tv [untitled] May 31, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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we also participated commissioner haney was doing a design workshop and some of the students partnered at i s a school to hear about their vision for the future to one of the students came to the p lc and responded on the facts. we next year there will be two professionals in the school full-time engaging the kids serving over one hundred 50 students 6 days a week for the service learning outside the school day but also into the curriculum. this will also engage the students this summer in over the sum participated to build on
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more future progress. >> hi i'm lauren bucking will i i work as a spanish teacher and a volley ball coach and now a p lc member i'm involved in this process in addition to the other process i believe we need a change. regardless of the test scores and all the other numbers that the district uses to quantify success and other sfusd program i see we're not teaching the kids how to be successful we're teaching them facts and not all ask the come to us with the skills for success. i s a in particular don't.
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we serve the highest population of trauma and marginalized. as a spanish teacher i use this comparison with the indefines population with the spanish speaking countries this is not a unique problem to us ivy s or san francisco or the united states but the education effects every country in the world this is where i and we can make a difference. through the school progress i know what it means to prepare students to be successful thaip they'll be stuck in 2014 with the knowledge we test and retest and test again or they'll be innovators they'll seek new
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answers i've seen the children with the same passion not only for the consent but also for the quality of their own work that's really important. because of this i'm excited been the possibility for 35 my students there are is a path they'll be able to use their skills and talents to contribute to the contingent through the comparative skills and for community services services recycle build on. through those those connections they'll build the authentic connects this is how we close the gap. this is how we even the playing field and the education that focused on the future and the skilgz and knowledge to be productive part of that future. that's why we need to do school
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differently. thank you. >> good evening my name is sarah i'm a special education teacher i've had the honor to work with the resilient students they've overcame wishes despite the students effort they're the most disengaged students lessons are xhoomentdz to fit the schedule of the students but i'm excited about the opportunity to move in the project based learning and the possibility to do school different are from the schools i've visited that run the models students with differences can highlight their strengths and be an educate they have the opportunity to participate and allow them to engage in a
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classroom i'm sorry through completing work some of the students need to a said is the judge project looerng offers the students the opportunity to bring real life situations to solve i'm he excited to be experiencing that and can't wait to see them engage in their classes and their devalued in courtrooms simply put i can't wait for the new version of you s a we're working on right now. thank you very much (clapping.) i'm a >> i'm a par professional i'm not on your list you, however, i have something to say i don't know how to get on your list.
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>> we have a procedure here. >> well, i don't know your procure this is my very first meeting. >> we have the procure before this is called this is general public comment there are cards stacked up on the table out there and you fill one out and i call our name that's the procure. >> okay. i'll know that next time. >> i will allow you won minute to speak. a parent behind you t is going to speak with her children >> i'm a very proud par professional i work at the lake shore elementary school i work with all embroider students i wanted to say one thing. right now i have found out that if i was to quit my job right now and get a minimum wage i
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will be making more it t at that minimum wage job then working as a par professional which i love. to me that didn't seem right i've been doing this job since 1996 i know that's not long to a lot of people but to me it is to do something i love to work with the students and kids with special needs. i would hate very much not to be able to do this job and hate very much to have to leave and leave the city to go to support myself and my family. i'm trying to buy a house i can't do it on the amount of money you all have given us all of us have an agenda for what we wanted in our lives and roadway we need a race because we can't make it on what you give us
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>> thank you very much (clappin. >> i filed anti a cards i don't know what happened i was outside. i'm here instead of being putting my kids to bed this is very important my students attend marshall school and the progression that was proposed is not approved it's two, 10 story buildings i can understand the lack of the consideration the developer has planning a 5 story building next to our school yard because the bottom line the profit but i'm concerned about the direction or lack of direction that the school district is going we've met with
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some of the school folks and t they kind of seem like they're not saying by going in the direction that's already improved development it's not it has to be go a lot of steps but i want to ask they stay fuel neutral if they don't have an opinion for the parents at least have them have a neutral voice and allow the parents to have a voice we're told it's not a done deal it's not. well, i'm not a little bit tired but the kids want to say something about the school yard i think six stories next to a flat yard is going to effect their shied the wind.
