i think that you did a great job. >> thank you. >> what we can do to support the commission and perhaps, the commissioner could lead us up that effort and maybe, bring back to us what we can do and maybe take the action to support. i would love to do the brain storming on the commission.
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>> and with the staff, and the commissioner josefowitz can head up that work at the commission level and circle back to the policy meeting thank you for spending the time and all of the information in the presentation. >> thank you for having me. >> . >> public comment on this item? >> any public comment on tep? >> could we hear 6? >>review and approval of draft resolution 2014-08-coe in support of amendments to the clean construction ordinance. (explanatory document: sf planning department draft resolution of proposed amendments to the construction ordinance and draft resolution file 2014-08-coe) sponsor: commissioner johanna wald; speakers: wade weitgrefe, planner, san francisco planning department; jessica range, senior planner, planning department, and jonathan piakis, industrial hygienist/noise control officer, department of public health (15 minutes) (discussion and action) >> joining us from the planning
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department, and just kind of in the spirit of some of the conversations that i heard earlier, and this has really been an effort between our departments and the department of the environment and william and bob that we have been working with and we have done tons of out reach with the other city departments in trying to update this, ordinance, and so, this presentation, will be similar to what i gave at the policy subcommittee back in march.
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this is a health protective ordinance and it deals with the exhaust from the construction equipment. and air pollution is one of the leading environmental causes of cancer deaths, as recognized recently by a world organization of leading scientists that it is, or carcenogin and more and more research is coming out and almost, daily from scientists and journals that my colleagues that the department of public health pass on to us, and the
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ordinance that became effective in 2009, applying to the public works projects and the projects that are publicly funded and the construction projects that are longer than 20 days in lengths and live in the environment code and it helps to find the funding mechanisms for the construction contractors. and but it is enforced by the individuals to the departments such as the department of public works, and the public utilities commission, and we have worked with those city agencies over the last year, and insuring that they were, okay, with these updates to the ordinance, and, really the heart of the existing ordinance, was under the standard best management practices, well which talks about the tier two engines or
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the verified diesel and the mission control strategy and i am going to call them the vdax for the rest of the presentation and i will find out what that means in a minute and also the b20, bio diesel which you have heard william talk about earlier tonight. and they are really enforced through the contract bids and the specifications and this shows the new engine and
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mission standards and don't pay close attention to the numbers and they are standards. and as the time has moved on the equipment has become a lot cleaner and so the, and then you have the tier one equipment and it is not showing up on mine, but, then as you move further to the right, you have the tier two, equipment and so the new, and only the new engines that were manufactured would have to meet those standards, and if you just take
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the example of between 25 and 50 horse power, and between tier one and two. you would reduce, particulate matter emissions which is the major concern in the city. and finally the tier four, final and then is just became available last year and it was reduced another 90 percent, and so that is all, with the new engines but a lot of, construction and equipment, and lasts for 15 to 20 years or beyond, and so, there is another strategy, that is verified by the california or resources board, where you can retrofit, the existing engines which will or can reduce the
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emissions up to 85 percent. and so, although, the existing ordinance was great, you know, being a progressive city that we are, and realizing the newer technologies are becoming available, we felt that we could maybe, do more. and partially what was pushing us to do more, was through the california environmental quality act, and that is really where the planning department has stepped in and we are often finding out that the public works projects were having to do additional modeling and or do modeling and have to do additional measures, beyond the existing clean construction ordinance to comply with sequa. and so, we did not really feel that that was the most efficient way of doing the development and review, of the public works project and has to
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compile the ordinance and then the sequa has to do more. and so us collaborating with the department of public health and we went on an extensive modeling effort to map the areas in the city that have the most burden from the air pollution and that is what this map shows and the blue areas are and i am not going to go into it too much and i am happy to answer the questions about it, but essentially in these areas of the city, we think that there should be additional measures to protect the public's health, yes, commissioner? >> could, i ask a quick question, this the air pollution, associated with the construction as a sector or all air pollution period? >> great question. >> all air pollution and, this is based on all known, modeled source, or all known sources of air pollution, stationary, sources, roadway sources, and
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as you can see, 101280, and clearly olining on the blue. >> it definitely matched the construction, i mean, rather a transportation corridor and highways as well as some of the most heavy developed. >> yeah. >> and so, just quickly, on the roadway sources are the primary driver and there are two criteria that go into the snap and pm 2.5 small, particulate matter as well as excess cancerous, and the low ray sources are the primary driver through, you know, kind of when the corridors and to the north east water front, and the maritime sources are a big driver and the stationary sources are also a big driver, and from such of back up the diesel generators that you see on a lot of high-rise buildings or industrial sources, and this map, would look different ten years ago, honestly with the power plants in the city, and but, the roadways i would say
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are the primary generator. >> and so, with that, we needed to figure out what was feasible, though, as additional strategies to impose on public works projects and this one comment, this mapping, and this modeling is part of a larger city wide effort collaboration. and where we are trying to reduce the burden of air pollution, both on the existing and in the new developments in the city. and so this is just one strategy, among many including looking at private construction projects in the future, and commissioner had a question about that at the policy subcommittee that we are working on through a larger city wide effort. and so, in, and this is, my title, got thrown off somehow. but, this chart was one of the first things that we looked at in trying to figure out what is feasible, as indicated earlier,
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there is here for the new engines are being, manufactured for the tier four, but this graph shows that new engines are largely correlated to the economic growth and we are starting to see a lot of new engines in the air basen for contracting and this is just construction equipment. >> and purchasing the new engines and the manufacturing and warm. that is tier one and tier two, engines and approximately, 47 percent, of all engines, in the air basen are tier two, or better, and tier three or four and but only two percent, are
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tier four interim and so that was kind of a first indication that, you know, we would love to require to the tier four but it is really not feasible at this time. now, an indication of cleaner equipment, being greater demand is by this pi chart and the green, purple and the blue are 2, 3, 4, and although, they only count for 47 percent of all engines in the bay area, they are being used 59 percent of the time. and this, this pie chart shows that, you know, once again they are used being 59 percent of the time and they are only 32 percent of the pm emissions and so the equipment is much cleaner than the older pieces of equipment. >> and so with that knowledge, our proposed updates to the ordinance are pretty simple. and we are proposing that
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within those limited areas of the city, we have an additional requirement. and so, instead of the chair two, or the verified diesel emission control strategy, we say tier two end. and these, emission control strategies and they are available, for all different types of engine sizes. and so, if you put the tier two on top of the vdeck you are reducing the emissions almost equivalent to that tier four, final which is not yet available. and so the other aspect, that in those blue zones, they are proven exposure zone and there is the plant to help out the department and the public are assured that these projects are actually complying with the requirements of the ordinance. and i will touch on that in a second, here. >> and so, again, this is how protective and this is the tier two, and i already kind of
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