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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT

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>> good afternoon and welcome to the board of supervisors san francisco land use & economic development committee i'm supervisor wiener the chairman of the committee to my right is supervisor jane kim the vice chair and supervisor cowen and i want to thank our clerk andrea
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for helping us and thank you sfgovtv specifically jessie larson for broadcasting today's hearing madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> yes. may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. items acted on today will be on the june 10th agenda always otherwise stated. >> madam clerk call item one. >> the designation on market street as the jean walker building. >> thank you chair supervisor wiener. >> it is the 1007 building from a educator 5 to 3 trickery building it's between 6 and 7th street and is the current
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location of the lunge gallery. this incremental is a trust past and actually over the last 15 years the grerlt have been working with the folks to work with the current of this building that will be derestricted to be an arts organization. it works with the organization to help deputy their capacity to purchasing purchase the facility and navigate the complex issues that this is something that came out of our nonprofits that many of our nonprofits were obey displaced we have to do what we can to acquire property for nonprofits and arts space in has been made available for countless meetings including the
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cpa meeting and others evictions on market street they've partnered with hospitality house to help to support vitals that live on the streets to create their artwork i'm pleased to recognize this architecture significance and hosted >> lunge to store company among other small businesses in san francisco we have the preservation staff michael and others and lisa project manager is here to talk about the historical significance of this building. >> good afternoon, supervisors jonathan planning department staff i'm here to 0 talk about
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the market street otherwise the john walker building it's the stabilization trust it was constructed in 1911 it has a 2 story commercial lost located in the downtown zoning district and a trishth to the market street theatre in the historic district it's authorized in section 11 under the planning code for factual information supports the conclusion that the building is to be rated individual significance or conceptual importance this knowledge case it's from category 5 to 3 based on the designation report prepared by michael corbett the building meets article 11 and the grounds for a designation it's identified features are the
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features of the exterior elevation with the orientation on april 2nd the historical preservation voted for the category that building and no known opposition to the change that concludes my presentation. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> i'm not sure there are comments by it fantastically to read about the history of the building particularly on market street. >> that's all the focus on this. >> at this point, i have 3 public comment cards michael and
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others (calling names) i'm sure i bumped your name. so public comment will be two minutes when you have 30 seconds left a soft bell and a hard bell >> i'm michael corbett an author of the change of designation report that demonstrates that the building on one thousand 7 market street meets the category that building. i'm going to repeat what jonathan said i can answer questions i can say we'll call your attention to one thing i find the most interesting about the building is the ownership that james d walker who was like a lot of people in san francisco made a lot of money in the 19th century but interested in
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archeology and his daughter became a pioneer in freezing in classical and one of the first woman women to receive a degree and this this building one of the purposes of this building from - to support of the classic archaeology in egress if you compare that to what is the being proposed it takes the tdr possible this building will be supporting cultural causes that's interesting and unusu th you very much >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> for the names i called if you could just line up.
