tv [untitled] June 17, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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95 locations. the locations to be repaired are picked from a list of requests that have been inspected by the staff and prioritized higher if the location has been a sight of an accident. and maybe the dpw also looks at area of high sidewalk lift and locations with existing extensive damage and this is a recurring annual request for prop k and conditioned upon approval of the five year priority, which is the subject of agenda item 8. this is 39,000 dollars to conduct the follow up planning to that effort and the funs from this project will be used for the development of the scopes of work and funding plans and the rfp for the next phase of the project related to
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the realignment of the southbound off-ramp and the closure of the northbound i280 on-ramp as well as from the funding for the inner agency staffing and i want to note that the transportation authority staff received the supportive action from the balboa park on this item. >> these are included in the plan to increase the safety. and this is the subject of this specific request and implementation and for a total of 4 intersections by the community and intersections in priority order, and arlington and wilder and the funds that will be used for the construction, and repaving and
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lecturn pockets and upgrading signals and street lighting and restriping and landscaping and does eliminate the five parking spaces. and the prop k, request it here is lefage as a 1.2 million dollar federal ear mark. and the next project shown is the comments and i think that the cac questions the plan and larkin raised is what improvement to viking and to the pedestrian safety and it sounds like those and that intersection will make it much safer for the biking and the pedestrian an safety. >> that is right, arial is following up as the project manager but the traffic calming impacts will effect both bicyclists and pedestrian ans but as far as having specific bicycle infrastructure and that might be a typo but we will confirm. >> thank you. >> and the street scape and it
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applies for the project that the committee saw in april and the initial funds in 2012 were for the first block of the construction and the design and the projects gave the project the vision of funding for the second block. and the project includes, traffic calming and traffic islands a bus bulb out, and pedestrian. and on the second we have for the month is the field and loop pedestrian requestor and requesting 240,000 for the design phase of this project, and the sfmta and the city college have been working to to be sure that the project continues to move forward for the construction, and sfmta
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will be designing and constructing the project on behalf of the city college and in coordination of the new pedestrian plaza located between the actual loop where the buses will turn around and a new housing development. and the it will design a new pedestrian connection between the city college and the loop and the kstop on, on shen avenue and the design on the construction to be completed by the fall of 2015 and the winter of 2016. 21 million is the over all cost. and that goes towards the contract and prokuring the managing the subcontract and administering the client,
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eligiblebility. all of the work funded will be completed by june the 15th and i want to know that on time performance is up and, and the requests are done and accounting for more new accurate we are forming and over the past three years, the debit card system is allowed better enforcement of the program rules and includes the program for the ramp taxi drivers. okay and the final request is for the transbay transit center, the joint power authority is requesting 43 million for the construction phase of a transbay transit center. it will support the san francisco bus ramps and program and project management and construction management and other services and of the construction of super construction concrete. and the system and it looks like a really big request and it is, and i want to point out that a large portion of the funds were deobligated from the
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older grant when they received stimulus funds, and they had strict timely requirements and bumping up the prop k funds. and these next few slides have given an idea of the work that is happening over the next few months and years and i want to note that the revised budget for the project of 1.899 building for the phase one of an increase of 310 million over the may deadline, it has identified, 110 million for the funding to fill a portion of that gap, including 41 million in prop k, and 61 million in the bay funds. and the cjpa board developed a strategy to fund the remaining by using a transit district plan, and the revenues of which will be acquired by the formation of the facilities.
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simple clarification and not related to the expenses of anything, but the projects on page seven, you call the loop, and i have made attempts and i thought that it was being taken care of that name will not be used any more? do you know anything about that i should say that we have dpa and ron, and sarah and pt mcdonald if you have questions as well. i understand that the conversations are that the transit area is being discussed
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as being remained to the san francisco state, and i am sorry, city college, staff. and so it would have, city college and the name. and that the plaza is the unit b plaza has been selected by the community and i am not assure that the change of the location has taken effect yet though but we can confirm. >> thank you. they were asking just to see where it was at. >> okay. >> thank you any other questions colleagues sf >> thank you, let's open up this for public comment. if there is anyone please come forward. >> (inaudible). >> thank you, is there anyone else that would like to speak?
