tv [untitled] June 2, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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thank you. any questions. i wanted to thank karen from the bay area quality staff for helping to pioneer the project with it was with halted bikes; right? and the bike institution can i explain that >> i'm not the expert but my understanding it is company basis in toronto they provide them with the equipment and the proprietary software so that's what went bankrupt and their international in canada the international portion of the company was purchased we're waiting to determine what's going to happen with the systems but the same companies support of the negotiation system so hopefully, a a lot of big
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players. >> i'm pleased for our brothers and sisters in the east bay they've been waiting partially as we expand to the peninsula and the 2014 capitalization will not be detailed too much and good news about the mta seeking funds. i have a question about the private sector sponsor arresting and your recommendations when sdme supervisor avalos and a number of staff visited mexico city there were a number of sponsors with other cities are we luke pretively with a sponsor right now >> i can led chief maddox speak about that we've look at institutionally there's biking no new york that do the whole thing we don't thinning think
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that's a good model. >> he'll talk about the efforts sfmta is doing. >> mexico city a was a clear channel just the ideas that have came up. >> good morning. so the answer is that we have working with the mayor's office julian specifically and we have a fundraiser i understand the mayor's office is working with now sort of looking at did organizational infrastructure needed to have a full scale effort we have this fundraiser and a nonprofit equivalent organization so we can't accept private donations but we're in the thick of developing the
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materials to we can put the hard sale on the sponsors >> yeah. i'm an annual member i and my staff use the bike share program to get to meetings and various events. i think karen from the bay area quality management district has a good track record shooe showing she explains how successful but to the next level is takes sponsors. i think some of the areas of improvement have really been looked at and i'm pleased about the clipper card us to be able to use clipper cards it's hard to use the t that you stick in the slot. i had a question of multiple private sectors like kaiser permanente or the university of
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san francisco or san francisco state university or target as a company probably will be supportive if there's more of an expanse with places to use it but are you looking at institutions that will benefit from having bike share stations placed near them >> certainly there's a cough of different ways to approach it one the new york city model it's kind of the title sponsor takes everyone or everything but new york city is the on the type of sponsor the other type of sponsor there is a bio level station supports it appeals to many companies and institutions things like that and they underwrite the cost of bringing a station cross to them that
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works within the overall, you know, system but there's also presenting sponsors that can co- exist with the sponsors and that could happen, you know, presenting sponsors. and we've had one sponsor for one part not for others like boston they sponsored and there's new balance not just for balance. and then in we learned that seattle i believe has signed alaska airlines as a sponsor they're not a winner take all sponsor not like the first 5 hundred bikes there's a lot of options about the level of interest with the sponsor. any other questions >> supervisor yee.
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>> yeah. a quick question. i've been curious about bike stations. is there ever a time when, you know, who too many bikes coming to one place and not enough space and parking >> absolutely. >> the bike share we contract with the a company al at that they're the biking contractor and we gave them a purchase order they deployed it and have vance they'll circulate to make sure there's an optimal direction of the bicycles to you don't incur an empty station or full station. >> i think you've found one
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station that didn't have any bikes i had to wait 5 or 10 minutes during the america's cup race people were getting to the waterfront. but for me to get to meetings and my hope as we expand that we're looking at areas of entity as bryan larkin from the cac raised not only places where we think there will be a lot of bicyclists but other areas that need to market and promote more bicycling as well >> yeah. as we expand too few bikes in stations we that that will work best but as we get bigger groups we'll have a lot more freedom. >> i want to thank michael schwartz and the whole team for the strategic analysis report
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and it's really, really helpful. i'm hoping we expand bike sharing for transportation purposes as well. any other questions is there any public comment i think i have one card bryant and anyone else that wants to speak please come forward >> first i want to say good morning and thank you for having this meeting i'm thankful to the city i was there for the opening of the polk street it was a great example of things that happen. i'm here to a represent cork wide bike rentals. thank you to the ct a for working with us with the bike
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sharing expansion and parkway appreciates it. park would like park ride wants to request two small language changes into the document and i'll hand you a copy of the changes. on page 9 bullet one should strike the station side planning and receptionist that with the prior tiger's travel to and from the straight transit and next on page the number 3 bullet two should add sfmta should in front of the sentence develop a business model it shows how the expansion can reach the sustainability through the private sponsoring of the
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revenue and the combination of all the sources. the requested changes are written here for your information >> it's mr. granting. >> pardon me i wrote i'm not a doctor sometimes my writing isn't good. >> let me take a quick look. is there any further public comment >> mr. bryant did you give a copy to amber with the transportation authority. >> (inaudible). >> so we'll pass it on to amber. >> next speaker >> hello commissioners. i was hearing sponsoring and pilot programs. and clipper cards.
