tv [untitled] June 10, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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when everything was ready, i would love to have the opportunity to come back and do a demo for you guys to show you the detailed functionality of each page, and each piece. and but what you see here, is the design of our home page, and where we will have a start your business section, and manage your business, grow your business, permits and licenses, and where you can searching for the forms with explanations. and the different resources, so all of the content that i spoke of earlier, well, it will all be in this portal. and i want to tell you about the fiscal, 13, 14, key initiative and since it will be not be launched until september, we will get the first quarter building up a site and building up the site and doing the user testing. >> as we complete the launch and it is not going to be finished we are going to continue to add to the portal. and what we really want to do
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in the next year is looking at stream lining the process and it is nice to have this user interface where we have the portal now that is the single go-to place for the business owners but we as a city need to look at the processes that are involved for our business whens they deal with the permitting and licenses. there is, yeah, i can't say enough that you can't just throw technology on top of a flawed process. you want to look at, you know, i am sure that we could just study what we have now and map it out. and identify some of the efficiency gaps, and maybe making the smallest of changes could have a huge impact on the way that business owners experience their dealings with the city, perhaps something that used to take 30 days to go through, maybe we could identify areas where we could save time, perhaps we could cut it down to even ten days if possible and so i think that it is pertinent for us to look at the processes, identify the
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efficiency gaps and make the recommendations for improvement and work with the different departments to make these changes, and once we identify the process changes, we can then identify technology solutions that can make it even bet and her make the experience even better and for fiscal and 14, 15, the plan is to map out the 5 departments that are part of the tax collector's consolidated billing departments and they are tax collectors and office and dph and fire and entertainment and so we are going to work with these different department to map out the current state. and we are also looking at delivering additional functionality to the portal. maybe look at the restaurant vertical and the restaurant as you know, are not a huge industry, and we create the jobs and you hire so many people in the city. and we want to look at it and potentially the restaurant and we are not set on that yet and
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it wi8 be based on the studies looking at the vertical where we can identify the process and do what we need to do to auto mate that process and that is something that will be a wonderful addition to the functionally of the portal if we are able to do that. in addition to that, we do need to create an operations and training manual and so in case, something happens, we have something to hand off to the next person who could still maintain and support the portal. and we have to physically audit all of the forms. and the department, and it is difficult for the departments to keep track of the conversion and the fee increase and things like that and so we will take on the responsibilities of auditing that information and keeping the portal up to date. and content management, i and just spoke of and the technical maintenance and it is being built and as they release the version updates, we also have to make sure that the portal is up to date. so all of that work will be included in the next year.
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i want to recognize my team members, angelica and as well as jason who is slaving away in the office and it has only been six months and it has been a lot of work, and dedication and blood, sweat and tears that has been poured into this and we are all so very passionate about this project and we are thinking that this is making and this will make a huge difference on the lives of our small business owners. and so, without their hard work, we would not be where we are at and i would like to thank them for everything that they have done, and last of all i will take the questions, also i want to thank the commissioners all of you have been such great advocates for this project. and yeah, you guys have been along for the ride. since the beginning and since the inception of the portal idea and so i want to thank you for all of your support along the way. >> great. >> any commissioner questions
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or comments? >> commissioner dwight? >> you did a good job and i am proud to be able to present this. this is awesome. >> thank you. >> good job, to you and your team. >> thank you very much. >> yeah. >> appreciate that. >> commissioner dooley. >> i want to thank jane because anything that we can do on the commission to help to make the lives of small businesses better, and easier, is something that we all need to work on. thank you. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> i would also like to congratulate you and ask you a question about the 29 departments that you have been dealing with. >> yes. >> before, september, before september 2014, what type of input do you need from these departments? are you right now dealing with them on a regular basis? what would you expect from
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these departments? so that your site launchs on time. >> sure that is a great question. i would not say that i would expect from them, but we are collaborating and the departments have all been great, because they, even though the initial research process, they really see the vision of creating this portal and this is not just for our business owners but it makes their lives easier and makes their staff lives easier and so we have been working very closely with them recently in having them approve the content that we have written, because we did not just copy and paste their con tent from their website into ours, we rewrote pretty much everything, angel did. and now we are going back to each of the departments to make sure that we are able to double check all of the information that we have put together. as we gather every single permit form, we are writing a description of what the form is, and we talk about