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and hi i'm darryl with the cultural center in the lunge store thank you, james for this thorough introduction and michael corbett for all the work in the investigation that makes it possible for this to be possible for redesignation as a category 3 that titles us to the values in the tdrs the cast has engineers to stable list lists the arts in san francisco. i want to say i speak for not only 509 and the lunge store but for all the arts groups throughout the city of san francisco that are grandpaing with issues of sustainability for which i think this model is
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an example of one strategy to gain the edgy really appreciate our support thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker. . >> good afternoon. i'm andrea that was perfect supervisor wiener with that with the community fund. >> all right. >> here on behalf of cast lodged in 2015 to create and have physical space for arts cultures we thank you for your support of this change in designation your support allows cast to leverage this project and to generate the fund to have a nonprofit real estate in the hottest neighborhood in san
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francisco it will help to create affordable space for nonprofit community arts thank you very much. >> thank you is there any additional public comment on item one? >> hello, i'm laurie live in district 6 as you see i am visual audience i have from me my examiner a button from thursday. living opening on market street in san francisco is very important that our arts is there and i think this is a great idea and it seems like sales force sales force is not the person that is leading it as you people are doing this i think this is great where audience ska can live in san francisco i wear my art because where i live we
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don't have the protection of vision zero so often people excuse me. what our but the mean visual art makes sense you need something to inquire about it's nice to have audience in san francisco share on market street so thank you for this great day >> thank you very much is there any additional public comment on item number one? seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor kim >> thank you. i think i mentioned in my introductory commitments how important the nonprofits retention is for our city and how this is a really creative long-term solution for our nonprofits and organizations can live in san francisco for
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long-term. we're excited this started 15 years ago to acquire this site and thank you for the work that darryl and your co- you founders have done in providing an important space for community residents. over the past couple of years we appreciate it as we move forward and moving into the buildings of lyric importance this is a way to keep our organizations here in the long-term so thank you, everyone for this >> and supervisor kim would you like to make a motion. >> oh, i'm sorry. i'd like to move that r with positive. >> can what we we'll take that without objection. that will be the order madam clerk number 2. >> the hospitality employees to
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retain employees. >> and supervisor kim and supervisor cowen are the lead supervisors on item 2. supervisor kim >> thank you so it's also exciting to be here for the lack of foundation before us i'm sure you're aware of it establishes security for grocery stores workers and janitors the first legislation was spearheaded by you by the a supervisor and the service employees for grocery store workings there's no law for the growing industry the hospitality industry even though there are over 4 thousand jobs and support $10 billion no spending every year the food large services and arenas are
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subtract to rapid turning around that means that many of our workers survivor job security. i want to share stories from our folks about the importance of this legislation and talk about one worker who worked at a hotel for over two decades because there was a change no property manager he lost his job and became noted in travel guys as a san francisco treasurer and another worker worked from unloading supplies to busing and made it to the front of the house by the owner fired her and that olden all the workers when
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another owner took over she said she loved her job and treated customers like family. today, i'm happy to be discussing the plan on behalf of the workers signatures the two i spoke about who deserve to be considered as members of the hospitality industry and not easily replaced this covers a large hospitality staff in san francisco and are defined as one big house with two large service operations consisting of beverage concession within a theatre or auditorium with the seating capacity of 5 thousand or more with one hundred or more persons applying employed and two large restaurants this ordinance requires the
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hospitality employers to provide a trickle 90 days for the workers during that time the workers may not be termed without cause and if it requires fire hospitality workers the workers will be based on citizen ordered it is model on policies implemented in san francisco and an example is you each want to see it the persistence is sfo international airport when sfo overhauled their beverage city their workers hung in the balance and the airport implemented a worker retention policy insuring that the workers keep their job and as a result, the airline people have bentdz
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and across the bay the service workers learned a new manager had been given an contract and they initiated they won't fire the workers, however, a work retention policy covered the policy and protected the workers and a similar policy applied to all hotels in oakland and in 20069 board of supervisors do the same a 90 transitional period and since that time it has stabilized employment despite turn over in management we appreciate the feedback and local to hotel couldn't the
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golden gate restaurant association and others that have worked to develop this legislation we're hoping this will pass unanimously at the board of supervisors and balance the needs of new employer groups and employees that usually work in our hospitality servicing the tourists and customers that come here supervisor cowen >> thank you very much. thank you good afternoon, everyone and thank you for being here i know that many of you have taken off from work you're using our off time to be with us here today, this is really an important piece of legislation and thank you to the land use committee for hearing this this is an ordinance i've been pleased to work with supervisor kim and active representatives of local 2 and the hotel council
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and as you heard from supervisor kim the details of the legislation. i think it's important to note that the hospitality industry in our city is the strongest employing our local residents and because of the large number of workers at the restaurants the large hospitality businesses and when a chance in ownership kissers it may hurt our workers. supervisor carried a legislation but additionally several other cities in california oakland and los angeles have also had similar hospitality worker retention policies it's important we promote job
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security in key industries like this one-on-one this in the oceans it's absolutely essential to maintain the city's economist diversity this is not just a housing problem if we want to help to move the needle on the affordability in san francisco we have to do a better job of protecting jobs and insuring their safe for workers during a transition period so far ownership mr. chair, i think we should get on to public comment >> okay. so i have a number of public comment cards it will be 2 minutes.
