tv [untitled] June 1, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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the m to safely cross 19th that's dangerous from all the cars and the traffic going through there. >> thank you for bringing that up. >> i think that's an important part and so i think this is really a great development and something we have to look at more in the future not only here but in the future where the m line comes off and the sunset tunnel. thank you. great your report >> commissioner borden. >> i want to agree i remember i served on the search committee for the new president for sf state it's amazing people didn't
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get hit trying to catch the train people be wouldn't safely cross the intersection and it sets apart from the campus and park merced this is much better so i highly support in and i think it's a great direction. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes. >> couple of things one to clarify on this slide you showed the yellow or orange crossing are those the ones that commissioner antonini referred to as possibly underground on 19. >> i forget when color one is existing the one that commissioner antonini is referring to say between eucalyptus and winston and near mercy high school in that location the station will be at the level of the stones town
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parking lot and i actually i've seen it before they used to have a legal crossing and it was dangerous so they now have a fence i've seen the students run across and it makes me cringe so this is a natural desire line. >> you caution you you're going tunnels i mean maybe this is a part of town you'll not have issues with graffiti and others things that took place there. >> i think the personal security idea is one you have to do the right maintenance and design and planning for there are examples of how to do that i think would one of the interesting opportunity we've built strong relationships with the high school and there are stations i believe the asian
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pacific islander street station there's tuntsdz to build that into the adjacent landowners. >> and additional considerations to the north with a couple of the lines coming in i think you should include continue to include or give thought it that there was short-sighted thinking on the subway but ending it now, was a mistake. >> so you're saying all the way through west portal. >> i think the subway ends in chinatown why not all the way to the bay and now people are saying oh, it shove gone all the way to the bay but one of the answers that came back from staff the original study only
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included going harassing as far as chinatown. >> i want to say we're defining our project in such a way to not preclude a subway and the light rails to the city. at the same time the sfmta is beginning to develop a rail strategy and that should be the place of the big term vision we can point to that how supporting that will not mess up the larger vision >> commissioner moore. >> we have a challenge in view of the project not including the part to the daily city station and the dash line or the desire line as commissioner sugaya was indicating carry a theoretical thought forwards i'm interested to see you tackle the interface between caltrain and the city
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your coming up with a not particularly attractive freeway corridor like 0 lombardy street i'm interested for you to success we've been struggling with that and the bay regional struggled with that and lots of people will come and learn from you. >> we'll try hard. >> can i ask a question about environmental review the state lines service will that impact the environmental review you said it will take 3 years i'm interested. >> so the state guidelines were changed or there was a state law that told staff at the office of planning and research to come up with a new standard there's a whole process it hadn't happened i think it will happen but the
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idea is streamlined when your digging tunnels in a complicated corridor there's other substantial time the 3 years are the best guess and the timeline we need to get to one of the purposes is to scope out environmental review in a larger scale. >> thanks. councilmember sharp >> i'm glad the extension to bart city was brought it's critical to include that as part of the study and perhaps analyzed it environmentally will take longer but if you do want to take bart to the airport from someone in the vicinity it's a long trip on the m to go down to balboa park and drag a lot of
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stuff what you and ride a long ways out of your way to discourages yoursship and on the st. francis circular the original plan when it was built has part of bart it included a subway and the mrnlts and acknowledge observed. >> i've learned apparently were planning it all the way to a sf sate. >> that's too bad it would have been okay. not detracted from the business on west portal that was one the the reasons people would pat news the establishment a that's an important thing to look at. those are 2 important parts but
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it seems to be moving along >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioners that places you on item 9. the for case 2000 plus at 3508th street the in kind agreement >> good afternoon. i'm from the planning staff before i i'm going to turn it over to my colleague i want to follow up from lecturers hearing a question from commissioner hillis how much of the revenue are we seeing going to the in kind agreement i have a couple of slides it's a little bit fuzzy we looked at did eastern neighborhoods you can see through fiscal year 19 we have impact fees projected for you
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have about 67 or 68 million that goes to capital projects and 67 percent to the in kind agreements will be approved that's everything we have in the pipeline that said this is a snapshot in time we don't know what others agreements will come up in the first 5 years we had a significant impact of the revenue fees that went towards in kind to build the childcare center the next 5 year period a significant increase $50 million to about 5 or $6 million and have approximately 5 million in
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impact fees that's lower. so i wanted to give you a quick list of the impact sorry the in kind agreements we have approved or have applications the top one is the childcare center and the second one is the park that's an example of that was a priority project called out in the eastern neighborhoods respect through the eastern neighborhood puc and they said it was a priority use of the fund there are projects categorically within the realm and that one it is looking specifically identified projects they're not all necessarily the same you have the one you approved last week the plazas in dog patch and today's the wrinkled alleyway
