tv [untitled] June 9, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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the bracing is continuing that's the bracing being used in that area and the diagonal corner areas they then use a 45-degree brace and that the wall pores continue in that area and you can see the column pore activity in the far west end what we used to call zones one and two again wall pores and rebracing continues. in the central areas where the bulk of lower con course slab is there's continued operations of the man lift and material lift there and the decking is going in. some more shots of the decking the rebar started last week and as i said before there's a pore anticipated at the end of the month or early june and rebracing also continues a little further east of the lower con course decking
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work and in the far eastern zone there was a slab pore pore number 11 and pore number 12 will be at the end of this month and this is the reinforcing steel for pore number 12 one of the highlights of that area it's the foundation for the main light column in the middle of the project there and those are the anchor bolts you might recall the slab there is 5 feet thick you can see the anchor bolts are 6 to 7 feet long. the geothermal work finished up and the subgrade preparation before the mud slab and the mud slab going in and the waterproofing continuing on the eastern zone so on the cast nodes we're working through the first full release the first 3 columns the
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very first column denoteses the total number of cast notes being fabric ated and in process and cast machining columns but there's a total of 56 and a total of fifty have been shipped to the steel fabric ate ors and i'll show you a slide of that in just a moment we're doing very well with the cast node production no quality control issues and the work is getting delivered to the steel fabric ators that's what it looks like. and the finished face that attaches the structural steel and the level of machining that goes on. the cast nodes being delivered to the factory and structural steel plant in or
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egon and actually on its side test the connections layout the connections between the cast nodes and the structural steel basket column pipes to make sure each section fits correctly take it apart bring it down here and start erection so this is a diagram of the setup being put in place right now and we'll probably witness some of those layouts late may middle of june time frame. >> those are just dummy columns. >> those are the actual columns these are your basket columns surrounding the entire structure laid on their side so the top piece the park level and the middle structural steel member that connects the various pipe columns is your buff deck level and the high end where the folks are is shown on the, man lifts scissor lifts starts at the ground
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level and we'll go up to see those and bring up life photos instead of the diagram but they are creating this on the colombia river across the river so we're just about out of this finally the first and second street obviously done and beall street done and fremont street done this month and the final connect or piece to be done in july. and zone 4 mud slab completed this week as i said and the waterproofing protection slab will be going down and jumping ahead to june foundation walls and will be into the lower con course either late may or june 10th they are trying to improve that
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and we'll actually be prepping for the structural steel arrival and placing slab 14 as we move through the summer the contingency tracking and i know there's discussion on this later but those have been on various changes and i'm happy to answer questions on that. >> as far as our labor breakdown continuing along the same path 33 or 63 percent overall and 63 in the east bay the san francisco numbers continue to be right around 18 percent which is great and again that's over a million craft hours those are the apprentice hours through the life of the project through the end of april and the trades are up a little bit 18 hundred
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individuals logged into the certified payroll system so i say 1800 different individuals that have actually touched the project and trades they belong to happy to answer any questions? director reiskin. >> how is it not impacting the schedule. >> we're making plans to make that up in the erection process a year and a half long so. >> they will start late and take less time? >> right weekends the welding is the big question a lot of welding in the project and if we can put more crews on it.
