tv [untitled] June 3, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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taking unaware from a little old lady homeownership islam i've become one the opportunity to maintain the tax the property taxes they've professed used rather it is a if i may have the opportunity to have a illusion here >> sfgovtv can you please hit the projector. >> i've placed it on the projector and there it is. >> that is sleeping beauties castle and the other is my castle i'm distressed in the extreme that disney passes less takes on a square feet basis then i do that's wrong that's what this resolution addresses only the commercial loophole
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that has grown up in proposition 13 please pass this resolution. thank you very much. i appreciate the opportunity to be with you >> thank you. let's hear from our next speaker ms. morrison. >> thank you very much for listening to us today. i captioned hard against prop 13 about 36 years ago i think it wasn't fair to homeowners that had special conditions in the department we didn't know about that was for big businesses and commercial they've avoided the higher taxes. so i figure out against that day to day campaigning.
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prop 13 passed shifted the burdens to the homeowner they pay 72 percent even if property tax and commercial owners pay only 36 percent. so if californians are paying more and more because commercial property owners are not paying their burden proposition 13 has a competitive disadvantage two ideal businesses can pay different tax on how long they've been around. this california is the 49th in the nation and in 2008, and 2011 has the california assistance
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>> thank you very much i hope your consider this resolution and get new attention to this problem thank you very much. >> greetings supervisor supervisor. affidavit east yet lose co-chair of the hospital in san francisco and appointed to the mayors task force. i'm here to talk about a mental health issue called laura's law this was an issue taken up but my board and the mayors care advisory committee who is involved in trying to help people that fall between the cracks we really want to help people that fall between the cracks unfortunately, i think laura's last is actually a law
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of unintended consequences to scare people from therapy and hurt people in trying to get therapy and end up helping few anyone can be referred to an impact care by a anger friend or anyone who was upset it brings people into a judicial system into a court setting where no law has been violated they're talking about the black robe just effect why should someone be brought into a court of law to compel treatment research promote laura's law but the best aspects of what it's trying to
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do case management and wrap around case management all the services that people need and also peer support that's one of the recommendations that came out of the mayors committee. thank you for your time and consideration >> next speaker. >> mr. president, and members of the committee i'm christopher i live on 16 street i rise to comment on my landlord accident tenderloin housing i pay them 41 of my income as rent and express my thanks to the city of san francisco and the united states of providing measured support for my housing that supplements me and helps me to remain in the
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city and where you've would and distanced since is 1970s i live at the raymond hotel. i pronounce it ramming no one like the noodles their food but not particularly healthy like the noodles that run the shelter but not healthy the noise levels at night are constantly such that sleep is difficult not impossible that is unhealthy i've and the this to the telephone call management and nothing changes i've taken it to my district on the supervisor and nothing changes and there's no courtesy of a response too bad for me, huh. actually happy election day vote for none of the behavior and no
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thanks to you >> thank you. next speaker. . >> mr. right my demonstration is here is directed at the supervisor kim and supervisor mar to item 37 i have real broad experience it is unspecified well below requirements as far as the public health department for the infestation i've lived in his apartment complex called the hotel i lived in apartment 223 and it looked nice and clean i was getting bedbugs and reproaches and mice coming into my unit after i moved in. okay. after about a month or so i have a white male tenant that's been living in the
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building for 14 years and a blackmail tenant for seven years and inviting me in the apartment he's got well over 5 hundred bedbugs infested in his mattress and traps 2 hundred reproaches stuck to it and the guy to my right the same situation i've used my legal skills to file complaints and when inspector mario came out you got a pest control guy named solomon who puts as opposed on mattresses so he goes to other units one hundred and 41 unites found out that people have been living like that for years i took my pictures to missouri joe and
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they talented him with thousands of dollars in fines now you're trying to blame someone it's not their fault it's the person named solomon and bill (inaudible) >> thank you very much thank you very much unfortunately, we have the same amount of time for everyone. thank you very much. >> (inaudible). >> thank you very much, sir. >> (inaudible). >> thank you very much. >> (inaudible). >> thank you. next speaker. >> (inaudible) that's why we lost the 49ers. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> you'll that money in san
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francisco. >> mime a sf voter i voted today, i'm in favor of close the loophole resolution i'm a teacher at the mercy high school i was educated at the university of san francisco and care about education. i moved from north carolina and have been disheartened to see the state of the education. you're probably familiar with the statistic that the student counselor ratio in california is 41 to one thousand. i work at the private school because there i can serve my students. it's a tragedy in my mind we're not meeting the needs i'd be
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forever grateful if we could changes things in california thank you very much >> next speaker >> hi i'm julia this is my colleagues and i'm going to give this over to eli both of them. are my children they were both burn born in san francisco i know you want to vote to close the loophole i count on that but i've never come and spoken i'm so motivated open this issue i hope you'll find other ways to be motivated i'm part of the 59 percent that support this this is a winable issue and i think it solves so many problems in san francisco it isn't about education not about making it possible for new businesses to open. it's also about equality, you
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know, less thaning that and about people that can get the kinds of jobs to get the kind of schooling and keeping the income diversity in the schools so people that have more money are not fleeing and i'm a property owner and i'm willing to pay more it's not about the commercial stuff but i'm going to give to evolve others go organized from the benefit of not having my property taxes raised thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. . >> hi i'm molly the teacher librarian at the balboa high school and speaking on behalf of the close the loophole.
