tv [untitled] June 16, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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health oral health is part of our overall physical health and should be tread with a lot more respect and broadening so people who have one crown are not denying any further dental coverage for a year thank you for the tuckries and delta dental i'll be back. >> hearing no public comment we're voting all in favor, say i. opposed? same sign and it's that will be the order. we're now at item number 9. excuse me. item 9 action item approval the vision plan for 2015 plan year mr. hewett >> we're kind of widening things up.
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>> i have another 20 motions to put before you but go ahead. >> it's been a great year this is pretty amazing on page 3 of the desk there's no change in the rates therefore i recommend you approve the rates for the contract period of a guaranteed period so i'll just go ahead and recommend approval. >> i recommend approval for december 2015. >> that's been moved forward is there a second. >> second. >> it's been properly moved this the action item rates be approved as distributed is there any public comment. >> dennis encouraging actively and retired firefighters i know we've considered a two-tier plan the board was ready to move forward but the computer system
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i understand can't handle this i hope there is some way to implement that with the current computer system i don't say i don't see the city investing in a new computer for a vision plan but it's an alternative that people can use as some people's prescriptions and eyes change dramatically and need nor vision care especially in their retirement years i hope this consideration for a two-tier vision plan didn't go way again thank you for it. >> thank you director dodd and with regard to that we're right now making our decisions on what we can we will able to emerge
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9.0 we have a short window to make the changes if at all the possible we'll make the programming changes and remove the vision premium from the oral premium but i chant promise typically start the resources and programming to make it happen weeping we'll do our best and hopefully, the board of supervisors we'll talk last night but the board of supervisors analysts has jeopardize our ability to do. >> if there's a related question about the capacity of the computers in the city that's been mitigated we had to slow down things i'm going back to 0 question i've raised a year ago
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it popped cerebromy mind about open enrollment and our capacity for all our continuing efforts to get people endorsed during open enrollment is that changed. >> i'm going to call on the manager for the downtime how they change. >> just don't tell me it's scott morrison, please. >> mitchel with the health services system it hadn't gotten worse but the same as mentioned last time and my enrollment report it was actually 3 thursdays in october we're down and can't do open enrollment process that's how the pay periods end in october i expect
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to be to the same as last year. >> okay. thank you. >> you've heard the motion. all right. and we're now ready to vote if there's no other public comment all in favor i. opposed? i'm going to claim the privilege of the chair and call for a hydrogen break if we're at the end of the rates committee we'll take 10 minutes. thank you. >> item 10, please. >> item 10 president's report president breslin. >> i want to thank the staff for the high rates and a successful outcome and thank you to the vendor and to our members especially for showing up and gaifg their input very much and
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that's all i have for the president report. >> item 11 discussion item. >> would i get a public comment on that item public school. no public comment sorry >> item 11. >> discussion item director dodd. >> thank you catherine dodd director of health services system you have my report i want to highlight a couple of things the wellness department has underlined their position we have the last person starting next week and finance has two open positions we'll be making an offer and operations has 4 open positions we'll have a productive meeting are d hr and appointing you'll recall those positions have been open for sometime we're going to try to stick to a tight timeline and
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have everyone in operations from the 1209 to 10 so they are trained for open enrollment that's important. i will want to talk about the budget. pamela our cfo has been a significant time working on the budget so it's changed dramatically since it came before you it was first cut by the mayor's office staff and then as of 4:30 afternoon yesterday the first cuts were by the board of supervisors budget analyst report officials it was cut $339,000 that's a significant amount no year one when you for about out the enterprise departments and clj
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and then look at exactly how much of the general fund that $339,000 say it's a $139,000 we're cutting our capacity in many instances to save $109,000 from the general fund >> i'm corresponding excuse me. director dodd who what would you imagine for the cost savings to the city give the rate renewal we've gone through. >> that's a point i'll make at the budget hearing that i'm not sure we summarize how much money we saved overall but we're saving the city $20.3 million in overall we're decreasing our budget we're not prvpt it from
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going up we're decreasing it by 3.7 percent and saving $20.3 million and then $6.3 million saved by the employees and the work we've done on benefits so one of the things that the budget analyst has done taken the vacant positions that included new positions we were asking for with the exemption of the budget analyst and reclassified them down a level i'm sure you're aware of the positions classifications are set by the classifications and the h.r. that is made up of highly educated professionals so we're making the point for example the emerge i referred to earlier can't be done we won't borrowing
