tv [untitled] May 30, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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you get our first job oftentimes we only think about that we realize someone helped you those are the times when you look at 70 thousand youth of san francisco that will never forget the moment that someone helped them get they're first job and lout them to get the skills and turn from an interview they have their head down to how can i help our company be more expensive with my skills those are transitional periods of time like eric said and their transitional for our city i want to signal to the next generation of youth your future is here in the city and the best jobs exist
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in the city of san francisco and we're going to link you up to present you in the best way and allow you and your family to succeed so think about that for a moment who helped you get our first job because oftentimes you're going to do that extra more to hire the youth in san francisco. finally, i want to say this in san francisco the other thing we do besides hire people when the door has been opened to us we keep the door open for everyone else this is about opportunity it's but also the suggestion that we are a community of people that care for each other this is a compassionate city and also not the economic success we all want but the ability to taller than and say who's next
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and who can i bring through the door you doorkeepers are there to keep the door open and we're going to use that door to bring success to other families. thank you for being here and in anticipation for helping us to create 7 thousand jobs this summer for youth i appreciate it very much this city is going to be on fire for everyone. thank you (clapping.) thank you mr. mayor so for those who remember the first opportunity how many got it right the first time? yeah. we're creating opportunity to learn and grow. but with that it's a pleasure to introduce the ceo of the u knitted way of the bay area
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>> thank you very much (clapping) thanks mr. mayor and partners i want to add an extra note of what on exiled city this room is gathered and, yes the third year and a and just as much love and excitement as the first day that we started 24 program together. and the keyword is together. across the city our nonprofits you can our employers and the city government working towards the opportunity for our young people. i want to give a special shout out two weeks ago the youth resource fair was held and over 4 hundred young people showed you up and got coaching for resumes and get ready for those who pledge jobs the nonprofits
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who work with the young people and create the pipeline of kurmentd who are there to encourage our young people to step forward and raise their hands and come for the first job into you to get them prepared. a big shout out to our divining are partners this is not a one-time deal they work with the young people all summer long to be successful and add value to our company as they grow and learn. you know, i've seen a lot of phones go up and pictures taken into consideration this is the moment do is celibacy and post it this idea of going environmental with this effort the mayor has said we need to step up and bring others with us there is 7 thousand it's a biden
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big number and challenge in fact, we know there are more young people out there 0 so whatever you can do to turning around to our vendor you how about one more young person with that, mr. mayor we're delighted for u knitted way to be your partner and work with the nonprofits and make this the year the best ever again >> all right. (clapping.) thanks ann. so i started by thanksgiving our premier sponsors those who are here with us day one one is able to be here please help me to welcome don with jcpenney morgan chase thank you, don
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>> thank you for those kind words i do remember the person that helped me out with my first job that's why i'm here. so this is very ininspiring seeing a the young faces i'm don the oakland san francisco market manager i want to thank mayor ed lee and the u knitted way for this tremendous tremendous opportunity in the city of san francisco. with the creation of clear path workforce readiness training has a huge opportunity to transform the education in california while helping the students with 21st century careers and closing the scales gap and providing high paying job is important that's why jp morgan chase has
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$250 million for a readiness training called skills at the work our new initiative is the largest private sector i'm at addressing the skills gap were not enough workforce has the skills to qualify for available jobs we're not done today, we're granting $200,000 to summer youth employment (clapping) throughout the summer thousands of 20 to 15 years old will be placed in private and public employers. it's fantastic last year, we placed 68 hundred we're aiming to do more this upcoming year we
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feel? an important way to build success of the community leaving it's that is right of a 2 hundred 5 million improvement and jp morgan is launching in cities across the u.s. we're calling on every employer to please engage with that important initiative we want to employ our youth and make a difference the future starts now let's shape it city together. thank you, again, for coming >> thank you (clapping) again what we hope your appreciating and know you're a part of an amazing set of partnerships so don and thank you to the jp morgan chase team