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>> seeing none, can we approve these funds, or we should take the roll call, okay. >> item 7, commissioner breed? >> aye. >> breed, aye. >> campos. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> commissioner mar? >> aye. >> commissioner yee in >> aye. >> yee, aye. >> seven passes. >> thank you. >> miss cheng call the next item and we are joined by commissioner david campos. >>
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thank you. >> and i am going to be presenting the powerpoint that is listed as part two in the enclosures to your packet and for the folks watching at home, this is available on our website, at and i have borrowed a couple of slides from the part one presentation, which is also powerpoint enclosure in your packet and so for the folks watching at home, about the
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access this is something that we do every four years and it is meant to follow up on and feed into the long range transportation level, and so it is supposed to follow up, implement and recommendations to the county, level plan, for the san francisco transportation plan, and incorporate the other plans, and the others that have emerged in the four years that are priorities for san francisco. and the strategic plan that we will be bringing to you next year, is what shows, the 30 years worth of prop k. and the five-year plans that you have before you today are what feed into the next five years of programming and cash flow. they are something that are mandated in the expenditure plan, and they are a
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prerequisite. and the language in this regard were added to the plan for the advisory committee in 2003 and as a way to provide transparency and accountability to the voters and how do the agencies select the projects? what are the projects that are selected? what are the trade-offs between doing this project verses another project? and they are also meant to provide coordination opportunities so that the agencies are meant to plan for the coordination for complete street projects and it also allows for a steady pipeline of projects for when the discretionary grant opportunities become available so that the local funds are available to match, let's say, the federal grant requirements. last overview slide is what
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like it includes and it is a five year plan, so if i use the abbreviation, and they includes, the basic; and schedule to support the cost and these slides are in, and these are the last of the three slides from part one and then i am going to jump to part two of the presentation that you have in front of you. so my my apologies. and so the other elements are to show you the prop k funds that have been allocated to date and the projects that have been completed and are under way, and maybe i will just take a break now just to show you, you know, you have various enclosures in front of you that are the actual five-year plan documents. and so all of them, all of the
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elements that i just outlined are included in the actual five year document and we have done a lot of work to make these users, and so that there are a lot of tables that are self-explanatory so you can get an idea of what has been delivered to date, the item before you is to adopt six five-year plans and we are presenting the vehicles, facilities and highways and portions not for approval but given the amount of prop k that are involved in these categories we wanted to share the proposed project with you today. and let's see here. okay. so we will be presenting the vehicle and facilities for adoption next month.
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the way that it is organized is that there is a slide that gives you an overview of what is done and under way of the projects, and the second slide for each of the categories is the proposed projects, and then the next slide is highlights from the different categories, stories that we felt were worth calling out and highlights of interest to draw your attention to. and the muni facilities or the muni vehicles category has delivered a couple of very large projects over the last five years, and in particular, most reseptemberly, with replacing about 60 hybrid motor coaches and 60 feet trolly coaches and then also para transit vehicles. and this category is intended to upgrade and replace the vehicles, this is not for expansion vehicles and so the way that the prop k funds are
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used in this category is primarily the leverage the federal funds to the region that are formula based and so these, so, as i switched to the next slide, the prokurments that are planned over the next five years are not dependent upon any new revenue measures and getting approved in the fall and these will be replacement program vehicles and this is, this is a really, this is really the highlight of the presentation, presentation, if you will, as far as order of magnitude, and so prop k will be providing 150 million dollars over the next five years to procure, about 700 vehicles and mta is replacing its entire fleet over the next five years and will reach the life over this period and mta is setting the stage for awarding a contract in the fall to get started with the fiscal
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year 14/15 plan procurements and will be leveling 900 million in federal formula and bridge toll fupds and over the next five years, and will be replacing 62 pa ra transit vans and restoring street cars to allow them to reach the end of their useful lives. >> replacing the vehicles has the biggest most direct impact on transit performance, we have not seen the replacements along this order of magnitude since the prop k program and so we are just thrilled to see these coming down the pike. and so this does require significant advancement of prop k funds from the later years of the program. but, there are funds that are still available outside of this five years. prop k and as i mentioned in prop k is available for replacement vehicles, but not
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for expansion vehicles. the next item is the muni facilities. >> could i just ask you a question about speeding up procurements as the new vehicles, and i know that with two recent fires on the 38th area of the older vehicles, and the severe need of more maintenance of these older vehicles, that i think that it is really a critical urgent priority for replacing like the 60 foot trollies that are on the 38 geary lines and i am wondering if there are other ways that we utilize the federal funding sources and local sources to speed up the purchase of vehicles like that. >> sure. mta is engaging in a couple of different methods to expedite, project delivery and acquisition of vehicles and one of them is that they are participating for a portion of these procurements with the end
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of the consorsum that will allow seattle to join the process for the vehicles that are being prokured and so it can reduce the acquisition time by 9 months. >> thank you. >> and the next five-year plan that is for consideration, and not for adoption is for the muni facilities projects, and the done and under way projects and you can see the escalator projects is what will be incorporated in phase two due to the popular projects and the control and the communication projects are under way and the enterprise and the as ses management is also under way and in particular, something that might hear addressed in the management update and because the efforts that the mta is undertaking to manage the resources. >> so for the proposed projects for the next five years, dpw is
