tv [untitled] June 10, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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execute advanced train control system contract with thales transport & security, inc., for design and construction of advanced train control system for the central subway project for amount not to exceed $21,363,292 for a 1,700 day term, to commence upon board approval. (municipal transportation agency) . >> okay, thank you. the mta is presenting on this item? >> yes. good morning supervisor farrell and avalos i am the deputy planning director, and i am here to request for both supervisor authorization for smta, and to enter into agreement with the transport and security to implement the design and the advanced training for the central subway, and with the authorization of this contract, we will be allowed to have operatebility between the consist ans of the subway and the system and this contract will design and implement and install, and test, and inspect,
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and provide safety certification of the advanced training and in parallel of this contract and we currently have an existing major contract with the station, and it will install the infrastructure and support the elements for this work and one last thing, and the transport and security will also provide us with the assistance and the support for the safety certification for the public utility commission the system to provide the train speed, and breaking and also, head winds, and this system will allow for a safer and more reliable operation within the central subway, and this is also a fuel source contract, and do to the nature of the
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contract, it is actually proprietary equipment and software, that the transport and security is providing and this is for an award amount not-to-exceed 1 million, >> and we will move to the report please? >> yes, mr. chairman, and supervisor avalos. we report not-to-exceed the contract amount is, 21 million, 363,292. and that contract is not subject to board supervisor approval, and it is 24 million, 788, 716 and the report displays a subject of that 24.8 million, for the implementation
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naoe. anyone else wish to comment on this item? >> good morning, supervisor and madam clerk, my name is thomas pecarilo and i am against any appropriations on the subway project. and perhaps you have read a couple of weeks ago about the lack of accountability and the members in terms of performance for the union. and what i suggest that you do, is not fund muni any further money, until your oversight committee looks into the allegations and the article. and thank you. >> okay, thank you, anybody else wish to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. so we have a recommendation from our budget analyst to approve? >> permission to approve and move forward. >> we have a motion to move forward. >> item four without objection.
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>> madam clerk, could you call item five. >>resolution authorizing the municipal transportation agency to execute the lease amendment (third amendment) to the retail lease dated february 18, 2004, with sprint spectrum realty, l.p., (tenant) for 2,152 sq. ft. retail space at the fifth and mission/yerba buena garage, located at 833 mission street; said amendment to extend the retail lease for an additional five years beginning june 1, 2014, and provide additional rent of $689,049 plus provide a one five-year option that will, if exercised, provide additional rent of $798,813. . >> okay, mta? >> good morning, chair farrell and supervisor avalos, i am with the mta and today we are requesting your approval to execute the third amendment to the current lease with the sprint spectrum who has been a long term tenant and if approved this amendment will result in an additional ten years of rent of 1.5 million for the city and mta. and for the background, the
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garage was built in 1950 and since then, until 2012 it was managed by a non-profit corporation established by the city, since then, the garage and the lease spaces have been managed by mta, and the sprint spectrum has been leasing to the space since 2004. and we have been a very good tenant, and the amendment will allow them to continue the tenantcy for an additional 5 years and also give them an option to extend for an additional five years after the first five years is up. and in all, it will generate, almost 1.5 million in grants. and we strongly urge your support for this amendment for several reasons, and they have been good tenants and no issues with the grants or maintenance issues the rent is complicated in the area and they are paying the rent towards the high end, comparing with the nearby tan ents and additionally, we have more in the garage, and we have
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more interest, and we have the open spaces and, the sfmta board aproefd this resolution that in march of 2014. and i am more than happy to answer any questions that you may. >> see no questions, right now, mr. rose could we go to your report right now on item five? >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor avalos has shown and table two, and that is on page 11 of our report. and this resolution to exercise a second five year option and that is of june first of 2014 through may 31st in 2019 will provide, 789,049 of lease revenues and then in addition it will extend the lease. and the additional revenue and we recommend that you amend it provide for retroactivity to june first, 2014, and that the proposed resolution as amended. >> okay, thank you very much.
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mr. rose. and seeing no further questions, we will open this up for public comment and anybody wish to comment on item five? >> ♪ >> thank you very much, anyone else like to comment on item five. seeing none, public comment is closed we have a budget analyst recommendation with the retroactivity and a motion to accept? >> a motion to accept the budget analyst recommendation and to approve the resolution and move forward with the recommendation. >> okay, we have a motion to accept the amendment and we can take that without objection. >> could you call item 6?
