tv [untitled] June 7, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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of this application, and sf pd liaison unit. >> great. >> thank you. >> and are there any questions from the commission? >> >> i have one, i don't have the... do you have the out reach in your packet? >> we do... >> there is a list. >> i didn't see it. any other questions, comments? >> i have a question. >> when you made your presentation for your community out reach, how did that entail, did you make a printtation or talk to them about the type of entertainment that you were going to do. as i mentioned before we sent the e-mail notification to the list that were provided by the chamber of commerce as well as supervisor chiu's office offering a presentation at the meetings and only two were thinking of whether or not they wanted a presentation, but then declined the offer after they got the answers to the questions that they asked. and so, that is how we did the out reach. we did physical out reach to
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the immediate neighbors, by that i mean that we went door-to-door and spoke to the various merchants and so forth and most of them thought that this was nothing new to them and they said that there is an entertainment permit there before and we are not interested and the only person that was interested is the financial district, the fine wines who was excited about something coming back in there and he said that it will be good for his business as well. >> any other questions? >> all right, thank you. >> would the police like to come up and address this application? >> so, steve from the central station. and the applicant said that this used to be oz and they did have an entertainment permit and we had a minimal amount of calls for service there and there were not any issues and i
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did come up with eight proposed conditions that we would like the commission to take a look at. and there is some of them are similar to shroeders although there was an extra one, and that was regarding number eight and that is the security that the vehicles do not cause a safety hazard by double parking in a lane of traffic on kearny at that point you have multiple lanes that are going northbound and we do not want anyone double parking and getting rear ended and so we want to be sure that the security take an active part so that they move over so that there are not any car accidents out in front. >> and any questions for the officer? >> no, okay, thank you. >> is there any public comment on this application? >> all right, seeing none, public comment is closed. and the matter is with the commission. >> a like to approve this application. >> i second.
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>> with the conditions? >> with the condition of the police. >> okay. >> on the motion to approve this permit with the police conditions same house same call? >> yes. >> okay. >> the motion passes. >> okay, so the next one i mentioned that we had a few that are going to be continued, this is for the village located at 969 market street. we received an e-mail today from the applicant requesting that it be postponed to june 17th and mr. renne is here to talk more about it. >> vice president hyde, and commissioners, mark renne for 969 market street, the village, and this is the old pearl paint store on market street near mason and it is going to be an 800 person corporate event facility. and the applicant is or has a company called drums studio and
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it does huge projection art events to people like facebook, twitter, google, and some of the usual suspects not on market street and they have not applied yet for a liquor license and we have a meeting with the captain of southern, and captain redmon on thursday and we reached out to sunny over at supervisor kim's office and hope to have her over there also, and we would like to continue it for two weeks only so that we could get the police to weigh in on the permit conditions. >> thank you. >> anyone have any? and is there any public comment on that? >> seeing none, the matter is with the commission, and we need a motion to continue. >> i make a motion to continue this to june 17th. >> i second. >> on the motion to continue, until june 17th, the same house
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and same call? >> okay. >> continued. >> all right, so this next one is another one that is continued. although, we had submitted application over a month ago, we found out today that this particular location at 43, 6th street, club omg will need a conditional use permit approval in order to get their extended hours premiseses permit. and so they are going to hold off for now and i guess that we need a motion to continue this one as well. until after they get to the conditional use process. >> i motion to continue. >> i will second that. >> and same house, same call? >> yes. >> all right. >> is there any public comment on that? >> i know it just went, and i just let it go. i am sorry. >> okay. all right, so now and the last one is for today is jordan langer doing business as pier
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70 located at 420, 22nd street and they have applied for a place of entertainment permit and this is the old pier 70 and they have hosted a couple of events there over the last several months and ghost ship was there at halloween and as well as farmer's markets and other events and mr. langer intends to run it as an event space and a nightclub and they applied for a extended hours and after working with the police department they decided to go with the place of entertainment and pursue that after they had a chance to prove themselves and you should have an additional packet in your folder that jordan has prepared for you all and here he is. >> good evening, commissioners thank you so much for having me. or us, rather. i have some additional letters of support that we went around and got earlier today from literally all of our local neighbors on illinois and third street, and so i could pass these out as well and it would