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so with those 3 issues insurance would be a great way to pilot with the clipper card. to help bicyclists with insurance. because i'm sure you're aware of we have a lot of different accidents with pedestrians and bicyclists and audibles. i love riding a bicycle but if we're going going to sponsor have insurance companies have types of information on the bicycles or the key that support the bicyclists with insurance >> are there any members of the public who wish to speak seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, we have this action
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item before us on the strategic analysis report i believe mr. swaerts and ms. crab are looking at is language ms. crab recommendations >> yeah. we'll work with the speaker on the language and bring a revised version to the board. >> and there's not a hurry to adapt this today but bring the restoration to the board and are you recommending us to continue this item until - >> i think supervisor campos i'll suggest i'll make a motion to accept this and approve the report move forward this with a positive recommendation to the full board understanding the time it maybe some amendments along the lines. >> i think that's a great motion and i think that bike sharing is different from
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bicycle rebels i appreciate park wide and the expansion throughout the city but bike sharing is about people in neighborhoods or people that really use the bikes in san francisco for businesses for residential and other types of use. i think that bike rentals are more of a tourist focus that many of the people's that come into town i think the city needs both i'm appreciative that we have so much bike sharing and rentals and the toufrts that don't know the area that's an issue of providing some information they need to make a rational choice >> are there any other comments colleagues. can we have a roll call
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>> sxhood. supervisor campos. supervisor kim absent. supervisor mar. supervisor yee. that items approved >> next temazepam 9. >> allocation of prop c. k funds and prop double funds subject to the tax fiscal year and the amended part of our programs this is an action item. >> the sfmta is requesting the funding for a little bit over 8 thousand fund for the prop k. all of those requests are intended to approve the street safety from planning to construction. the first project as a matter of
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fact, is requesting over 980 thousand to design the pedestrian signals as well as the larger overlayed and larger are arms for availability at different intersection and you can find the more detailed breakdown between the locations of the company treatments on page 4 of the enclosure. mta acceptance to complete the design by july of next year and construction to be concluded by the following year 2016. the current proposed ground changes will not necessitate the construction of the roadways. the next project that sfmta is
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requesting 21 thousand in improvements why the mission go district and the specific spending is upgrading the walking and maps and developing the conceptual be designs and finding the designs to be acceptable. and the exciting part is mta wants to implement the low cost treatments as part of the implementation effort. mta will begin the planning by october of this year and expects to complete by the february 2015 and the early implementation projects by june of this year this will position the discretionary rents for the full implementation.
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on next the traffic survey project the matt is requesting money for bicyclist and norm in favor of riding to major changes from pedestrian safety and mta anticipates to start the surveys for the bicycle projects from july that's been updated to start as early as july and the prop k funds to cover the surveys wore one and a half years. the next mta is requesting 54 thousand prop k opportunity the design of 8 locations and 4 of them on lake street has been constructed with prop b bond and mta anticipates beginning the construction in june of this
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year and completing by september of this year that's a taller than and they're requesting 80 thousand for the landscaping in interests in the eastern neighborhood improvement study for the 7th and 8th street are or north of the freeway with high traffic volume and speeds. the current features as proposed include removing the traffic lane and this planning effort refinances the oppositions and the streets improvements on howard and folsom. mta will start the planning will complete the planning by march of next year and with that,
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joining from mta is here to answer any questions >> i see no questions and thank you for being here all the time too. let me open this up for public comment oh, we have several cards as well. i have gilbert, asia those are the two cards >> hi i'm a central city democratic's i oppose any more funding for the mta this committee should freeze the money until citizens can ride mta for free until they have a plan for people with disabilities. the mta board has left the citizens and disabled in limbo
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tell them to wait until after the november election why should we wait while the mta has a budget surplus of $22 million. citizens and people with disabilities need to ride muni for free today. we have a crisis in the city a transportation crisis a housing crisis and an affordability crisis the mayor has a pr disaster on his hand when we gave away free parking. i urge you to say no and don't pass this out of committee >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, again commissioners. i would ask you to vote no or wait to vote because spending
