tv [untitled] June 3, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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guarantee for the fund i community are with the funds why isn't the tennis court fully fences in and why are the signages confusing when we we are told no lines would be planted for the basketball ambassador i want to clarify one thing we don't have one hundred and 51 courts we lost 5 court. >> you are at times. >> thank you. >> (calling names) thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm justin spears i make up 50 percent of the loudest voices for the nov i didn't court we've been working
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together with singles 2007 on this park this is a big day for us. although you may hear individual voices there are many voices. the plan before you is a meeting each attended by 50 and 80 people. most of the meetings involved thoughtful break out sections where neighbors worked together and why they didn't use the park and what they wanted to see done what's so wonderful about the plan is most of teens can look at it and see at least one of their judge's was in it. while we can't pleas one hundred percent i'm amazed we come together to respond to the wide
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varieties of yourselves. i encourage you to approve the plan and support of the logical and respectful way the plan was created >> thank you (calling names). >> i'm doing this because i know i'll get in trouble i'm a homeowner on elizabeth street and been at the 3 of the 4 community meetings. i think what we need it green space people can use for the tennis court can use and i i know there's talk about enforcement but it's not being enforced this is a great plan and compromises i believe that my neighbors will designate a
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place for the citizens to people can play on the grass and have a snack that's not eaten by a dog it's happened to me. it's not usable space and it's just the dogs own it and i don't think there's ever going to appease everyone's wishes but i think this is a good compromises i've been to all the meetings there be a couple of voices that don't live in the neighborhood by the people and my neighbors who have dogs i'm friends with them and most of them like the plans they say they've support this. so i guess i believe that so long as the fenced off area is replaced i have faith and tell people don't bring our dogs on
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this part of the lawn to we can picnic. i know there's concerns about the court space we're keeping the tennis court the tennis court is going to be there so having a tennis court and basketball court that means and laura might have said this there's many schools and not any of them have grass so 8 hundred kids don't have grass this is the only park that's easy for them to get to within blocks of the schools and my kids will use it and we like the plan and lecturer he said i knew 32 families that sponsored it they've got lives and don't want to bring their toddlers here
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screaming so people support the plan i tried really hard to get them to come. thank you >> thank you. >> (calling names). >> hi my name is dementia north america unnecessary man, i run the noah valley park fund. i thank you and acknowledge justin and nova what's been working on this for seven years. i want to thank supervisor wiener for coming up with a compromise and want to say i was really happy that rec and park did a survey on the tennis courts we manage the outside of the space and i can honestly is
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that court is rarely used gossiping that amount of space is for the common good. the plan before you today is a conceptual plan it needs to be tweaked and there could be more landscape in that you've got to have a dedicated dog area you have to have patrols and a fence otherwise that won't work. i feel really old but i remember when the courts talk about an unintended consequence the in love court was a kid park and the parent came together and put up the fence and in doing that it became a dog park is many crusaders and of the folks a supervisor to make that a
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greater good i think this plan does a good job albeit it it needs to be tweaked. thank you. next speaker. >> okay. you want to hold up we have one minute. >> are we losing all our kids. good by visit our parks >> i'm losing my audience here (laughter). >> they're getting hungry. >> stomachs triumph democracy. >> economics triangle stomachs.