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and i mean he went to the school 45 years ago and he remember the only son now my children are in after school programs so that's where they get their stunning subpoena it's not a approved of the school community we don't want it we've taken surveys so we're hoping that you guys at least guide the district we're not intense the district by the kids want to say something real quick >> i don't think that a little should be blocking our sun so because it helps our plants grow and us grow.
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(clapping.) >> please don't take our sun away by putting a 5 story building and in front of the ever my school (clapping). >> public comment is closed item f public comment on content items. seeing none, consent calendar motion and a second open the consent calendar. so moved. my items for first responder by the board seeing none. my items severed >> wait, wait, wait. >> we moved the items and oh, i did. >> do we have any other corrections? >> okay. so mr. steely thought
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deputy superintendant withdraw them. >> i have a correction to the consent calendar. >> all right. so the corrections are two, 145 detach k on page 46 at the top of the page correction the national black anthem amendment to read 14540 and also one hundred 45 on packages 62 and 63 this resolution is being withdrawn. >> thank you, mr. steel i believe that commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i have a couple of items to sever k one, k-12 and k 13 i don't need staff to stay i think it deputy superintendent can
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answer my question. >> my oh. my items severed by the superintendant is vote that's all great. roll call vote there the section. item h this is been moved and seconded on may 13th may i have a reading of the resolution >> commissioners we have deborah library we have our chief affidavit golden. >> good evening. i'm david golden the chief officer the principle was supposed to be here as well, she left to put her children to bed. so i'd like to read the resolution i'd like to say to
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have the drafters of the resolution follow the protocols it had a first reading and would have gone to a buildings committee for decision there was not a building grounds meeting because because i heaped to be overseas in conversation with ms. csa could and the chair of the building grounds committee we felt it would be unanimously approved and not an incredible week of bryan it forward for a second reading given the nature of the resolution i'll read the resolution. in support of naming the daniel elementary school library to the
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deanna finishing library. whereas deanna finishing a crusaders for public education was the drinking force behind the saving daniel when is it slate for closer by san francisco unified school district due do there engrossment and ms. finishing was for the nonprofit education and operates a bilingual on two sites serving over one hundred children receiving you tuition and whereas ms. michigan finishing was a tireless person to write the initiative for stronger schools because every
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child deserves an education and ms. finishing was responsible for finding critical fund for 3 programs at daniel webster play works and education social services that provided basic infrastructure for the schools success and whereas ms. finishing served as daniel websters pta president for two years and whereas because of ms. fissuring events today she the daniel webster has a line of students and whereas ms. finishing has a deep resolve and an eloquent voice and never afraid to really up here sleeves
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to have the tough confessions and whereas ms. finishing was a beloved person who passed w after a 17 month with cancer and now the dean yell library be named after ms. finishing whereas the board of education san francisco security honors deanna finishing with our long association with dean yell webster school and her deep dedication for the students of her district and further be it resolved that the daniel elementary school library will be felon as the deanna finishing library and a plaque donated
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shall be instead of >> thank you i don't see my public comment signed up. >> commissioner norton. >> thank you. the school community for bringing this forward gene nasal loss was a profound one and came as a surprise to people who doesn't know she was ill. i know that we'll be a real improvement to her family and friends in the communities >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and i want to say this demonstrates her perseverance and energy and it's a great honor to be able to name the library after her. >> i want to conclude to say that ms. finishing showed how a
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small group of dedicated parents can make this happen and taller than a school community. roll call vote please. mr. haney. ms. maufass. ms. mendoza-mcdonnell. dr. murase >> ms. norton. ms. wynns has recorded her positive vote >> president fewer. >> thank you that's 7 i's. the sb 2 was withdrawn and item i board members proposals none. and skipping over to i'm sorry, i apologize i think this was one that was withdrawn >> oh, no. so i apologize board members proposal yeah. thank you >> thank you dr. murase.
