tv [untitled] June 14, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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us as we see here today are youth leader. for us this is very important because we believe that not only for children as well as the [speaker not understood] are the foundation of san francisco's future. so, i thank you very much. hi, [speaker not understood] thank you for letting me share my story today. it means a lot today. i'm 17, and it hurts my heart to know i won't be able to [speaker not understood]. all these things weigh very heavily on me. a long time i thought suicide was my only option and [speaker not understood] that plagued my soul. [speaker not understood] offered me a safe place to express myself. it gave me hope and helped me to be prideful. i learned so much about gender identity and queer issues and i utilized this knowledge to educate my peers. [speaker not understood] break barriers. it gazev me the tools i need to
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change society for the better. i'm scared of rejection. i'm scared of being judged. i'm scared of [speaker not understood] and [speaker not understood] all these skills when i turn 18. i need opportunities [speaker not understood] to support me through my transition to adulthood. [speaker not understood] we need opportunities to help them succeed. if we don't find programs today we'll be throwing away so much untapped potential. we'll be leaving these kids out on the curb without any guidance. [speaker not understood]. i want to change the world. [speaker not understood]. thank you. [cheering and applauding] hi, my name is marisa and next year i'm going to be a junior at lowell high school and i'm also here to speak about lyric. i went to lyric earlier this
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year and i was feeling like really isolated at school. like i have friends but i was one of the only lesbians i knew. i didn't have strong acceptance. i was worried about how my family would take me coming out. at lyric [speaker not understood] its was like a family that was able to help me and support me in my goals. i've just learned so much from doing intern and [speaker not understood] here at lyric. i would not be able to speak here right now. i've grown so much confidence. lyric, it teacheses us more than anything as queer youth, as people who are not really listened to that much, we live in san francisco and it's a lot better than most other places in the country. [speaker not understood]. lyric teaches us that [speaker not understood]. we just really need this program to continue and use it
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to serve more people. like right now we have about 15 interns who are planning [speaker not understood]. we are all gaining so much out of this program. we're learning so many things. we're really building a family here with our fellow interns. this really needs to be able to spread and be able to support more people and have more community groups because there's not that many places for us and really it's one of the places we can feel safe and supported. and there's also a lot of people that i know from the past interested that we have now graduated high school and are now 18 and are adults that have no idea what that means and lack the resources and opportunities to really succeed and thrive and included in the community [speaker not understood]. thank you. (applause) hello.
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so, i'm [speaker not understood] and i'm also an intern at lyric. i am an incoming sophomore. lyric has really provided me a safe place to be in. every day we go through hardships and struggles in the lgbt community. as myself [speaker not understood], everybody primarily could judge you in any type of way. here at lyric i was really proud of who i am. they showed me that i shouldn't be ashamed of who i am and i should continue to strive as a person. they provided me with so much help and they really contributed a lot to my working abilities. i don't know what i'd be doing right now if lyric wasn't there. and here, everybody here is a [speaker not understood]. everybody loves each other for what they are. that's why i like coming here. i feel so comfortable around them. i can feel myself around them. they know how to treat me and who i am. they don't discriminate. they support you for whoever you are. [speaker not understood] it
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would be so important to us just to fund them because it helps a lot. all the people you see here, they're my friends, they're my second family. they're the ones who are always helping me through anything i have, especially at home. you know, it's great. it's great to be here with them and i really hope you guys [speaker not understood]. thanks. (applause) good afternoon, supervisors. my name is oscar. i am one of the queer educators at lyric. without lyric i would not be standing here today. i would not be one of the queer educators that help facilitate the training that help train our future leaders that come to these meetings to get involved with the children's fund. it's very important that we continue to fund all these different type of programs we have in san francisco and, you know, give youth an early start
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to become leaders, to have a voice, to have skills to come up here and show what -- share what they need and experience they have gained. it's also important important that we [speaker not understood] the fund so those who missed the opportunity get a second chance to get those skills. you know, and i am very grateful for lyric. this is something i'm passionate about. i love coming to city hall and speaking to you. i love working one on one talking about the children's fund. i'm grateful you are here today to give us that opportunity and i really hope that you support us with this. thank you. (applause) good afternoon. my name is beth. i am an attorney assistant at lyric [speaker not understood]. and i just wanted to emphasize one really important program we have at lyric which is our case
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management services. and what we do is we help transitional age youth. we help a lot of marginalized youth, homeless youth find [speaker not understood], mental health services, all these sort of thing. i want to emphasize how important it is. they transition as youth and lyrics programming has helped me immensely grow as an adult. i wanted to emphasize that, the case management we have at lyric [speaker not understood]. thank you very much. i just wanted to say that. (applause) >> >> [speaker not understood], erica newborn. is it lilly, lilly tee.