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be able to get up to speed before a lock down in the transitioned of 89.23 not by the level of the person the budget analyst is recommending so whether it's that or we ask for a one position as a research assistant to look at where their innovations to stay on 080 tapping top of federal and elective that was a position that was eliminated it's being done by other people in the department and that will be me, i'm cob after a year of cancer treatment and there's only so many hours in the day to do these things so the reclassification is one we'll hopefully, they'll realize the wiefrm of our entire department
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of human resources expertise and not dismiss that they've also trying to quickly look at what else was cut. i'll allow pamela to say more than more about this but they cut our attrition savings and i'm sure you're aware of we've had employees that worked for us for many, many years and the we have very little attrition i think we'll have one retirement this year in total so there's attrition savings we can't cut. we also increased the city attorney's fees because we have more complex issue implementing the health care reform any number of issues that many we
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can't write down publicly it is an attorney-client issue we're hoping to meet sometime today because tomorrow will be the only away day to ask them the board of supervisors. supervisor farrell. supervisor breed and supervisor mar and supervisor wiener and others i'm sorry supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener and supervisor avalos have said they can't meet with me before monday so we'll get a letter off to them probably tomorrow monday morning and setting up meeting with
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supervisor farrell he's going to accommodate us. that's a series kit to the budget i'll ask for your support for that. >> what time is the budget hearing. >> at 10 o'clock a.m. i'm not sure if it's the budget & finance committee committee. yeah, the budget & finance committee he second meeting on the 23rd we may have concessions after meeting with the budget analyst but i can't promise that. that's the bad news the good news in terms of the operations we've june tend to be a slow month but the benefit analysts that catching often a lot of other work. we thanks to the ann lyrics
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department we've made the socio reconciliation activities with payroll which is exciting we're colorless working with other departments i'm sure you're aware of the ceo asked to participate in the negotiations with sfmta with the union workings and the declarations for several locals and laborsers. we had our local training for the staff and the few staff that were not able to be there will be trained at the end of the month and are we looking at our quotes for expanding the life in l t d i believe it's life but based on the membership numbers
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because the unions negotiated life coverage for aclu 10 to one that has over 10 thousand members. i'm going to give us a little pause and call upon the wellness manager stephanie fisher to do a report on wellness week and on the wellness plan that's been presented to the initial startled group and the unions the cdc we've made changes to the plan based on the input. you can make additional or take comments from the audience. it's so far been i think the other significant thing we're partnering with rec and park department for instructors for
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our wellness class it's great they have such a wide bunch of experts and will save money. i'm going to call upon stephanie. weren't you going to do our wellness presentation. oh, i apologize our innovate after pamela in my report so - >> the sf manager oh, i see you can't hear me. 1235e6 fisher manager. >> do e you somebody to help you with that. >> so fairs or first i'm going to give the update on wellness i have the presentation.
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>> we have a presentation. >> oh, there you go. >> all right. so this is the before the plan conversation so in may we opened the wellness center so we had a grand opening event from may 19th through the 23rd. going to give the awe bridge portion turn to slide 3 i'm happy to take questions i'm going to highlight the goals for today for wellness week we set the goal of 5 hundred different people showing up through the week which i represented as one hundred or more attendees daily we were able to exceed the goal 4 out of 5 days and two days more than a hundred visits. are you struggling to find the
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slide and this is under our blinder and an action item >> yes. >> we're still under 11 which is not an action. >> i know that's - >> i was maybe this should wait it has to be an action item. >> thank you. >> okay. i'll say that you're going to hear great things laura. it's probably the most exciting news except we safety the city 3. plus million dollars. finance as a i said is working with the budget analyst office preparing for the external audit that's a busy time xhufrgsz we've mailed notices to retirees
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as a result of the runners that's boy and girl calculated differently we were notified by the federal government that we had to invite anyone on cob are a we had to give them our california exchange we turned that around swiftly. i participated within the controllers wellness meeting i want to give the highlights i mentioned last time the legislative committee supported the len nos transparent bill. we've continued to meet with kaiser rewarding the integrated management fee wife disseconded it, it's tedious and the health medical group under the
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quarterly meeting is coming up so we were looking those numbers and they're new innovations and i think the monitoring kind of it's clear they monitor things evidence so we're going to look at it quarterly. i participated this week i've been on the blue cross blue shield statewide quality advisory committee it includes sutter and dignity and st. joseph's health and a couple of physicians it's a twice a year meeting but one of the things that was presented which i think is important to note and definitely worthwhile is we had a presentation by the california joint replacement registry that looked at joint replacements based on the types of surgery