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>> okay. good morning general manager i'm susan agreeing deter i want to observe to rec and park i've submitted two sets of comments i can't touch on every point reserving the inadequacy of the process it wasn't for lack of meetings there were those but the meetings were off on the wrong track the tennis playgrounds had no idea this was in play and this whole thing to would have gone in a dive of different direction. opposition one i support that's at meeting two. what is clearly many voting police radios has not take into
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account all the e-mails and comments we've not seen those to reflect anything it was reflected. nor reflected on the 4 hundred and 50 people that signed petitions oepgs the tennis court so it's complex. contrary to mr. ginsburger this this park didn't work it works for me those are the people that are not complaining and can'ter here and don't bother to come but people find this park fine. what's amazing about the park that's small but it packs a huge amount of activity both the small place very, very effectively. if you turn another quarter of the park over to grass irving to
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have a huge area that's not usually when it's wet and a put the way it is now despite the areas of rec and park to keep the lawn in good shape it fails that's a dust bowl. i don't think there's a way to keep it properly taken place whereas it can be used by aclu the year. there's absolutely no reason to split the baby in half if you keep the hardtop as it is and fence off the proposed terrace and path area and leave a small area in the area for days ago everybody does not wins. there's no grass in the high school by 3 blocks south there's
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douglas park it's fenced with a playground flat and perfect for kids to run around and a to play much better than this area of the court. basically, i obvious to the park it's been turned over to dogs and young children and all the rest of us are being go forward in the planning process. this park does work and needs to be fenced we don't need to lose the play spots it's irresponsible for rec and park on that recommendations >> thank you. >> larry and jen and martha and others. >> commissioners general manager ginsburg i'm larry king i'm a father of 3 active young
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girls i have a dog murphy i rarely use this park with my dogs i served on the library commission for 8 years we reviewed projects and this was one time for generations we wanted to make sure that the projects worked for all generations. if you look at the nova valley and the demographics lots of families and kids. to me the big issue with the proposing proposal is the loss of active space i'm totally supportive of the active zone and keeping the one court but losing the active space the most useful space the basketball area roadway kids are there using that space when schools out they're there and if the tennis
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courts are not used they're there. the problem with the the plan those kids are not going to have enough spaces i came home last time and saw a full court basketball game going on and can i see placing successor off the wall and two old ladies placing tennis. my recommendation would be to think about preserving that basketball black top space and i think about you guys have done a lot of research on the shared time use and figure out some hours of the days the dogs are going to be there but we understand the kids and adults have priority having priority time and making sure there's space if you look at the plan the dog area is pretty big
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bigger than the current basketball area that area you can have space so far the dogs to do their business not on the black top but encourage you to think about maintaining the place for your kids to play. my daughters who are active they play successor and lacrosse and school we use the black top for all the activities when they hear daddy we're going we're not going to have that that is a they cry. in fact, will have kids i guarantee i a lot of kids would like to have the space and the people zone i support that and fence off so dogs can't get in there. thank you very much >> (calling names). >> hi i'm jeffrey i'm a nova
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valley resident and parent i have painters that live across the street that are citizens i'm a nova valley dog owner and a nurse i work at the pedestrian rick's since the 70s and i wanted to note that the inflection of kid is state and local government we've approached by to 50 families a month who are interested in joining our practice we don't have the space so we turn away half of them. it's interesting to think of the future of the neighborhood i'd like to keep the kids in the neighborhood and in the city i think this plan can help with that you saw the kids from the third grade i appreciate i letting them see the process but my daughter and i counted up 42 kids that live within 4 blocks
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of the park it's important for them to see what's going on. so keeping the green space and less hard space will be helpful in keeping those kids active in the city. i encourage you to support this plan >> thank you. >> (calling names). >> san francisco tennis coalition i was going to partnered to my friends school graduates they laughed (laughter). >> i just wanted to give you a met for if you have children or grandchildren and say no candy before dinner you and they break the rule you don't give them more candy you i feel are breaking your own rules and
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giving the space to dog people and keep on talking about the tips players you can walk to other places but all the neighborhood courts are for all the city and i went to our farther courts that is definitely part of the courts. and by removing the recreational space the basketball placing space you're going to create conflicts with the basketball i'm sure people want to play basketball and tennis at different times. i don't want to isolate people over that. the last thing people say i went by the courts at the 5 and that was empty i can go by dodger stadium at times and it's empty
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>> thank you. >> (calling names) how do i pronounce it. >> okay. thank you. >> hi i'm jeff house. mooins have been living beside nova i didn't courts for 16 years now. i'm against the latest plan for renovating the court not because the plan itself didn't look good on paper obviously a lot of thought and idea has gone into it the architect image is quite attractive. i don't think that the real appearance of the park would stay that way for long after renovation because the plan didn't deal with the basis basic problem the heavy used by off leash dogs that's almost all the
