tv [untitled] June 14, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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regular programming. thanks for watching. it will inform holly lee with another list of activities my hope our ready for fun in the sun this week of june it's about the good times on friday june 13th and young museum it moved forward it's after hours. you'll experience an eclectic mix of dancing and art
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exhibition tours have you also wanted to juggle ripley's believable it or not is having a world juggling day just bring our rings or whatever you joulg a it's a great opportunity to jostle for the first time she started on without foundation over and over on riggingly san francisco auditorium the gpr golden gate fists on june 15th the golden gate park hall of flowers will be filled with the flowers and taking queen and king honors the public is given free roses after the show and folks will be on hand to answer our rose related questions.
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that's weekly buzz. for more information visit us a andis now called to order roll call please. >> haney. >> here. >> mendoza. >> here. >> norton. here. >> miss wynns? >> here. >> thank you. >> fewer? >> yes. >> miss wei. >> here. >> and mr. logan. >> here. >> thank you. >> please join me in the pledge
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of allegiance. >> approval of the board minutes, the regular meeting of may 27, and the special meeting for june the 3, may i have a motion and a second. >> i move the adoption of both. >> thank you and any corrections? see none we will call the votes. >> miss wei. >> yes. >> mr. logan. >> yes. >> mr. lany. >> yes. >> miss maufas? >> yes. >> thank you. >> and mendoza mcdonald? >> dr. murase. >> aye. >> miss norton. >> yes. >> wynns. >> aye. >> miss fewer. >> yes. six ayes. >> before i call the next item, i would like to remind the member of the public present that if they wish to address the board of education, the individual can complete a
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speaker card prior to the item being called, the speaker cards will not be accepted for an item already before the board and i would also notify the public tonight that we will be calling general comment after item d, the student delegate's report, thank you very much. >> this is item be, the presentation to the board of education and this is the superintendent report. >> supervisor carranza? >> thank you, president fewer and good evening for everyone, a couple of thoughts for the evening and as you know that summer break began last week and everyone knows that learning never really stops, and especially here in san francisco we love to make our city our classroom all year long. this summer, children are participating in programs where they can learn everything from cooking to coding, to find out what kinds of classes and camps are out there for our students, join us june 20th at city hall for the day of summer learning event and this event is put
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together by the western edition organization, and supported by our student district the summer matters campaign, and the mayor's office and the supervisor breed's office, dcyf and the san francisco youth commission, there will be activities for children, chances to sign up for programs and more summer learning resources for all of our families, again that is june 20th at city hall, 11:30 a.m. and we look forward to seeing you there. also, last meeting, several scholarship awardees were honored and this evening we would like to recognize more of our scholarship awards and, in particular the winners of the uesf student scholarship. and to recognize these students, i would like to call on president dennis kelley and executive vice president solomen from the united educators of san francisco to share with us who these award winning students are. >> thank you very much
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superintendent carranza. >> we had a celebration in our office to honor the six people who we are awarding this year. and i would just like to read their name into the record for you. first of all was vanessa lee, she told us that she would not be with us tonight. and actually i don't know if any were able to make it tonight. vanessa goes to thurgood marshal high school and i believe is going to davis. carlos via, also received an educational grant award, he is a student at san francisco international. he has been in this country for just two years and brought with him to our office a support group of about 6 at least people. >> teachers, parents. >> we then gave three awards in the honor of our past presidents, for each scholarship, the students are asked to write about the particular area of focus of
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that president. for james ballard, michelle wrote about the involvement of politics in daily life and she is from galeleo high school, and for shelly's award, shining you wrote about the value of being bi lingual and having multiple languages, sandavol was awarded the cent mitchell award and she is from george washington high school and so she talk about technology and the advance of technology, and the hearty award went to madali. perez who went to the school of the arts and is going fwaok go to school in boston at berkeley school of the arts. >> and the richard darling ton award went to claire benacosta and she is also from the school of the arts. thank you. [ applause ] >> and i wanted to thank commissioner maufas for joining
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us in this celebration at the end of the school year thank you. >> thank you president kelley, executive vice president solomen and to the students that were recognized congratulations. i would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the great accomplishment recently of students at thur good marshal high school, who had recently won an award for writing and publishing a book, this was accomplished through a partnership, 826 valencia which is a non-profit organization, they work with one school per year and marshal high school was so honored twice ten years ago and this year. so i would like to ask, i believe that the teacher and an english teacher or i am sorry, a science teacher kevin hartsag is present. are you here? wonderful, i would like to ask him to come to the podium and tell us more about this
