tv [untitled] June 1, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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july, 1, and 1993. and then, with the department of the environment as deputy director on august 20, 2001, and to june, 30, 2014, and as stated and he served as the director of the department of the environment from august 16, of 2008 to august, 9, 2009, and as february, three, 14 to may 31, 2014 and was david created and sustained the environment now, program and the second environment jobs practice and as david was the role for the department to 2011 and as he was responsible for all personnel issues in the growing department and whereas he also directed a budget that grew from 777,000, to 20 million and whereas he eliminated the department, for the general support, while securing other sources of funding for ultimate
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of the departmental programs and was david for the implementation for the environmental justice program the largest in the country with the grant budget of 13 million and responsible for upgrading the departmental, offices, and from a single floor of the 11, grove street to the show case of 1455 market street, and whereas david coordinated the department of the environment role in the gender analysis under the implementation of the cew, 8, and wedaw, and conventional of the elimination of all of the forms of discrimination against women and whereas he played a leading role in establishing and maintaining the california, stewardship council and whereas he played a leading role managing the green cities california and a state wide coalition, and whereas he was instrumental in helping san francisco achieve ground breaking programs, such as the
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program and the energy and climate programs and, toxic reduction and the out reach program and the clean transportation program and whereas he served as acting director with the department of the environment on four separate occasions and whereas he was established a city first bio diversity program and provided the support to the staff throughout the transitions through the years and whereas he has continued to direct the program, and under the mayors, and was he will be retiring from the city and county of san francisco on june 30, 2014. and now, therefore, be it resolved, that the san francisco commissioner on the environment come mends him to the contribution for the department of the environment and the commission on the environment and the city and county of san francisco and be it further resolved that the san francisco commission on the
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environment wishes david assmann well on his future endeavors. >> let's hear it for david. [ applause ] >> thank you. i really value all of the years that i spent with the department, and with the commission, and with a growing awareness of all of the issues that are important to the residents of san francisco. and i see the future of the department, and the environmental issues as being one that will continue to grow and that there is a bigger need than ever for the leadership in this area. and that i feel honored to have been able to play my role in helping to move these issues forward. and i think that the department remains in great hands, and i look really forward to seeing the achievements that will come in the future, and i think that
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our new director will do a wonderful job and i think that we have a dedicated staff and i think that we have the secure core of funding, and i just, this has been a part of my life for more than 20 years. and it is going to be hard to say good bye. and i am not going far, and i will still be in the city and i will stay pay attention to what is going on. and i will still be available, and meet with the people periodically, to talk about environmental issues and contribute to whatever way that i can. and however, it is time for me to take another phase, and i like to say, i spent many, many decades working for the environment and now i want to go out and enjoy the environment and so i appreciate the accommodation and the support that the commission has always provided from day one, from the day that i started working with the department, and i felt that the commission has always been very supportive, and appreciate being able to work with each and every one of you. and so, thank you.
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>> thank you. >> on the resolution, we do have to add the fourth date that david served as acting director. >> and we have to. >> and that the fourth one? >> yes. >> well that is i will tell you a story about that. >> vetor recruited me to be the deputy director of the department of the environment back in 2001. and i was all enthusiastic, and came to the department and got all of these plans and started working on a number of project and about four months after i started she came to me and said that i have the news for you and i am leaving the department and so, just after i started, that was the first time that i became the acting director was back in 2001. and so shortly after i came over to the department. and when it was, and the department was with the eight people and that was the 8 and there were 7 people when i joined the department. and so it is obviously seen
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tremendous growth, i mean, from what it was in those days to the point where we are now having the hearings in the board chambers and we have 111 people on staff and a budget of $21 million and that was beyond dreaming in 2001, and and it was and i would have a chance to kind of see the way that your experience and values is part of what we are looking for in that next direct and her so i think that it is, you know, obviously, everyone is going to remember you, and think you for a long long time and i think that it is great to remind us that you are just a phone call away, or available to sit down for lunch and we will pick your
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brain and we will take great value in that. colleagues? >> i got an insight into what a pleasure it would be and we were looking for the out reach director and i went through that process twice as it had been and what i remember very clearly at the time was really appreciating that your blend of just solid insight and true environmental commitment that just shown through everything that you were doing and but also, just the relaxed love of what you were doing, and to sit in your office and interview the people surrounded by the birds, and you know, it was sort of like being out in nature and inspiring and i appreciated that in the introduction into the department life and we will miss you a lot. >> thank you. >> commissioner wan? >> sure.
