tv [untitled] June 5, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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out better ways, not just having the traditional lb requirement to participate with contractors but figure out ways we can work with other lb's on the refb of purchasing, and helping them become sub contractors and getting more involved in the fabric of the port. and we recently held a meeting with several minority chambers of commerce and everyone walked away very excited about the dialogue that has been opened up. so i pride myself on being able to work well with colleagues. i've been involved with the community for many years and i'm excited and to be reappointed would be an honored. >> any questions. >> i have a real basic one and you probably -- if you could elaborate. if you were to serve a new term, what would be your
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goals? >> that's easy. one, i want to continue to see the expansion of the blue green way, certainly including dog parks which my staff -- my port staff laughs about every time, but i'm excited to continue efforts to build more parks and open space. we have something with pier 70 and it will provide opportunities for those in the water front and hasn't seen it live. and the water front insuring that we maintain good relationships with our tenants and make sure the residents of san francisco have access to the great opportunities all along the water front and then certainly continue our maritime activities as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i have a few cards for public comments on this.
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jillian chang. kareen woods, and christine palosy. speaker: good afternoon, mr. chairman, supervisor's campus and tang. my name is jillian chang and i ride today in support of leslie's reelection. i met leslie when she was the supervisor for the equal of same seshgs partners in san francisco extending into the corporate world. at that time it was a controversial and innovative thought to make parity for same gender couple to be treated and now we know that it is the norm in san francisco and it has led the nation in thought leadership. leslie has a vision for the city. she's a great stewart of all the resources making
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sure the oldest time resident of san francisco to the newest worker and also the companies that provide the vitality and the economic power for san francisco to continue to grow are all taken in and given consideration with our san francisco progressive valleys. i can't think of a better stewart for this jewel of our port and our water front than leslie cat, so i respectfully ask for your aye vote in reaffirming her appointment to the port commission. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners, my name is kareen woods and i'm the co-chair of the port central water front advisory group and a 25 year port watcher. leslie cap has done a nice job on the port commission. she's got tremendous background that she brings to the ports desperate
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capital and other needs. she has spent a tremendous time and energy investigating and learning about the port's issues. i think -- i hope that you will support her reappointment. i think we really need leslie and her background to stay with the port. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is christine and i'm a water front resident and a friend and colleague of leslie cats. i'm here to urge your support for her renomination for a couple of reasons. one, i've known leslie since 1987 and i've known her to be a strong leader in the community well before she was on the community college board and the board of
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supervisors, and port commissioner and president, leslie was active in the community and known as a strong, ethical and fair advocate and attorney. in addition, i know her family. i actual loo -- i actually went to law school where her father was the general -- he taught law and ethics and i know that ethics run in leslie's blood line. she's very, very popular in the community because she always listens to people and i can tell you as a water front resident, there is such a strong fight as you know over the people's water front and the life blood of our community and balancing the fact that our city needs more affordable housing, more tourism, more business and at the same time need to retain our essential character and part of which is open space and access to all. leslie is perfectly
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temperamentally suited to sit there for debates. thank you. >> any other public comments on this item? seeing none. public comment is closed. colleagues, supervisor tang. >> i just want to thank commissioner cats, the former san francisco commissioner. i'm happy that you are interested in continuing to serve on the port commission. of course, we all know there has been so much talk and activity in the last year about our water front and i'm happy to recommend mrs. cats to the full board of recommendations. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you very much. thank you mr. chair, and i want to thank former supervisor cats for being here. we certainly have had a lot
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of debate in the last few months about the debate of the future of the water fronts and there's a number of us at times have perhaps taken a different perspective of what the port commission has taken in the types of projects that have come out from that commission. but i think that having legitimate disagreement is part of the process and you certainly want commissioners that are going to be independent and i have worked with leslie. we have not agreed on everything, but i certainly respect where -- how she approaches the job, and my hope is with the most recent passage of prop b, i think that there's a very clear message that voters are sending to the city and in particular, i think to the port that the projects that
