tv [untitled] June 12, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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from 8 percent up to 20 and then back down to 8 percent once he was arrested. >> just out of curiosity, what are the dispositions like for these types of crimes. >> in this instance here, he was given two strikes and he was given five years probation. and some drug deversion. >> okay. no custody time? >> no custody time. >> okay. >> so, as we, as i said earlier that the property crimes is the one that i am the most pleased with and i think that if we can continue on that trend, that we will be doing much better, than we were last year. the other reason that i think our crime numbers are down is when we talk about the traffic and pedestrian safety. i know that i had a discussion with commissioner mazzucco some time late last year about the traffic and some of the issues that we are having, obviously, late in the year and early in january. with the pedestrian fatalities
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that were happening. it was a hot topic, and the department rightfully so, bought into the vision zer oso that we can definish the number of collisions that occurred down to zero in a number of years and currently, when the com stat gave me the numbers through the first quarter, we are even with where we were last year but i also know that in january and february we had a number of incidents that occurred, especially in the northern district on two high corridor areas, that being lombard street and murder on polk and ellis of the young girl and lombard is an interstate where we often have collisions. but what we did is we asked the officers to refocus themselves on their traffic enforcement and their traffic education, and addressed it with the community through my newsletters and through the community groups that i went to.
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constantly, asking them to be aware of what we were doing, and what they were doing on the streets, so we can be cognoscente of the way that they drive, the pedestrians on the street. the bicyclists and to try to be a cohesive kind of network without be antagonistic and we began to run, two to three operations a week that were traffic and education enforcement, and at least, one or two pedestrian stings each month, and some of which you might have seen in front of city hall because sometimes the people don't want to stop for the people in the crosswalk. and the bi weekly newsletter and increased focus for the officers and you can see that in december, the officers at northern station issued about 345 citations, and in march and april, that number was up to about 1100. and i believe right now, northern station leads each district station in the amount of citations that they issue each month. i think that at the end of the year, we will be able to look and see whether that has an impact between the education and the number of citations that were issued. and i think that it was
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important with that to know that when we do these, it is not about going out and writing citation and doing it and we have an education point and we do a lot that don't become tickets because it is not about writing our way out of this problem and it is about educating the public. and sometimes we have to, but we do just as much education as we do, the issue of citations. okay. in the third part of this we talked just a few minutes about the community and the youth engagement and i want to give you an idea of what we are doing in the northern district, this past year, we have continued to engage with the community on a lot of the community efforts. the community center, some of you may know, davis who runs the magic and that their northern station has a big come poen nept of how the things work with the individuals and the boys and girls that go to the health community center and a lot of them also go into the ymca and the after school program and tal and in the past
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year, northern station partnered quite often with then, the captain lazar of the academy now at central station where we had the officers that were in training, coming to the after school programs, both, at least once a month or sometimes twice a month and did the backpack give away where they gave away 2,000 backpacks away in the western edition and it culminated two months ago and we had a big jamboree and the whole purpose behind that was not only to have the officers from the northern station who also went and worked at the actual program with reading and playing ball and helping with the homework, but to bring the recruits that were not in the police uniform yet and they were wearing the blue uniform but they knew what the responsibility was for the community when they came out. and to really see, an officer who was at the academy and then graduated and came to the northern station and saw that
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he was able to work with and now wearing a different uniform and so i have eight of those officers currently at northern and they have run into some of those youth and that has been a real positive thing. and the chief obviously is big in the pal and we met earlier in this year, and northern station, partnered with pal to both coach the giants this summer, and to work with the spring football conditioning program, where we had the youth from throughout the city, which can be a challenge, especially if you bring them to the western edition and they are from the other locations in the city where we had the officers that were there so that the kids could be engaged with each other and get in conditioning for the football that was going to happen at the end of the year and i am sure that we will be doing it again at the end of the summer and that just ended at the end of this week because they are going into a new program and looking forward to working with them as we move forward. >> the last couple of things that we are looking forward to and have done, the officers are involved with the sf safe and i know that some of the members
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are here and we have a great relationship with them and they have the cops and kids reading program and it comes every quarter and i go and read and the officers go and read to the youth that are there and so that they see us in the environment that is different from what they might otherwise see us at different times. and there is a boys and girls club in san francisco that is going to be coming in the northern district and i am excited about that and it will be a few blocks from here and i met with the director and i know that she knows the boys and girls club from his time at bay view, and i am looking forward to having our officers work with the boys and girls club there as that opens up probably later on this year. next one? >> and there are two individuals that are here tonight, that i would like to point out that are important, the first one is i know, commissioner loftus introduced catalon, and could you stand up for just a second, karen is the neighborhood district attorney and she has been assigned to the northern station, now for about 6 months, and i think that it is a program that has
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worked very well for us and she helps the community engagement and the problem solving and comes to my advisory board meetings and she helps us with the vertical prosecution and whenever there are cases and i have the investigators that have the questions about something that is or is not working with the investigation and she is there to help out. and she also works obviously with the neighborhood court referral. and she took over for mark, who was the prior neighborhood district attorney and she is fit in seamlessly at northern station and i am really happy that she was able to be here tonight, thank you. >> thank you. >> and the second one is megan, and could you stand up? >> she is our newest deputy city attorney and megan is, and has come on board, about three months ago and she has been wonderful with some of the things that we have done and we have had a couple of problem locations that have plagued the northern district and a couple of addresses that i continually hear about for either the code
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enforcement or some other issues and karin jumped right on those two areas, and has been working very well with my permit officers and my officers to try to address those. and she obviously deals with the civil litigation and public nuisance and the advice on civil matters and comes to all of the board meetings and that relationship has been great. and i look forward to working with her and the city attorney's office as we try to address some of those locations. so megan? thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i also have with me tonight, as we finish up my community police advisory board for me is one of the most important components that i have at northern station and my community board who are here, could you stand up? >> i have 15 and there are 5 of them here. and what they do for me is in my opinion can't be measured.