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interdespendcy and we talk about fees and, due dates and things like that and we are also sending that back to the department as well. for them to help us we ask for for their approval. it is a time to see that there has never been a collaboration and this kind of an effort where we are taking the lead and pulling everyone together, and they want to help. they want to make things better. they want to see improvements, throughout. this is the opportunity for everyone to jump on board and so they have been helpful. >> thank you, commissioner riley. >> congratulations and good job and i think that you are the best person for the job because you know the operation well and you have your high-tech background. so congratulations. >> thank you very much, commissioner yee riley thank you. >> commissioner white? >> i forgot to add that whatever we can do to make the
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small business lives easier. the question is how are we going to get this out to them? do you have a plan as far as out reach, you know, getting this out to the business community? >> with the september beta launch we are sort of going into it quietly in the beginning to get some user testing a little more feedback as we work out the bugs and fix all of the kinks but we are working on a marketing plan, definitely. >> great. >> there will be a full launch coming up as well, in and i can discuss some of the details of the plans next time. >> great. >> do we have any members of the public that would like to make any comments on item four? >> seeing, none, public comment is closed. jane, you are awesome. this is, this is great, i am really happy and i liked your comments that you said that you are going to be working now
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with the treasurer and tax collector's office and you know that is going to be a big hurtle but if you can corral all of that with all of the city departments, you are a miracle worker. i know that this is not easy and you are doing a lot and i want to say thank you and, like what commissioner dooley and white said anything that you need from this office to help you out, please let us know and thank you, thank you this is you know, we are the most technical city in the world. and this is really going to help us. so thank you. >> thank you very much. >> director? >> yes, i want to express my appreciation and although, losing you is a great loss to the office of small business with you we actually gained something greater by having you lead this project. so, i just wanted to extend my
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appreciation and thank you and jane is on target. so, which is not often the common thing in terms of meeting target goals, or target time lines, so, really want to send my appreciation. >> great. >> thank you. >> okay, next item please? >> we will call five and six together. >>discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors (bos) on bos file no. 140508 [general obligation bonds - transportation and road improvement]: >> and item six isdiscussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors (bos) on bos file no. 140509 [general obligation bonds - transportation and road improvement - $500,000,000]:. s both are a discussion and possible action items and we have you mta director ed reskin to make the staff presentation.
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>> welcome. >> good evening. >> good evening. >> do you want to use this one? >> good evening. >> thank you very much for having me here and it is always a pleasure and an honor to be able to come before the small business commission. i did brief you not too long ago, i think, on the larger transportation task force process that the mayor undertook last year. so this is really kind of a next step? seeking your consideration of support for the first revenue measure to come out of that, my name is ed and i am the director of transportation and i am happy to be here and i do have a brief presentation. but i can walk through and i do want to be mindful, and not being too repetitive of what i covered last time and the general theme and framework is really the same, what is before you with these two items are really just the two pieces of
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legislation that are introduced by all eleven members of the board of supervisors with support of the mayor that would allow the board to consider putting a $500 million general obligation bond on the ballot for this november. the way that the mechanics of it work, there are two pieces of legislation and one resolution and one ordinance but it is really for the same single bond. so, if you like i would be happy to walk quickly through the presentation and be happy to answer any questions. >> so i think that i covered this last time some what but we have pretty significant needs in the transportation system. and including the assets regardless of the mode that you travel, whether you drive, or ride muni or take a bike or walk or a taxi and we have some pretty significant challenges facing our transportation system. just since you have been sitting in this meeting, we have had two-car and train, out
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on 15 and juda break down and it was a door problem and we ended up having to get the people off of the vehicle and take it out of service and this is something happening at rush hour and it took about 20 minutes to trouble shoot the problem and get it out of the way, which we will have ripple effects throughout the rush hour, likely for the light rail service and that is just one tiny example of something that we are facing every day here in san francisco, in part because we have not invested in our transportation system in the last generation, the way that we should have. there are a lot of good things happening. so, it is not all bad news that there has been dpw has been getting a lot of street resurfacing done and we have been making changes to and in the public right-of-way to try to help muni move better through it. and i pictured it here on the last, or colorized transit lanes and we did a pilot of that last year on trip street between dubose and 16th street and we actually in the process