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one of the lucky school librarians at self-ousted i see we're suffering from prop 13 and the lack of funds in california there's one librarian to even 8 thousand students the worse in the nation. and at balboa we don't have the money for the programs the arts programs especially drama special ed programs that will help our students be meaning main streamed and co- taught i urge you to do everything you can too close this loophole and devote more money to education thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you. i'm marilyn the
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elementary school student i lobbied against prop 13 i remember at this point my brother had an opportunity to go to state funded hiking trips and it was cut off and my sister and i never had the opportunity i'm a teacher in the public schools and even though there's a surplus in the budget schools are not being funded to the level eave lost very important crucial staff at our school and those students their needs won't be met and there will be a trickle up effect at the achievement records the teachers will be forced to teach the students that need specific care and aid. so our schools are becoming undemocratic there's is a strong pta that supports the pe, etc.
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by month schools don't have this opportunity it's not the mission for our constitution of the united states to provide that and our schools are failing and california is failing proportion thirteen is responsible. i've met many supervisors in small locations urging the campaigns and you all speak strongly to support of the addition education of our students i hope by closing the loophole we'll achieve that thank you. >> hi i'm anton and i'm also a san francisco resident and voter and i'm also honored to be here with the educators i'm a high school science teacher right up
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the street in balboa high school and the discretion between private and pun school is on one level what that is about. i think a question should be posed to every politician how much does it cost to educate a child per year and how we will achieve that level of funding. when i was in college a constitutional law case rodriguez vs. the unified school district and the fact that ethnic discrimination is tragic i think we should be taking every measure to battle that and closing corporate loophole is one very important step in that direction i'm hoping that san francisco, california take the leads for the whole state in
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pursuing this thank you >> hello, i'm william what i've worked in the bay area the year that proposition 13 was pass. i felt that the commercial property tax was inequal and long overdue i encourage you to support that removal of that loophole. we all know that the particular revenue is needed so, please support it thank you. >> hello, i'm or join i'm a san francisco resident a homeowner and a public school teacher in san mateo and a parent of a san francisco unified school district district a productive
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college and uc berkley i'm in favor of closing the loophole i believe education should be funded equally among all unified school districts i see the disparity of people returning from san francisco where the funding is less more per person in my district we can't afford to lose any more families or teachers to richer school districts and to private schools i believe that closing corporate funding will help to make sure that people stay in the city's and in the areas and not just for people that happen to come from families that have more money at this point you have to be married to are come from a
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family that has money to live in the cities in california. please support f this at least one of you will be would going onto the california assembly i hope you'll support in monk your colleagues thank you very much >> thank you next speakers. >> we hear to speak on closings the commercial loophole. >> i'm max. i'm dan son >> and i'm is a bash we go to marshall elementary. >> the computers in marshall crash at the random we no longer have enough for the whole class and c i s the commiserates have
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broken and we need more. please give money to education not only for broken computers but all other problems thank you (clapping) >> my name is erica i'm a san francisco voter and residents as well as a student at san francisco state i'm one of the many people here to support the closing of the loophole and proportion 13 i'm equally out remained about disneyland and among other corporations paying the 1975 rates they'll continue to pay that actually 20075 so,
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please reform prop 13 thank you. >> good afternoon, everyone i'm matt i'm a commissioner on the unified school district board of education i'll honored to be here with the members of the schools and kids and educators to support this resolution in closing the loophole it's wonderful to be across the street and say hello to friends i'm not going to talk about and prop 13 has devastated schools we're 49 now in the country money isn't everything but you get a what you pay for we're dead last in the teachers and could you please state your name we're blessed to have passed prop thirty and seeing money coming but frankly not enough