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they come from virtually all of those ten neighborhoods that i mentioned to you in the beginning whether it is from the marina or the cal hollow or japan down they come together with me each month and we talk about the issues that are they northern station and help me to help to solve those problems and they are also a conduit for the concerns that they have. and they helped me in august, and they obviously work with the city wide, cpap summit and comes to the cop and reading program and a couple of them have read with me and obviously we have the liaison here with us and it helped us on two specific things that i just want to point out quickly and one is a community walk and we had one schedule for next i am sorry a week and a half from now, and what that is i mentioned to you last year that i think that it is important when there is community concerns for myself, and my permit officers and my housing officers, and the sector cards to go out to that community, where those individuals live,
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and walk that community with them for about an hour so that they can point out the problems that they see, and they can put a name to the face and they can talk to you about the real issues that they have. the advisory board has been great with that because they have come in all of the walks and we have had them in the lower valley, and upper polk and one at lower polk that comes up in a week and a half and the second thing that they are great on is the anti-theft campaign and the chief knows as we talked about last year is that the auto thefts were plaquing the northern and about three months ago we had a program that was started with the prior captain who did a fantastic job to come up with a sticker that we can place on the parking meters to see if we can avoid and provide education to the public and we went out in the beginning of march and portioned them all for ourselves throughout the japan town area and we are tracking it so we can see where it goes from the first three months of the year to the second three months of the year to see where the numbers go so that we can have it. and they all came out and
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posted them, and thankfully, i have greg here from japan town and he is a big proponent of it and helped us to keep the stickers on there and tracking whether those numbers go. so to my advisory board, i know that you were schedule to come last week and i appreciate you coming tonight and i can't say enough about what you helped me with at northern station. >> the last thing that i am going to leave you with tonight is the goals for the northern station for 2014. obviously i would like to see a crime reduction of 5 percent, currently that number over all is at 9 percent and i hope that we can continue that and if we go in the positive trend that we are and i think that we are doing good and i think that it can be better, last year, we wanted the same one and we were not able to make that goal, but we are on track for it and we are going to push hard for it. the traffic collision reduction as we talked about and we have done a number of things for education and enforcement and we will be tracking it to see whether or not what we have done at northern station has had an effect on the number of collisions that have come out.
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and as i said right now we are even for the year and i am anxious to see where we go through the summer and the months as we continue on. station training, this continued to make sure that the officers at northern station have all of the training that they want and need and especially with the crisis intervention as we talked about and the other training opportunities that make them the best officers that they can be, and the chief has talked about it and wanted to give them the tools to be successful and i think that the training is a big component of that and i have the officers seek out the training that they think will help them and when it is appropriate and for them to have that at that training. and i want them to have it and we do it. the other training that we do is we go out and we help and train and educate the public and when we go to the meetings it is training about how protect yourself and how you can avoid being a victim of a crime, and we will continue to do that at all of the community meetings that we go to. and the last thing is, to continue in our community engagement. and i know as i said in the beginning, that the community is here tonight and some
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support and some not in support, but i think that it is important that we hear and that i hear the concerns that they have and we will then continue to engage the community, whenever they address the problems with me. and one of the most recent problem areas in the northern district is not far from here and it is the lower polk area and we talked about that i am going on a community walk next week and it is in an area that borders between the tender loin and the central and the northern district and it is right on the district border. and the chief knows that we are kind of working on redistricting and trying to see where those numbers are. but, because that area boarders on 3 districts, it is sometimes difficult and challenging to police. but, it is changing, quite a bit, and some of you may have seen in the paper that there is a bid that is coming in to the lower polk area and the district improvement district with the ambassadors and i think that is an area that we need to focus on with the community to try to help to solve some of the problems that continue to effect them, day in and day out. >> so, with that, i thank you
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for the opportunity to come and speak to you tonight and i am more than happy to answer the questions that you may have and i am looking forward to hear what the community has to say and know that i will be here after for any individual questions, that they may have. >> thank you very much, captain, that is very thorough, presentation. and it is good to see that the numbers are down in certainly areas, what we do at this point is we have the community public comment, but, if the commissioners want just real quick, questions if you have them for the captain before the community speaks? i would like to have the quick ones, if not we will wait for the community is done. >> perfect. >> great, so now it is time, inspector monroe called for public comment and i can see that ace cannot wait to get up there. neflt he is not the only one. >> ace is making friends and ace is on the case. >> ace. >> i have to tell you something. >> stop bothering the dog.