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spending spending is good to spend we all love to spend but i just think for your going to do stuff especially the bicycle racks the bicyclist and all that stuff we have to do it at one time that should be done together with the pedestrians and automobiles and everything i happen to be part of a neighborhood survey and i was wanting to focus also on bicyclists and the harm it does to the pedestrians when they did bicyclists don't stop with the crosswalk they keep on riding through. i was told it's the automobile that the - no, no the bicyclists that need to be focused on. but the thing is if we're going
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to spend money spend it wisely and the right way. thanks >> thank you are there any members of the public who wish to speak seeing none, public comment is closed. i wanted to thank the staff ms. kim for the presentation and the slides. and say those 5 projects are critical for our city especially save routes to school making franklin and the other boulevards safe and say that the speed and volume surveys will be helpful in their analysis and for the pedestrians refugee island i know first-hand that they need the small improvement to make it safer and the neighborhood groups have been advocating for small improvements that will make a difference as well the other areas that will be helped and lastly the 7th and 8th
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streetscape are critical in the eastern neighborhoods as well. any other comments >> supervisor campos. >> thank you to the members of the public that have spoken i appreciate what's been said and i share the fact that the mta has not moved with the free public transit for low and middle-income citizens many including supervisor yee will work hard to push this forward with the affordability crisis. that said those promotions are critical and in my district district 9 looking at the prop k requests to approve the safety around caesar chavez school that's an important issue for the families that go to school
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there i don't want to delay that because of inaction by an agency i'll be supporting those stermz i think that the safety of the city requires that we move quickly not to not push hard for the transportation for our citizens >> thank you supervisor campos seeing none, other comments. >> supervisor breed absent. supervisor campos. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor yee. this item passes >> thank you. please call the next item >> introduction of new items an informational item. >> colleagues, i want to jump right in and requesting an informational item for our next agenda regarding the clipper 2.0 our clipper cards allow for the
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regional transit to encourage people to move out of cars like muni and bart and caltrain i'd like an update from our transportation authority and the magnifying about the possibility as the clipper contract expires in a few years concluding the uniform transfer fairs and others go allocations a robust discussion. any other items that colleagues want to raise. let's open this up for public comment thoibz seeing none, public comment is closed. ms. chang would we call the next item >> item 12 public comment. >> i have one card. >> yes. gilbert from the district 8 and a central city democratic's. i wanted to invite the to staff
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and the director to the board of supervisors budgets committee meeting on thursday at the toujs that is a call to action with disabilities concluding people with hiv and aids we need free muni today, we don't need to wait for a november election before we get justice so thank you >> thank you, mr. gris well. seeing none, public comment is closed ms. chang any other business before us >> no other business. >> thank you, everyone this meeting is >> we're here to raise awareness and money and fork for
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a good accuse. we have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city right here in the mission intricate why don't we capture that to support the mission youths going to college that's for the food for thought. we didn't have a signature font for our orientation that's a 40-year-old organization. mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual they've helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life
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>> their core above emission and goal is in line with our values. the ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand >> they were on top of that it's a no-brainer for us. >> we're in and fifth year and be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and representing at the parks >> we're giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education.
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people come back and can you tell me and enjoy our food. all the vendor are xooment a portion of their precedes the money is going back in >> what's the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle for the folks we thought higher education is the tool to move young people. >> i'm also a college student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college that's 40 percent hire than the afternoon. >> i'm politically to clemdz and ucla. >> just knowing we're giving back to the community. >> especially the spanish speaking population it hits
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home. >> people get hungry why not eat and give >> the health commission will please come to order. and the secretary will call the role. >> commissioner singer. >> i'm here. >> mcgee. >> present. >> malari. >> here. >> chou. >> present. >> sanchez. >> the commissioners and chung are out. the second item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of the health commission on may 2014. >> accept the commission. >> moved. >> there's a motion and second. any correction to the minutes. >> if not, we're prepared for the vote. all in favor please -- yes, please. >> i had one comment to director garcia. on the topic in your report about the beanie hauf
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