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i want to call upon another stellar partners that is hiring on a year round basis and recruiting other employers to be part so, please welcome david chiu (clapping.) good morning, everyone and eric thank you for this introduction. it's great to be here this is my third year and proud to be with my partners at starbucks. i want to take you back three years ago when u knitted ways and starbucks i didn't know what was i getting into i challenged my team to come with a mind of taking age we talked about a job but the difference is we took action from then on we've continued to take action in
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2012, we came with the goal to hire 20 youth and hired 204th of july for the summer but with the partnership of match bridge we came to hire 50 we hired 60 year round. the job to us at starbucks it's not only a way to make a living but hope young people with a career and from - this is most first job. the starbucks is the organization that our jobs include height benefits and tuition grrments so when a youth comes to us they get the same health care i get (clappin (clapping)
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you know, i individually remember the first year when we did the resume workshop and interviews we hired julie guatemalan in her senior year the job helped her with customer service and the training a great cup of coffee but gave her the skills of confidence she ran for president thought her school and julie is accrual second year at san francisco state and works in an urban store you talk to julie and ask her what is special she'll tell you at the 18-years old she starred her 40 k one
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plan. this summer (clapping) with the partnership we're here and ready to act together this year we're doubling to what we dmimentd we committing to one hundred jobs this year (clapping.) all right. and i'm very proud along with my partners to be a champion to help others this is a really good cause this is my third year it gets better every year that's a moment of acting together and individually you make american people effort but together we'll make a great impact so mayor ed lee thank you. we'll return with more opportunities so thank you (clapping.) thank you
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>> all right. so we're almost at the moment to ask you to pledge so get our pledge cards ready you can feel free to increase the number next we'll hear from the star of the show now navaro is a big star but she's taken charge a opportunity of a couple of summers ago please welcome elizabeth kim (clapping.) good morning. i'm elizabeth will kim i'm currently a supervisors and 19 and geary in the richmond district i started out as a bar rest and now a supervisor. (clapping.)
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thank you. i'm currently a hospitality major at the san francisco state university. and i'd like have to say if it wasn't for the hiring event that happened with match bridge about two years ago i wouldn't be focused on a career path and not talking to you. it all started actually, let's go back to stage one i grew up in a low income family in the bay area. growing up in a protecting family was not easy for me. since birth i had to if he said for myself i had the love from my mom but seeing my older sister helped to pay rent 16 i
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believed this was the kind of responsibility i would take on that shaped me. as soon as i was old enough to get a job i nailed my first entrust at navy and was with them until my freshman year at san francisco state. i knew that was sort of the last chapter ending my youth and time to move on and acquired is job at the singapore airlines that started my interest in the joufrm industry but i was 18 and this type of work was not right so i ended that as well. i was jobless and definitely on my own in the big city at the 19 paying my own bills and rent it
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was definitely not easy to not rely on my parents i had to work in school so i applied to numerous different places and not getting the feedback and wasn't sure what ivories doing wrong and not hearing back if the employers i was going through a transition in life growing up and facing reality it was a tough period struggling with money and issues with the family so after that my friend bree white posted an ad working with starbucks in 2012 and that they were hiring from numerous starbucks locations around the city so i applied through match bridge and was given a call back about two days after i headed
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down to the headquarter and had an interview. that experience of just thinking back on it was an amazing thing to reflect back on i got the job at the hotel negro in downtown and match bridge worked with starbucks and me to shape around my school schedule maybe this location wasn't the right location being a student and juggling a job wasn't easy so i got a job near 19th and geary where i started at. and through that i i was a supervisor about a year and learning the different types of people and learning the community and service industry that's opened a gateway and it helped me to find my passion in
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helping others and learning about the industry and serving go others not only in my community but the customer service industry and indefinitely opened my eyes to study hospitality and tourism if it wasn't for match bridge i wouldn't be studying the broadcast industry but i've found my passion in helping and serving other and through match bridge and reflecting back when i was at a match bridge hiring event i said chris, i think i was the one getting interviewed and to share that experience of being on the other side of interviewing people that were in the same shoes looking for a job it's amazing i can't contemplate
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on what a beautiful experience to share that with starbucks you've they've opened a gateway and i want to thank you guarantee again for letting me share my story this program is an amazing the feedback to give back to the young adults that are in my shoes a couple of years ago it is amazing in working with starbucks and i think everyone should support it that's amazing i wish i could tell everyone thank you very much for letting me share (clapping.) so elizabeth thank you for your again taking charge of our own future and career one observe i
