tv [untitled] June 13, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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enough. i support this resolution and thank you for your time and leadership >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> good afternoon. i'm john president of the taco group and the come over we support the mayors resolution. just to add some real life details talk about 6 hundred senior tenants in yerba buena over the years 3 of them were killed in a traffic accident in our neighborhood and another dozen or so were injured severely to be hospitalized and some w will not walk again. it's a serious matter. i want to note the importance of one tool that you have
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consistently as you approve major projects it's mitigations. the one group of pco officers that's the group, of course, working at the ball park on fourth and king i see them frequently they do is good job. you might know that was in fact a mitigation part of the project of the ball park to build the giant stadium and proved it's value clear up. i hope you'll connect the dots between this topic on the other hand, and our presentation about the moscone center eir and we ask you to make sure when it comes back to you this fall are going to be built as a condition of building the expansion of the stadium. this is the fastest way to get this built there's a funding
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source. the long term planning processes for citywide improvements are wonderful but slow. and their implementation is subject to funding availability and can often take 10 years or longer before you see presented on our board actually turns into concrete and translates in the real world. so mitigations are a great tool we're going to be before you on this one project but other future projects as well on south of market you're going you to get the pedestrian safety built into our neighborhood >> thank you. is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed. i want to thank the plaintiff and dph for the details of what's been happening. i appreciate the equality was
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raised as an issue in pedestrian safety we see as you stated most of the pedestrian fatalities and injuries are in filling ma and chinatown just last year in 2013 in november and december 3rd seniors were killed no chinatown. i think in addition to recognizing that kind of entity issue we need criteria for funding there's a desire to get more revenue overall for pedestrian safety but we need to look at the criteria also. commissioner antonini >> i very much agree with the speakers that brought up the points it is summarized by some of the things education improvements and mitigation. education first for bicyclists it is very frustrating that we spend a lot of money and build
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bike lanes and bicyclists avoid those lanes i'm talking about pa trolley drive as the a dangerous street and makes it difficult for drivers we've created co-sponsor bit as a pearl street upper market most of it is market and there's a short stretch where bicyclists have to share with cars and co-sponsor bit is a private street and not as steep actually as upper market and the same on maic drive we clear out our cars from 4 to 6 in the evening evening and all of a sudden there's a bottleneck topping the right lane there's parallel streets to maic but i'm happy to support
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the bike lanes but have education and inclines of citing of bicyclists that race down a hill i can't see a bicyclist and you're panicking you realize there's a bicyclist there. so that's it that's part of it and in terms of improvements one of the reasons you have frustration and people get hit is turn red being able to turn on red or cars moving at the same time of pedestrians is very frustrating for drivers and pedestrians alike because by the time the pedestrians come in there's not enough time to make the turn. the system that used downtown is around the financial district you have walk in all sdrishgsz and walkers sees and traffic
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moves in one direction and then the other direction there's never a time when cars and pedestrians are in the intersections at the same time. and pedestrians are allowed to go diagnosisly across the intersections that should be implemented in many areas of the city perhaps south of market and especially where there's clear we have had streets that come together. and then finally, i think the traffic control officer is a great idea and mitigations where projects are co-founder i'll be supportive including those kinds of things as we move forward for those approvals to make sure their you enough officers that are really active and monitoring those areas. and then in the long term e lurching we need to widen our
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sidewalks whenever we can there's a lot more pedestrians that then in the past that is good the economy is doing welling well, people will be walking more than taking public transit so, you know, but a lot of times the sidewalks and they have to be kept clear we have regulations on sitting and lying in the middle of situations and half the time people are accompanying the sidewalks those have to be kept clear. those are some of my thoughts that's a good program if you want to cut down the number of accidents implementing all those things will help a lot >> commissioner borden. >> yeah. this is a much needed policy i actually live on the market and octavia so because of the fatalities and the issues
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that happen in this stretch of the corridor it helps with beefed-up enforcement. the issue that was raised about funding priorities how we put in interventions but you can't underscore the public education everyone is in a hurry they think that where they need to get is more important than anyone else so around that change of culture people are so focused on their need to get where they need to go and people run across the streets and people jumping in front of buses and cars because they want to get there before the 45 folks on the busses need to go somewhere so the mta around the city we