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you are really one of the person in the department that i could go and ask the question, and you really know the department inside out and the history that brought the knowledge that you have really inspiring me. and i really wish that you could stay longer so i could learn more from you and i am also happy for you because it is hard to enjoy the environment and we will hope that we will continue the spirit that you have and the solid work and you will be a real for the department. >> thank you. >> i think that so much of this department, combines, sort of actism with being a government agency and kind of all of these beautiful, and all of these problems with that but there is also a beauty do that and i think from the very start and even when i was not around, you kind of exemplified that and kind of having really started at and i just got to know this recently, and at one of the great activist publication and having sort of come inside and into the government in keeping that role of the department
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within the city, family and, making sure that everybody else and sort of was still towing the environmental line and pushing it as far as it could. and so i think, you will be, sorely missed and i will certainly miss you and i hope that you write everything down that you know. so that... >> i am going to give 2,000 e-mails that i have safed to my successor. >> thank you. >> commissioner wa*ld? >> thank you. >> and david, i am the longer serving commissioner but i know where i have barely scratched the surface of the time that you have been here. but, i have been here long enough to really see, the impact, that you and your values and your compassion for
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the environment have had on the department not just in terms of the role in the city but the way that the people do their work, the way that they relate to each other. and the way that they relate to us. and then, you have, not only had these incredible accomplishments that are listed in concrete accomplishments that are listed in this resolution, and but, the impact that you have had on every single person who has dealt with the department either directly, by interacting with them, or in directly through their interactions and which the staff members which you have mentors and inspired. and motivated. and it is true that the department will miss you terribly but as a recent retiree myself, i cannot even
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question your decision. although i did for a period of time, but i stopped now, that i have actually retired and i hope that you have a fabulous next stage of your life, and that you get to enjoy the environment as much, well, as much as you possibly can and it can never be as much as you deserve to. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> and thank you. >> all right, any public comment? on the items? seeing none, the public comment is closed. colleagues, perhaps, just for housekeeping, we can get a motion to amend our resolution, and commendation to reflect the number four? that monica mentioned and that was on page. >> it was on page 1. and i moved and second on that? >> second. >> and all of those in favor. >> say aye. >> aye. >> opposed?
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>> all right could we get a motion to approve the commendation? >> i move that we approve the motion of commendation. >> all right, so moved the second from commissioner stevenson and, all of no, sir favor, say aye.. >> aye. >> opposed? >> thank you, david. >> for everything. >> monica if you could call the last items, 14, 15, 16 combined. >>announcements. (information and discussion) 15. president's announcements. (information and discussion) 16. new business/future agenda items. (information, discussion and possible action). >> on my end, any announcements in the future agenda items? >> thoughts? >> commissioners josefowitz? >> i just want to thank our dear president for organizing what i thought was a tremendous joint meeting. and we have been here for a very long time now. and not as long as that longer meeting that went on for bloody
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ever. but, for the pleasantly for this time and thank you very much for organizing that i think that it is tremendous that we can do some more and i think that there are exciting things and opportunities that came out of that. >> glad to do that and, thank you for the feedback. and you know, you sit there through a long meeting and you are wondering, how we are doing and so, we appreciate that commissioner. and commissioner? >> i would like to suggest, that we consider inviting roger kim from the mayor's office to come to maybe even our next full commission meeting to discuss with us the mayor's environmental priorities. >> okay. >> we can do that. >> and one other announcement is that, i said that i don't have an announcement but i do, germ o has been working like crazy behind the scenes to coordinate and i notice that he has been here this entire time and thank you, for everything, and for making this happen, and
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david, and the team, and you know, it was not easy and of course, you know, i hope that when the city attorneys get assigned to the commissions it is not just like, rolling the dice or lottery, and it is like subject matter. and that you know, that tom, and when he is here on a night like this, it is like, he is, you know, the environmental, stuff that we have talked about just like, we that he thinks that he is so glad that he is here to be here for a long meeting like this. and i might be right? >> yes? >> okay. and thank you, we don't often thank you on a night like this and we have to and of course, monica and she is running around this whole time and fixing the technology with our friends at sfgtv, and thank you. >> thanks. >> and okay. >> any public comment? >> i just have one quick thing to mention is that there is a temporary new temporary system for the new director, ryan jackson who will be getting in
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touch with each of you to set up an individual meeting with debbie for hopefully next week with each of you. >> so if you hear from ryan jackson, he is debbie's new assistant. >> okay. >> all right. thank you public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item 17? >> public comment, on items not on today's agenda? >> any public comment? >> seeing none, it is closed. >> adjournment, 8:10. we are adjourned. thanks. city of san francisco public utilities commission good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. i would like to call this special joint
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meeting of the san francisco public utilities commission and the commission on the environment to order. it's just a little after 3:00 p.m.. mad am secretary please call the roll. >> for the puc courtney. caen, commissioners moran, torres? >> here. >> for the environment commission president jash -- josh units ua arce, stevenson, nicholas, commissioners sarah wong, commissioner king is excused. >> please call the next item.
