tv [untitled] June 1, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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permit outbursts of any kind please silence all electronic devices. that my sound off and speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'd like to take roll commissioner president wu. commissioner fong. commissioner borden. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. and commissioner antonini will be joining us shortly first, it the consideration for continuance item one case at 1010 bush stre 1010 bush street conditional use authorization is for case numbers d d and d and case 2010 at the 2820th century lake street conditional use are
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proposed for june 20th, 2014, i have no other items proposed for conditions i have one speaker card >> karen jones. >> other mike please. this is item one a-1010 bushy own the building next door i'm new to the process but this is the second continuance i'm trying to plan my summer vacation is there a limit to how much time something can be continued i want to be sure and there's no before and after but mr. magaziney. >> the project planner.
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>> okay. great. >> is there any public comment on items proposed for continuance seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore >> move to continue as noted. >> second. >> commissioners, on that motion as proposed. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong >> commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero >> zoning administrator. >> on this little daylights specified thank you. >> thank you, commissioner consent calendar all are matters may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent
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calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 3 case no. 2014 alters 2001 sacramento street conditional use authorization no speaker cards. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner sugaya >> move to approve. >> second. commissioners, on that motion then approve with conditions commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you under commission matters item four for the draft minutes for may 8 >> is there any public comment on the draft minutes seeing none, public comment is closed.
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commissioner sugaya >> i mows move to a adapt the minutes. >> commissioner antonini pr commissioner borden. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore pursue commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. commissioners, on that motion that passes so moved, commissioners, that motion passes and places you on commissions questions or comments and commissioner antonini >> i'm not sure this issue falls under the jurisdiction of mta or the city through planning or is state of california but i had it pointed out to me from a visitor out of town that almost all signs are packaging prohibited and under every sign is a pan herald so if it's the
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cities job or the states job it says civic job that's a local code. i don't need an answer today but figuring out where why there no enforcement of the code i agreed it that didn't make sense. >> commissioner moore. >> i got a number of positive phone calls yesterday in response to a heritage of the design guidelines people are excited about the presentation and what it implied my question to the director perhaps jim fry or anybody can we get a briefing at some point the issue of the
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design guidelines is something we've discussed for a long time how it was approached and whether or not there's something else we can learn from it. thank you >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes promote by an article on venice avenue and the number of developments that have took place the emerson fund property the triple a site and others that have or will be take place including the television sale of the property depending on i don't know how pending it is but the brt could we have a short memo on both what has been developed along van ness in how many years i i know there are
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ones closer to here for example, o 1 at sutter street and whether there's a projection of things to be revealed at this point. >> sure happy the plan is 20 years old. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i read the same article john king the marlow is interesting building but doesn't really very context ridicule with the street and the towers they did a good job of blending in but it's a matter of taste but it's interesting that, you know, i'm very supportive of what commissioner sugaya asked for i think we need to know what's happening with the bus
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rapid transit hopefully light rail and the street being reconfigured. >> commissioners commissioners, if there's nothing further item 6 directors announcements. >> i was going to talk about what happened yesterday at the preservation commission preservation staff started a progress of looking at a local interpretation of the secretary of interior standards basic to take the standards to more san francisco specific i've hired a consultant to help us for the commission yesterday had a hearing likely one of several hearings to get the public comment and to the districts for both knew construction and
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renovations of the historic buildings. we have a initial workshops like i said yesterday and we are going to work on a series of public meetings and hearings happy to ask the preservation staff to come and have a similar discussion but i'll try to get a schedule to make sure we can have that discussion with you in a timely one >> commissioners item 7 review of past board of appeals and other commissions. >> good afternoon aaron sharp department a staff. at the land use committee supervisor campos established a resolution for the latino culture district the boundary are 22nd street to the north and shaefg to the south and it's the
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culture center of the latino center and the primarily purchase is to acknowledge the latino history in san francisco and to create a district partially for the displacement of businesses it didn't establish a culture district but support at the hearing supervisor campos stated that the effort is to establish the area oewd the planning department as well as representatives from san francisco architecture heritage and san francisco latino historical society pretty bad at the hearing they took public comments. they want the businesses that keep the mission unique and a discussions on culture diversity and supervisor cowen mentioned she had been approached by her
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constituents about creating a culture district in the bay area and supervisor wiener expressed the need to go focus on culture and people and with the positive and negatives and to find at that balance. the land use voted unanimously at the board of supervisors the board look at two appeals on mission and so long as the mexican museum once the redevelopment of the property the second was the mapping of the individual project the underlying project was approved march there july of last year with the anderson building to construct a new 43 story tower to have one hundred and 90 units
