tv [untitled] June 6, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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>> thursday, june 5, 2014, i'd like to remind members of the audience to silence my devices and and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'd like to take roll at this point. commissioner president wu. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissions fong and sxhifgs are
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expected to arrive commissioners, first on your calendar is the items from the evidence for continuance item one u and t the form retail is for continuance and an amendment to the planning code section 303 formula retail uses ordinance introduced by supervisor mar that proposed for continuance until july 17, 2014. i have no other matters for continuance and there are no speaker cards. are there my questions or comments on the items seeing none, public comment is closed >> commissioner moore. >> move to continue items one
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and 2. second >> second at about on that motion commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you under our consent may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 3 case at 3520 through 3520th requests for condominium conversion and the next case
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conditional use authorization i have in speaker cards a do you have a public comment seeing none, public comment is closed >> commissioner antonini. >> move to approve items three and four. under consent commissioner antonini arrest commissioner moore and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you under commission matters item 5 for the draft manipulates of may 15, 2014. >> is there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? on the draft minutes seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner sugaya >> yes. on thursday may 22nd on page 28 under 10 the speakers
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i don't know how kathleen download will i spells her last name but noting that's not correct i think is it warmer. >> that's correct i'll make that. >> otherwise oil move to adapt the minutes as amended. >> commissioners, on that motion for may 15 and 22nd as amended. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you on item 6 commission questions or comments >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. a couple of items one was an article forwarded by commissioner sugaya behind the
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corridor it's thought provoking it's part of the public record the second is from the new york times and that's worth noting it speaks as other than outsider it invents positively we're renovating places rather than tearing them down and talks about the successes that have come 239 in the last few years by part of the reason is our processes so involved and makes it so difficult to build anything new they didn't renovate anything old the only thing is to maintain what's there and some of the assertion are in the true but the important thing is the conclusion that's drawn that is my problem we have with
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affordability being either commercial or residential is not what we've built but rather not being be it further resolved banishment or left in disrepair i agree with those thoughts found in the article it's certainly a good article to read and commissioner moore. >> i have a question for the city attorney and for commission secretary jonas. a few weeks ago last sunday we had a motion from the 1433 bush street and the wording of the motion was void of some quantify comments the ideas that the applicant was in a few hours or
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standing in front of us agreed on, on site approvals when the approval is inadequate how do we know that's properly amended and incorporated? >> 1433 bush at least far as my not the motion that was made was approved with the staff to continue working with the sponsor and there were a variety of independent concerns raised by the commissioners the sponsor is looking at it. >> a few hours before the commissioners or the applicant stood in front of you he wrote an e-mail he was considering on site affordable that's not part of the motion or restated by us
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approving the project we said it's great but not repeat it while the motion was being made i'm concerned that might fall between the cracks. >> if to the not part of the motion. >> the question is whether staff read it into the record. >> it was amended with a what staff read into the record i can look at it for this case but if it's not part of the official record from the draft motion or read into the record by the staff that's not adapted into the action or the final motion. if the sponsor voluntarily wants to provide that >> to enable the concerns we
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obviously want to see the idea that we forgot to restate it and that sometimes happen i recall how do he know whooer we're catching this. >> it's the responsibility of staff and the commissioners and myself at the hearing i wasn't even understanding that it before the hearing but unless its mentioned as part of the motion then it's not adapted into the final motion. >> i'll forward the e-mail to you. >> i can follow-up on that. >> check out what happened. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i seem to remember that staff made a presentation that included that statement. that the project manager
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included that on site and don't know whether there was a conversation but staff mentioned it >> thank you. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further under constrictions questions or comments weeping we've into directors announcements. >> i believe you have a packet i have nothing to report. >> commissioners item 8 review of the past events and the preservation commission the board of appeals met, however,