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can do public awareness campaigns will make a differences. commercial corridors you consider people are walking on them and just not thinking about it, it's important i'm going to move to adapt recommendation to support it >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i'm going to get on any bicyclist i've said this before i think if we're talking about education we need to stepped it a little bit and talk about licensing. i raise this issue back whole thing because i remember as a little kid i had to go through a bicycle course and rental my bilk and had a license plate now i'm told the city can't do that but in one of the slides you're
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considering state legislation perhaps and i encourage the bicycle coalition to think about some kind of formalized system of educating bicyclists and getting them maybe not a license but some requirement some point before they get to ride around the city. i don't know if it helps i think everyone is in a hurry but that might help a lot. i'm not cursing bicyclists from running a red light i ran one once. so i hope that kind of thing is considered. i have a detailed question about the pedestrian lights and the count down system. has that system been approved to works more effectively than having a stop and go system do
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we know? because i think everyone realize when the count down starts everyone is trying to run across the intersection even though they have two seconds but, in fact, that isn't what is supposed to happen >> i can follow-up but there's a federal study done in san francisco that found that count down signals reduce pedestrian injuries. >> okay. that's counterintuitive from what i see downtown but if you have that link and i'll be happy to get that. >> thanks. >> commissioner moore. >> there are laws and then the rule of law we have a problem in the city i'm take the
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opportunity everyone where everybody starts to the law is a suggestion that's what i experienced walking a lot downtown in the running downtown. a lot of it has to do with enforcement observations enforcement and i think education particularly in downtown we have tourist that don't know how we enforce the law i don't want to single out tourist but basically kroegz the streets when the lights are red we're looking we're supposed to look not realizing that red means stop and squeezing through by pedestrians and bicycles the lastly has turned but the cars have not move forward and with bicycles i'm sorry about having
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to see is that for the bicycle coalition but downtown do they decide to go as pedestrians or at the head of cars moving and those interpretations case center problems it's really important we sync up with each other the right turn on red. but that includes cars not pulling half into the pedestrian walk then forces the pedestrians to walk in the flow of traffic. i see literally every combination of whatnot to do there are many, many sublets and we need the education and ultimately a larger win for everyone. in the end perhaps slowing down the movement of cars that is
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more compatible with pedestrians that is one of the ways that europe cities manage the interface the signals and movement. commissioner hillis >> i agree there's been pads on the back of the buses imagine our grandmother on the bus is that part of our effort. >> i'm pretty sure that was led by mta in a previous round so right now as part of the effort there's a committee that is lead by mta and rolling out a new campaign. >> i think, you know, it's confusing out there those days a lot of red and green paving and
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diagonal situations the last time i took a drivers training class you've got to educate people it gets confusing out there and it's a cultural shift people should not be able to give each other the finger (laughter) cars are giving pedestrians the finger there should be a chapter on giving each other the finger. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. commissioner hillis i know one never gets combortsdz enforced a pedestrian is not supposed to enter a crux police do it you don't want to wait i
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got caught once didn't get a ticket but a motorcycle cop pulled me over and said there was a pedestrian that stepped off a curb but you made our turn after they stepped off the curve it's state law and i thought maybe i made a right turn but there's routine laws around that to prevent a lot of this from happening but no one is out there enforcing it. >> commissioner antonini. >> what you have signals and a pedestrian which pits red and they walk in the middle of the red is another reason for fatalities you try to be as
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observe occupant as possible maybe a lot of times they can be blocked off my cars and oftentimes those are people that obviously seem to know better but feel the lights don't apply to them and step out whenever it is red or green. >> commissioners there's a motion and second on the floor to adapt the proposed resolution. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden >> commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong >> commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> the commission will regular hearing nor thursday, june 12, 2014. like to remind the must be of the audience to vines my mobile
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device. commissioners you've left off on item 15 the production and distribution and repair informational presentation. >> good afternoon, commissioners steve with the planning staff this is a great way to celebrate how far this sector has come and talk about the place in the eco system what is the distribution repair that's a term of arts that cluster a wide range of activities p is about production making things whether arts, clothes. buildings, distribution is about
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motorcycling things around people and utilities and mending things cars and furniture. what are some of the characteristics or p dr it can't compete that san francisco it can't afford to build new spaces the rents are not high enough to justify construction it is typical denser so the city in many cases supports the transit investments. pdr use have conflicts too much noise and smell certainly it's much better back in the day when there were smokestacks and whatnot today sit flowerpots and