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were able to work through a number of issues with small businesses because they lined that entire three block stretch but the results have been very much improved transit service, that enables both the bus and the train that run down that section of the church to do so much more efficiently up and more and we have added these colorized streets and on geary and downtown, and a relatively simple change that we can make to help muni make the way through the city and there is another street scape improvement and there have been bike and significant, pedestrian improvements and there is a lot of good things happening also i want to raise, and since we are talking about
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general obligation bonds we have demonstrated as a city that we can get these things done and that the voters are supportive of the general obligation bonds for quite a number of years, and i will remind you that the way that we by policy, develop and issue general obligation bonds in the city is that we do so, such that we are issuing new debt only as we retire old debt or as the tax base grows to support the new debt such that we can issue it without requiring an increase in property tax rates and so while we are holding property tax rates steady, we are making all of these significant investments as i was talking about it being in the state of disrepair it was not long ago that we could have said about the public librariries but because of the investments that the voters have authorized over the years, we have a completely new branch and library system
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and every library having been upgraded or replaced and we have the hospitals being rebuilt and the police and fire stations and the police headquarters being built and so the voters have demonstrated through this process that they are willing to make that kind of investment, and especially knowing that it will not result in an increase in property tax rates and then on the city side, we have shown that we can deliver those improvements, so it is really taking that same concept, and applying it to the transportation system which is what is represented here in this bond. and because, the fact is, that despite the fact that we have been doing some good things and getting good projects on the ground and the good improvements to the transportation system the funding is not enough and which is what i covered in the last presentation, reminding you that the federal and the state government is not existing a lot of leadership these days in terms of the core, transportation funding functions that they have served for the last 50 years are so
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and what the mayor's transportation traffic force found is that our needs, significantly out strip the available funds that we have and as a result, recommended some new additional local revenues local investment to try to start closing that gap. it is first thing that they proposed was a $500 million, bond with the lion share going to improving transit service in san francisco. and, the balance going towards improving the safety of the streets for all modes of transportation, as i mentioned this legislation of these two pieces of legislation that are before you for consideration, were introduced by all eleven members of the board, with the support of the mayor and something that you don't necessarily see often, and in city hall and so it is a great show up support that the entire
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second floor recognizing the importance of these measures this is the break down of the $500 million. and you can see again, the lion share going into the right-of-way improvements, and such as those that are recommended by the transit affected project that was approved by the board of directors earlier this year. and what we used to maintain the vehicles and so that we can modernize them such that we can do the work better and those facilities so the vehicles are spending more time on the streets, delivering service as opposed to being stuck in the facilities awaiting repairs.
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>> but we have people dying in our streets in san francisco, 34 people died last year in the streets of san francisco just trying to make the way around the city and 21 of those were pedestrians, and we now have the board of supervisors and the mta board and many other boards and commissions having step forward and adopting a goal of vision zero which is to eliminate all of those traffic deaths in san francisco, and in the next ten years, these kinds of investments, such as investing in the pedestrian safety, at high injury intersections and corridors. upgrading our signal, system and these are what are going to get us there. if existed in 2006 when the
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first city capitol plan was created under the leadership under the administrator of ed lee and you can see the gray bars are the old debt and it is only as we draw down that old debt or pay off that old debt that we issue new debt and we size up the bonds and the issuance of the bonds in the capitol planning process so that the total level of embeddedness fits within that same 2006 property tax rate. and so this is how we are able to issue new bonds, but we do so without raising or requiring an increase in property tax rates. >> so in terms of what we could get with the investment from this $500 million general obligation bond. a big part of the focus are those right-of-way improvements and these are focused on the muni routes and what we call a rapid network that carried the great majority of the rider
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ship and so these are changes in the right-of-way that helped muni work more efficiency, and move better throughout the city such as widening the sidewalks, or the bus stops are. and so that the buses don't have to pull out of traffic and then wait to fight the way back in. and colorizing the transit lanes as i mentioned timing the signals or moving bus stops so that the bus does not have to stop, once at a stop sign and then across the street and stop again, or having the bus and trains talk to the signal so that the traffic signals hold the green light so that the bus can continue on its path. we have done bits and pieces of this in different parts of the city, and we found that these kind of changes in the right-of-way can really be effective. so we are pretty clear, on what changes and what investments would enable muni to move better through the city and this bond will be the revenue, source to do that.