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no report from the zoning administrator. >> good afternoon commission aaron starr welcome back and this week they've met with the designation of one hundred 7 market street this proposes to change the article inspection from a category 5 unrated to a 3 trickery building the change of designation was proposed by building be owners and the community arts stabilization trust it allows the owners to sell it was heard on april second of this year and the h pc voted unanimously to remedy the change 7 of of designation supervisor kim supported it and
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said it's an important tool for stabilization in san francisco. the members of the consultant perpetrate did change of designation report and spoke to the arts committee the committee voted to send it with a positive recommendation. the board was off last week but this week there were two items on the agenda there's the mayor ed lee and supervisor cowen's planning codes changing to amend that for p district for the new sf plaza program it was heard on may 1st and recommended for approval. this item passes the second reading and was sent to the mayor's office for signature. there was an appeal for 565 fell street of lot subdivision this was scheduled to be heard on may 6th so the applicant can
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provide the board with information. the appeal was withdrawn because the two parties came to an agreeme agreement. there was an ordinance that all the times the planning code for the installation progressing fees the reproceeding fees and the request for information technology. which is a mouth full the retaliation fee this ordinance was recommend for approval on may 8th. also was a resolution correcting the resolution established in the latino district the resolution was amended to amend the park from the district there was a resolution introduced by supervisor kim declaring the the president of the board of supervisors to order the vacation of a portion of the street for the hub plaza the ma
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coffin city plaza will come to you next week and finally there was a resolution of intent to establish the community facilities district for the transbay center transbay transit center the plan was adapted t in august of 2012 authorizes the planning code for the major development is required to join and since then they've been working to deputy the materials to create the cf d including the materials on tuesday it will be heard by the planning committee and the board of supervisors it needs a vote by the property owner and it's going to be ad t adapted by the end of the year
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there is an ordinance on the ballot they won't be brought to the planning commission for review or action the first is the charter fund introduced by supervisor wiener to adjust the annual propositions from the general fund to the transportation fund to show the increases in the population in san francisco and the rainy day reserve introduced that would have the city reserve and the third a chart special elections introduced 41 by supervisor avalos that calls a special election where there's a vacancy in the office of mayor or city attorney or da or the treasurer or member of board of supervisors and feinstein there's an ordinance for the
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general obligation bond introduced by mayor ed lee this plaza $500 million on the november 4th ballot for the improvement of transportation this will be on the november ballot all of the above thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon tim frye to share a few things the architecture review committee provided the light rail art installation i might be familiar with the aluminated art installation extend from the machining line and attached to the light rail system the ar c
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was approving of it very have a few issues the project manager will resolve and they're up on the light fixed and they're overall location. the h pc about tomato take up the certificate of the appropriateness in the june hearing. the full commission composed and provided a comment on 57 spine street that item will be before you at the later date questions or comments i'll forward those to you and finally a certificate of appropriateness of the alamo square appropriation advertise for improvement of the landscaping along the entry and
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88 updates and a new structure adjacent to the playground. overall the commission was supportive of the project and the improvements there were members of the public that came out in support of the project and some members raising concerns about the landscape treatment and the necessity for an additional structure at the end of the hearing it was voted unanimously by the board and it was reviewed by the architecture review committee and all the comments from the aa r.c. were incorporated based on the final approval. one other thing i wanted to mention the h pc continues to have a discussion about preservation incentives and how they effect areas for the pdr so did commission has an informational presentation at the next hearing on june 18th
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you'll have it on june 12th their continue to have raised some of the same concerns we'll keep you posted on their comments. that concludes my presentation. unless you have questions thanks >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes. in terms of that june 18th hearing will staff have prepared an analysis of the pdr losses in the city at this point? i can check on that we'll be given the >> separate. >> i believe he's going to be giving a complete pdr presentation. >> i forgot the case. >> 63, third street.