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>>resolution approving and authorizing the execution of modification no. 2 to lease l10-0275 with continental airlines, inc., at san francisco international airport to grant early termination of the lease. 3/31/14; received from departmen it. >> thank you. >> and hello? >> hello, good morning, chair farrell and supervisor avalos and the item before you seeks the approval for the modification two in order to the airport to terminate our lease with continental airlines as a result of the merger with united in 2011. the board of supervisors previously approved the first modification to this lease to relinquish all of the continental's exclusive space and united is now, officially seeking to terminate our lease with continental as a procedural matter in order to finalize the joint, operations on the sfo under one lease, and this investigation has no fiscal impact and therefore, no budget analyst report was required. but i would be happy to answer any questions. >> okay, thank you. >> seeing no questions. we do not have a budget analyst
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>> motion to approve and move forward with the recommendation. >> okay, we have a motion to approve and take it without objection. >> could you call item seven, please? >>resolution authorizing the office of contract administration to enter into the sixth amendment between the city and county of san francisco and bridgestone americas tire operations, llc, for the rental of bus tires, in which the amendment shall increase the contract limit from $9,950,000 to $11,750,000. (office of contract administration) >> thank you very much we have the office of contact administration here to present. >> good morning, supervisors, and chairman farrell and supervisor avalos, i am here on the contract of administration regarding the lease and the associated services contract. and the resolution before you, increases the not-to-exceed the limit to 11.75 million dollars and this contract allows the city to lease tires, for the muni buses and receive the associated services including the disposal of the tires, the current contract was bid november 2008 and awarded april, 2009. and we are currently soliciting bids for a new contract to
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begin by september 30th. and the city has leased tires for buses for more than 20 years. and the current contractor, bridge stone, handles the recycling and disposal of the tires and there by reducing the liability related to the product quality. >> the contractor also provides the experts for the mta bus charge to inspect and change tires, reducing the timely for the bus maintenance and the funding is provided by the operating budget as part of the larger budget, which is approved by the board of supervisors and the budget process. and the original limit of this contract was $5 million and the contract has undergone five modifications due to changes in the reduced index for the rubber tires and the raise the not-to-exceed amount. and extended the contract to september, 30, 2014, to allow the time for a competitive bid of the contract, and the bids will be due, later in june and
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the proposal resolution, raises it by 1.8 million based on the average, historical expenditures for the amount payment fluctuation and the possible costs associated with transitioning to a vendor and i am happy to respond to any questions that you may have. >> thank you very much. >> no questions, right now, mr. rose, could we go to your report, on item seven? >> and district chairman and supervisor avalos as the department has indicated on page 15 of the report, we report that the estimate by sfmta and the additional we did not exceed amount of 1.8 million for the remaining 6 months of the contract is based on the historical expenditures and plus the expected cost increases from the service changes and sfmta estimates the monthly changes, and a total of 1 million, 244 for six months and plus 8.5 percent and results in 141756 and the total results in a amount of
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requested of 1 million and 800,000 and we recommend that you approve this resolution. >> okay. thank you very much, mr. rose. seeing no further questions, we will open this up to public comment on item 7. >> ♪ >> okay, anybody else wish to comment on item seven? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> okay we have this item in front of us and a recommendation to approve for the budget analyst and take a motion to send it forward with a recommendation. >> okay, we have a motion and we can take that without objection. >> madam clerk, could you call item 8? >> item 8 is a resolution,
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approving amendment two >>resolution approving amendment no. 2 to professional services agreement, airport contract no. 8994, to manage and staff the curbside management program between fsp ppm management, llc, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in an amount not to exceed $19,861,000 pursuant to san francisco charter, section 9.118(b), for a term commencing july 1, 2014, through june 30, 2015. >> okay, welcome back. >> chair, farrell and supervisor, avalos, cathy with the san francisco airport, the item before you seeks your approval for the second amendment to our existing curb side management contract, with five-star parking management. this amendment would extend the term of the contract for an additional year through june of 2015 and increase the total contract amount by approximately, 4.4 million dollars. and the scope of work, included in this contract, is the management and monitoring of the airport shared rides, van zones as well as our limo and taxi operations. and the revenue collection in the taxi cacher operations and the cost of the contract is
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funded with collected revenue from ground transportation trip fees from the companies that access the roadway and our passengers. and there are a series of amendments recommended by the budget analysts to do the clean up to the amounts not-to-exceed over the life of the contract that the airport actually agrees to. >> great. >> thanks, mr. rose could we go to your report. >> mr. chairman, supervisor avalos on page 20 of our report, we report that the curb side management programs agreement of 1415, under the proposed second amendment totals 4 million, 767,733 and that is shown in table two on page 21 of our report. and based on our review and analysis, the needed not-to-exceed amount is $16,938,393 1k3 so our we have another recommendation on the top of page 22, and that the
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proposed resolution incorrectly states that the proposed not-to-exceed amount rather than the actual requested by the airport and so our recommendations on the bottom of page 22 are the first recommendations that is that we recommend that you recommend the poe proesed amount of 19,861,000 and substitute the correct not-to-exceed amount,, and recommend that you reduce the amount by 2 million, 492, 121 from 19,330, 814, to 16 million, and we recommend that you approve the proposed resolution as amended. >> thank you, mr. rose. >> and seeing no questions, we will open this up to public comment and anyone wish to comment on item eight?