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and one additional one we'll be bringing in the next month associated with the theatre development that would add funding to a public works development on another street. we looked at market and octavia we have one in kind agreement that represented only about 2 percent of the projected funding we don't know whether more will come up but we'll evaluate them i didn't look at other things like balboa park and visitacion valley we're not seeing in kind agreements like balboa park that represents the development happening there but in kind agreement and the downtown plans the transit center we expect a
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larger improvement to be built by in kind agreements by the way, we have specifically defined a block by block case as projects come in it maybe part of the project requirement but may ask is them to widened the sidewalk or there's a matter of expecting those i'm going to turn it over to my colleagues to talk about the 368 case if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> thank you. >> all right. i'm going to go ahead. >> so good afternoon, commissioners i'm mann can here from the citywide distribution the item is for an in kind agreement to make landscape improvements we're asking for a
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fee waiver of $8 million i want to clarify some items the project sponsor from investments to l l rb. the project description the proposed accommodate is on written street on december 6, 2012, the planning commission approved it the multi you use that includes office space. the project is 4 hundred and 10 units and retail use and 10 thousand plus square feet and 9 thousand square feet of office space it will create a small park on wrinkle street the comforted development includes the south side of wrinkle street
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it is to provide streetscape improvements in the amount of $4.8 million for structure and the planning efforts the western community plan and the western transportation plan the neighborhood transportation plan identified the specific alleys including wrinkle street it was to share a public way to transform the street into a pedestrian space and calming traffic and both plans had robust community engagement. the proposed improvements are having more improvement in streetscape and traffic calming and pedestrian lighting and
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sight furnishings and over ground utility and the art to the lgbt community. all those improvements where in the neighborhood transmission plan. the details subsequent to the design with approval the planning department and the public works and the municipal transportation agency will be involved it will be located on the public right-of-way you outreach was extensive and the plan begin in 2001 and was lead by the western transmission planners they conducted and also involves a robust public outreach and public comment process they consulted the task force on a regular basis and the
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transportation authority and can speak open the extensive outreach of the plan. the eastern neighborhood advisory committee the cac revised 3 different meetings different information and it was approved supporting the improvements a waiver important $8.1 million it was held. improvements will be maintained by a combination of the project sponsor and the city. the proposed improvements will consist of public works materials such road pavements materials. the project sponsor will maintain the non city schaip my street lighting from the version of the puc.
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as stated before wiggle alley and the transportation plan that was heaving - had input from the community. and the in kind was approved there was an extensive review by sf planning of the designing cost estimates that be will be reviewed and again, the public progress will take place as part of the ground utilities they're working with supervisor kim's office to establish a ground process for wrinkle street. how the progress meets the city lgbt community this is a streetscape category has improvements and is eligible for the transportation straight category is not exhausted and
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it's specifically an expenditure in the report. the project is prioritized it, it's a priority project for area and didn't compete with fund allocated by other projects. the eastern cac agreed with the improvements and the coordination can use tools and labor associated with the project and the project will be minded with the adjacent development and delivered when the development is ready for observecy. finally this is supported by the western area and adapted in 2013 it calls out the pedestrians and movements in the alleys and streets and improving public realm conditions and recognizing
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the social and others important issues of the lgbt community. this is identified as the priority project through the west project and staff is available for questions >> thanks. >> i see a representative from supervisor kim's office. >> hi good afternoon, commissioners i'm sunny i'm here representing jane kim take the opportunity on giving information arrest like in 2012, the transportation authority board adapted the transportation plan, which was the result of exhaust community process to identify the transit projects that will preserve the character of the district. they were selected with key to
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the filipino and lgbt community and conceptual designs helped with the calming of traffic it is from the harrison project and the alley and have been imitating involved approved by the board of supervisors in 2013. supervisor kim has had several meetings over the last year and a half to talk about the special heritage district you've heard critiques that the process of the stakeholder ends with funding to move the project forward we've fortunate to move this to the final design this is an opportunity to realize something that's been vetted by
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the community to construct a design. district 6 and particular south of market experiences the highest number of traffic fatalities in san francisco and in addition it has the least and smarter parks in the city as we look at the combiepd residential and commercial districts staibldz it is a top priority. this is a community project that addresses 3 of the supervisor kim's top priority ease the small property owner and the stableing of the special heritage district dpw and others agencies have looked at the timelines and finally construction and implementation which the project sponsor can speak to. yesterday i was actually speaking with one of the western
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residents and remedyizing about here memories and the alleys she said doubled as park space for soccer games and parent would hang out and swop stories we hope this will be one of the best areas to contribute to the vitality of our neighborhood the success of this will encourage other project sponsors to take place this owner. we support this and there are others staff that can talk about the project >> project sponsor.