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be great. thank you >> and as well as anyone wants to look and we have just about 250 signatures from the local neighbors, and in support of what we are trying to do out of pier 70 and to give you a little bit of background, it was an old ship building plant. thank you. >> and it was built and, if i forget some of this, ally from forest city is here to help to facility and answer the long term questions if that is necessary. and so, 1941, pier 70 was built and it was a ship building plant for the u.s. navy and after that it turned and there were a couple of uses in between and then, it turned into auto return, and auto return, then was asked to leave, or left, and it sat empty for a long time and it wanted to turn it into parking
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or something along those lines and i don't know if the commissioners have been there but it is an absolutely incredible space. and we went to the port, along with the help of forest city and i pleaded and screamed and held our breath to ask to be able to utilize this space as a interim event space until the building process and the redeveloping process begins, which could be three years, it could be five years, it could be ten years, we know how the building process takes in san francisco. and so, with the approval of the port, and from the approval from forest city as well, we had the ability to start doing some events out there. and over the past two months, or so, we have done a few events, one being the baby pop up market which is a series of pop up markets for the bay view, which is every thursday night. and it is a very small gathering, under 250 people. and of local merchants and organizations that come in and
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sell their wares as kenny mentioned we did ghost ship out there last year, and it is a very large very highly produced event. and we had just around 5,000 people out there. a little bit under. and it went off perfectly. and there were no issues from what i know there was no sound complaints or any concerns like that. and i walk you through the pamphlet that i gave you here, a little bit if you don't mind. the first page is all of the neighborhood out reach that we have done we have gone to literally every neighborhood organization in the surrounding area, and either presented or have been there answer questions and concerns and alleviate the concerns that folks may have with what we are trying to do. >> we held two events at pier 70 along with the pop up markets that we do to answer questions and to be specifically be there to help people walk through the space and kind of get a really, amazing view of the bay area, and on the other side of the
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bay. and at the bottom of that sheet, you can also see the e-mails and the calls that we have placed to the local organizations. and to go to the next page, you will see, a number of pages both front and back letters of support from local residents, and ranging from supervisor cohen to maxwell and to the local neighbors and the indian based association and protero, hill and the dog patch association and we did not get the letters from the boosters or the dog patch neighborhood association, but they did not have any concerns. i presented at both of their meetings and they were excited about what we have going down at pier 70. and to continue to kind of stroll through we have a event program and every event that we book is going to be required to accept a certain level of community benefit. and if it is something like the
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baby pop up market, i view that as a community benefit event and so they are not required to do an additional community benefit because it is beneficial at the beginning and if you are looking at bringing in a ghost ship or a twitter or microsoft or something along those lines, we are mandating and it is contracted and it is written into their contract, that they have to abide by or produce a certain number of these community benefits and so let's take the example, google, if they are coming in and doing an event with us at pier 70, they are going to be required, and let's say that it is 2,000 people and they are required to do four different community benefit out reach programs and those can range from something as simple as chartering a bus and going to a local elementary school and grabbing a group of kids and bringing them down on their offices for the day and to show that this is the google headquarters and when you search something this is where it all happens and to making a donation to a local community, and a charity and something
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along those lines and what i am trying to get away from is just the big companies writing a check because that is generally what they are good at doing and so we are going to try to get the engagement from them rather than just writing a check and even though that is good and well and fun for them we are trying to have the companies and the organizations that we book in, being engaged in the community and the neighborhood. there is a program that we have pioneered or are moving forward with, and which is an auto shop program for at risk youth. and it is a program that i am currently looking for space out in the bay view, and pier 70 partners is committed to fund that and to make it happen in conjunction with the other partners that we have come ng to do the events, and an actual example of that is that we have an auto show, booked in july, and the auto show is hosting a fund-raiser and they are donating the motorcycle and the car and all of the money that is being raised from that raffle and that fund-raiser is being put towards project
