tv [untitled] June 11, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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two other topics, of note, and there were several topics and two other topics that i will talk about tonight, and one was body cameras and oakland police chief sean who was a sergeant when he took me on a ten-hour ride along many years ago, described how open police departments use a body camera if it has caused a reduction in civilian complaints, and a fas ter resolution of the complaints and a higher percentage of the definitive findings and instead of not sustained and then finally, they invited them to make a presentation and described the functions of the civilian oversight as restoring the community confidence and building bridges and shining a light on internal police investigations and practices. and then, finally, just to return to the may comprehensive
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statistical reports that is in your packet, i will just address the two, the chief adjudications that occurred in may and both were for neglective duty and to failure to collect the traffic data and an officer was retrained for that and failure to comply with the juvenile protocol by failing to mirandaize her, and failing to record the interrogation and two police officers one of whom was a field training officer, the other the recruit, and then the sergeant who reviewed the incident report, and were admonished and retrained. and that concludes my report. >> thanks very much, director hicks and as usual it is thorough and i am glad to hear
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that the message is being heard in reference to the funding and staffing and so thank you for the work on that and that is very good to here. and very good to hear. commissioner wong? >> thank you. i just had a concern when i read about this second sustained complaint, it looks like there is more to it than maybe what is reported here, it seems like there was a total break down in this juvenile being detained and brought through the process and intergated and not mirandaized and what happened with that case? was it filed? was it a case where they thought that they were never going to file charges and so they did not brother to follow the procedure and it just likes this one went all the way through, there was more to it and i am happy to look it up and speak to it off line because of the office of the juvenile. >> okay, sure. >> commissioner turman?
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>> please call item c. commission reports. >> commission reports, and discussion and president's report. >> and i want to report that since last week's meeting and myself and commissioner wong, visited yesterday with the officers for justice, and one of our groups, and we met with them out on the third street office and it was very good and we heard some of their concerns and we just to learn a little bit about what we feel about how things are going and we talk about everything from disciplinary process, to recruitment of minority officers and i think that sounded helpful and i want to thank the sergeant for allowing us to come out there and dr. monroe taking us out there and introducing us all to the numbers. >> commissioners? >> okay. >> dr. marshal? >> just want to mention it really nice, and you are director of the departments and the chief and we had a ceremony
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saluting the graduates out of public housing today. and the down stairs and really nice, but on the mayor and put on the mayor's office of the neighborhood services and they asked me to mc and the chief was there, and this is a very day that the young people got the scholarships and a number of them and the families came out and as i told them, they were as a signal attached to public housing you know? that you... and i can just say the certain streets and the neighborhood and you can say ain't no way and so for these young people to pull it together and move on and to be celebrated by the city and as they were, and it was, and it was sort of like tonight there was a great feeling in the... and i told them and everybody still good and the chief feels good because we don't want to worry about you because we want to salute the young people and
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thank you for being there and i know that you like seeing that. >> and this is great. and the speeches by the kids were unbelievable when you think of what they went through to get to graduation, and then, the one girl is going to ucla and the other one is going, i mean, it is, they are great kids. >> thank you. >> commissioner loftus. >> yes, and so similarly two exciting events this last week, the first one was actually just a celebration of a great public servant and yeah, marie blitz and she had a city attorney and we got to celebrate her and the city attorney was there and mayor was there and it was nice to acknowledge that service and i got to bring my girls and they got to hear about how she was one of the women at the chicago law school and for my girls it was unimaginable for
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them and it reminds me to how far we have come and what a pioneer she was and it was great to be able to celebrate her. >> and there was another opening of the children's advocacy center, which is the same building that we are in, which is a great partnership to respond to children who have been abused and so sexual and physical abuse, and interview was done by the police in the district attorney office is there and the folks from hhs and so it is a response to horrific trauma in one place and so my colleagues, cathy xaxter and abigail, and the child abuse prevention center and tremendous support by the police department and captain and the team out there and the da barrette and i just wanted to acknowledge that because it is very difficult work that they do, and they are beginning to utilize that space and be able to investigate those cases and told the offenders accountable and it was an
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exciting moment. commissioner wong? >> actually i hosted a welcome lunch and i wanted to introduce to the non-profits in that area and everyone came away so impressed by the captain and there is e-mails since that meeting that he has been invited to and probably a dozen of forums and he has agreed to go to the mall and i have two e-mails as we are sitting here and he invited me and i don't know if there is a way to do with the commission which is the july second. and he is holding a large community forum in china town and they are expecting several hundred to attend and it is not in the community meeting but it is having it on the night of july second. and it might be a good opportunity and i thank you for the occ to also go out and make