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accessibility of transit stops and also a significant issue particularly in the light rail network outside of the subway, where it is difficult for or really impossible for the people in wheelchairs and difficult for the people with other significant mobility issues to board the light rail vehicles, and these funds will be among other things allow us to install more accessible building platforms throughout the city, as well as improve accessibility by upgrading escalate ors and elevators into the park and station and upgrade the facilities to modernize the facility sos that the workers can be more efficient and get the vehicles back out on the street. and the transit priority investment that we are already seeing some of the benefits of, this is just a little bit more detail showing specifically where some of those right-of-way investments will be, and these are the ones that came out of the transit effectiveness project that i
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referenced earlier that was just approved earlier this year. and you can see these are the lines from the 14 to the 9 to the n, to the 5 and the 30 and these are the lines that carry the majority or the greatest amount of passengers so investments in these rights of way to make these lines work better will benefit hundreds of thousands of people and making their wait time short and her their trip shorter and making the service more reliable. >> we have been working with the agency to really understand what is happening and what is causing and not just the fatal collisions but the serious ones as well. and we have after going through a lot of data, what we found is
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that 60 percent of the serious and fatal collisions are happening on just 6 percent of the city's streets. so what that does is it gives us a good way to really focus our efforts to be strategic about how we will expend the funds. and what we also have learned is what the prevalent mode of collision is at each of these intersections. and in these corridors and so, we know where things are happening, we know why they are happening, and then, we have a tool kit of things that we can do, such as things that are shown on this slide, whether it is widening crosswalks or adding count down signals and slowing down the traffic and better defining the bike ways, and we know which of those tools, or which combination of those tools will address the modes of collision, at each of the respective intersections and so we know where they are happening, and we know why they are happening and we know how
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to significantly reduce the likelihood of the collisions happening in the future, and it is just having the resources to be able to make these design changes in the public right-of-way and i know when i was here last time, there was talk about well, there is also behavior issues. there issues of enforcement and there is no question about that, this is a geo bond which is for the capitol investment but this is happening alongside our effort to really beef up the education and i think that you have all heard about the police department's efforts to beef up the enforcements and so we are taking a comprehensive approach for this, but the physical capitol improvement funding this will be the vehicle for us to get those investments into the ground. this is just a little bit more detailed, that collaboration and analysis that i mentioned, and with the department of public health, planning dpw,
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and many other city agencies, and manifested in this, program, and approach called rock first, which was really this very data driven, approach to identifying both where the problems are and what the solutions are and we have incorporated the findings and recommendations from walk first into our capitol budget, and from my agency and i think that the mayor has put those and the additional funding in the budget that he submitted to the board of supervisors last week, and to advance the rock first but again, it is very specific interventions and it is the specific intersections to address the specific collision modes that are happening so that we can have the confidence that these investments are going to move the needle towards vision zero. >> and so just to sum up what we as san franciscans would get, from this investment, should there the commission recommend it and should the board put it on the ballot and should the voters approve it, we will be able to reduce the
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travel times and increase the reliability for more than a third of the muni rider ship, just from the right-of-way improvements that i was talking about and we will be able to improve accessibility, throughout the muni system and make it easier for the people in wheelchairs and the people with other mobility and disabilities to be able to access transit. we will be able to improve maintenance, particularly by investing and upgrading our facilities. we will be able to build more well defined bike ways and if you look at both of portion of the pie that is going directly to the safety industries and the safety benefits that we will get from the muni right-of-way that is more than $200 million of this bond that will go to making the streets safer which is a huge step forward in achieving that vision of goal that is the
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right goal for our city and finally, a not insignificant point is that the mtc, which is the metropol tan transportation commission, the regional funding agency for the bay area has already committed up to 550 million dollars, of additional matching funds, for muni, which is transit specific. to the extent that we can match them locally understanding that this bond, and other recommendations of the mayor's transportation task force will give us those local revenues in order to be able to meet that match and pull down those additional revenues. so, for every dollar that san franciscans approve at the ballot, if this is on the ballot this november, we will be able to bring in additional funds to leverage, additional regional funds and further we believe that while the state and federal funding picture for the transportation picture is bleak, and to the extent that
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we have a strong, local, revenue in the best position to match whatever federal or state dollars do become available, and so kind of ancillary benefit of a local municipality stepping forward to make this kind of investment and so in terms of where we are in the process, we have been out talking to many different community groups, and having some community town hall meetings and just to provide information about what the task force recommended and what is now in the city's capitol plan and what is now been introduced at the board of supervisors. to try to require the board to make the decision about what to place on the ballot by july 22nd. and so, that is the time that they have between now and then to make that decision. and i am sure that they would be eager to hear the small business commission's position on this measure as they enter in their deliberations and from
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there, the election day, is on november 4th. so, that is the end of my presentation and we do have and i know that i was kind of up at the surface, we do have a lot of detailed information including a bond report with a lot in terms of the details of what is in the $5 million available on the website that we created, sf and we also have an e-mail address and so that anybody watching may have questions and can reach us at transportation, 20/30 at and with that, i will be happy to take any questions or comments. >> any questions? >> sure. >> commissioner white. >> hello director, good to see you. >> a quick question for you, two things, one was you said that the matching fu
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