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>> ♪ good luck. >> any other public comment on item eight? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. okay, we have the budget analyst recommendations that the airport is in agreement with. okay, we could have a motion to accept those recommendation and move the item forward as amended. >> okay, we have that motion, and we can take it without objection. >> thank you, chair, i would like to request that the department provide the amendment registration to the office by tomorrow morning, thank you. >> you got it. >> okay. madam clerk, could you call item nine. >> item nine,resolution approving the boarding area c
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coffee shop lease between green beans coffee osteria - sfo group and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, for a ten year term with annual rent of $52,896 for fy2014-2015. (airport commission) . >> >> cathy with the san francisco airport and the item before you seeks the approval of a new ten year lease in terminal one with green beans coffee and sfo group doing business as green beans coffee and the proposed lease carries a rent payment to the airport of a minimum annual guarantee of 52,896 a year or a percentage of revenue based rent whichever is greater, the lease agreement with green beans is the result of a competitive request for the proposal process for the 1087 feet for the retail coffee shops and the concession at the airport. and during the budget analyst report, we did realize that we
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incorrectly stated the mag amount in the resolution, and we will agree with the budget analyst recommendation to amend the legislation to correct the resolution, to reflect the resolution and the correct amount of 52,176,000, which is over the term of the lease and i will amend the resolution, and should you agree and get that to the clerk, this afternoon. >> okay. thank you very much. any questions? >> could you do your report, please? >> mr. chairman and supervisor avalos on page 25 of the report we report that the subject lease as she just indicated will generate the minimum annual revenues by the green beans to the airport, over the next ten years. and that excludes annual cpi adjustments we recommend that you amend the proposed res lacing to state the correct
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minimum guarantee, and of 52,176 and recommend that you approve the proposed resolution as amended. >> thank you, mr. rose, seeing no comments, we will move on to public comment and anybody wishing to comment on item fine? >> ♪ >> anybody else wish to comment on item nine? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. okay. we have a budget analyst recommendation. >> so a motion, to accept the recommendation and move forward. >> we can take that motion
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without objection. >> madam clerk, could you call item ten? >>resolution approving the acquisition of 28 avigation easements from various property owners in san mateo county required for the san francisco international airport's noise insulation program (project); adopting findings that the project is categorically exempt from environmental review under the california environmental quality act class 1: existing facilities; adopting findings that the acquisition is consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1; and authorizing the director of property and mayor to execute documents, make certain modifications, and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution. (real estate department). >> okay, thank you. mr. up dike for joining us. >> good morning, chair farrell and members of the committee, so this item, is something that you have seen on occasion, the land use committee has also heard from a number of these easements have been previously processed over the last couple of years, and mainly due to terms. and previously, these easements had 20 year terms and expired so we brought forward a number of replacement easements and those did not have a fiscal
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impact and so they were heard at land use and today we have a 28 easements in the cities and these are perpetual in nature, and they are from properties within the area that reach a certain community noise level that needs to be reduced through the mitigation and the airport has approved the sound proofing in the hounds, window and door replacement and attic insulation and new air intakes and physical improvements to the homes. the faa grant funds cover 53 percent of these particular improvements with airport capitol funds, covering the reminder of 24 percent and so that is just over 750,000, out of airport capitol. for all 28 locations. on september four, 2013, they authorized the easements and this program, on december 27,
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2013, the planning department issued letter and you have that in your file and on may six of this year, the airport awarded the construction contract for the improvement of the effected homes and now we are before you seeking your approval of to process these 28 easement and place them of record in the county of san mateo. >> i am here to answer any questions that you might have. >> colleagues any questions to this point? >> seeing none, mr. rose could we go to your report, please? >> yes, mr. chairman, and supervisor avalos on the bottom of page 29 is shown in table two, the cost to require, the first 28 easements from the properties is 1 million, 597,514 and it will pay for the sound proofing of the residences and the costs and pertaining to the aircraft noise and that is, that the airport has reported to us that
