tv [untitled] June 7, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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appropriate and those have been maintained. the commissioners recommended alternating the face wall on the banning that's been done and agreed that the building should have a hierarchy of end cap. this direction has been followed by using a change in surface texture to achieve the hierarchy at the base and at the middle and top of the structure that was recommended by committee and a finish by the eight window screens and have a non-reflect surface it's been incorporated into the design and last the commissioners agreed the overall color and tone of the concrete is appropriate they were mixed in their opinion whether the
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wall panel should be a darker tone than the main color of the building the project team went with the darker color with the door and panel so it looks like it's creating a shadow for that portion of the structure. so with all of those revisions to the project staff is supportive of the design we're supportive of the irrigation and landscape improvements as well. we only recommend one condition of approval that's that the couple line that bored it should be done prior toes vacation so if they need to be alternated they can be reconstructed in a historic and accurate manner if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them but the project sponsor from rec and
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park is also here and can go through the project and slides with you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm mary the project manager from the rec and park department i have a brief presentation from the alamo's scare to familiarize you with the project to perform. alamo square i'm sure you're aware of is located in the alamo's historic district the rec and park department received bond funding in 2008, to perform a renovation of the restroom structure that is located within the park it's one of the heavily used parks a popular designation for tourist.
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on the screen here we see the plan of the park it's a approximately 5 hundred and 50 square feet it's mostly open spaced sclarpd areas and planning department it has a play area a dog play area and the restroom structure. during the planning process we worked closely with shelly and other preservation staff as well as the community the alamo's square association and the experts to develop the concept we've looked at building a brand new structure and the renovation of the structure and we've developed this area at the children's play area. on the screen the picture of the
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play area in the park that was renovated in approximately 10 years ago. when developing the design we took our accuses from the existing historic structure you see here we do plan to do some interior improvements and clean up the exterior of the building but as you see it's a stucco clad building with a wall and very simple design concept. here again are some pictures of the children's play area and the identified location for the new structure. the identified location was chosen because it's a long
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educational path of traffic we want to minimize the alternative location will require extensive pathway improvements so we choose that location on an existing path of traffic. in addition the area that we chulg chosen has been recently renovated and we decided to play upon the linear design in the concept for the restroom. you see the site of our small round restroom it will have a small plaza in front of that that will be asphalt capable with the existing asphalt pathway and we will have a small picnic area. here we see the design for the
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restroom and it is approximately one hundred and 91 thousand square feet constructed of concrete it will have one toilet and sink in the small with the gated entry it was to have an open and accessible view to insure there's no unpopularity activities in the restroom and a small janitors closet set in the side it had been set into the hillside with a low profile shelly explained we have a sandblasted exterior with the base corner change in the texture to respond to the
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ventricular of the restroom. here's another detail that illuminates the open grill we're proposed to do powered grills to have natural venetian and it will have a sliding gait opened and then located at night and slid when the restroom is open sniefd will be a standard stall and toilet. you can see this illusion the darkening of the door this is bye from a previous presentation approval. here's the rendering that shows
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how the restroom will sit within the site and how our goal is to have it compliment and tie into the recent renovated play area the play area has low concrete walls that ties into the restroom with a uniform and consistent feel. open this slide we have some more details on the materials and the treatments of the restroom facility again integrated color concrete and a warm tone with a sandblasted tone with the powered corroded grill and finally with this project there was two projects we combined them into a single project the second project is
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related to landscape improvements we're combining them in order to reduce the impact of the construction to the park as well as to be more efficient use of resources this is a larger component of the project this is a complete replacement of the aging irrigation system the goal of which to increase water efficiency and reduce the water uncle by a third. you can see we will be maintaining the majority of the planting scheme that will be all refurnished and this slide illuminates the planting there in and the majority of lawns will be restored in the current reconfiguration and the planting will be refurnished and around the perimeter we will have
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orient mental planting accessing each entrance to the park and utilizing drought resist resistance some the plans populated are the orient timeal planting proposed for the entryway. we have our sloped planting we will have norway - no more grass and finally our proposed under story planting that will be a mix of natives and other planets
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that concludes my presentation. and if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them about the project >> commissioners, any questions for staff or for the sponsor. commissioner johns >> on page 5 section 4a we the court makes the statement i believe the proposed project is for the rehabilitation for a residential property therefore commercial activity won't be disturbed. i believe that i read that correctly and perhaps that is something that ought to be revisited >> where. >> on page 5 section 4a. >> i don't have a - >> 5?