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look like [speaker not understood] dee. lourdis [speaker not understood] halarian. cheryl lynn adams. zach murry. and mark murry -- murphy. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is erica may baum [speaker not understood]. we are tasked with making recommendations, policy recommendations for young children and family. our membership is composed of public agency representatives, child care providers for sebastian term based and family child care, community based organizations, early care, education advocates and of course parents. our meetings are attended by others in the community.
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that helped inform our decisions. [speaker not understood] formed an ad hoc committee to make decisions for the children's amendments. [speaker not understood] many here spoke about and i thank you for speaking about the strength of children [speaker not understood] and peace. [speaker not understood]. of course, cpac supports both measures, children's fund and peef. [speaker not understood] in order to address unmet needs from 0 to 4 year olds. some of the earlier speakers mentioned nearly 3600 on the wait list for child care subsidies. [speaker not understood] of them are infants and toddlers. a strong oversight body that allocates resources that [speaker not understood] in term of accessibility and availability of resources. cpac supports using this year as life line for the future
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budgets of peef and supports the growth of san francisco's commitment to universal quality preschool and early education. [speaker not understood] cpac encourages youth to use [speaker not understood] to reauthorize both measures. increase the children's fund, sustaining growth for preschool for all and transparent --. thank you for your support today and your leadership on this. >> thank you. thank you. lourdis [speaker not understood] . my name is maria [speaker not understood] in san francisco. i'm also [speaker not understood]. i'm also a member of cpac, but most of all i am a mother. my two children were the reasons why i became the voice as organizer and are now
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college age. they were one of the lucky ones who got child care when they needed it. well, not really that lucky because the first year i had to send them home with the grandparents in another side of the planet. and when we finally got called for child care they came back and i really appreciate that. we have an obligation to protect our children [speaker not understood]. a message to every child in san francisco should be no matter where you're from [speaker not understood]. we are proudly part of san francisco for voting and reauthorizing children's fund and then we voted again for prop h. i remember carol who is now a grandmother then testified and said prop h, when we were just introducing it with then supervisor tom ammiano.
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we support a stronger more critical children's amendment with the most urgent needs and unmet needs first. [speaker not understood] for creating a stronger children's amendment. thank you. bye-bye. hello. my name is lilly. i'm part of the new [speaker not understood] ventures. it helps teenagers 17 to 21 helping to find them and train them and get internship or a job. i was 18 years old when i saw new ventures. during that time my mom lost her job and [speaker not understood] went off. i'm a teenager. no one's going to hire me. i was 18 barely, every time i came today, you don't have any job experience, i'm not going
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to hire you. and two years later they asked me to come back. that was after they helped me. now i have a job at [speaker not understood] as assistant receptionist. new ventures helped me a lot. that's why i'm here today and i want to support and insist on -- the fund and the children's fund and supporting the get connected children and youth because i believe the youth are our [speaker not understood]. they are the [speaker not understood] that is going to create our futures later on. thank you. (applause) hi, my name is vanessa [speaker not understood]. i'm also -- i also work at new ventures with lilly. i want to emphasize [speaker not understood] for transitional youth because for me personally, i started [speaker not understood] when i was 17.