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and eir was prepared for the project that was certified on march 21st 21st and the project was approved the eir was appealed and the board of supervisors upheld the certification on 2014 and since then the appellants are seeing the city and litigating they're sequa vkts and it was revised and it was upheld by appeals by the board of supervisors on july 23rd, 2013, the planning commission mandated the decision and it was upheld on july 31st, 2013. for the subdivision appeal the appellant argued that the eir was inadequate and it was beyond
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what was appealed a short hearing the board of supervisors especially held both subdivisions and they voted to adapt the 24th latino district resolution. and there were in my introduction for ordinances in week >> thank you commissioner antonini. >> yeah. thank you for your report actually, i have a question implicit the 24th district street is this anything that will come to us that we have jurisdiction over. >> the resolution calls for looking at the establishment irrational establishment of an su d that is preliminary but if that conforms it will be brought before you. >> i'm not sure of the japantown it was one in
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existence. >> you're correct japantown and some efforts around chinatown through the district zoning changes. >> all right. thank you. the board of appeals didn't meet last time but next in june convene >> commissioners you've heard the historic commission met yesterday and conducted a training on this standard. commissioners that places you under jane kim not to not to exceed 15 minutes. to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. i there are no speaker cards >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioners regular
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calendar item 819th avenue presentation. >> good afternoon. i'm alex with the planning department. i'm here to introduce liz brison in the county transportation authority speaking on the 19 avenue and realignment that's a project that the to has been working in partnership with several community partners it's just finished that's it it's first phase to the plans committee and again an informational hearing and thank you for your time >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm liz i'm here wearing two hats i was the
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project manager that led the feasibility and we're transitioning into the next we're contracting with the sfmta so it is just a little bit of background we thought wyoming be some of the land use conversation around park merced. so this is the study area they were looking for the effort generally 19 avenue as far north affordable housing as eucalyptus and brotherhood and down to randolph street the study billions on land use efforts and one big one is the park merced development that would result in
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56 hundred more housing units and with triple densities and the san francisco state university master plans that calls for the full-time you student engrossment from 20 to 25 thousand. several years ago while those plans were under discussion this was a lot of discussion in the neighborhoods how to accommodate more significant number of transportation clajz challenges that already exist today are regardless of land use density so there was actually a study called the 19 avenue corridor study done by the planning department and it was from the former supervisor and looked at the conditions in the corridor i started to including but not limited to build a discussion around the existing needs and
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accommodates the growth and violation of the plans. so in that context there oh, i wanted to show this it doesn't look great on the screen the left-hand side it the land use today and the blue bobs being the orange irrational park merced what it looks like when this is built. what are the conditions on 19 after the ocean view operates in its own right-of-way but suffers from the coming into the mediums and the medium out of it 8 and a half mile-per-hour and one of the challenges is 19 avenue is high traffic street about 66 thousand vehicles per day and
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that then contribute to the low ocean view traffic speeds and the access to travel the m station and the 19 avenue are in the medium but everyone wants to go to the university or the mall and so having you have this high conflict point of students and thousands of visitors all crossing 3 lanes of the freeway and it is part of the street miles where 66 percent of the accidents occur and the last challenge is related to the pedestrian experience the sidewalks are narrow on the east side of the street a 5 foot sidewalk with the conditions are not friendly. so with that context there's a
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lot of conversation how to support new growths and the context of park merced and there was a pretty exciting idea that came about from the progress park merced wanting to make it a transit originated development taking the medium and moving to the west side of the street to the park merced stuart site as shown here there this will solve the access to transit problem by taking the university out of the medium and moving to the west side of the street tests an unmet metro mediate and you're adding two location with the state highway this was a good start and park merced has committed to building the sector
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of the m there's a recognition at the present time, there maybe something bigger and better a quarter level change that requires sort of more of consensus and a larger group of people to contribute funding for the development all the time giving us them something to build on park merced to a larger project. so with that context there were really two main objectives that we were to do come up with options that will take the m to the west side of the street as well as jonestown and do so with separate lanes under the street. with the planning effort we set up a planning goal to have a
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better reliability and improving the transit and conceiving cycling and walking conditions we developed several different options of how to get over increase in the north and south and shared the first round of outreach last february got a lot of good ideas we've developed for less popular we dropped those ideas and went through and did an evaluation and the way to read this red means explaining to you and yell on the surface and blue bridge the bridge options was the one that is the highest performing and it takes them underground to the st. francis circle and crossing over randolph sorry highway to ran deposit bridge street.