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>> yeah. >> i'll definitely look at that. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we, move on to general public comment not to sdpeed 15 minutes members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, each members of the public can address up to 3 minutes. >> is there my general public comment. seeing none, general public comment is closed. >> commissioners that places you under our regular calendar item 9 u the moscone center from the environmental impact report the written comments will be received until june 20th. >> good afternoon jessica i'd
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like to take a moment to introduce elizabeth she joined the department in 12. we're really excited to have elizabeth as part of our team i'm certain you'll be seeing here a lot more in the future >> good afternoon. i'm elizabeth from the virile section of the planning department this is to talk about the impact environmental report for the moscone expansion project today's hearing is not for an approval or recreation. this is under the planning section. comments today should be directed to the adequacy and o of the draft eir staff is not
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here to respond and then written comments will be responded to. commenters should be speaking clearly and slowly for an accurate transcript and speak clearly your name and address. we'll take comments on the draft eir. the comment period began on may 30th public school. i'd like to to the commission with response to the community input the project manager has made revisions with the design changes it remains within the perimeter of the project as analyzed in the draft eir and the changes don't effect the
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analysis. i understand that the project manager will be running to give you an update on july 24th. that concludes my presentation. unless the commission members have comments i suggest this public hearing be held >> thank you. okay. i have a number of speaker cards please line up on the speaker side of the room (calling names) >> good afternoon, everyone. commissioners i'm johnson i'm a president of thank goodness go group and the chair of the yerba buena consortium. i'm going to start at the end e end what do we want.
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for thirty years the number one issue of yerba buena and it's 2 thousand persons of 12k5b89 has been pedestrian safety due to the impossible crowded conditions that result from the moscone center. of course, the whole purpose of this expansion project is to allow larger conventionss and more frequent multiple conventions at the same time that can only dramatically increase the situation >> next speaker. >> that's not just the smaller events but the bigger once how difficult it is to travel the sidewalks at the peek time of movement. this is observe what we want and trying to get the inclusive mitigation of improvements to the sidewalks and streets that
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will solve the problem we've been unsuccessful over the 3 decades to get that from the city. our mitigations we've seeking on the diagram widower sidewalks and observe places their needed a new mid block crossing where their hazardous and the mere installation of red light arrows at the intersections where navigated no turns are commented on read and finally implementing the plan for all kinds of things on the sidewalks logically so that the open through way is optimized unlike today. we want that to be done as a mitigation required at the moscone expansion project and
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built at the same time that project is built. the letter goes into the legal issues how the city is low balling tenants blatantly in the draft eir. there's a simple point if the mitigations we need and identified are not part of the relocating project we'll litigate i regret doing that we've worked hard for thirty years. but this is the end of the pedestrian they litigate or we litigate >> i'm sonya with the todd could group. john kind of stole my thundered
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i may have had but i'm here for pedestrian safety for our buildings right across from moscone center. the seniors use the gardens and need to be considered what's done during construction how pedestrians are to client around the buildings and the moscone developer or project sponsors need to see how we walk along those areas remember what you've been given in writing >> thank you >> next speaker. >> hi thank you. commissioners i'm alice light
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director of community planning at the taco group yerba buena gardeners is special it's the result of the grand compromise that's been mentioned before there was a commitment at the time of the convention activity stay blow grounded and cult activities above ground the result of the commitment no one would dominate the space. this expansion moscone project has impacts on the public space one of those the 95 foot ballroom and meeting room structure casts shadows on the bay play area another is it conventional center circulations take some of the space that's currently, the children's play area and third is that the
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wonderful view from the play area you get of the city skyline will be blocked from the structure. so in order to might those negative impacts we would like to see the project team commit to making improvements at the time of the construction. we would like to see the new design that was mentioned in the introduction adapted this is something we saw recently in may and it incorporates a lot of changes from the community, the massachusetts is set back and it's very important to us that this be the project move forward and my improvements to the playground areas must be funded and included in this project.
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in order to do that the environmental analysis of the changes need to be considered we need those the new top light and the expanding learning gardener the removal of the concern most ban of the bridge the how are you street pedestrian bridge as well as the expansion and improvement of the carrousel cafe area and finally there's the wall that is faces the gleaned area is a green wall proposal we need that to be wonderful landscaping green wall it can't be the rat infested in moscone south currently so we want that required thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'd like to remind the members of the public and those
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