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like any brand new activity there's always a learning curve so we anticipate that the i'm sure steve from webcor/obayashi can speak to this more if you like but we anticipate that curve to peak early and consistently improve from the first time we pored the foundation slab there's been significant improvement in the overall durations so we're anticipating that to occur as well but primarily taking advantage of the days we didn't count which are the weekends to try to catch up if need be. >> thank you. >> any other questions? seeing none. >> thank you steve and now we have dennis presenting our project labor agreement quarterly report. >> thank you maria happy to
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report on the project labor report starting with the trade package update and progress to date for students veterans and adults and the reporting trends as i wrap up the report starting off with the administration and labor we had number 9 of our joint administrative committees held on february 20th the agenda is construction progress and apprentice programs and veterans and we also talked about how there's no work stoppages and is no labor incidents and all skilled labor all the needs are being met and there was 4 safety incidents within the first quarter but my reporting is from january 1st to march 31st so the numbers are a little different but for
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the first quarter 2 of those were a lost time fortunately both of those guys were back to work quickly but they were off for a little bit but they are both fine. >> to go through the trade packages that are currently out there right now we have two firms that were qualified and we're going through the interview process at this stage of the negotiations. we anticipated next month depending on negotiations same as temporary facilities we are in the interview stage you know just past the negotiations i mean i take that back we're into the negotiations with one contractor right now. when that is complete that will come to the board anticipated june but could be july depending on negotiation timelines. metal stairs that one the bids were received we talked about at the
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last bid that was rejected now incorporated into one of the current contracts and i do want to move onto the key ones that we've been focusing a lot now the mechanical electrical piping and fire suppression the first one being 10.2 plumbing bids due for right now next month and 10.3 the mechanical ue next month and electrical due next month and also fire sprinkler and suppression due next month and value engineering and various components that come up it's anticipated but you know, if needed those may push a month depending to give the contractors enough time to absorb if there's any kind of changes that are incorporated
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as addendum so depending on how those bids come in that's anticipated to come to the board next month as well and the last one bus ramps bids received march 6th and that's on the agenda for today for an award recognition so i'll go through that further on agenda item number 7. >> this is high school students we're back into it it's almost summer time we've been looking for interns through the various different groups remember last year where we brought in all the kids that's a fun time it's great to expose students to what we do and it's fantastic and in addition to that the mtc program is included and of course turner and webcor/obayashi are doing it as well so the entire project is
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looking for interns this summer. veterans ted who you have seen in the past presented an ever ready bunny as an advocate for veterans he was in north san diego promoting careers and construction but also the program itself has been throughout united for veterans has been most successful right now in hiring veterans and continue -- webcor/obayashi works with the building trades and another thing that ted has reported he's actually outreaching out to 29 palms and the bases himself so ted is available anytime after the board meetings if we wanted to meet and talk further about all the efforts he puts into the veterans more than happy to and works with all the subtrade
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packages to bring veterans onto the project in the growth sector as well. progress to date with the adults tim donovan in our jaec meeting reported a very robust apprenticeship program and they are really starting to bring on a lot the electrical trades are very pleased with their apprentice program at this point and tim donovan reporting. >> moving onto the apprenticeship trims this is through the first quarter end of march 31st st the first quarter, with 143 apprentice trade hours and we are hitting our goal apprentice hours we have a goal of 16 and two-thirds percent for non
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labor and operators and right now we're at about 18 percent with apprentice labor and non operators so that's fantastic exceeding that goal and on the labor ors themselves we're very close to the apprentice goals it's dropped a little bit in the last quarter off by one really if you look closely that's very close then the operators that's a very good story at this point i believe that would be shimmick mostly they are on board right now and exceeding their apprentice goals with their operators so a lot of good to report for the pla apprentices and so forth so if there's any questions that completes my first quarter 2014 report. >> thank you harper. >> we realize that our structural bid was so big that we had to break it up and that
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sort of thing and some of these bid packages look pretty big to me the electrical and things are we trying to anticipate that so we don't go through the cycle of putting out too big of a bid package then having to pull it back and break it up up? because that loses so much time when we did that. >> absolutely, it's a large trade package and webcor/obayashi steve is going to address all the efforts going into it and the outreach to ensure that we have multiple bidders and looking at various items for small business and how that plays into it to ensure that -- the key is that we get multiple bidders and that's what web core has been focusing on with their outreach that's exactly what they are doing the other trade packages
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are a little smaller but the electrical is the key one and i referenced if there's any kind of addendum that will acknowledge and that's maybe one of the packages we want to make sure we give them enough time to have a full absorption so that just adds to our plan sort of speak with addressing those kinds of concerns. >> i noticed with one of the bid packages coming in we got down to two qualified is that competitive -- where do you draw the line as to yeah that's a good competitive cycle? >> you know the studies show very clearly that the more bidders you have the better prices you will have and over the last couple of months there's been significant effort in outreach to make sure the prequalified bidders do bid on these projects and that did