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have been the focal point of discussion and they lead us down the path that you have a water front that if the projects go forward, will it be more beach -- they'll be rethinking about how those projects are approached and i think that leslie is someone who can help to bring people from different perspectives together, so i'm happy to support you today. >> thank you. i also will be supporting mrs. cats for reappointment. i've known of her and known her for a little while and everything else i've seen of her and seen her do has been -- can be very professional and she always thinks about what the balance is and maybe sway more to the balance of what the actual people living in san francisco really care
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about, so she's one that i definitely am excited about reappointed. the motion passes. congratulations, ms. cats. >> thank you very much. >> okay. madam clerk, item 3. san motion confirming the mayor's reappointment of linda richardson to the treasure island development authority board of directors, for a >> okay. madam clerk, item 3. san motion confirming the mayor's reappointment of linda richardson to the treasure island development authority board of directors, for a >> okay. madam clerk, item 3. san motion confirming the mayor's reappointment of linda richardson to the treasure island development authority board of directors, for a >> okay. madam clerk, item 3. san motion confirming the mayor's reappointment of linda richardson to the treasure island development authority board of directors, for a term ending april 28, 2018. >> hello. >> good afternoon supervisors. i too am honored. i say that with qualification because the mayor's emphasis on sustainable development on job creation has really been very informative on the kind of work that we do on [inaudible]. i want to take this opportunity
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also to thank the director of appointment for the city and county of san francisco, nicole for making sure that this process goes very smoothly and reminding us commissioners of our obligations, so having said that, a little bit about myself. for the last 25 years, i've had the honor of being involved -- i live in hunter's point and i have been involved in the planning of the sector in san francisco for almost 20 years and i was the chair of the landing and transportation working with the development agency, we work on transportation and we were able to put together a consent for the development of the sector. i served on the planning commission and was of the signature project in san francisco including mission bay. at one point i had a little to do with that. i had the honor to serve on --
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appointed by dave davis. that commissioner oversees the development of the bay area and the land under their jurisdiction. it was an opportunity for me to sit with the folks with the bigger picture and the development in the bay and the land adjusting to that. why do i say that? all of this experience was when i was appointed to [inaudible] came in handy. i made tremendous contributions including my contributions to the development of the san francisco shipyard where i worked closely with the community at large and city agencies to help with that project. since my turning of the bore, i've certain on the leadership position. i'm the current president of the board. tidi is the care taker. we still do not own treasure
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island. the island is owned by the navy and it's important for the public to really understand that. we have a primarily obligation to the tenants that live there. we have 2,000 residential tenants that live there and be have children, so our revenue that we utilize from during events are really used towards the boy and girls club, ymca and charters to enhance the quality of life on the island. we work closely with the department to make sure there's no crime on the island. the other part of our development has to do with the development of treasury land and the participation by the navy. and the navy has sole jurisdiction over the island. we want to get information to the residents to make sure that whatever information
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we're getting from the navy, we've been able to attack with the residents. it's very important for the city and supervisor to understand that even though the navy is primarily responsible for the clean up, we have state regulatory agencies. the cal, california department of human [inaudible] has evolved. we have the california department of toxic substance and control. in addition, the san francisco department of public health provides a set of help oversight, so it's not just like the navy -- after the navy is done with their clean up and release their data, all that information has to go to all the regulatory agencies, even though they work collaboratively, they work independently, so we still do not have until the clean up. it's after the clean up is done and we
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signed off that the processes will begin. one thing that i'm proud of is the last month. the cd mo is the development -- it's going to guide treasure island. this has passed. this document has specified what your supervisor's obligations are and the city's obligations are. they were put into this sustainable development of the island and the restoration of the wet land because treasure island is sensitive echo system wise, and one of the key points of the development is the transportation demands a system which is going to outline how we get folks in and out of the island because transportation for me has to be a key. that's one of the