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>> line item 5, public comment. >> give it a second. >> the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter and jurisdiction of the commission and shall address the remarks to the commission as a whole and not the individual commissioners or the personnel, during the public comment, no the personnel or commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response, individual commissioners and police, and mostly the occ personnel should refrain from entering into debates or discussions with the speakers during public comment and limit your comments to three minutes. thank you. >> you are on ace. >> glad to be here but it is no way that i can express my concerns in three minutes. i am not impressed, not at all, and i am not here to impress
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you. but i am here to impress on you the issues that we have in the western edition, the fillmore, where i call the feel no more and you call the northern station and i am appalled, and i came up here many years ago and even when the captain madox left and expressing concerns to you all about the way that we as african americans, black negros and we are in this new thing and we are track and they have come up with a new name that you will hear about us and i am appalled at this captain and this is the closest that i have been to him in a year, the last time that he came and spoke, he said ace let me give you my card. i have not been able to sit down with the captain, i go there the northern station and disrespected by the people down there, who is in charge here? they back up like, we don't want to answer us, and another thing that i am appalled off, when i webt went to one of
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these meetings and three people there. and i had asked the officer, why in the hell are one of the african americans were shot 60 feet from your door and it took over an hour to come and do you know what his response was? ace we are in the middle of a shift change, you want us to come out there in our drawers? >> yeah, i want an investigation on that. chief, you need to come out to the northern station and i am appalled that you even move there and not the northern station and all of the people are dissatisfied with what is going on, and i am appalled to talk about this board that you have here, and did you notice that not one african american negro is on the board and there is another board that they met with that involved cheryl davis and townsend and who else is on the secret board and i am kind of upset now because i have put my records together and the people on that board is to watch out for the people like myself and activists but i am here to stand up and say i have
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weathered the storm marshall, commissioner you have known and i have been during this commission as longs you have been here, and this is unacceptable and disrespectful that you don't come in our community and it is disrespectful that the black community that we have the police and we don't have no relationship with the police. i was here when we had the police board and i am appalled, and you get a f. and northern station gets an f. ask if he met with us and the black people and not the people in the city and mentioned davis and the more magic got an f, d this year, and that does not mean that is serving our community. and i am sick and tired of you all, and i am sick and tired of coming up here. i want you to come to the community. to get this, don't mean nothing, the community don't know what is going on and i have three seconds and you tell me that the time is up. the time is up for this bs, and i got to come up here and i don't get paid to come up here.
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>> ace... >> sir, ace. >> your time is up. >> your time is up. >> yes, sir. >> okay. >> okay. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good evening, commissioners my name is david roveos. >> say your name again? >> hold on. >> you are fine. >> wait until he leaves. >> all right. >> my wife and i actually reside in do business in captain mceachern's district and lower polk and we have a liquor license and a consulting business, located and head quartered there.