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>> please call for public comment. >> opening remarks for item 3. opening remarks by public utilities commission press vince courtney and xhis on the environment president joshua arce. >> we'll call for public comment on this item, but before we do, commissioner arce? >> thank you. on behalf of all of us at the san francisco commission on environment, we are excited to be here today. we've been talking about getting together with the puc for a long time and it's been years since our committee met. i think we all agree that it's certainly the environment commission and the puc as well that there is a major sense of shared response responsibility in the amount
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of work we do. it's not just the environment of the commission is sole stewards of the environment and they are running water and power. from today we are excited about learning in more ways to collaborate. the city's environmental agenda has a lot to benefit from today's conversations particularly as we seek to engage communities historically not engaged or part of the traditional environmental movement and as we talk about increasing job creation for city of san francisco through these programs. we are excited to be here today and we'll learn about the partnerships that we have and a little bit about each other's departments and the teams and we hope from the conversations from the commission and the staff and public and the community we come up with some ideas of what we can do. i want to
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thank your commission, courtney and the staff and the department on the environment and leadership and particularly from our shop at the end of our meetings, that our commission secretary monica fish. thank you very much for leading up to today. >> thank you very much. along those lines we had an opportunity as an organization to appear before the commission and had an opportunity to meet some of the commissioners at the environment commission. i was impressed with the expertise and the enthusiasm that you all had and wanted to find ways to engage you in some of the items that we continually engage as an organization. here as my role in the public utilities commission i couldn't be moren enthusiastic about meesing with you for the first time, meeting jointly with you to discuss all the
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overlapping objectives and goals and a partnership moving forward and routinely getting together with each other publically and privately to talk about some of the things that we can kind of do jointly and individually as one. in particular i'm interested in looking towards putting together some joint initiatives, but i'm also looking to making sure that people have an at some point to talk about and think about all of the great things that the public utilities commission has done for the environment and some of the great work. i think today's meeting is probably just an exercise in illustrating a lot of the things that the puc has been able to do over the course of the past several years that the commission on the department of environment obviously staff should think pretty highly of. oftentimes people talk about what's not occurring and what's not happening without talking about the glass being half full. no pun intend. with
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that, president arrests -- arce? public comment? >> we are going to call for public comment. dr. spin ola jackson. thank you for being here. >> jackson and what i would like to do is give a little history of the environmental committee when it was set up. i was the representative for mayor jordan back in '96 because of the fact that we had problems in my community. in 1990, they were having the 20th anniversary of earth day well, i knew about earth day by watching tv, the news in the afternoon and they would talk about saving the whales,
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saving the whales. i got a chance to meet the young man responsible for earth day in his office. he stated a word to me. he said, it's about environmental racism. i said, environmental racism? he said, yes. now, i didn't know what the environment meant but i sure knew what racism meant. when he explained to me that all the toxins go into the black communities and latino communities. i said wait a minute, you cannot hold no more earth days in chrissy fields. in 1990 was the 20th anniversary for earth day and held in bayview hunters poise -- point. from 1990-1996. i was making sure the mayor of the city, the board of
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supervisors, we would give tours in bayview hunters points because we had over 500 toxic sites in bayview hunters point. people were sick and dying and we did not know why. that was the reason the environmental committee came up and then it became a commission because of the fact of the mayor of san francisco and the board of supervisors that first started this committee. i just wanted to give you a history. i have been to some of your meetings and i was told that you couldn't do anything about land. i said what? that's what a toxic is? how did that come about? you all need to do something about that because my people are dying in bayview hunters point because of the air that we breathe, the land that our children are playing on is all toxic. if you go into your internet because i know you use internet and look up harriet