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>> i fear i will only do harm after what sunny said. i was asked to come and talk about the context for how we got here the project that is behind the fees to be generated some of you know we were here in 2012 i attended over one hundred and 20 community meetings in the western task force and we were happy to bring something before i that was a nice combination of what we needed to have happen from a development standpoint and what the community wanted in western selma it's helpful to show you a couple of pictures what we've done so that first
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one is the corner of 9th and harrison and it really is a project that was designed to hit the goal it was set forth early someone said if we could take western sill may we ma and put it into a blender to see all the things on your project so what you see is actually 7 distinct buildings retail stand alone and passenger door space and a public park i should make clear is not part of the funding for the in kind so of the $7 million we're generating in terms of fees the one million dollars is focused on the wrinkle and not
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on the public park on the corner of 8th and wrinkle. this is 8th and harrison this is a shot looking on 8 street the street to the right would be wrinkle and this is the park as well. and here's one more shot of the park. and i was asked inform provide a little bit of context it's actually a misnomer to say we're the project we're the project chaperone in the first phase it was the western task force that was driving the decision making around whether or not wrinkle should be a priority project and the answer came back yes and the second phase was ss fta and liz
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taking ownership over the design of the street sxheefkz and this is he relating to taking the project through the various agencies and folks to feel comfortable. so our job comes next we are the execution arm the project is we've pulled the permit and completed the first and second agenda and we start the earthwork on hopefully tuesday, we're making progress this is for the city to leverage something not that the developer put together earlier but it's a good design it needs nor work and community outreach to get
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people comfortable with the aspects of it but in terms of an integration between what we're doing and the community wants to see this is a really grew opportunity i encourage you to support it >> okay. thank you. let's open this up for public comment liz bison >> liz dee bison from the transportation authority and it's exciting to be here on another item it's a different scale by doing the joint use and transportation i want to talk about the work the transportation authority did the metropolitan transportation created a grant program to support community based transportations blends in the regions concerned areas of
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concentrations of non-white areas so we got the grant and the context of western selma as we were beginning this it seemed likely to combine with the other agencies to develop and evaluate the system we did it study sunny mentioned was completed about a year ago and it's exciting to see that moved. >> thank you is there any further public comment. >> good afternoon, commissioners. jim medicare could from south of market this is one of the feel good planning stories we can all celebrate this is we needed to
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mitigate the impact of this huge project in western selma. the to the developers credit they're already providing privately owned publicly accessible parks it fulfills our priority goal to create a new on and on classify district alongside the folsom corridor it lifts up one truly dismal neighborhood to help it become a world-class neighborhood and the agencies will approve of that is the blender we talked about the doxen phase you take all the positive aspects of the surrounding community and put it into a blender and pour them out into the 4 acre site in
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particular it respects and honors the heritage of the lgbt community creating the first, he recognition of its importance to friends and lovers not only in san francisco but also all over the world ring gold is almost as famous as this street it's an international before that happened name, please approve this >> thank you is there any further public comment. >> good afternoon, commissioners i was told a story when i came to san francisco in the 80s when i first came here greyhound bus station was on 7th street so i hit the south of market he the tenderloin before castro. so you i'm saying could i please approve this. i would
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