tv [untitled] June 10, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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>> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday june the 10th 2014. madam clerk, call the role. >> supervisor avalos. >> present. >> avalos present. >> supervisor breed. >> here. >> campos speaker: here. >> president chiu. >> present. >> supervisor cohen. >> present. >> supervisor farrell. >> present. >> kim. >> present. >> supervisor mar. >> present. >> tang. >> here. >> wiener. >> present. >> supervisor yee. >> present. >> yee present. >> mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you, ladies and
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gentlemen. could you join us in the pledge of allegiance. "i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." >> colleagues we have our may 6, 2014 board meeting minutes, motioned by supervisor farrell and seconded by campos. without objection, the meetings are approved speaker: any communications? >> none today, mr. president. >> and with that, let's move to our 2 p.m. special order. >> pursuant to charter owe honorable mayor lee is scheduled for the board of supervisors policy discussions. there were no questions submitted from supervisors, however the mayor is welcome to address the board for up to five minutes. mr. mayor, we want to
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welcome you back. do you have opening comments. >> thank you president chiu, and members of the board and the public. thank you for being here. even though there are no questions this month. i want to take the tunlt to make sure you knew that by law i must physically appear here, so i'm fulfilling that part of the charter. but i also wanted to come back and again say thank you to the supervisors, even though there's no questions, all of us have been working hard on both the budgets that i placed before you as a proposal as well as the announcement today and i want to thank the businesses big and small, to thank our community partners, non profits, to thank our labor leaders and labor partners in helping all of us reach a very important consensus on a new minimum wage for san francisco that will extend in the next four, five years to what we
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believe the highest minimum wage in the country, but a reflection of the fact that our current minimum wage is not enough for people to decently live on and that we fulfill this commitment with all of the people in this room that i will be proud to join the board of supervisors, to have the conversation in the next few months with our voting public to make sure they understand why we need to raise the minimum wage for the lower wages in our city and to make sure that we enforce it and have everybody educated around it so that all of us can be participate nothing the city of 100 percent. thank you for the supervisors who had the questions for me this month. i appreciate it. >> thank you, mr. mayor for the shortest question time we've had thus for. >> let's go to our agenda. 1-11, these items are considered are you
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-- they're continued routine. >> role call. >> avalos. >> aye. >> supervisor breed. speaker: aye. >> supervisor campos. >> aye. >> supervisor chiu. >> aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> supervisor kim. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> supervisor tang. >> aye. >> supervisor wiener. >> aye. >> supervisor yee. >> aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> next item. >> item 12 is an ordinance ordering the vacation of portions of qin street and new come avenues as part of the improvement project. >> colleagues can we do this, same call. this ordinance has
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passed. item 13. >> resolution approving the acquisition of 28 avigation easements from various property owners in san mateo county required for the san francisco international airport's noise insulation program; adopting findings that the project is categorically exempt from environmental review under the california environment quality act class 1: existing facilities; adopting findings that the acquisition is consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code; section 101.1; and authorizing the director of property and mayor to execute documents, make certain modifications, and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution. >> resolution approving the acquisition of 28 avigation easements from various property owners in san mateo county required for the san francisco international airport's noise insulation program; adopting findings that the project is categorically exempt from environmental review under the california environment quality act class 1: existing facilities; adopting findings that the acquisition is consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code; section 101.1; and authorizing the director of property and mayor to execute documents, make certain modifications, and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution. >> colleagues can we do this, same house, same call. without objection, that is adopted. next item. >> item 14 is a resolution to approve the execution of modification number 2, to release airlines at the san francisco international airport to grant early termination of the lease. >> colleagues can we do this, same house same call. this item is approved. next item. >> item 15 is a resolution to authorize contracted administration to enter into the 6th amendment for the tire option of bus tires to increase the limit from $9.9 million to approximately $11.7 million. >> colleagues, same house, same call. this is adopted. next