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a presentation. next week i am going with sergeant pete shields of the special investigation's division and we are flying out to attend the national hate crimes conference. and i will be presenting two trainings there one on the police commissions and one on training for law enforcement and the investigate of hate crimes. >> thank you. >> we are going to meet marie blihz and she showed up and you know, being in the non-lawyer here and we did it through all kinds and we motion and eliminate and the things through here and marie has had me through many, many things and just the happy retirement to her, and be able to say that publicly and i know that all of the commissioners feel that way. >> and i want to thank commissioner loftus, and i forgot about it when we were there and it was just
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incredible and marie, i said this when i spoke she was never wrong and it was great to have her guiding us through the process and so the public knows that we have a city attorney here cathy, who is our city attorney with reference to the policy and procedures as we go through the commission hearing and then what you don't see is in closed session when we deal with the disciplinary matters involving officers, very, very delegate balance between the officers who have been accused of the occ with the transparency and the public trust and the integrity of this police department and she was always sitting in that chair and guiding us through to make the right decision and that we will be out there to protect the public and so i want to thank her and she was great and by the way, the highlight of the event was the loftus girls, they were great. >> and is a lot of hugging, and they were good and they had fun, so thank you, marie. >> commissioner dejesus? >> and i had to bow out because i had surgery but i did call
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her and tell her how outstanding of an attorney she was and how well respected she was and how i appreciated everything that she has done for me as well as the commission and guiding us through the hairy process and she will be missed and she was an excellent, excellent lawyer. >> all right, do you want to call line item 2 d? >> commission announcements and schedule of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings action nexteding wednesday the 18th, there is a third meeting and so there will not be a commission meeting and then, on the 25th, we are going to the community, and in the richmond district. and the commission will meet in the richmond district at procidio mission school, in san francisco on wednesday, june 25th at 6:00 p.m. to hear the comments from the public and richmond station captain simon
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silverman concerning public issues in the richmond district. >> thank you and for scheduling purposes, i am going to ask, how are we doing on the first amendment issue and social media, are we getting close? >> yes. >> you think that we are in september, maybe? >> okay. >> and then with reference to actually, my thoughts were triggered by director hick's comments regarding the cameras. is that what you were going to speak about. >> i think that all of the commissioners are interested and the chief is working on that, where are we at with reference to our officers being equipped with cameras? >> yeah, this and so the pilot is just about ready to go and we got through the contractual issues, and now we are just finalizing the policy with the poa. >> so there is a commission is there a projected? >> i will say that certainly within the next six weeks. >> okay, great. >> certainly. >> commissioners anything else that you would like to add >> yes. >> so, and this is, you know, some of this is my ignorance and i was reading in the
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newspaper that ab&b, decided to evict somebody that had been there for 30 days that was behind on the rent and they called the police department and the police evicted the person on the spot and so i just, it just raises a lot of legal issues in my mind because, you know, a certain amount of time, tenant rights get involved and i am not sure the law is as black and white as the newspaper said it was and i just, i just want to know, have we looked into it and are you going to look into the policy whether or not the police officers are going to decide who has to be evicted from the homes and not be evicted and especially on the spot and i am thinking without any type of judicial notice or paperwork of an actual eviction. and i just think that it is a gray area and i just think that it is something that we need to discuss. >> well, we are going to follow up on that. >> right, and i was going to say maybe, the city attorney and i am sure that you have already done this and i think that as the commission, we need to think about liability of the department, and in terms of making those kind of moves and
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potential lawsuits that may flow from that, and just where we stand on that and if that is really what the department, and resources should be spent on. >> well, again, the evictions per se on our jurisdiction and we don't do them any way but i am happy to look deeper into this particular case. >> do you have anything further? >> no. >> this is time for public comment, on-line items two abc&d. >> public comment? >> juicy, welcome back. you are smiling tonight. >> yes. well, i was hoping to get here at 5:30, but juicy and i am glad to are here tonight, out in this, and i missed last week, and the last week, but a lot of stuff out there tonight,
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and it makes me i am learning more that there is a chief report and there is occ director report and the commissioner, and all of the information that i basically pick up has been like, and you like the different things, that when you, and i feel living in the sro and a lot of us don't really know the work of police officers, and on the commission, because, and as i read some of the reports, that they have you, and the thing that they have called in the occ a report and we jump in the station and you want to make a report and you feel like they don't really want to take the report and i don't know and you just leave, or i am going to 24 hours there, from 12:00 to like 7:45 that morning and i read the whole book. and it was like, sometimes you don't really know and it is the station and in your neighborhood, is there for you, and you feel like, you go to make a complaint, or this, and you get to the person back, or