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(calling names). i'm sorry. i'm mispronouncing a few names. and if you could line up along the wall and you don't have to speak in the same order i called you any order is fine >> good afternoon. i'm kevin carol the hotel director in san francisco i want to thank supervisor kim and supervisor cowen and their staff for reaching out and working with the hotel council as this ordinance was developed the time you spent with us is valuable. i want to remind the economy of a couple of things the hotel industry in san francisco you mention is one of the largest
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industries we employ 57 folks both work and live in san francisco we should be proud of that as san franciscans we have jobs that can't be exported out of the area because we support tourism and have 33 percent of our employees stay in the positions longer than the national average we value and work with our employees one of the others things i want to remind the committee this ordinance our understanding it was going to be looking at some of the larger prompt and it includes a hundred room hotel from 25 to 40 employees when you look at the hotels that's not a large hotel so if we look at the restaurants 2 hundred employees the arenas are one hundred employees so i want to remind
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the committee that is a level of a fairly small hotels and thank you for including us >> thank you, mr. carol. >> next speaker. >> hello, i'm patricia ramming seizing is i work at golden gate park i'm a culinary lead in the kitchen i've obey in the position 14 years i want to talk about the importance of job security as a woman i'm old enough to remember how difficult it was for a woman to get into this position it not only was a man world the culinary leads the truck drivers and electricians it was really hard for women to get to this spot in time it was
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hard for me, i want job security for san francisco so that one hundred or more employees the struggle they it he took they don't have to worry about losing their jobs. job security is really important for the women of this world and not only that but for our generation behind me i'm hoping to help the other women to come forward and get the jobs they want and not worry about losing their job job security is important in san francisco if not the first to let those people the one hundred or more - thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi i'm molly gomez a member of local 2 and a food serve for
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sfo in various bars and restaurants i'm here to let you know how important job security is i started working in 1980 when hope international owned all the restaurants they were a big company and provided benefits and job opportunities then this 2003 we found out they lost their concession and the airport was moving in a new direction the host international represented security and that was gone it was a very scary time the transition was very confusing and we had to fight very hard to keep our jobs and unions and benefits a lot was lost and years of seniority was
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lost and benefits during the during holiday pay we need you to preserve our jobs and so vote yes for job security. >> thank you very much. next speaker. . >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm jessie johnson and like molly i'm an sfo erica bartender at the airport. i'm here because the matter before the board is the most important issue facing working people. 10 years ago san francisco international airport dissolved the master lease and fortunately the union and airport director agreed to worker retention and over 6 hundred workers would
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have lost jobs with health care benefits and pension and wages so on behalf of the workers in san francisco we ask that the board of supervisors hold the worker retention and stand in solidarity with the other workers thank you, thank you very much >> next speaker >> good afternoon. i'm sheryl thank you for having that hearing and proposing this legislation i'm a member of local 2. i work as a lurk worker i've worked in the lubrication for the san francisco giants i worked at candle stick in 1988 and at that time, i didn't work for our current employer central
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plate but worked on the campaigns to get the ball park built the giants i love my job working for the ball parks and i worked and spoke here at the board of supervisors to make sure we'll condition in our same job positions and sensitive reiterate i am a san francisco giant supporter i work for the games for the san francisco giants in the 49ers season i have a strange schedule my life resolves around that schedule it has to be competed to the ball park. my family and my husband is a fourth generation san francisco and my son a fifth generation
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san franciscan they're used to my sacrifice i'm committed to work with whoever the giants bring in i'm a resident of san francisco and a consistent voter please protect my job and that's why i want you to vote for job security thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker. . >> yes, i'm reggie i've been working for center plate since 20034 we realize this is something critical for all of us we've tried to get that passed with many lawyers they said this was the most ridiculous thing so we took the shotgun approach.
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>> now coming austin at ii want to make a quote from a famous chinese it dpoort if the cat is good only if it catches a good mouse. we've loves money people have to pay rent and buy things. i want to make one more quoted of a wise man connecticut of us said if you make a meaning and know you've made a mistake and do nothing to correct that mistake you've made our second mistake we're not trying to make the second mistake we don't have the money we weren't born are a a silver spoon like the owners of the gold plates most of us