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the local formula is going to bring if additional funds but close to back where we were so if we want to meet the needs of the students we need to take on prop 13 and we as a school district eave passed a similar resolution a number of months ago and hoping the city will join us but we need to gal in his our treaties across the state to get people to understand people are demanding this. i hope to see the school district and the city to encourage the rest of california to pass that and a a number of years we'll see the reform of proposition 13 thank you to supervisor cowen for bringing this forward >> good afternoon. i'm a
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resident of supervisor mar's district an organizer for evolve and speaking no support of item number 40. i think an important point is we have the highest sales and income taxes in the country we're going to see prop thirty funds riven out in 2016 we can choose to increase the tax burden on people further or have large cooperation's pay fair market rate on their properties i urge you to take a stand and adapt to close the commercial loophole. thank you >> hello, i'm eir i can't think a san francisco resident and here to speak in favor of the resolution to close the
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commercial loophole tax. i graduate from san francisco state in 2012 after completing my entire education in public schools. as the son of two teachers i was lucky enough to have the support to complete my entire education despite the dramatic cuts that faced our education system. many my short time at the sf state i saw tuition raise about $3,000 a semester as an organizer i've had the opportunity to speak to tens of thousands of californians that understand how prop 13 has accommodated our education system by granting numerous corporations tax breaks there's something wrong when our
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education system has slipped to 49 in funding and disneyland is paying $0.05 per square feet on their property taxed. california become the greater state by funding education expenses so san francisco needs to be a leader i iceberg you to support in resolution and take a stance for tax fairness thank you. >> hi good afternoon. i'm margaret and i'm a resident of san francisco for 4 years now. i hesitate to tell you my tail by i come from the mainline outside of philadelphia the merry run the pennsylvania and i
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wound up through circumstances i was homes on the streets of san francisco. and so i now live in public housing it's temporary i'm working my way up so i'm going to ask you to look at the free wifi for public housing. the only way i'm crawling back up by take advantage of the opportunity that the internet provides for me, i work with solve the mental health association and he concur on the 1421 not to pass it and i also would like you to have stated housing through the internet thank you. >> hello, i'm frank. california funding countries
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over the past several years of revision indicates that prop 13 is not working especially for the states education system that's not likely prop 13 will ever be stopped bs but the tax are not able to support the citizens. while you're not going to change the states constitution but consider the assembly bills by ending the commercial loophole. thank you >> good afternoon. i'm a former south san franciscan life-threatening in turlock. i'm here to speak because prop 13 impacted me i was in high school and had a job at the south san francisco high school
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and lost my job immediately when prop 13 was passed. there weren't certify funds at the beginning so we're very much aware of the devastation of prop 13 my son graduated from san francisco state and my daughter graduates from ucla next week with tens of the thousands of dollars in loans when i went through public and private school tuition was a non-issue it was so incredibly affordable which one note need and i if come from a family with high incomes and middle-income are having to take out loans for kids education pr i won't repeat what was spoken to but the
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unfairness in terms of what commercial properties pay and what the homeowners pay is obscene to me i urge you to support in adaptation thank you very much your next speaker >> next speaker >> tom from the apartments a little shout out i'm a mini person recommend that bart opened up their gates let the people drive and ride free i hope the same thing let the gates open and let the people ride free that's a nicer way to do that it makes everybody a
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little bit happier. with that said i'm going to pay contribute the overhead please. this is my father in 1954 behind him a public housing which is queens new york we were there for 5 years when i was before i got to be 5 i was there, i see a building 6 stories they come in clusters then we moved to a park in 10 miles outside the city and my gathering and i would do our male bonding watching and listening to victory at sea world war ii this is all because i'm going to make a point down the road. later 1974 missouri i met many webb a retd
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