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i had walked across the stage in 12th grade, but i did not receive my diploma. it was very hard for me after that to get in school, any programs, to get a job, but they accepted me and they helped me he and i'm out, just received my diploma like last friday and i just thank everybody for their support. and i just pray that you guys keep supporting and that you up the age to 24 and that you keep funding our youth. thank you. (applause) hi, good afternoon. i'm cheryl lynn adams, director of children youth services, member of children's coalition and a parent of a four-year old. thank you for your hard work to reach consensus on this issue and we certainly, [speaker not understood] care deeply about young people and care deeply about 18 to 24 year olds and
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[speaker not understood]. as a mom and as somebody who has spent 25 years in this fieldworking with i think every single age group between jail and 24 in a lot of different ways, made it incredibly important that we invest in 0 to 24. it is incredibly important that there is a transparent process for how those allocations happen, that there is oversight, it is incredibly important that there are is alignment in the city how we think of work [speaker not understood] 0 to 24 year old are happy, healthy, safe transitioning to adulthood. these measures, [speaker not understood] and peef are super important as you know and we super appreciate all the work you've done and all the work that will need to happen through november so we can pass those.
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thank you. good afternoon, my name is mark murphy, i'm [speaker not understood] advisory committee. supervisor kim, thank you so much for leading. the rest of the supervisors, thank you so much for your unwaivering support for the public education enrichment fund. the community advisory committee said all of you -- i sent you a document earlier today in an e-mail. we as a community came together and discussed at length the other evening. first we want to thank you so much for the elimination of the trigger and the in-kind. regarding the legislation itself, we want to make sure that the advisory committee for the early education committee advisory committee is spelled out in such a way people understand who is on the committee and how it will be comprised.
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in terms of peef moving forward, there are a couple of line items that the community advisory committee wanted to raise to the attention of the supervisors. that is, if there is additional funding either from the city or from the state and from the state's perspective on the local control formula or should there ever not [speaker not understood]. distribution of all funds would be held from -- would be held down to [speaker not understood] cost of living standpoint. ~ cola cost of living standpoint. if there is a significant amount of funding coming to us from the state or at the will of the voters, that will be addressed separately. from the children family and council legislation, we would love to see who the members of the community are and that particular roles they would play. thank you for the support from
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all of you [speaker not understood]. thank you so much. >> thank you. michelle cone. valerie [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. michelle cassano. [speaker not understood] roman. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is michelle [speaker not understood] vice-chair of the youth commission. [speaker not understood] is very special to the youth in the city. they are dedicated to the youth [speaker not understood]. i am here to give you an update and we are here to affirm you in support of your recommendation. [speaker not understood] during youth lobbying week we have heard repeated support and commitment to [speaker not understood] population we serve. we do not believe funding for
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any other existing youth program should be cut at the expense of a population. we should be serving them together. and [speaker not understood] made up of youth under 18 and the other disconnected today representatives. [speaker not understood]. and we want [speaker not understood] collaboration between the city, sfu [speaker not understood] between the subject and sharing practices. there is a process that is happening and we should be legislation to -- to engage with youth and not only offer advice, but to evaluate, to hear not only the unmet needs, but what kind of barriers they face and are confronted with.
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[speaker not understood] where youth have the opportunity to be part of all processes and program. thank you for your time and we look forward to making san francisco [speaker not understood]. >> can i just thank michelle and [speaker not understood] from way back in the re-authorization of the children's fund that the youth commission has been amazing in your leadership that you developed please thank the rest of the youth commissioners as well as. italia cruz. [speaker not understood]. silvia hernandez, are you still here, any of you? dr. estella -- i cannot read it. emma [speaker not understood]. kelly finley.
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sharon donovan. margaret [speaker not understood]. jose luis tehran ma at this time. [speaker not understood]. okay. hello, good afternoon to all. my name is silvia hernandez and i am [speaker not understood], but i am also from coleman advocates. my son is from hillcrest and i would like to [speaker not understood]. the challenge is to show life. [speaker not understood]. where he can fit in and get some help.
