tv [untitled] June 15, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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last meeting, the police officers to help us on traffic enforcement and i know sf mta is committed to doing enforcement with relevance to the jurisdiction of pco's. once that came out was double parking and walking the box because the cars are technically illegally parked. if there is a commitment of when this will start and what resources we can allocate to this? >> yeah. i have and i did get that feedback both from here and from previous hearings that you had with regard to double parking. we did our start, i think it was earlier this year and late last year, focus double parking enforcement in a few different parts. i think we did it in
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4-5 locations. i talked to our enforcement manager to looking at double parking through the lens of vision zero and where it's not a nuisance or traffic problem, but where it could treat a safety problem whether they are cyclist or pedestrians. i would be happy to report back to you what resources we are growing for that and what kind of outcomes we are fore seeing. and looking at working with the police department on the box to bottom. >> i would be interested in the outcome in the pilot of the 4-5 locations. we should tag areas that are blocking areas and of course when cyclist have to go out of the bike lane because of the double parking. i know you and i are getting all of those at
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twitter complaints which is incredibly frustrating if you want to feel safe if you are biking. >> all that said, it's great to be able to get that feedback and it's coming with photos and exact locations. it's helpful in terms of whether it's our folks or police in terms of enforcement. i will continue to do that. >> commissioner mar? >> i just want to chime in on the social media crowd sourcing and i know the mta or riders have a much better ability with different apps to understand the transportation system. but i know for at least for facebook and at twitter that they are approaching our officers with what they can do to help. i'm guessing there are different partnerships already with some of the tech companies using the technology for approving the transportation system.
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the other technology is called "next door" and allows neighbors to feed off each other's comments and i'm hoping that we are looking at the "next door" type of technology to get more of the dialogue. i worry more about the digital divide with low income people and some seniors that haven't kept up with the changes in technologies and wondering how you are handling that and there was a focus on how vision zero would be equitable so you are looking at the high vision corridors and whether it's chair kim's district or low income neighborhoods have the most dangerous streets. that's just an assumption that i'm making. i'm wondering on all of your
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analysis and the 24 projects moving forward do they correlate with income and vulnerability with populations? >> yes. thank you. so through the chair of a few questions there, a few issues there. first in terms of engaging with technology, we've had a lot of folks come with ideas and many of them sound great. some of them are effective specifically with the type of technology supporting outreach and community engagement. there were a number of proposals that came in through the mayor's entrepreneur and residents program and many of the ones that were transportation related were for just that, the public engagement part of transportation planning. so i believe that we are engaging one or two of those entrepreneurs to come in and work with us on developing something exactly like what you are talking about. so, yes to the first one. in terms of
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the digital divide issue, i think that is absolutely real and think we are a very long way in this city or society from being able to fully go digital in how we interact with people and that's why i mentioned previously that we are looking on a diversity of ways of looking at people and i know you've raised before that evenings are difficult for some people and saturdays might be easier for some people. we are looking for a diversity of ways to engage with persons electronically and through the mail. we need a lot of channels available. in terms of equity, we have over laid the map of the walk first high injury corridors and intersections with the
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census tract in the city and looked at those that have a high proportion of low income residence and minority residence. there is a very strong overlap between those. as i'm sure you've heard in these hearings before there are a pretty big concentration of high intersection section with chinatown and the market and mission which is the center of where the concentration is and when you over lay that map, there is a very strong correlation. i think for better or worse there is a very strong connection between the investments we'll be making in walk first and the ones mostly affected and those that get around on bikes than in other neighborhoods. so, i mentioned the predevelopment planning and outreach.
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another thing we are really upgrading our technology so we are moving from a passive use of systems that are not designed to facilitate and enable and professionalize traffic delivery to modern systems that give project managers and senior managers the tools to really better be able to manage a projects schedule and budget in particular. so we are in the process of incorporating for example this which is a budget and schedule tracking system which we can pull all the projects in our capital improvement plan which if you haven't looked at, you will notice in the capital improvement plan we have every line in the plan with a scope, a budget and timeline and the timeline breaks out those three or four phases. these kind of management tools that are integrated with the
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city's financial system, integrated with our grant systems, automating, processing, internal that are securely funds and moving funds and those kinds of things are happening much more efficiently and effectively. we are trying to take the barriers out of the way of the project managers and engineers that are delivering these projects that will move the bureaucracy and tools that will empower them to help them better manage and track their portfolios. in terms of the coordination which is of great interest to many of you. first what i would say in the seven 7 years that i have been with the city, i think i have made pretty steady and significant process in terms of approving coordination between the different city agencies. within our agency we are doing a lot of that as well between the transit side and parking and traffic folks, even the
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taxi people and the different parts of the organization. we have created a number of processes that bring folks together. we have checklist so that engineers when they are starting a project, if it's a transit project they are taking into account the bike a pedestrian needs that something that they have as well and we are looking at the projects that we have had in the past. dpw has a mapping system that pulls in all of the planned work in the public right-of-way. in the developers that are doing the things in the public right-of-way. in the minimum it helps us avoid conflicts and beyond that it helps us identify opportunities to collaborate and bring projects