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things people are still making noise and furniture typically it's not comparable with residential but more capable with offense this is a wide section so some uses can be useful pdr didn't have a daily convenience like coffee and newspapers so it may not be co- existing you can't offshore our plump or car repair or deliver and ouch they need to be in the city. what's the roll of pdr many the three economy tech and tourism bring intoern money into san francisco and pdr helps to get the produce and you need hotel maintenance and the main reason that pdr a graft over the
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decades pdr lags beyond economic delivers pdr will be on the upswing when the economy is up it is important to support dry cleaners and a condemns that's necessary for the population. what else about the role of the economy first and foremost pdr typically pays about twice what the minimum range is for retail that's critical we're talking about the same workers 67 percent of the jobs in the pdr sector are for people without a 4 year degree whereas like in office most people have a degree but from an equality standpoint
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those are great jobs so in the san francisco tech tourism and pdrs is one of the most important because it's the great jobs to have without a degree you can work with our hands and not speak english and it's a great deviate. the history of pdr like most western cities not western in the u.s u.s. but manufacturing pdr was the driver of the industry for one hundred years we built ships and my own equipment and shiptd things off there's a great map there's the smokestack in katrero hill. pdr peeblgd in the 70s with one hundred and 65 thousand workers that was a third of the workers
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in san francisco loorsz a shift change 18 people were working at the shipyard. currently we're at the 63 jobs in pdr that represents 10 percent of jobs in san francisco. what happened well suburbiation moved jobs out of the city and in the bay area they moved from san francisco to oakland and land competition jobs moved when the land is the not protected offices and housing yourself the same building. so there wasn't a pull elsewhere but a pull in the city what's the state of the pdr it's strong we see urban manufacturing on the rise now there's over 5
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hundred and 40 manufacturers in san francisco the vacancy rate is low an unhealthy market city manager less than 60 percent. the low vacancy and high rent is the reason we're seeing companies moving out of san francisco one corporation moved out of the san francisco bay area recently. it's led by manufacturing and construction example distribution and swhoefg and transportation and people are not work on their houses so that hurts construction. where are the pdr jobs in the city very surprisingly to see where the pdr jobs overlay that
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with the type of residential districts and districts are pdrs is loud but not protected like in is a autonomy and you're allowed to do pdr there and the protected pdr districts like sally pdr and part of the ports. now the punch line 1/3rd in unprotected and 1/3rd in protected. your plump oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light is not coming from downtown but from his house a lot of pdrs are not located within the pdr district is at any time 2/3rd's are protected 1/3rd in districts that are not in residential districts. so what has planning done to
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protect pdr it has been rezoned. here's a map that shows 12 inch or 5.6 of the city plan is protected this includes 90 acres the red south of market. the confluence of the showcase and then the big cluster that's the waterfront bay area the largest and very important los angeles police department along the ports like all the piers. what else is done we allow pdr in the districts we don't reconclude it from going into pdr districts. we have chocolate on valencia street they choose to be in the neighborhoods why prescribe that
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from happening we've closed gaps in the past. we support new pdr businesses we be are recently came here for legislation for pdr businesses there's pdr reduced fees and we sensitized new work and work with sf dot made on behalf of the pdr sector no sf repair we're happy to work with them but on behalf of the sector it's important to have an organization before there wasn't a unidentified voice to speak to the needs of the sector. what are our next steps we're working with supervisor cowen's office to support legislation to protect pdr if landmark buildings you'll be seeing support pdr new projects that is
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a graphic of the new facility on pier 48 as part of the giants new development as well as the rehabilitation of the new buildings and health department. i have a guess you'll hear about this. this is a picture of the flower mart part of the discussion do i want to see the land redeveloped make sure the flower market is on site that's part of the conversation we're mulling all kinds of idea inquiring new development making sure that central soma maintains an industrial presence because they permitting provide 3 percent of the pdr land but enhances the national feel to the neighborhood. we have legislation to protect
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pdr there's legislation that allows large retail and there are some spaces at risk we've talked about this to supervisor campos office. the next steps the enforcement they're important topic around pdr space. the did not like most planning department's in the world is complaint based and it is overstretched by the amount of complaints to the useful to be talking to folks not having pdrs replaced and finally the recreational study here we're talking about pdr like any conversation it's a recreational topic we're trying to solve all the recreational problems i've been talking to uc berkley where
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the protected land are they all at reflex and so we can have a more informed conversation. with that, i'm going to turn it over to ken rich from the office of economic workforce development they are exist this topic is here and requested a couple which minutes >> i'm ken irish standing in for the director of oewd i wanted to say something ems i spent several years on this i think we largely got it right and glad that we were able to see the results in the hearing. pdr is a topic we care deeply about today unemployment in the city is down to 4.4 p
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