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things that i'm really even spending my time to make sure that that becomes a key of that development and at the end of the day, i think we're also going to be putting more emphasis on what about transportation because of what we have on the bay bridge. there has to be alternative transportation. tita works closely with the transportation authority. we're so cloud that chang is the director of that and she's being guiding us and providing the necessary -- and we have staff, mr. bombeck who is knowledgeable. so basically this is where we are. i'm very honored to be standing here and given this opportunity to the next mile stone. i have competent fellow commissioners. there are people that are well known in this city, and some of them have
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been working for decades to bring us this far, so their work is continuing and i'm very honored to be standing here. so any questions, supervisors. >> sure. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you for your comprehensive presentation. >> thank you. >> any questions? so comprehensive, we don't have any questions? >> thank you mrs. richardson. >> thank you very much. >> i have public comment. i have reverend walker. >> mr. president, honorable rules committee, i am walker, and i'm a senior pastor in hunter's bay point and i serve on the development corporation in that particular area. it's about seven of us churches involved, ministers there. also i serve as the chair on
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the hunter's bay senior service program, that's developed 2100 housing. i've known her as a dedicated person through this city. she's not only just interested in hunter's bay point, but the entire city. the job of getting that courage in washington navy that they do their job that they're supposed to do for clean up. she's the right person and i want to -- i appreciate the honorable mayor lee for reappointing her. i would encourage you, the committee, to affirm that appointment. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> my name -- on behalf of the
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supervisor, our office fully supports the reappointment for richardson who has did not an exceptionally job and we trust that she'll continue to do so. thank you. >> good afrp, supervisors and audience. my name is ace washington and i've been knowing mrs. richardson for 25 years and i've been knowing ed lee for 25 years. first of all, i want to give honor to ed lee for appointing someone that i fish is very dedicated to our community as a hole. i didn't know that she served on those many boards. i've been knowing her specifically with shipyard and other issues, but from just listening to that and recording that is part of what i do as document on what goes in our african american community. she's been involved with issues that have been stemming from one decade to the next and will
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stem on for the future, but i'm proud to be here at city hall and all of you. you call it city hall and i call it silly hall but i'm here on the seriousness to give me most genuine support for mrs. richardson for her integrity for doing an incredible job although sometimes we agree to disagree, but her integrity is what i'm here supporting. so i know it's a shock to other people to see me up here talking about issues, but i didn't have no idea she was here. i seen her in the hall and looked at the agenda and i would have been remised to support her and to give word to the city. not only that, we need look at some of our other commissions and see where the balance is. i'm here
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specifically supporting linda richardson and telling the mayor he's doing a good job by reappointing her. thank you. >> thank you. >> honorable members, my name is veronica and i serve as committee of the shipyard. i used to be the -- the dean and a teacher at city college of san francisco, and i say that only because i want you to know that linda richardson and i have spent many years working together in both of those context. i have worked closely with her on the work of the shipyard and to be honest with you, she is a community gem, an icon, she has expertise and experience and
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clearly reappointing linda richardson is a plus for members of the community and for the city and county of san francisco. i'm here to support her. i know the very critical and important work that she does, and i'm going to be bold enough to say to you, thank you for reaffirming her appointment. i'm delighted that mayor lee had the good sense to move her forward. thank you so much. >> thank you, dr. honey. >> any other public comment. >> seeing none. this public comment is now closed. supervisor tang. >> sure, i just want to acknowledge the last public comment that we do have a community gem in mrs. richardson. not only has she mentioned all of her background serving on the planning commission and human rights commission, but also she mentioned a whole host of other community organizations that either she was a pounding member or board member of, and so as treasure island is undergoing
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numerous issues whether it's the change of ownership or clean up issues, the future of the island transportation issues, the fact that we still have so many resident that's live there and what the future holds for them, i think it's important that we continue to support mrs. richardson in this role. i think you've done a fantastic job at supervisor, so i'm happy to support her nomination. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you for continuing to serve this city. we haven't always agreed but i know you have an open door and i appreciate that. i know that supervisor kim has pi as a big priority for her and i think the fact that she's supporting you shows the level of involvement and commitment. so i'm happy to