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together and i will give some examples of that later. but we are putting together much better tools to help us collaborate and in an departmental way and much more inner departmental readings and look for opportunities to put projects together to coordinate and collaborate. i know there is continuing work to do. we've actually stepped it up recently with mta and dpw and in my self years here we are much more collaborative between the agencies, much better able and willing to share information and work together and partner than i have seen in the past and we are on a trajectory to continue that which is a great thing. to close i was going to give you some examples of
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where these things have come together. so i will try to walk through them pretty fast. the caesar chavez streetscape project was one that started back when i was at dpw with transportation, utilities, paving, streetscape project. it was very large and done with a lot of community input but really a lot of thought between the coordination and timing. originally it was a separate sewer project and streetscape project, we were able to bring those together and add significant bike a pedestrian enhancements that have turned to what was a separated neighborhood to a community boulevard that is better for all road users with all kinds of other benefits with green infrastructure and streetscaping that creates traffic calming. this is a very large project. there was a lot of early work done
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between the departments that enabled this to work pretty well. there was some state money in this and anytime that cal trans is engaged that adds a level of complexity but in the end we were able to do it as efficient lau e as possible with a great outcome. kind of the other end of the spectrum, the one we are talking about with the bike lanes, we were able to compress a number of steps and do things in parallel to get a fairly low cost and it doesn't maybe look great, but functional but for the double parking. functional significant improvement in terms of cycling, a major improvement. it was a happy confluence of things such as where we were in the environmental review process for the soma plan which is a
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part. frankly the community support and the supervisor support was strong that we didn't get bogged down in the planning process in terms of securing that support. those two process enabled this to be aligned and ability to do these kind of projects. >> i just want to acknowledge that it was a lot of commute pressure but initiated out of unfortunately of fatality which happened on folsom street. the results is very positive have we done a study impact like on caesar chavez.
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for me on folsom street there are concerns about the loss of the lane and how that would impact the rush hour. are those numbers that we are gathering, when do you think we'll have a sense in these results? >> yes, they are numbers that we are gathering and they will go into the the environmental report. i don't think we have any of that data yet and i don't believe we have seen any traffic impact. so i think so far it's promising, but i don't think we have any conclusive data yet. >> i'm interested in that data and interested if more cyclist are using it. and when the
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green lanes went in, i did notice longer car lines at rush hour. it seems to have figured itself out. it's starting to balance the neighborhood. i see that you put soft post on the bike lanes which make it difficult for cars to use it. when people got frustrated they would curve out and go into the bike lane. i think that's why the soft post to prevent cars from using it that way. >> right. that's another thing with many of these projects especially these type, we do monitor and we make adjustments. i think there has been a number of adjustments made on the folsom project. >> they are much appreciated. >> yes. we can learn with these as well. >> commissioner breed? >> since we are on this with the bike lanes in particular. i have one really really minor compliant. outside of city hall, for example, when they
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did the green paint, it's still on the street. i'm not sure if that's the case for the other location. i'm not sure who is doing the work for these green and red changes to our streets. i'm hoping that not only will they clean up when this stuff over spills onto other parts of the streets but more importantly that they do a better job on painting them. >> okay you mean green paint where there shouldn't be green participate? -- paint. >> yes. it's our paint shop that does that and i think generally they are an exceptionally well run shop and the work they do is generally very high quality. we'll make sure that we are not leaving stray bits of green. >> it's out in city hall, for example, on the side closer to the mcalser street area. i
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have noticed when i turn the corner by city hall. >> okay. thank you for the feedback. a different kind of example which is sometimes a little hard to see. we've been doing things with traffic signal timing which can help us slow traffic and regulate the speed of traffic such as we've done on fulton street and richmond and folsom street and mission. this is a fairly simple thing for us to do especially where we have the more modern signal infrastructure. what it enables us to do is slow speeds for all road users, but time them so that if you are on a bicycle you catch evergreen like face you are traveling on a motion derate speed. a couple weeks ago
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without remembering i rolled down folsom street and the mission and it was amazing from 11th street to 24, i don't think i had to stop one time. it's good because it slows everybody down but it makes cycling that much more attractive for people on bikes. we've done a number of these thing without talking about it too much. i guess one of the lessons learned that there are things that we can do that might not be as apparent as having something green on the ground. i mentioned this earlier is following the paving, following the passage of 2011 streets bond. what this enabled was there were funds that were generated from that bond that would allow us to partner with dpw. if they are
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going to pave a street we would look to see if we identified any pedestrian needs in such as crosswalks or bulb outs on that streets and we would have the resources to provide for that paving project. this ukd project -- euclid project is one where we are able to change the geometry to slow the traffic down and having the ability to improve those projects and so we can identify these and put them together has allowed dpw to deliver a lot of these improvements as part of their paving program that are getting things that we previously didn't have a mechanism or funding to get done. this has been a great program that we would like to continue. we did the same
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thing out in district 1 on balboa where we are were able to take an n a paving project and add a significant number of amenities of pedestrian and otherwise to make it more of a complete street project but get more than just the paved street and really get a better pedestrian environment out of it. >> commissioner mar has a question. >> what i was going to do is give props to ed reiskin for input. i know it puts you in a catch 22 at times because we want the projects to go more quickly. i appreciate you getting a balance to both sides to get strong community input before finalizing your projects and your expertise with department of public