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that you stopped them. and we will kind of confuse and i feel like i really need to be here, more often so that i can i don't have a criminal background, yet, i hope that i not to, but i feel like sometimes people have more and they have more experience with the criminal and they kind of out smart and they say things and do things i mean that i don't know and i will have to learn by experience and trial. and so, tonight i really want to talk about how how i ended up getting here from like, from 2010, the first time that i got and i went to the bay breakers and then i was like going out and chasing and i was like wait a minute and... (inaudible) why did i get, mugged on the church. and i had to find out to learn, what this violence is about and how do you... and how do you identify and how do you see it? and i was a mentor to the young
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guy who was like, a mentor and this was the mentor and he was so mad because i was happy and a lot of people are angry because i am a happy person. and so i plan on happiness attract non-happiness, and i am just i am really going to learn a lot about, you know, the police commissioner, and the department, and our rights, and i think that i would love, the path that also more people and the sros and i notice that you all spoke about, the public, and for our housing, and for our people. and children, and just, and i feel that we are the ones that need to have that, because everyone sees us on market street, before anything. >> thank you. >> thank you, juicy. >> thank you for coming juicy. >> yeah? >> first, i thank miss dejesus for using the microphone and at some given time there is a lot
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to ask the public at large that listen intently when you are two and a half feet from your mic i bring that to your attention and very briefly i want to discuss the occ cases received. having two adjudications out of about 60 is pretty much low record, based on a number of complaints that i see and based on the type of a complaint and not taking a police report or filling out an improper police report, those can be considered felonies by the police department. and they should be looked at very closely. i have been in cases myself, where the police refuse to take the report or you have the relic of a stream at them to take the report, they didn't want to write a report. and the other side of the coin is that i have seen also the police handle all of the altercations in the street and i was involved in one a week
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ago and the guys were pounding on the car and he tried to punch me and i called 911 and three police officers came out and within ten minutes, i had them in a paramedic unit. and they did not lay a hand on him. this guy was out of control and his face was bloody and all of that, and i don't know if you filled out a report or what? but, we have been over this list to see that, the chief of police adjudicated two reports out of 60-some. i see this as kind of an error in itself. if you look at percentages, and in terms of people that have to go out and fill out a report, they are not going to do it unless they are very excited about something that did not happen or did happen, and you take the report and say, hey, we invest gated it and you have no cause. brutal handcuffing, i have been involved in that. some of these police officers don't know how to put the handcuffs on. they try to destroy your wrist
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in doing it. with no provocation. so, looking at these, i think that the occ, should do a better job in bringing this to the attention of this board, and in terms of compliance, and in terms of percentages that would match some proper authority relative to these complaints because two and 60 does not do anything. and i thank you for your time on this matter. >> any further public comment? >> hearing none, public comment is now closed. call the next line item. >> line item 3, discussion and possible action regarding the sale of property located at 2300 third street, per police commission resolution 12-18. and action. >> thank you, and commissioners just a little background before we hear the speaker tonight, for those of us who were around before, this deals with an issue involving the old station, southeastern station,
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that was processed in 2012, and we learned in the commission and we learned the responsibility support and the commission had a long discussion about what we are going to do with it and so it is an old relic and a beautiful old building and the police department was willing and we voted and agreed, after actually two sessions, because commissioners kind of taken off guard by it and that would be turned over to the city for it to be leased but to be leased to an entity that was related to the crime prevention and something relevant to law enforcement, and what the commission feel comfortable, and what we are being told is that the building is not in the appropriate condition to be leased and now the city wants to sell it and now we want the permission to do so and that is not something that we should
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vote on and that is not something that we will do as a commission, and before you go into the presentation, i know in this crazy real estate market, i don't know if you have any sellers or purchases identified but this is a historic police station and we need to look at this carefully and it is not something that the commission does on a nightly basis and so having said that, it is yours. >> thank you, mr. president, and members of the commission, chief, director, and john, up dike, director of real estate and good evening, and so, let me give you a little further background, to get you up to speed, and do all of you have memorandum? and so let me just highlight the points of that and roll into the recommendation for your consideration and as you mention it is two years ago that we are here to discussion and two separate meetings and because it was a weighty subject and the fate of the old station and at that time, the commissioner authorized the lease, of the facility. just a few months after that,
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unfortunately, we had a fire started by some folks adjacent to the building and the fire in the weeds and got up into the roof line of the building, caused some p considerable damage to the building, and after that, ironically we then received the approval to move forward with the project from the department of planning and the issuance of the general plan referral and kind of the first key step in the process, and legislatively to authorize a sailor a lease of a property. and after that, we began our discussions in the community, to see what interest was out there, to lease the property, talking with the developers and talking with the non-profit organizations and we heard very strongly from both the chief and the commission that a non-profit use would be ideal if we could secure that and the issue came up time and again the capitol need. and while we were doing that, we were investigating the cost to get the property in the