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reckless is the name of it. and that will help fund the rent and the tools, and all of this, this, fantastic capacity to the development program that we are really looking at starting in the bay view and going city wide with hopefully. you can get in more detail and we have the local economic development and local at risk and under privileged youth and education exposure and part of that education exposure is we are going to be hosting a community job fair down at pier 70, to with the trades and the local unions and the local organizations to come in there and trying to get some folks and kids excited about different things and part of the commute benefits as well have the google have a booth there and let's teach some at risk youth who may not want to finish high school and to go to college and get the degree and being able to become a computer programmer. and so, the next page, you will see the port of san francisco good neighbor policy, and this is, we are as most
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entertainment licenses are under the supervision of the entertainment commission and the sfpd, we have a couple of additional layers on who is watching over us and making sure that we are doing the right things and one of that is the port of san francisco. and our good neighbor policy for the port of san francisco. we have 13, different items on here. and all of them we have agreed to and we are very, very happy to continue that good neighbor policy, and it is something that i feel incredibly adoment about and i feel that with the magnitude and the size of the events that we are going to be doing, we will not only meet but we will exceed the good neighbor policy that the port has set to us. and the last page that you are looking at, i am sorry the second to last page is our actual licensed area, and so, if you see, and i can put this up here. perfect. and so, if you look right here, and it is 22nd street. and 22nd street is the main
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entrance into what is on this, and this is pier 70 and this is the main entrance on to pier 70 and the premises that we have, and our licensed area is building 12, and building 15, and building 32 and 25 and 16, and the cyard and the a yard for a combined square foot of 230,000 square feet. yes. very big. very big. and then, the last page on here, is elevations, or it is actually not necessarily the elevations it is sea level and grade, to kind of represent that if you see the green, i should put this back on here. and the green section right here, and this is building 12, and the green section right there, is what is called irish hill and we are about 25 to 30 feet below the end of 22nd street.
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which is phenomenal sound barrier, built in within itself and like i said when the ghost ship was produced out there, from my knowledge there were no noise complaints or sound complaints or anything like that. we will continue to pay attention to that, and make sure that like i said, we are good neighbors and enter any questions for the neighborhood. and so 9 here, and thank you for the time, and i appreciate you allowing me to present pier 70 to you. >> and we are going to have some questions for you. >> wonderful. >> commissioner joseph? >> so, pier 70 is an amazing location. and just so if any commissioners don't know, when you drive up to pier 70, you have to drive down and so it is literally a bowl. and so it is off of the street and it is down. and this and their entire pier 70 is below, i don't know, the ground level, kind of on the street. and it is an interesting configuration that is like in the gully of the hill.
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and i just wanted to add, and i loved what you are doing there, and i really, i loved ppier 70 and did you speak with the bay view station yes, >> but we don't have any police conditions. >> i believe that he is here. >> okay, great. >> and then, you were applying for 47? >> we plan on applying for a 47, correct. >> it is a 47 is a fixed place venue and so, is it going to be for the buildings? >> it is going to be so, we are talking with abc now about where that licensed area is going to be. >> okay. >> beer garden in one section, because this is a learning curve for everyone, it is the largest event space in san francisco. and so it is a little bit of a learning curve for everyone and we are going through it the right way to make sure that all of the questions are answered before. >> you are going to do a pigeon
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extermination. >> but there is also a red tailed hawk which fortunately will help. >> it is a great space and wish you a lot of luck. >> thank you. >> commissioner lee? >> so the space is large, i mean, can you explain to us how much that you have to clean up because i remember being towed there a few times and is it oily and i am just wondering how the space this big for this amount of people, the safety, you know, obviously the bathrooms and things like that, what have you done to make it an event space. >> the infrastructure right now is a raw space, there are no bathrooms, currently there is one hose bib ha tha* has running water and not a lot of electricity and power out there. and we have developed a program with the port is kind of its own entity out there and so there is a building department for the port and a fire department for the port and leasing for the port and everything like that and so the captain from the port's fire
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department i have walked through with him countless times and we have set up to get a permanent place of assembly that will alleviate a lot of that, you need to have candle light and emergency and light after a show and as far as cleaning the space, we spent a lot of money going in there with hoses and power washers and the street sweepers and brooms and scrubbers and removed the pigeon and oil and dirt and mud and we actually had the first semilarge, and we had about 300 people on friday for a movie night and it was a bring your own blanket and your own chair and so it was very important for us to make the space cleaner before the people sit down on the ground and we have, and it is still building that, that we used to have the ships built in it and it was still a space that was made in 1942. so, there is only so much that we can do but we are making