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works and mr. reiskin, i know you as ed that rides the bike everywhere and takes transit to get to all of our meetings. i know despite the catch 22 that we put you in that you are working to achieve all of these major goals and i appreciate the improvement that supervisor breed and i are constituents have benefited from and especially balboa and painting and other efforts. i know there is that effort on your part and staff to try. i really appreciate it quite a bit. >> thank you, the support that we get from your offices sometimes working through this makes it beneficial. we appreciate that as well. a final example. i believe this is in the planning phase right now, but similar improvements along 24th street in the mission where there is a lot of pedestrian volume, a
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very narrow sidewalk and great desire from that neighborhood to make improvements in other way where we are partnering to get those improvements in the ground. so in terms of just to wrap up , in terms of the next steps, this bounty of vision zero project is giving us a lot of opportunity for more coordination assuming that the general obligation bond gets to the ballot and succeeds in november we'll have more of this project and will proceed with coordination. the more we get, the better we get, the more systemic that coordination becomes with our agency and with dpw and planning and other partners. we are working with transportation authority on things like flexibility and funding so that, particularly
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for small projects we don't to have necessarily always come in one phase at a time, each phase requiring three sets of public meetings which could take a small project and elongate that timeline. so there are things that we are looking for on the funding end to do and also would like to have an on going funding source so that we can continue to do the what we call the follow the paving program with what the mayor has proposed and the operating budget, dpw will be able to sustain the high level of paving they are doing, eight or 900 blocks a year and we'll be able to do that on going and we'll be able to continue to have the funds to attach to a paving project so we don't just get that done but other issues as well. i think that's all i
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had. other staff are here and able to answer any other questions you may. >> just a question, actually it's specific to our district, 6, two specific questions on the improvements we talked about and one is to thank you. about the ellis way. we've been phasing this project in and we get constant feedback and the tenderloin in terms of it, our residents are asking when will it be truly completed. we heard in may of 2015. i was wondering if that was a finalized date. >> i don't know offhand. it looks like our schedule is still showing may 2015. yes. >> and the second question we continue to get a lot of
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feedback is the lpi on king street. it's a major intersection in that south side r south beach neighborhood and when we might be able to move forward on that and who should we be interfacing in your department? >> i believe the city traffic engineer, one of the staff has been communicating with your staff on that. i know that we had discussed that and i think there was at least a partial solution that i think we were going to be able to advance. i would have to get back to you on the timeline. >> even if we just know of the specific individual to do that with would help. finally i want to thank you for pushing through the howard street pilot. i know neal has been working hard on it. thank you. there is a lot that sf mta has been doing and that's
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the one in our district. we are really excited about that. >> great. and to the extent that we have the kind of support from your office and the community as we had on folsom, that will help that project move. >> thank you director ri skin. this is a lot of stuff. i do want to note how hard the staff has been working and there is a limited resources but we really appreciate the work that has already been done around vision zero before there was a vision zero and the resources and priority given to this for the last months and the coordination work with the transportation authority and all the departments. i want to recognize that work and it's also really great to hear vision zero is getting reverb rated around the city and we are hearing it over and over
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and reflected in the mayor's budget. i think we have a lot to be proud of in the short amount of time. the outcomes and injuries and fatalities is very real and it is urgent for us to address them. there is a lot of work and passion which i appreciate is put into the goals for the city. commissioner wiener? >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you. thank you for all your work on this. i think a lot of positive progress has happened in the last year. in terms of moving forward of vision zero, obviously money matters. so i know that in the mta's budget that came to the agency from the board for the year two budget starting july first 1st and next year the agency assumed the vehicle
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license fee about $33 million would be in the budget and as i understand it about $18 million for muni, $15 million for improving street safety if i recall correctly as a major task force for the ballot this november. the mayor then indicated his concern from proceeding this november and after a number of weeks of discussions, we joined with the mayor to move forward for the november 2016 ballot and we forward that this tuesday. my question is what happened that seems to blow a $30 million hole and i
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know the mayor's office found $7 million to back fill part of that. can you address that particular issue? >> yeah. i think you summed it up well. we assumed about $33 million in the second year of the two 2-year budget on the assumption that the vehicle license fee revenues would be there. just as the mayor's budget originally was assuming with $42 million for the paving program. the mayor and his budget was able to fully fill that $42 million gap as you said for paving. for us they were able to find $7.5 million towards closing our gap. i have not had an opportunity to discuss with the mayor and his budget director since the decision was made on tuesday to move
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that for the two 2 years and trying to figure out how to fill that gap because it wasn't coming negative -- until the fiscal year we had a year to work on that process. >> in terms of deferring the vehicle license fee by 2 years, we did talk to the mayor's office about making sure that when the mayor proposes the budget for next fiscal year, that those funds are particularly around vision zero or compensated for. i think we are getting really good momentum that we can't afford to lose two 2 years because of a political decision made that would go november 2016 to be elect. if it's a broader lecter and more people voting with a higher turnout in order to get
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