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item. >> item 16 resolution approving amendment no. 2 to professional services agreement, airport contract no. 8994 to manage and staff the curbside management program between fsp ppm management, llc, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in an amount not toe exceed $16,938,693 pursuant to san francisco charter, section 9 for a term commencing july 1, 2014 through june 3-, 2015. >> item 16 resolution approving amendment no. 2 to professional services agreement, airport contract no. 8994 to manage and staff the curbside management program between fsp ppm management, llc, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in an amount not toe exceed $16,938,693 pursuant to san francisco charter, section 9 for a term commencing july 1, 2014 through june 3-, 2015. >> colleagues, same house, same call. this is approved. next item. >> item 17 resolution retroactively authorizing the municipal transportation agency to execute the lease amendment to the retail lease dated february 18, 2004, with lease amendment to the retail lease dated february 18, 2004 with sprint spectrum realty, lp., for 2, 152 sq. ft. retail space at the fifth and mission/yerba buena garage, located at 833 mission street; said amendment to extend the retail lease for an additional five years beginning june 1, 2014, and provide additional rent $689,049 plus provide a one-five year option that will, if exercised, provide additional rent of $798,813. >> colleagues, same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 18 resolution approving the boarding area c coffee shop lease between green beans coffee osteria sfo group and the city and the county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, for a ten year term with annual rent of $52,176 for fy2014-2015.
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>> item 18 resolution approving the boarding area c coffee shop lease between green beans coffee osteria sfo group and the city and the county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, for a ten year term with annual rent of $52,176 for fy2014-2015. >> colleagues, same house, same call. this item is approved. next item. >> item 19 resolution authorizing the san francisco municipal transportation agency to execute advanced train control system contract with thales transport & security, inc., for design and construction of advanced train control system for the central subway project for amount not to exceed $21,363,292 for a 1,700 day term, to commerce upon board of approval. >> item 19 resolution authorizing the san francisco municipal transportation agency to execute advanced train control system contract with thales transport & security, inc., for design and construction of advanced train control system for the central subway project for amount not to exceed $21,363,292 for a 1,700 day term, to commerce upon board of approval. >> colleagues, same house, same call. this item is approved. next item. >> item 20 resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,751,827 from mental health services oversight and accountability commission to participate in a program entitled mental health triage personnel grant for the period of april 1, 2014, through june 30, 2014 waiving indirect costs. >> item 20 resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,751,827 from mental health services oversight and accountability commission to participate in a program entitled mental health triage personnel grant for the period of april 1, 2014, through june 30, 2014 waiving indirect costs. >> same house, same call. this
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resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 21, ordinance amending the administrative code to require that prevailing wages be paid for work involving the on-site installation, set-up, assembly, and dismantling of temporary exhibits, displays, booths, modular systems, signage, drapery, specialty furniture, floor coverings, and decorative materials in connection with trade shows, conventions, expositions, and other >> item 21, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,663,405 from the state of california to participate in a program entitled hiv care program/single allocation model for period of april 1 2014 through march 31, 2015 waiving indirect costs. >> item 21, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,663,405 from the state of california to participate in a program entitled hiv care program/single allocation model for period of april 1 2014 through march 31, 2015 waiving indirect costs. >> colleagues, same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 22 ordinance amending the administrative code to require that prevailing wages be paid for work involving the on-site installation, set-up, assembly, and dismantling of temporary exhibits, displays, booths, modular systems, signage, drapery, specialty furniture, floor coverings, and decorative materials in connection with trade shows, conventions, expositions, and other >> item 22 resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,000,000 from the centers of disease control and prevention to participate in a program entitled capacity building for high-impact hiv prevention. >> item 22 resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,000,000 from the centers of disease control and prevention to participate in a program entitled capacity building for high-impact hiv prevention. >> same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 23, resolution retroactively authorizing the sublease of real property of approximately nine years, with an effective date of april