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>> the motion - oh, yeah. >> shelly i'm sorry that's a type o and i'll correct it. >> any other questions or comments commissioner hyland. >> just a couple of things in the material. on the materials board some of the things need to be updated in the packed so you have a sound - summer beige that needs to go away and the metal is that going to be powered covered it says the galvanized metal and paint
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>> we haven't decided at this point we jefferson do galvanized but some parts might be more appropriate to be paint for graffiti resistance that's not be worked out it will be black finished we hope to achieve whatever finish we use. >> does it matter to us whether it's galvanized. >> it's a maintenance issue. >> questions or comments at this time seeing none, open this up for public comment any member of the public wish to speak on this item, please come up. if you could go to the mike >> i'm a long time resident of
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the square area that's a small jewel of the park it gives a lot of joy and sole list to all of us, of course, the resident and tourists but it's a homeless magnet not that their camping but if they see a roofrm that looks attractive i don't understand why our tax dollars can only renovate the existing structure whatever it need for ad a purposes. the city there's so many diagnosis in our city there's construction everywhere it's at the tourist turn off a lot of us that live in the square area are concerned if your digging up the
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park for more than 6 months there's a park at the turkish that was dug up last year and took more like close to a year to reopen it. i think maybe this is done in sections this idea of landscaping and doing the irrigation system; is that correct that this is being done in sections? so much of the existing foliage is going to be dug up are beautiful montana pine trees the beautiful pine trees the weeping wool trees on fulsome as you come in have those going to be - >> ma'am, actually, you, grab one of the folders at the end of the table it's got all the plans
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you can ask the rec and park later and. >> of course it's important the tourists are getting turned off or they say everything is dug up so i think it's a harmful thing and i think that people agree the natural beauty of park shouldn't be messed with and again, the restrooms why not renovate them with our tax dollars. >> sir. >> hello, i'm also a resident of the alamo square area i face the north entrance i can see from two side of my home that's
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audrey my daughter i represent the parents of the area that were not able to come out i want to agree about maintaining the planting of the area tlaits there's a widowness to exposure and for children but also i wanted to talk about some of the new planting going in the cherry tree planting and the slope planting and some of the under story planting it seems like those things make the park less usable only the step areas to enter the park over the railing and some people lay in the areas and particular a lot of trees are going to, you surrounded by this planning department is they going to be available for
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looking at or do the kids get to climb the trees and the cherry trees are used toy tourists often taking pictures next to the trees and wedding pictures next to the trees this mravrnt is going to keep that off limits and make it less attractive for visitors or just be trampled over honestly. i know i'm sure it will look nice but will be a waste and counter productive if the planting are going to go down we don't like the no mow grass it doesn't match anything it looks like a bush messy looking like someone that needs a hair cut those are my comments on the
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planting >> is there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? please come up. >> i'm derrick i'm a 25 year receipt of the square neighborhood. to address some of the comments that my neighbors have put forth it's high time this park gets done it is a fabulous park i'm glad the historic preservation commission is going to restore it the mrarnt and the fondle and the trees and the alamo's association has had this area looked like and many of the mraernts are dead or dying and diseased they need to be replaced with similar things that enhance the park assumes facts not in evidence the wild
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nature you mub looking the reason the park was built the park and the rest of the city parks with a reaction to the golden gate park historically those parks were form places for people to enjoy the parks and stay on the walkways daily we have people climbing on the trees and daily branches come off the trees we have a problem with homeless it's a problem we all face every commission meeting everyday as we walk our streets the homeless are not a disease if the homeless use the restroom as they currently do i
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feel it's a compact at things to provide places for the homeless to be. nobody cared about the homeless in the park 25 years additional nobody cared about the neighborhood because there was no money or means to care about it. it's high time this park gets done i highly recommend that you look at the historic nature >> is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. and we will bring it back to the commission. no you've spoken ma'am, thank you >> so commissioners questions or comments? >> i move to approve and i'll go first. >> commissioner hyland.