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some of the key benefits have the substantial traffic time 35 to 45 percent that's 8 minutes and a pretty substantial increase in 3 light railcars that's twice as much capacity that will ripple through the corridor and effect market street where there's not able changes and substantial walking and biking benefits and the triple size so this is an imagine of what it looks like an airline view at the 19 avenue and near the university today. i'm going the wrong way this shows a planned view of what it looks like in the future if i look at back and forth and see
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the landscape medium in th middle and widen the sidewalk this allows has much benefit from the grade and controls costs staking here the trajectory is at surface and the north track is underground and a here's what it looks like an interesting concept that has a lot of support. one more support looking from holloway it's the artists rendering of what it might look like in the future one more about pedestrian benefits right now there's not places you can cross the street there's several spaces we've built in locations into the project definition
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they're built into the station locations as well as the bridge. so that brings us to cost and, of course, planning new sector of our estimate is $520 million, of course, 70 million is from park merced and a whole set of exciting ideas there will be more work to do in subsequent phases and capital costs are one in several generations when our talking about a project of this scale but typical we're not building a new sector but upgrading a new one we we make the trains go faster so save in costs >> we the quite a bit of outreach two main rounds i spent
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time out in the corridor and got to know stakeholders including commissioner antonini who's a fan of this work we did a lot of listening and based on the feedback came back with roof excited stakeholders that like the direction this is going. so we are now we completed the feasibility study this main role to define the options we're emergency vehicle a phase to prepare a project study report that's put together by caltrain. and that effort or phase will last until jump of 2015 for a environmental review that will take 3 years towards the july 2018 for the city to work
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within the perimeters of the park merced development. i think josh wanted to mention something >> letting open this up for public comment comment on that item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini >> yeah. thank you for a very good report it's regretable that w it takes us another year realistically we may not start this until 2018 is that it. >> your optimistic schedule will have us open in 20022 or 23 this is a great opportunity the feasibility study and the environmental review in i figure out the details you can make
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that period more streamline so it's going to be a good opportunity. >> i hope to see it. anyway a couple of comments i think the longer than subway and break-in make sense a separate right-of-way there was a feeling as discussed in some of the sessions including the st. francis cycle you have the m and k lines that are underground somehow so makes the project more expensive and can i reflect that's something having the year of the t s r we're considering building that into the m and k underground and sort of scoped to defining the project when we learned if he wanted to get the m under 19 avenue what we have
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to start at the eucalyptus and what the cost analysis so we'll have more information >> worth looking at by obviously if it's going to prolong maybe i it's he battery what you mapped out so far it's to increase our ridership because i know a lot of people myself include will oftentimes drive or walk up to west portal because it takes a long time to get the m it's easier to grab the tunnel at west portal i know critical is the new tunnel between mercy high school and stones town parking that will be the subway station for the area is access from both east to west f that will hopefully allow a lot of pedestrians not riding
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the m to safely cross 19th that's dangerous from all the cars and the traffic going through there. >> thank you for bringing that up. >> i think that's an important part and so i think this is really a great development and something we have to look at more in the future not only here but in the future where the m line comes off and the sunset tunnel. thank you. great your report >> commissioner borden. >> i want to agree i remember i served on the search committee for the new president for sf state it's
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