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condition where we could safely walk into the property with a prospect. >> and as it turned out it was just giving the dwatering and we have a considerable amount of water has been for years, spring not too far away and it does not help that situation. and the other verm in, and so we had the infestation issues and clean up resulting from that and we had lose and we had led paint issues and this is not, and so the person can take over the premises without putting on a breathing apparatus and so it is very hard to market the property if we can't get to that status. so as the memo indicates we are looking at the cross range
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between 200,000 to just get in the door and look at the property. and so, that is not necessarily an sob obstacle if we are looking at a sale can abait that, and we will be happy to engage in that and our difficult is twofold, and so the conversations with the non-profit community and other developers, most felt that the financing will be difficult under the lease scenario, given the capitol required, and the return, just probably was not there for the asset. and there does appear to be interest, in pursuing a purchase, if the fee interest in the property can be obtained and then that capitol infusion and our return on that capitol investment was thought to be decent, and we would likely secure enough money to recover our cost if not something additional beyond that. and it was just the capitol
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lift and it was just appearing to be great. and the interest is slim. what i am here to recommend is really a, and it is a concurrent process of seeking both the leasing and the sale opportunities, and recognizing this as a tough decision, we wanted to respect the commission's direction previously to us to only entertain a lease but given the feedback and given the financial situation we face to bring the building up to some level of showing, of a property, we would like your recommendation to pursue both avenues, and lease and sale on the market, and to effect the necessary improvements needed, and this item between 123,000 to 210,000. and secure the bids. and return to you, with the results of those bids.
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and ultimately, this decision was one by the board of supervisor and authorized the disposition whether by lease or sale and we wanted to come to you and get the feedback and concerns and thoughts and take the appropriate next steps and so happy to entertain the questions that you may have. >> how much is the property worth in this real estate market, given that location which has significantly improved with the arena going in for the warriors and it has changed and we had the conversations here and the commission and the commissioner suggested it become a produce market. because of community and the community has changed what is it worth? >> so we looked to that question, by analyzing how we did on the sale of the adjacent fire station on tennessee. >> and i will recall that that sale occurred about two years ago. >> and it was similar in nature in that it had historic elements and contributing in the structure and so is this one, and it had a need for repairs and about half of the amount estimated here and we
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are thinking that this is a 2 million dollar capitol investment to bring it up to some standard. fire station is about half of that. and the proceeds received from the city from that sale is about $1.3 million, net. and so, that gives you an cater and that size is very similar to the station and so there is a lot of similarities and that is a probable indicator that was two years ago and the acquiring party, has just completed a rezoning process. turning it into what you usually see with the fire station, something with a little bit of commercial or residential element to it and as we have seen a number of fire stations played and they have that appeal and so that gives you a sense and there is not a lot of net revenue here, but with the movement in the market over years, maybe it is a two million dollar figure now and so that gives you a sense that there is at least on the positive side but not by much
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on a sale and i think that it helps perhaps explain how a lease becomes really difficult, financially. commissioner turman? >> thank you, director, i am kind of confused here. because this decision is not really ours. what are we deciding? i mean, why is this... and why not. >> yeah. i mean, why not pass this out to the board of supervisors and let them make this decision? that they want to make? >> this is not,... >> this is not going into, this is, i would assume that the sale and the money from the sale will go into the general fund and it will be disbursed that way, we don't have any control over the, or what we asset from the sale and the ultimate decision as to whether or not to make a sale is that of the board of supervisors and we got a whole agenda, and so
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what are we doing >> we value your input and you have a perception, and we seek the input of the fire commission and the board makes the call but the input is vital and that is why i am here seeking your thoughts on this and the best approach. >> i appreciate that. >> commissioner loftus? >> thank you. >> for your presentation and for taking the time to come and it is interesting, this is before my time on the commission but i watched this hearing in preparing to go to figure out what happened on this commission and i just happened to watch this one and so what really came across and i appreciate you coming back on the sense that this is a property that we value and especially on a community like bay view dog patch and i think that those concerns for my perspective have been
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exaserbated and i am sure that there are hungry developers, and my sense and i think that you make a good argument about wanting to have more options and i can understand wanting that flexibility and my sense would be having in the bay view we did a capitol improvement project on a property that we leased that was over 3 million dollars and so i think that again, you know, there are folks who are motivated, who would potentially invest as a lease and amortize that over a longer term lease and i do not in any way mean to suggest that i am a real estate expert compared to you but you are asking for a decision, i think that we should my thought now, if we were asked was to stick with the direction that the commission had given and maybe we can bring it back and give us time to think about it and talk about it like i said and my initial reaction is that and appreciate more time. >> i agree. you know, you are asking us about whether we don't have a
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