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support you. >> my only comment is your community involvement in my world is very legendary, so i also have to support your nomination, so there's a motion and the motion is passed. congratulations, mrs. richardson. [ applause ] >> madam clerk, item number 4. >> hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending march 19, 2016, and one member, term ending september 14, 2017, to the child care planning and advisory council. >> there are two seats and two applicants. >> thank you. there are two speakers. sandy. >> hi, my name is sandy blackman and first i want to thank supervisor yee for nominating me for
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serving on the childcare planning and advisory council and to the committee for considering my appointment. as brief background, i has been a san francisco resident for six years and has raised three children in the city. and i served in the leadership capacity for non profit organizations. for the past three and a half years, i've been the executive director of children's counsel where we help thousands of families per year and help low income san francisco families secure subsidies to pay for care, support and nurture the childcare sector, especially family child care homes, and work closely with our government and community base partners to insure that all san francisco families have access to quality early care and education. our organization works with families in supervisor yee's
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district including families in san francisco. 80 percent of the families who come to us are low income families looking for subsidies to help pay for care. we have a diverse staff that delivers services to san francisco, diverse population of families in five languages. i've been on c pack for three years and served as advice chair in 2013-14. i chair c pack budget and legislation committee and have been actively in the children's coalition and c pack in developing recommendations for the reauthorization of the children's fund and peace. it's a pleasure and honor to have the opportunity to bring my skills perspective and passion for san francisco as a city for families and children. to another three year term as supervisor yee's appointee, i thank you for your consideration for my reappointment to c pack and
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i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. thank you. >> okay. no questions. thank you. rosalind martus. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is erica and i'm the coordinator for this san francisco childcare and planning also known as c pack. she's not unable to be here today. she had every intention. she worked as a professional at charles due college prep elementary school and today several teachers called in sick, so she was not given permission to leave because they would be below ratio, however, i would like to speak on her behalf and on behalf of c pack in support of her recommendation. rosalind is being recommended for a parent consumer seat for district 10. historically the
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consumer seat on c pack is the most difficult to fill, yet having parent voice giving input and impacting policy recommendations is critical. rosalind has attending the c pack meeting and her schedule does not conflict with her meeting, however, equally important as her role as a childcare consumer of services, she as a nine year old son who attended sfusd and an after school program and he also was in early care and education here in the city. she brings her personal experience, but she can bring the voice and perspective and follow of a parent having gone through the early education system here in the city as well as school age and after school programs. something that really struck me about rosalind was her career path to becoming
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a pair professional. when she needed to go back to work and put her child in care, she really saw the impact that a quality center had on her son, both for his education and social, emotional development and that really inspired hader to completely switch career paths and become a pair professional because she wanted to be able to support and help support other families and that's the reason she became a pair professional. born and raised in the bay view area, she lived there for 40 years and she's a third year resident so i'm glad she can bring this to the council. c pack is confident that rosalind will add a wonderful parent voice and we support her for the district 10 recommended seat.
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>> thank you. any public comments on this item? >> i do, actually. >> so again, my name is erica and i'm the coordinate of c pack. i want to speak on behalf of the c pack on behalf of the sandy's recommendation. sandy is being considered under the discretionary category and have the executive director of one of san francisco's resource and refer process is critical. she makes informed decisions and served -- excuse me, children counsel serves families across all districts and not just district 7, but all across the country. she brings a voice that serves families across the city. she's a leader and one of our most active leader. she mentioned being the chair of our children's fun and piece ad
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hoc committee that worked for month and months recommending recommendations and advocating for those priorities. in addition, due to a change in our previous chair schedule, she also chairs our budget and legislative committee. to be honest, i have no idea -- in addition to being the council, she's more of the most active members. on behalf of the c pack, we absolutely support sandy for the district 7 seat. >> any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. let me do this. both seats are important to me and as my
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