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don't we have a board members proposal yours right >> that's last night in the meeting so we've done general matters and we've heard item k already but there are my appoints for the advisory committee by the board members. >> i have an appointment to the b cc. >> anything else item l special order of business an action item can i have a motion and second for the exultant on special education. >> second please my may i have
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a reading of the recommendation i'm happy to do that. >> good evening the community advisory committee for special education some of the members are here this evening in the back whose left. the community advisory committee respectfully requests the commissioners the board of education to confirm 12 vicinities by the cac committee they've sent you a report and we have mrs. webb and joan and lee finishing here this evening. do you have my questions regarding and deborah in the
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back sorry. and regarding the appointment >> you need to read the recommendation for the record, please. >> the recommendation of the exact names. >> thank you, dr. block. >> okay. so the requested action the board of education appoint for the special evaluation to serve a two year term from 2013, the members recommended are (calling names)
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okay. there are no public speakers my comments from the board of spunts >> i want to speak in support of the no time in the course i want to say for the boards information one of the proposed members is also my appointee to the b cc. i don't have my particular objection on her serving on the committees she assures me she'll find the times to serve on both committees. in general this is something as a board we need to at least disclose i can envision where it
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could be a problem but affordable housing after consulting with her i'm not as i said i support her serving on the cac as well i have no objection >> i want to correct for the record it's karen agency others i flying fully support and i want to thank this members to be here for this item i appreciate it very much. my questions or comments for the board. commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. you had a quick question with regards i'm appreciative to everyone who is trying to do this i'm curious on the make up of the ethnicity of cac members and the representatives we'll have from almost all the ethnic
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itself. i know the goal of the cac is to be more diverse may i see it, sir? what's the current make up. and there was a number of charts that were attached to the document we're given to the board lecture i believe it is was. and i could read off you have to said we have only 17 members 0 so it's impossible strategically to cover everything accurately to represent the distinct we've been working on it over the loose two weeks the qualifying disability >> i've read the chart it has the krab children. >> yes. i understand we're to
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represent. >> i have no opposition i was wondering so this is the membership the ethnic it of the members i wonder how to relates to our students that are special needs special ed is it a similar make up. i'd like to is that all groups are repealed by the composition of the parents we have an overall representation of the african-american and a special education higher portion and the highest proportion of our cac, you know, members is white so i would say based on what tony explained the small number has something to do with the small percentages not as equal by the
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way, we're recruiting diversity all the time and have lots of attendees that are not attending but represent the children and how many of the 17 members are african-american or latino? >> members or children. >> members of the cac that's what we're approving. >> are african-american or latino that's what we are approving. >> so as i would show up as a caucus e caucasian children even though i have 3 african-american children. >> so in this already talks about the children i'm talking about the parents. >> can we get back with you on the data and check on that. >> if you're collecting the
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information we ask the parents to tlilts the ethnicity of their children. >> so we can check on that and get back to you. >> i know of one african-american parent that's present tonight that's our newly effected chair which is kilogramly we have families about have multi racial combinations and represents lati latino. >> hi i'm dementia bra i'm a native american and have two children that autism.
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>> i am not trying to be offering ivy think that our african-american students and latino i'm trying to balance the concerns and needs of the multi ethnicity and i appreciate the chair is african-american i appreciate you have children that are african-american i'm trying to get a sense of the african-american members the 17 members what that looks like. >> commissioner norton. >> i want to remind the board we have been in the rules committee we've been talking about getting the board in line with the ethnicity you have appoints including the cac if
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you have my concerns about the groups of the cac i have the boilth to appoint people to the cac and those volunteers i mean, i feel a little bit defensive on their 0 on behalf of i'm saying i think what gets lost and been conveyed to me and in front of the of the board their service and their volunteer time is somehow discounted by color of their skin and that's not what i'm asking. >> if we have ray a problem of the board when w with our representation the rules of law committee says we want to be in line and we'll appoint whoever he want. >> you're putting
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