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by agreeing to these grant, and by the airport and the property owners weigh the right action the airport accept in the agreements. as mr. up dike has indicated and ha shown on page 30 of table three of our report, 53 percent of the costs were about 847,000 would be born by the faa grants with the remaining 750,000 and 47 percent from the airport capitol funds and this is a long standing program and as you know, that we recommend that you approve the resolution. >> any questions from mr. rose or staff? >> and seeing none, we will move on to public comment, anybody wish to comment on item ten? >> ♪
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>> anybody else wish to comment on what happens number ten? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. okay. we have a recommendation to approve this item, can we have a motion to approve? and we can take it without objection. >> madam clerk could you call our last item, number eleven? >>resolution retroactively authorizing the sublease of real property of approximately nine years, with an effective date of april 1, 2014, for approximately 6,024 square feet of space at 3450 third street, with the san francisco child abuse prevention center, a california nonprofit corporation, as sublessor, for use by the children's advocacy center of san francisco through the human services agency, at the initial monthly rent of $22,113.10 for the period from april 1, 2014, through march 31, 2015. >> okay, thank you, i think that we have a few speakers on this item, first mr. up dike,
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take it away. >> thank you, chair, up dike, director of real estate and today we seek your approval of a sublease agreement, between the city and the san francisco child abuse prevention center and that is a non-profit corporation, at 3450, 53rd street for what is called the children's advocacy center, i am joined today as you see by representatives of the center to speak to the successful model of service delivery here that is ground breaking in many respect and we will have them come up during call to the audience. and before i get into these details i want to give you a little bit of history on this so you have the context of why it is coming to you at this time in this form. the non-profit first signed the release for the space in september of 2011. and in october of 2011, the planning code and zoning map amendments were introduced to the board and that permitted the out paishlt, medical care
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clinics within the development and that was approved by the board in february of 2012 and that was ordinance, 2612 and later that summer, real estate was first contacted to begin the work on a very complex concept here placing city staff from a number of departments, in this case, and they outlined in the budget analyst report, hsa, and dph and the district attorney and the police and with the juvenile division and the city attorney. in to the site, under a sublease agreement with the non-profit as the master leaseee and it was unclear at that time which department would take the lead and how the funding issues would be addressed and how the existing would be modified between the profits and the non-prophet. in 2013, they had the discretionary review, approved by the planning commission in a public hearing and approved.
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hsa staff began in 2014, sublease now before you is retroactive to april one, 2014. and as known in the budget analyst report, the master lease, between 1238, llc and the child abuse prevention center was amended five times between october 2011, and september 2013. some of the amendments were a bit confusing in nature. and we had some areas of conflict that we needed to work with the non-profit to fully understand the import of all of those amendments and what rights will be flowing to the city as the subleasee. and i have to say that i have been doing this stuff, for 30 some years, and this is the first time that i have seen a lease that was three years old and already on the fifth amendment and that is pretty unusual. that created an issue of
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complexity for us to navigate through, and frankly it was a real partnership with the center and i want to thank them for being very transparent in helping us understand the relationship between the landlord, tenant and then to us as subtenant and so additionally this project involves portioning a cost across the sublease space and that needed to happen, to a fair and equitable manner and all of this led to negotiations taking far longer than we anticipate and that said, we are not exactly thrilled to be here, with a retroactive commencement date and we recognize that, and it is executed before and recommended by our department. and it is not consistent with the board policy. we take a moment to think about the terms itself and it is ai 9 year agreement,
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