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park and it will tell you how many days the children or anyone should even be there. you can also look up toxic city, san francisco. i'm glad to see someone is writing down what i'm saying because it's very important for you to know about bayview hunters point and about the community and why this body was set up and the need for you to be concerned about the lice of -- lives of the people that are maybe going to move into this area that shouldn't move in. i would like to thank you very much and would like to say to shows of you in the environmental commission that i am the ambassador for solar, for puc. so i support solar in fact i was the first to receive solar for the low income seniors. i'm 81 years of age and i want to make sure that i'm here to make sure that you all continue with the solar program. it is very important to the people of
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san francisco. when i read a paper and see where solar in other countries, poor countries have solars for a whole city and here in america, here in san francisco, we can't have solar? that's a disgrace. with all the money we have in the united states because san francisco has always been the forerunner and the leaders for everything in the state, in the united states of where you are in america. i want to thank you all. at least i got a few more minutes. i have 51 minutes. i have said everything i need to said. you have a blessed day and i can go home and wap -- watch you all on tv. thank you. >> thank you doctor jackson for being here. is there any more public comment on item no. 3. >> mr. brooks? good afternoon. >> item 3, public comment. i
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-- i'm mr. brooks. representing san francisco the various aspects have worked to launched the clean air program. which thankful the lack of lack of local agency formation in san francisco did not get finished to plan the build out of hundreds of mega watt of clean energy in san francisco to put thousands of people to work in san francisco over the next 10 years, around a thousand or more per year with the local 261 which is well represented in this room right now. and i just want to note that the reason i can talk about clean
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powersf in public comment is that it's not on your agenda at all. we've gone before the subcommittees and the commission or the environment commission recently insisting that the cleanpowersf plans and program be put back into climate action strategy. that the mayor pressured the department of the environment to remove from the climate action strategy when previously the department of environment staff said there's no way the city can make it's environmental goals and greenhouse gas goals with clean power powersf. it's absurd that it's not in there. sense it's -- since it's in the local area formation, it needs to go back in there. we
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said this before to the environment commission and have seen it not agenda ized and seen no action on it. the commission needs to say to the public what's up. then i would add a a n a little bit unconferredable -- uncomfortable notes the puc put the budget back in the mayor's lap because it was inappropriately making a grab as monies that the board of supervisors specifically set aside for cleanpowersf. the interesting thing you should know about that budget hearing is that essentially what the mayor did was attempted to use that grab at the money to say, okay, now, even though the mayor has been cutting go solar sf repeatedly year after year which is another really
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important program to the building trade. even though mayor cut that and had been cutting energy efficiency funds repeatedly, suddenly the mayor is trying to make himself mr. good guy on clean energy and fully fund go solar sf. basically that was an intent to put go solar sf and fight over the same money. lucky for us we didn't get into that fight and we all stood together in that hearing. the budget hearing sent a strong message to mayor lee that he has to stop playing games and fully advance both of these programs and stop twisting the arms of the people on these commissions to do his bidding when it's not the right answer for san francisco. the climate question is an emergency. we hear news reports every week about what an emergency it is. we count on all of you to
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move these programs forward rapidly. >> thank you mr. brooks for being here. is there anymore public comment on item no. 3? >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, my name is robin share. i'm speaking for the trees in san francisco and speaking for the san francisco forest alliance. as part of the department of the environment and the natural areas program, i would strongly urge for the care and preservation of all san francisco trees to stop the destruction of san francisco open space trees. you are caring for the water h20 and the carbon needs to be second questered and the 400 parts per million to
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