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we did review this in the review committee i want to say that the changes to the design are very good. and polished off the design we had so thank you. >> commissioner pearlman. >> i did want to. >> do you move it the motion. >> there's a motion on the floor no second. >> we do have a comment from commissioner pearlman. >> i wanted to respond to the woman why dollars an aide - ada restroom if the neighbors don't think it's there why. >> we evaluated the option of
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fully expanding the historic restroom but in order to do that we would be triggering excessive path and traffic we've spent a lot of time to get a path to that building it involved hundreds of linear feet through mature trees and rearranging packets this was an appropriate pathway for us. >> my comments seeing none, roll call vote. >> commissioners there's a motion and second to approve this commissioner hyland. commissioner johnck. commissioner johns pr commissioner matsuda. commissioner pearlman. commissioner wolfram arrest and president hasz so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. commissioners that will place
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you on item 8 the historic preservation commission rules and regulations our considerations of proposed amendments so i guess i should introduce this matter. so several hearings or a couple of hearings ago at least now we first brought to you proposed modifications to our rules and regulations we received your comments at the time and commissioner johns had additional comments and we were incorporating many of the comments to the city attorney's office and those are back before you and commissioner johns approached me prior to this hearing and submitted one more on page 2 section two it calls out the administrative secretary
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readily known from commission to secretary throughout the document makes sense. >> do we have consensus on that. yep okay >> i have a comment or question. >> about it. >> no. >> commissioner wolfram. >> the last time we heard this i believe commissioner matsuda and i asked the city attorney to bring back the consumption with the sponsors and it's not in the pact. >> in the discloser. >> deputy city attorney and welcome back. >> we're waiting for you.
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>> thank you. do i want to ask - the court: yeah. the last time we saw the rules and regulations we asked to see language about the discloser and the "x" par communication that were provided a couple of years ago i was wonder to incorporate this last time you said you'd bring back the language 4 options a few years ago we considered them in the rules and regulations but you at that time, we decided not to. >> so deputy city attorney maybe there was a little bit of an misunderstanding and in talking to staff my understanding is you have not prepared the document it had to do with x par communications and
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whether they have to be authorized or just keep the current practice but you have to disclose them on the record i understood you requested for of a conflict of interest that's not the same. >> i was asking for the former. >> that memo in the commissioners file tim has it and i can bring it back my time. >> possibly including language within the rules and regulations. >> commissioners as i recall the conversation was sort of about whether or not the discolor should occur been the questions or comments i think that can happen either way as the agenda is presented in the way the rules are presented
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today there's no problem we received the discolors at the beginning of questions or comments and prior to each question. >> commissioner johns. >> yeah. after i got this and went to the changes i have additional things i wanted to get a sense do we have the city attorney getting back to us i doubt we're going to act on this today, i want to make my changes in writing and give them to our secretary and he can give them to everybody. >> commissioner johnck. >> we spent time in particular with the review committee it looks like sort cleaning up a
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bit but i recall or i thought it was a good idea for the architecture rectify committee to enable them to have an interpreter active display and direction that is included in the purview of re78sz i don't whether this was me i noted to myself i had written this down but i was interested don't anyone recall that where that's part of your - >> yes. >> i don't see it in the revision so part of the recommendation that the architecture review committee can provide it will include the interpretative display as the krushgs construction techniques and the interpreted part.
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>> i'll dually note it my apologies. >> thank you. commissioners, anything else at this point >> do we continue this. >> we can continue that that way we'll have it the next hearing. >> before we do that any public comment on that item on the rules and regulations seeing none, public comment is closed. bring it back >> i move to continue this and second. >> great commissioners and on that motion to continue this to june 18th. commissioner hyland. commissioner johnck. commissioner johns. commissioner matsuda. commissioner pearlman. commissioner wolfram and president hasz so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero >>
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