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you might stay in the hospitality but you could do anything you want to do and also want to give a quick shout out as elizabeth was talking that's barbara and amy stand up for a second because they (clapping) together they have helped manage the partnership are starbucks in particular and helped to prepare young people like elizabeth elizabeth thank you very much. all right. and now ladies and gentlemen, starting at inside line backer number 43, 49ers >> what's my number yes, sir. yes, sir. 53 and so it's the
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fourth quarter they're on the eight yard line threatening to score they drop back to catch a pass and he goes 89 yards for the go ahead score. >> thank you. >> one more wait, wait this is a test to say if you're a 49ers fan. >> we have 49ers fans i'm i'm here because i care. just to hear your story is amazing i can think badgering back to what i was trying to figure out what i was trying to do with my life in the summertime people around the age of 14 and 20 your usually outside or getting into some bad
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things. so mayor ed lee what you're doing is not normal i want to say that because summer jobs are hard to find and some kids don't want to work they want to enjoy their summer but i know it says a lot about a child when they're able to put the fun aside and know that life is important and time didn't wait for no one i commend you that are looking for a job it's inspiring to me. another thing i think that the benefit of summer jobs allows you to be in conducive settings and once again stay off the streets and out of trouble but that helps you with great habit one good habit my only job i
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worked at wendy i didn't see my and the person that hired me was my mom (clapping.) (laughter.) >> but my mom is not a push over he walked in there thinking it was going to be easy but she put me to work i didn't want to do that by (laughter) you know, i didn't want to do that but she was doing that and provided for yours everyday and she worked so hard to put her heart towards providing for us i'm happy my mom provided for me and my brothers but some of the habits that i've learned while working at a job like that was
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punk i can't let, you know, attention, you know, kids those days attention is and punk light are two hard of things for children our age to a understand but it builds character and shows your boss what type of mindset you have and how far i want to succeed in life a few the others things the relationships you'll build in those jobs or fields it may open up another door down the road there's a lot of great things you know when you get a job it's not just earning money you look at the bigger picture and try to get something more than money, money isn't everything i'm a believer in that i have a lot but it's not the only thing that
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makes me happy interest to your job employers just get to know those young men and women that are out there trying to get a job and what you're looking for maybe give them words of encourage for their next interview my hat goes off you overcame adversity good job ethically elizabeth. >> here's our time your moment hopefully, you have your pledge cards ready and so are we still able to track realtime where we are in terms of the pledges? okay. so those are the employers that have already made
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pledges and so we have i'm going to jump down don't sue me margaret. starbucks and hotel council party staff and the fine arts museum and american eagle and others having pledged before we walked into the room what's our goal mr. mayor >> 7 thousand. >> all paid jobs and interning and we're up to 4 thousand walking out of the room not bad give yourselves a hand (clapping) and so then as we close i'm sorry that's 4 thousand seven hundred and 31 let's do the math
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that maples with we have 22 hundred and 69 more to go you like that math thank you very much. all right. here's our opportunity and challenge we still need those 23 hundred jobs if you pledge thank you very much if you contributed financially we have one last ask tell son-in-law and encourage them it's one opportunity or a hundred tint we need them all and appreciate the partnership on behalf of mayor ed lee and our corporate sponsors thank you and we say thank you and we look forward to being able to celebrate 3r0eb89 in september and final words from our mayor >> on behalf of the sfoifk to
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our corporate partners and each one of you who pledged money and resources and jobs and intifrm thank you. we say thank you for not only offensive those experiences but brairz our youth and thank you for keeping the doors of opportunity and we'll goetd get to the 7 thousand by this summer. thank you >> have a great day everyonesu. thank you >> have a great day everyone ♪ >> thank you for coming to the talent dance performance and
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>> good morning today is tuesday, may 20, 2014. welcome to the san francisco transportation authority board. my name is john avalos the chair of the transportation authority. we are broadcast by sfgovtv staff bill and jessie and our clerk is eric can chang. madam clerk call roll >> supervisor avalos pr supervisor breed. supervisor campos absent. supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen. supervisor farrell. absent. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. absent. supervisor tang.
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