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dogs that enter the court. anyone that goes into the court now sees the lawn is a mess and a large part of it is brown and bare. that's not because of drought or drainage problem but so many dogs are running over the lawn everyday. the samg i think would happen to the promoted dog area and eventual to the people area so long as the rules are not enforced the signages has not kept the dogs off the tennis courts so why should we expect the days ago to stay out of people areas. how can you insure that the parks will stay clean. heavy maintenance might help to
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keep the lawn areas in better shape but that would be costly as any authenticity been given to what kind of maintenance might be required and what it would be fund. i think if not much the rams will be wasted over time. another problem relates to fairness more kids and people use the courts for various purposes than spot checks for surveys in various months of the year we a lot down on the court and see how many folks use the courts and groups of kids at midday doing various activities. so if the tennis court is resurfaced it will have more
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tennis players using that. is it fair to jam those people together into a single court. i know you can't pleas everyone >> excuse me. you're out of time. xmz (calling names) >> commissioners and general manager ginsburg thank you for helping us. >> can i get you to speak more into the mike. >> i'm married to a jeffrey we live beside the bowie court we divorced as part of rec and park and friends of the bowie courts vorld in cleaning i am the park monthly for about 4 years we're
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aware of the problems on the bowie courts. among other reasons the plan before you is a big mistake because getting rid of half of the landscape it will push the activity children and adults out of the park when there are a free dog park at douglas you can walk the dogs in my park and let them run over leash where the city has many parks but you carton ride a bike or roller blade on a city sidewalk or in our background mediate protected space for those activities and this plan eliminates half of the landscape space that's used by people in month weather. with families increasingly
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staying in nova valley instead of moving there's to be more 16-year-old kids soon that need to take a bike or bus on the weekend but not blow avenue steam before directorship the plan is risky. without maintenance from rec and park department and the first name a inheritance to rules especially by people with dogs the pathways will be unsuitable for people to be used by people or dogs. i urge you to think carefully before you make a decision thank you >> (calling names) good to see you again, i live a few doors up the park on 12th
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street. first, i'd like to lend my support to larry and deborah there's a lot of been presented i'll bring a few things the wiggle room around the distinction f this is one concept plan and not a plan for implementation and number 2 that there's a phased approach because there's not money for the second phase is there an outreach we can work on the landscaping and have a general i think consensus we'll have a win-win situation. just to get back to the comments i've submitted for the last two
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weeks and said last week, i falsify some compromised that will renovate the park and not follow the plan as currently spelled out. i'll disagree with the park mrs. no one despite the cracks of the park it's used year round the concept is for activities. and then especially commissioner low said it's an untested concept if it's two small for the activities only one other multi use in a park and that's another park that's hard to point out the comparisons. there's no alternative space that's walkable been within the
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area for kids we need to have the community needs met so drawing on commissioner president buells comments the process has been corrupt and there's been comments and surveys they've rooepdz offer to share the stakeholder comments that repelled from the meetings 3 and 4 i presented something i've not received the letters related to the meetings i respectfully say that i have ten seconds rest i want to concede them to laura >> laura and 10 another person. >> i'm laura norman i lived 20
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two blocks from the bowie carts for years. i've been involved with trying to make improvements 90 to the parks for 10 years. it's a tiny park not servicing the needs of the neighbors well, i'll is that in the 14 years living nearby i've never been to read a book there any son spent many years there and he couldn't play on the grass. the dogs are a huge problem the brother of the kid that spoke earlier said my brother was bitten he went to the hospital i have a photo. i ask when you evaluate there's 3 elementary schools nearby and no one have a single blade of
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grass we have one park but the little ones can't make it up the hill. this long term services many children and would love to bring her children there are that i i i want to address the process and people not knowing until further along in the process the initial process was signed and lost of us worked together and described more than 5 hundred flyers on houses nearby if you use the park or cared about the park you having would have known there was a meeting going on and probably participated. the process that rec and park ran trying to identify what would work as a community as a
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whole. i know people have issues with enforcement but through the process it's been nice to see the members of the community relay ash the park. i know you've heard about the need for more experience please know that exercise and tennis are not the same thing and you also heard we should maintain the hard escape they have to play there because the grass is too admire i didn't if people want more space for activity maybe we can open two giant fields this park can't be all things to all people please approve that as a compromise that meets the greater than good
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for the people in the community. thank you for your time >> thank you. >> hi i'm going to be brief i live within 5 minutes walking dissents of the park. and i fully am in favor of the current plan. i think it serves the did you go owners, it serves the active sport people and the parents and the little kids and bigger kids we are lacking at the moment a green space. i think, you know, on a sunny day i walk to delores a 20 minute walk to get somewhere for a picnic blanket down. i think this is really one of the reasons i'm not using the park as much as is would there's no green grass area. at
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