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collaboration and an at tlas of being here. >> thank you, superintendent carranza, and thank you board members for giving me this opportunity to present this work of art. i remember just a little bit over ten years ago when at first i had a relationship with 826 valencia and to allow us to go through the work that you have to go through, and you have to go through and pubishers and this year, being so honored and having so many of my students and this book on the unchartered places and it is a book where the students are writing essays and the concept of the place, a place that has some meaning to them and the students wrote about places that forced many of my students are immigrants about their home, the differences between their home, back, and china, or louisiana, to compare to san francisco. and they were writing about
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places that meant something to them, one student of mine who when i read was trying to be on the track team and baseball and basketball fellow and a place that his father used to take him to that was a safe place to teach them how to ride a bicycle and talking about places where one of the students and a place that i was just in mind, that she was able to be both able to experience and filter things in the world around her. one of my students who talked about the places that when she went to a do you remember for the first time away from home. and this book that shows students in their growth. to look and hear the voices of the students that we are
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teaching that i taught and actually one of them is sitting right there among you. and taking your place in terms of looking in that direction, that our city and our society is going to go to. thank you. >> thank you, very much, sir. >> so, if you don't mind, very well then i would also like to recognize the teachers that were involved and the english teachers are lauredwin gabuta and allow me. zoa she goes by her maiden name and stephanie deporta is our english department share at thur good marshal and has been at the school for a long time now and a good friend of mine and very passionate about the writing and passionate about helping the kids develop their abstract thinking about complex texts. >> thank you for that clarification, so we want to thank your colleagues and our
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colleagues for the incredible work that they are doing with our students and then our students edit ors, commissioner? i am going to mention their names, if that is okay. fernanda martinez, and garcia, and sushe, zang and anthony gomez, and herbert ruth the third, and ken shu who i believe is in china at the moment, and tiana character who were the students involved. >> that is correct, i was hoping that some of them will be able to join us today but they were not. and also just giving a mention to the authors of the book, and justin lee, patrick masad and young tinchin, and jeff sayon and kimberly lot, and judy wu and patrick zang and eric pata the young man that i was
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lee, torez, adriana, and mu and mo, and dan, and character, and evan chung and if i could just highlight one young fellow torez who is in my chemty class this year and i had the fortunate of teaching him through the summer school and through this project in this year i just seen him as a result of this project mature and to be able to become a leader among students, his students and his seniors to help them pass the course and to be able to walk the stage with their friends on the class of 2014. so thank you. >> thank you, again, how about a round after plause for our wonderful student officers. thank you. very quickly, i would also like to recognize, lincoln high school graduate sahsa who is given the peace making award,
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and she is a student in our peer resources program and our award willing resources program and so congratulations sasha for your accomplishment. and at this time, i would like to call forward our very own associate superintendent kevin truit who has a special presentation to make. good evening, superintendent and commissioners of the board of education, i want to take a moment to recognize, our two student delegates on the board, angie and cooper. and i always call him that because when i met him i didn't know which one comes first, and so this has been an incredible commitment for the two of you not only did you have to commit to studies in your senior year, i wrote this down so i would not ramble. not only did you have to commit to your studies in your senior
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year to get into ucla of all places and then you provided leadership to the sac and the weekly meetings upstairs on the third floor and if that was not enough, you represented all of the students of san francisco by participating in a board of education meetings every tuesday, and every second and fourth tuesday of every month. quite a commitment. on behalf of all of the districts and the students of san francisco we thank you for your tireless commitment to student leadership in san francisco, not only are you smart, dedicated and hard working but for me the most special thing about two of you is that you are amazing people, kind and thoughtful young adults and i have been so fortunate to witness that special side of each of you and i want to thank you for leaving a very special legacy in my heart and so on behalf of the board, and the district leadership, we have a special
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>> we hope that you will come back and visit us when you are graduate and before you are graduate and remember that san francisco is always home, come back and i would like to end my comments this evening, ladies and gentlemen on a little bit more somber note, we sheraton, the shocking grief of our brothers and sisters of reynolds high school in oregon who this morning experienced a school shooting which unfortunately took the life of a student, our hearts are filled with sadness, whenever we lose children, and we send our thoughts to the reynolds high school community who will begin the slow and difficult process of healing let's all keep them in our thoughts and prayers, please, thank you. president fewer had to step away and so i will be presiding for a moment. and i understand that you need to depart for a red eye to dc tonight to share our results to
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a national audience, safe travels. >> item c, recognition and resolutions of commendations there are none tonight. item d, student delegate's report, again our star student delegates the graduate of the class of 2014. wei, and cooper logan. >> thank you. >> so, the sac has has been seen the peers to summer camp. and so in the interest of social yus, we believe that we should all extend an extra hand to help our peers and especially for those who have circumstances that are different from ours and through the summer the sac is assisting families and youth in transition the people from the department, and sending students to summer camp, and we feel that in order to achieve the academic success, we must do our part in assisting the families in the summer.