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its was so frustrating, especially for me -- for him. i cried so many time for help and not a lot of us -- finally, two days ago he will be able to qualify for help. [speaker not understood]. one of the first thing that i cried for, of happiness, that take three years so many years for my son to get help. [speaker not understood] 0 to 24 if i snav ~ of children and families [speaker not understood]. not only for my family. it's for all san francisco families. thank you. (applause)
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supervisor, [speaker not understood]. i'm here to voice strong support today for both the children's amendment as well as the public education fund. [speaker not understood] also join in appreciation to all of you for really working towards trying to create a legislation that is going to address so many issues. i'm old enough to tell you that i was here when there was no children [speaker not understood] and at that time there is really no access to services for any communities. we are now -- we have learned
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today the wishes, advocates many talking about transformative experienceses and changed the quality of life for children. so, again, i just want to say i subpport a 0 to 24erv ~ 24 children's amendment. we need to look at the 5 cent sales tax and [speaker not understood] before we have authorization. the last thing i want to say is oversight is very important and i'm asking all the board to look carefully at how the oversight of these funds will be determined and to ensure that there is appropriate representation reflecting the needs that we're addressing,
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particularly how we [speaker not understood] in that process and listening to the community at large. thank you very much. so, good afternoon, chair yee, supervisor campos, supervisor tang, supervisor kim. my name is oscar hernandez. i'm a member of [speaker not understood]. i just came here to address the board today giving my support for [speaker not understood] for the peef and also the council for collaborative process on how to approve services across the city. i'm personally grateful for this board for doing [speaker not understood], the children's fund, the peef this november, also with respect to -- i also want to urge the board to also
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have whatever oversight body for children's fund with the committee, the commission that there be [speaker not understood] 25% youth and also to provide staffing for some people with oftentimes many young people are in these positions they don't know how to read these documents or budgets or be able to gauge these issues because a lack of understanding. and that is due to staffing and staff issues, resources or not wanting to help youth engage in discussions. also we've seen money invested in young people such as jobs, bringing more experience in the workforce, providing prevention, helping at-risk youth address the problems and become better with young people and also leadership programs as well as also as a youth commissioner, i also stress youth assistance program and also that we make sure that
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whenever there is oversight body or other committee or commission that does staffing to help these young people engage in discussions. thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jose [speaker not understood] and i work with care s.f. i really wanted to say first of all, thank you for your leadership on all of these crucial issues. i'm going to take a step back. you know where i stand on a lot of these areas and actually want to read a comment from one of the parents who had to leave to pick up her children, natalia. this is a statement from natalia right here. i have three children that is a part of the coleman advocates organization. i am here to advocate for the fund of the children's fund and increasing the fund and making sure that it does not go away.
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our children need these resources in order to reach their dreams, and i really believe that with these funds our young people will be able to reach them. i would like to advocate for them to never go away and that it can be, at the very least, for 25 years. i'm translating here. it's in spanish. i'm doing two things at once. and i really appreciate all you have done and i will be here again in 20 39 again supporting the children's fund. so, thank you. (applause) >> chelsey and john [speaker not understood]. anybody else that wants to speak just line up.
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my name is chelsey from coleman advocates for children and youth. i think folks have talked about our main talking points. the priorities for the community coalition has been the meaning for two years now. it is to increase the funds to 4%. we are hoping for a phase in that is no less than four years to align with what we under to be the dcyf planning process. the inclusion of disconnected transitional age youth through age 24, to strengthen oversight and accountability in the creation of a dcyf oversight committee and to extend the length of time before the funds sunset to less than 25 years. we under that we are very close to an incredibly strong children's fund legislation to be put on the ballot and look forward to what comes out of the discussion in committee today. and we did have -- we had a lot of people here, those of you who are on the steps of city hall know that there are over 150 young people and parents
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and kids and providers on the steps of city hall and many of those people had to leave. but there is incredibly strong support for the community core coalition recommendation and want to give shout outs to members of the board of supervisors who have worked tirelessly to make sure that we are coming together for the strongest possible legislation, and also wanted to give shout outs to the community coalition for the incredible work they've done over the last two years. so, thank you very much. (applause) hello. john osaki, jcyc and i'm here as a very proud member of the community coalition and i'm going to make this very brief because i just want to speak very specifically on one issue, and that is i think even before today, but hopefully especially from today's public comment you
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