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1, 2014, for approximately 6,024 square feet of space at 3450 third street, with the san francisco child abuse advocacy center of san francisco through the human services agency at the initial monthly rent of $22,113.10 for the period from april 1, 2014 through march 31, 2015. >> supervisor breed. >> yes, thank you, president chew. i wanted to make some comments about this particular lease. i want to start by mentioning the child abuse prevention center, there's a location in district 5, they do incredible work, but the problem i have with this is not the child abuse prevention center. it's rather the lease and the fact that it's retro active. i received invitations to the grand opening before we approved this lease. i know that the department of housing and other entities have moved into this location before the board of supervisor approved this lease and the department of real-estate needs to make sure that they're working collectively with the board of supervisor in bringing leases to us in a timely manner and not after the fact for retro activity. i wanted to make that note for the record but because this use is incredible and because of child prevention is an amazing
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partner with me and the district and it's needed and i think this will be an incredible use of this location and i'm willing to overlook that fact and move forward in support of this lease. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor breed. can we take this item, same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. >> item 24 is a campaign regarding lobbying and enhancing training, disclosure and administrative requirements. >> thank you, president chiu. >> thank you mr. chair. colleagues, after many months of work, i'm pleased to ask today for your support for this reform package of ethics and lobbying law and before i go over the details of the legislation and a few additional amendments, i'd like for us to make today -- i want to thank our city attorney dennis for his work on this legislation, and congratulate him for recently securing our
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state's largest municipal settlement. he's shown that we can enforce our lobbying law sxiz want to appreciate the work of his able deputy city attorneys including joshua white and john give ner and ally and fisher who has worked with my office sometime and i want to thank my aid chiu for his work for the better part of the year. during the course of our legislative process, our office has heard from many non profit leaders, attorneys, ethic agent cats, expediters and a retired judge ands and i want to thank everyone for their input and we've made changed based on it and i want to thank supervisor tang and breed for their work. we know our city has descent lobbying laws and the most details we have come across in our research but we know we can do better. during my time on the board, i'm glad to have passes ethics that have lobbying
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activity and required electronic filing of campaign states and update our interest code. in my second term, i have a better sense of how influence impacts the decisions in our 8,000,027,000 employee government and we hear from con -- we hear from constituents. this will have confidence in our local government. shining a brighter light will lead to better decisions by city officials. our proposals effect certain activities, such as lobbying and permanent expedite, i want to be clear that we're not saying that these activities can't occur, but we want to make sure the public knows when it occurs. sunshine is said to be the best of [inaudible]. i want to walk-through the major previsions in our legislation. first our legislation expands the
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definition of a lobbyist. distinguishes between outside consultants and employees. house lobbies would qualify as lobbyist if they have more than five lobbyist. and they have more - one or more contacts. these changes move away from trying to figure out if someone has been paid as a lobby yift. this eliminates the attorney -- but nothing in the ordinance would be construed as an attempt to regulate the practice of law. two those of us who worked on this legislation, this is as narrow as an attorney exemption we could craft. those who counts as a lobbyist is officials including housing authority commissioners, and success agents to redevelopment and it provides for a non profit exemption for smaller 501 c 3
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and this came after many meetings of non profit agencies and none who are registered under lobbyist under our existing legislation. they do have limitations under federal tax law. our reform package has a duty to cooperate in investigations and in part based on recent enforcement, we hold employees liable for the contact of lobbyists acting on their behalf. we have training to have record keepings and -- record keeping and any unfiled disclosure is a file of our loss and city officials who fail to file form 700 and requires a public campaign. i want to go into more detail into the innovative aspects. we have wondered sometimes as
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have the public about the financial incentives of some non profits that send us e-mails or testify on behalf of large development projects. to answer this question, the ordinance includes a new disclosure requirement for developers of major projects who would be required to disclose donations of $5,000 or more to non profits that contact the city. i want to thank supervisor breed for her friendly amendments to make it clear. for the first time after many attempts, this is permanent expediters but adding additional transparency of the work the permit expediters do. we know that over the years, there have been clowns, over the permit expediting world, fbi investigations, concerns of inappropriate influence. and what i hope to do in this legislation is to make it clear and transparent the work that is be
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