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>> and the expense used to subsidize this commitment comes from our superintendent l' program that provides equity and funds things like cap and gowns, and pe uniforms and year books. and other special circumstances. now we are going to move on to the student leadership election results, for next year. drum roll please, don't do the drum roll. so the sac has commenced their 2014 student of voice elections and we have the results now. so, our student delegate elect is gavin chan from galeleo high school. [ applause ] >> and the student delegate
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interim is elizabeth jones and an incoming senior from soda. [ applause ] >> so, i think that they are going to say a few words at the microphone. >> good evening, president fewer, vice president, and superintendent carranza, deputy superintendent and deputy superintendent, and the board of education. my name is gavin chan and i i am an incoming senior. and i am also the school district student delegate elect for next year. i am very delighted and privileged to represent the student leadership on behalf of our peer constitutes who voted for me to represent their
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student voice. >> good evening, president fewer. superintendent carranza and the board of education, i am elizabeth jones and i will be a senior at the school of the arts next year and i am the interim student delegate for the summer and i am very thankful to members to electing me and, nominating and elected me for this position and i am excited to work with you this summer, thank you. >> does that conclude the student delegate report?
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>> not yet. >> we would like to say that we have had and i will go first and i had a great experience on the board of education and i want to thank you all for helping me out and talking me through things and when i don't know what to do here and it has been a really great learning experience and so thanks. >> thank you, all for this really great experience, and i can't imagine how, you guys would not be able to imagine how this whole thing has applied to my ap gov class, i think that i might have just attacked that test because of you guys. but, it has been a really great experience and thank you for everything andvy learned a lot over these past year, yeah. and we would like to send out
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special thank yous to all of you guys, president fewer who is not here right now, vice president murase, maufas, mendoza mcdonald, norton and wynns and costco for letting us use the board remember and the case. and our e cigarette res resolution. >> and the sac leadership team would like to thank superintendent richard carranza, guraro and the deputy superintendents and the chief of staff for including the sac as part of the vision 20/25 program and the general council and even though we did not get enough trouble to need your legal service and finally mr. truet who has been a huge supporter of the sac the whole
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year, thanks. we have it as our veteran coordinator and he has given us guidance and make sure that we don't make mistakes, thank you for all of your assistance, mr. matthew kensy, who is the chief of the it department for campaigning, for the educational use of the use of the you tube and jan for being a strong advocate for us and especially with our student surveys and our student voice, guteriz from the it department for helping us with the on-line process, and steven kelley for processing all of the student vote applicant and ballots and we could not have done it without you. >> anyone else who we might have left out who has helped out the sac. there has been and the list goes on and on and so thank you that is the end of our report. >> thank you very much.
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next we will move to j, request to speak, regarding general matters, i have 8 speaker cards. and just a reminder to the audience, i understand that there may be speakers who have a complaint, if you do have a complaint please refrain from naming individuals, you will be called out of order if that happens. and we will try to connect you with the right resources. so our first speaker is mr. dennis kelley president of the uesf and followed by executive vice president susan solomen, followed by van williams. >> good evening, commissioners. deputy superintendents, and superintendent, i am susan solomen, executive vice president. last week we spent three days
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in negotiations with the school district. and yesterday, we spent all day as well. we went into bargaining yesterday and then into the beginning of the workday with the district, the district representatives told us that they could not agree to retaining and or reinstating much needed counseling periods for special education teachers, because of the cost. they are, and this is the quote, focusing resources on total compensation, president kelley asked, what is meant by total compensation? the response was, salaries and benefits. and then, this is what happened. at 10:11 a.m., we got no agreement from the district for daily prep time, for elementary school teachers after the instructional day is over. which is a cost neutral proposal and it is free. the only changes to that article in the contract which
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