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progress, slowly but surely. >> thank you. >> yeah? >> commissioner perez. >> it is very evident that you are passionate about this project and i want to say that i appreciate the time and effort that you did in getting all of the out reach that you did. and so thank you for that. >> thank you. >> and i just want to say thank you for caring about the non-profits in the neighborhood that is really a great project that you are doing >> thank you. >> we are in san francisco and we are here in san francisco and we plan on being here in san francisco for a long time. and so rather than just popping up and here we are and then we are gone. let's give back. >> thank you, commissioners. >> thank you. >> good evening, captain sullivan, the bay view station, and as jordan had said, they threw an event and jordan sxhis partner did on halloween
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and ghost ship came to the bay view and it was the first opportunity to work with jordan and his partner in the fall. and they followed through with everything that they said that they would do and there were no complaints about the sound out there. and true to form, there were community events attached with that particular event. and so, bay view station does not have any issues with the event planning, there are no conditions, we trust that jordan and his partner will abide by the good neighborhood policy and look forward as is evident in the letters of support that you have there that they are going to do right by the bay view. >> okay. >> any questions? >> thank you, for coming. >> thank you. >> and is there any public comment on pier 70? >> all right. seeing none, matter is with the commission. >> yeah, would i like to move to approve this. >> i second it. >> i would just like to make or
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echo commissioner perez's comments, thank you very much for taking the community so seriously and all of your out reach and your efforts. >> on the motion to approve, the same house same call? >> yes. >> approved. >> it is going to be great. >> thank you. >> all right. so, now, we are at number 6, commissioner comments and questions. do we have any comments or questions from commissioners? >> just that san francisco pride, june 28, 29. >> and i would like to say that the cartoon art museum is having an event on sunday. and it is people are going to be dressing up as... ncartoons. >> yeah. drag queens are going to be dressing up as cartoons.
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i do not know anything about the cartoons that people are dressing up as. i have gotten several messages from friends and i don't know who any of these characters are. so i am going to go and see. no i am not dressing up. >> so, i am not doing drag right now. >> car field the cat. >> i would do that, maybe that. >> and so, and it is in the evening and so it is going to be a fun event so please check out the cartoon art museum. >> are there any other and is there any public comment on our comments? >> great. >> all right. so now, we are on to 7, which is new business request for future agenda item? s >> yes. >> okay. commissioner akers? >> okay. i spoke with cami yesterday and there is a couple of things that came up in that discussion and it was about the language
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around surveillance equipment, and some just confusion about what actually happened at our retreat. so one of the things is that we did not get a chance to review and approve the minutes from the retreat. so, and so they are not up on the website so we need to do that at some point. and so, i would like to have that on the calendar. and i think that cami gave us a copy of the minutes for us to review. >> yes. >> or i mean... >> and then, we need to discuss the language, what we are going to actually decide on as a consistent language around the surveillance camera. because there was some confusion about whether we actually did vote to go with one of the options that was given to us at the retreat with
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some modifications or if it was still something that we were going to discuss at a later point. and at any point, the language issue is not resolved, and we need to make a decision, about it. >> okay. >> that is correct. >> can i ask you a question. what do you remember? >> we are not allowed to have this conversation, because it is not agendaized. >> i would love to have that discussion. >> no. what you said is correct. and so, we will discuss it on the next meeting in two weeks, on the 17th. >> okay. >> so in the meantime, what was passed out so you guys all can review this before the 17th, is the minutes from our retreat, and that little bullet the three bullets and i will also bring copies or if we can make
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copies of the ones that i took my notes from what i thought we had kind of got on. so... >> can you e-mail those to... >> i will e-mail. >> yes. >> and i will e-mail it. >> okay. >> okay. >> does anyone else have agenda items? >> any public comment on the agenda items? >> all right. well, thank you very much for coming out, and this is the entertainment commission, tonight. that is because i was sitting in this chair tonight. we are adjourned. >> thank
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japantown that free festive as so i education and audience games and live entertainment and the highlight the soy and 80 food competition. get ready to swing that sunday at lindy in the park with a museum with the streets of golden gate park are closed and the dancers take over take a free lesson at noon. and that's the weekly buzz. for more information on any of those events visit us a good a
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