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happen where we had a bunch drop through in the process and we've addressed those various reasons and now going forward to addressing the bid manual every stone has at this point the team has been working very hard in the last couple of months to address those areas. >> and you will be hearing from steve humphreys about what they are actually doing to retain the bidder pool and extensive outreach at the next item. >> directors at the last board meeting i mentioned that we'll be bringing you our updates on the cost estimates and i'm here to give you that update is mark sevani. >> as maria mentioned the last meeting presented to you open
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bids and a 30 to 35 percent increase above estimate mainly as a result of the market conditions in san francisco and transbay and also the silicon valley and this mitigation plan utilizes contingencies and reserves the agenda is a recap of the july 2013 board approved budget we'll give you an update on the construction cost estimate completed recently by webcor/obayashi in february and the estimators and we also presented to you a litigation plan to allow us to stay in budget and a status in reserves and also provide you with findings and recommendations
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that were conducted by lelar associates and the outreach and schedule. >> the board approved a revised budget the approved budget updated the may 2010 budget taking into account market conditions and the cost increase of the structural steel package and the budget included recommended contingencies and reserves. this shows a breakdown of the construction costs within the board approved budget. the total cost excludeing -- the
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first construction cost including the reserves and the budget also includes program reserves and other costs including soft costs and program wide costs. >> the board approved budget was based on the first quarter 2013 market conditions and also the 95 percent construction and the the 3.5 escalation rate and contingencies and reserves based on model assessment and this is $8.2 million in contingencies that construction documents and also include a
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$62.5 million in construction contingencies and for escalation and program reserves. >> the board has awarded -- this includes the transit center and the old terminal and temporary terminal. this includes 309 309 million dollars $309 million and $38.69 million for the bus ramp. >> we received updated
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estimates on february 2014 and again this was reconciled with the -- >> the budget contingency for the transit center and bus ramp $4 million for the transit center and the estimate includes $9.1 million for the transit center and includes an escalation and both escalations and the budget escalation is based on escalations starting the first quarter of 2013
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whereas the escalation starts the first quarter of 2014 since it's up to today's market conditions. >> i don't understand why design contingent changed as much as it did i can see everything else but the design -- why would that necessarily have the same kind of escalation? >> when webcor/obayashi estimated the plans and a big part of that has to relate to the mechanical and electrical drawings they felt that the amount of conductors and so
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forth could increase between the 100 percent and the issue for construction documents the hundred percent cd's were completed in 2013 so there's a year lag and it's a contingency may not be used but it's a part of their estimates. >> if it's a percentage that's the highest differential as a percentage and you would think that design contingency since basically our designers are in place and everything -- that would be the lowest if anything not the highest differential. >> in general, if you are estimating a bridge where the quantities are unknown then the contingencies will be very low but.
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>> we're proposing changes that's coming up in the presentation where the design is done we're going to be changing things to reduce cost so i think that creates some design risk. >> that's correct. >> the difference between the budgets for direct cost and the estimates is $136.4 million and as a result of this increase the fees increased and the contingencies increased by $8.54 million so our target is $153.4 million. one of the differences is the changing market conditions. the escalation rate between the first quarter 2013 and third
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quarter of 2013 -- >> this is a depiction of the market conditions. there is approximately 13 projects currently under construction is shown in pink that are worth approximately 4 billion dollars and this project is is shown in yellow it's quite a bit of work in our neighborhood and quite a bit of work in the silicon valley that's restricting the bidding pool basically. this is a graph that's showing the market trend in san francisco for for the last 5 years the yellow graph is the engineering
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record index which measures the change in cost in labor and materials and the blue graph is the consultants index which measures the bidding index measures the bidding environment which includes the margin the bidders are asking for as well as the increase and cost of materials as you can see in the 2009 and 2010 period during the great recession bids were coming in below budget that's why the blue graph is below the yellow graph bidding below margin and as the market conditions improved and the economy improved in the 2012 period the bidders the bidders were asking for their margin and that's why you see an increase in the graph on the blue line. when we did the budget in july 2013
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the projection for the 2013 first quarter bidding environment indicated a 2.2 percent escalation rate and that's is shown in the dashed gray line at that time we used 3.5 escalation rate to be prudent. >> the amount of scope that took place since the completion of the construction drawings. the estimated completed in february assumed $9 million between the 100 percent of construction documents and the issue for construction documents and unique design is
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reflected in hundred percent construction drawings contributed to the increase in the cost estimates. >> our mitigation plan includes cost reduction as well as utilization as contingencies and reserves and we've had we've identified mitigation measures and we've also reduced mitigation and reduce the estimates and adjustments and we've also evaluating another $5 million of litigation measures and proposing to use -- >> we've identified more than 40 elements that we can incorporate as reductions in the upcoming packages and
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planting and hard escapement elements on the roof top park and so that the construction so that the park can be constructed shortly afterwards we're also proposing to reduce -- >> does not have any park lighting elements in it it's not for safety it's just for visual and we're proposing to reduce some of the red u.n. dancies as well as reducing the number of cameras. we would reduce that by tw
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