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>> i apologize, my wife and i actually live in his district, where on lower polk we own a liquor licensing consulting business there and our family also owns a building in the triangle where we had the problems in the past and actually interim chair of part of the triangle which is a group that addresses the concerns in the triangle area. and we meet on an adhoc basis. and whenever there are concerns that the community has regarding crime or trespassing or you know, destruction of private property and so forth and we have meetings and since the captain has come here, we have not had any reasons for meetings and they have seen a lot more police presence and we are pretty busy out there with the campaign madox was there, but since he has come out here he has met with us and we had a size able meeting at his police station and after that meeting
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that was the last meeting that we had because he addressed the concerns that everybody brought up there. and so, we are totally happy with him and his work and he is very responsive, i mean, i can't speak for other folks, but i know what when i sent him an e-mail he responds very quickly, and addresses our concerns and i am very pleased with the work that he is doing and i hope that he stays on there for a while and i also want to say that this is my belief, that i think that since the police department is the best in the nation, thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker? >> good evening, sir. >> good evening. my name is michael cameron. and i live in the tender loin and i am right there on the border line of far ral and larkin and we have an area which infested with drugs and
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right there on the border line where it seems like the drug dealers know exactly where to be at because at one given time you can see on the market like 20 drug dealers out there selling drugs and so, before we get that and is that we have got over 100 signatures of are concerned about this particular area and we have a park. right there in the corner where in that area just 4,000 children and yet, parents are afraid to take their children there to go and play. because like, 9 months ago, we had like three shootings, back-to-back. and you know, it is a shame that we have all of these children and yet, parents are afraid to take their children to go and play, because this is right on the border line. and so, you see, on the lark inand we will get it to the right and once in a while, they
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come through and they look and you know, it might stop for a while. but, it is like a major concern because my heart, my children are grown, but my heart bleeds for the parents because when you have the young children, especially young males, and they come out of school and they want to scream and shout, and get all of that energy out and you know, they go to the amount and they are told to be quiet because you don't want to disturb your neighbors and so we could like, that area the potential in the northern police departments come together and really work that area, and make it safe for like all of us and especially for our children. thank you. >> mr. cameron, what, could you tell us the area again, please? >> i did not hear the area. >> it is tender loin, right there on the border line of far
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ral and larkin and there is a park on the corner and it is amazing that they have a toilet place right there when they turn at, and you know and then you have an alley where people go and urinate and this is all in front of children. >> is this the sergeant mckully park? >> it is technically the tender loin police district? >> no. it is the border line of both of them. >> okay, i see. >> you know, right there in the farle, if you are east of that you are tender loin if you go west of that you are northern. >> did you say that you have a document? >> yes, i have the signatures here. >> sure. >> thank you, sir. >> okay.
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excuse me. >> all right, then. thank you. >> next speaker? >> i see that we will give additional time, we have interpreter here with the speaker. i recognize from my days of the hall of justice, how are you and good to see you again. >> [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> good evening, my name is marina and i belong to the organization called labos latin o the latin voice. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> and the mothers and young people and residents. >> [ speaking in a foreign language ] . >> workers and business people. and tender loin. our neighborhood has 4,000 children and 3 schools.
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the violence and the drug activity in and surrounding the district border between the police district of tender loin and northern stations are larkin street is a grave concern, a major concern. we ask that the district captains of both stations work with us in order to develop a safety plan and to work with the community for its immediate implementation of such a plan. i would like to add something.
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we would like you all to provide us with ideas, as to how we can work together with the police. in order to improve this neighborhood of larkin. where there is a lot of violence. and i am very sad to realize that the violence is committed by the people of hispanic background because i am latin myself. and i would like you all to provide us with ideas as to what we can do as an organization. in order to improve the district and where we live.
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to have a healthier and quieter lifestyle. >> very grateful ahead of time for this request that imposing to you all. thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> thank you. >> if we could have a moment and maybe get the captain for just a quick second, sorry. >> i realize what we are talking about is the district only has a small bit of the tendyer loin and i know that you have pointed out that specifically in an area that is right on the border bye-bye , by the park and we do touch upon it and maybe you or the chief could give the public a little idea of what is going on in that area and what we could do and some suggestions. >> yeah, as i mentioned
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earlier, in the presentation, that is an area where i have received a number of e-mails, calls, about crime and activity that ends up flowing from one side of the border to the other currently the northern station has both sides of larkin street and when you go east of that it is the tender loin and a lot of these individuals, whether they are committing violent acts or selling narcotics which is usually inner related in that area, it becomes a concern for the community that is down there and so, i have had conversations with captain turner as a matter of fact and we had the discussions yesterday about that and i think that it is important that we both get together and collaborate with the community, and i will give them my card tonight so that we can have the real meaningful meetings about not only how we can address it from the law enforcement but what we need from the community for some of the businesses and some of the residents that there are to buy in with some of the things that they can support us with, to help to try to address that problem.
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and so i will be giving my card to them and i will speak to the captain and we will get a more collaborativive meeting with those groups so that we can address it. one of the challenges is that the narcotics activity does fluctuate into both of those and sometimes we will see that we can make a number of arrests and i know that the captain has made just in that area, at least 70 narcotics arrest and we have made just as many and sometimes it becomes not necessarily a resolving door but they get replaced and it gets moved about and we have to look at things besides the arrests because it is difficult to arrest our way out of that situation, there are other things that we need to work with with the community to try to get those addressed, and we will. >> and we can throw any resources that both captains can share from the hall and join with our federal partners to do an operation, in the eastern end of the tender loin earlier in the year and we can put together an operation
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