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the kind of replacement that was used whether it was porcelain or metal i guess porcelain or some kind of sincere any questions but this is the only registry that looked at patient outcomes. and looked at it you know where people have their surgeries that have better functional outcomes it will be one of the things we looked at in terms of plan designs to make sure that the hospitals are participating in the registry but the most significant thing that we can document is that people who are dpeptd have worse outcomes so you you're spending all this money on joint replacement and that's the one thing they've attributed so i have the document if you want a copy it's
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executives and a physician from standing for the record a collecting the data with his own money and a national one so we can ask u h c for the hospitals for the retirees that are most likely to have joint replacements are participating in the joint registry and lastly i included some of the union language we have we don't have the final 3r0i7b9 outs but those are signed off and as note the term life insurance to the local one and a side letter requesting we share our data from our well-being assessments that's, of course, we'll share it first
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here and they can't recall be able to garden the outcomes they've asked us to change our class offers to 10 to 45 minutes we've down that but people that are paying 5 to $10 for the class those are actually after work or before work they've asked us to engage with other counties i'm hoping we'll be able to do that, however, a lot of that depends on pressuring issues and the last that you have in your book book is the creation of asking s c i u and is department of the human research this is at the end and so - there you go.
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to report quarterly on a variety of issues and to 0 meet quarterly with them so this is the first time h ss has been negotiated into contracts although d hr make sure we were not instructed but asked >> director dodd. >> yes. >> this item is this particular mou is in my view troubling given the consent and context of the prospective requests and i recognized we have other joint committee engagements we're are participating in but this is a little different i want to ask our attorney not today but at the future meeting to give us some clarity about the
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implementations of this particular mou for the board. at one level this is the stuff we're supposed to be by chartering doing i thought we were doing and now we're getting engaged in other series of meetings and dialogues potentially to do what we normally do i recognize this is in the beginning stages there's a one hundred and 20 days the time is not right but i want to ask the attorney to bring an assessment and the implementations to the board and bring it back to us in a meeting when he is prepared to do so we fully understand the intent and direction of this particular mou. so it just raises a whole series of questions first one amongst equals or some groups getting
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something different tony than other members that's my prospective is didn't reflect the view of the board i haven't taken a poll but those are my issues they need to be clarified or commented on >> i agree with supervisor scott. it seems like with one union and not it won't be an open meeting so and according to the charter we're supposed to apply benefits without special privilege so if we're only meeting with one group or union we don't know what's been said at the meeting i find this i'll follow what he said i like the idea of having something more concrete.
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i agree with mr. scott basically but i want to see >> i'll be happy to take a look at this i think this is largely a policy matter for the board but i'll come with the information about the mou dead and . >> within the assigned of my voice i'll request when you do could be with a conceptual commentary on this matter we'll request the representative of the d hr department of human resources be present so we might be able to further inquire their understanding of what is expected in this regard i request that under the director that has direct contact. >> and commissioners
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francisco'sier the d h.r. descendent on this item they're not setting united states us up they were cognizant of the increased work and it was special and if we have had to do this with all 60 i'm not sorry you need a whole different department. >> the ash traitor bieptd us and this was imposed by the ash traitor. >> it was imposed. >> yeah. through the binding process. i'm asking we get a complete assessment of the process as well as the mremsdz and have a moment during one of those meetings to have discussion around the item. >> that concludes my report.
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. thank you >> thank you. one question i had dr. dodd >> yes. >> what is the language of the aa 8 charter amendment what are you referring to an your second package of our report under communications. >> oh. work - city attorney >> so there's another charter amendment being sponsored by supervisor malia cowen regarding ginlt requirements to the city through an initial draft was produced i you, you, you you i would call it a clasp regarding
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upgrading the charter language for the domestic partners regarding the eligibility for the purposes of retiring health care was drafted when the original domestic partner ordinance was impacted in early 80s or 90s since then the state has impacted a domestic partner ordinance and h.r. has recked partnerships by other states actually, i think san francisco was one of the first if not the first entities to create a domestic partner ordinance i was updating the language what counts as a domestic partner in the charter and if supervisor cowen's amendment gets on the ballot and passes that there
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