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doing, early planning work, right now, to verify the scope in the needed improvements of the various different facilities that will help to address the needs of the projects going forward. the paint booths at the muni metro east facility in the woods and will improve efficiency as mta shifts to the motor coach fleet. okay. some of the quick highlights, and we will get the amount of funds that are non-prop k that are left to be identified and the funding plan already assumes revenues from the november ballot measure and prop k is funding conceptual engineering work and this will allow for a significant scoping and a needs assessment and resource analysis, for mta to
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scope the projects that are moving to the top as-needed but the funds to actually implement the projects are not actually all in place yet, so they are left to be secured. there are potential funding sources that exist, including cap and trade funds to the region, and that have been approved in the state budget, and at a state level. revenue bonds and also, future general obligation bonds. >> for mta, muni guide ways, this is another category that is under consideration, but for action next month. highlights of the projects that have been delivered are on this slide, we can address any of them in particular, if you wish. but this gives you an overview of what has been delivered to date with prop k and what is
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currently under way. the c3 facility is actually completed but mta needs to move in and it can't move in until all of the equipment until the system's project is all completed. >> the proposed projects, in the category include the van ness brt and the system department, and for the portion of this will be funded with federal state of good repair funds, and the back up center, for the vehicle control, and so that we can avoid system shut downs and similar to the ones that have occurred in the recent months and also, someplace holder projects for projects that are to be identified. highlights that we will keep an eye on the project delivery to
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insure that the projects are moving that have prop k funds that are a lot of problematic place holders so that the projects will need to come back to the board in order for the funds to be allocated, of course. and then also, that the revenue bonds because they have significantly contributed to the program over the last five years, for guide ways, and mta has not come in for a significant level of prop k funds over the last five years. and that trend will continue to 16/17 and that is why you are not seeing the prop k kicking in until the end of the five-year plan and we will continue to monitor that. this is the art facilities categories and they have the development for three operators, for mta cal train and bart. and mta has the majority of the
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funds programmed for it and bart also has a state of good repair and station access funds available in the prop k program. and the bart facilities projects and the projects that are done and proposed over the next five years are shown on the screen and the highlights includes the daily city bart station that is proposed in the next five years and this will be for the best circulation access. and we will be funding prop k funds can be used outside of san francisco, as long as they provide benefits to the residents of san francisco, to proportional to the share that we are providing and funding and so this is also being contributor to the project. the project is the parks improvement project and this will be for another intersection, that is recommending. the bart guide ways project and
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this is for the guide ways category and under way as the palace street and water inclusion project and you may have seen it if you have been at the station, and the transbay tube passage doors and i have been educated and i need to read the safety sites on bart a little bit carefully to know that they actually provide access to a center lane, and access, tunnel in between the two tunnels. and in this, to the train tunnels so if there is an emergency you can get outside of the doors and walk through the center running. and this will provide for doors between treasure island and san francisco. there are other doors on the other side and i will highlight. bart station and the capacity projects, and this is separate from the vehicles facility and guide ways this is an actual
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stand alone category and you can see the projects that are done and the north east plaza for the 16th mission bart station and the proposed project, or the projects that are under way and the station study that you have seen in allocation recently and we are working with our regional counter parts on that project. the projects that are proposed for the next five years, primarily are around the bart station, and there is a neighborhood transportation improvement capitol project and this will improve the entryway at the head house and also, access and policing the connectivity at the street level and there are also improvements proposed for the 25th and mission, and the redesign of the civic center and station.
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>> and i just wanted to thank todd morgan from bater for being here and resources from dpw, and jonatha. >> the next is the ferry category, and they funded the removal of the dilapidated parking area and this scraoe ated space for the new gate a. and so the improvements are one is for a new gate a, for passenger waiting and cuing area and also a gang way and piers project that is proposed that will increase access, and passenger ramps to be consistent with the other ferry operators in the bay area, and associated with the repair and this is also to increase the
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ability of transit service in the case of an emergency. these are where the projects are and you can see the blue circle and the green circle on the screen. and the next series of five year plans are the dpw land programs, the first is the street resurfacing and maintenance category. over the last five years, prop k has funded the resurfacing of about 100 blocks, and we have advanced prop k to support a higher annual budget and then we realized that tpw is also to spend the funds on time and then to work with the projects on time and this also helps the city maintain its goals to its pavement condition and score of as high as possible. and prop k gives the small piece of the revenue pie for
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the street resurfacing. and so, we are primarily funding the construction phases of projects that are proposed over the next five years. this does not represent the entire street resurfacing program, i will note, and the rest of the streets that are proposed to be resurfaced are included in one of the enclosures that i believe that it is enclosure h, to your packet. for this item so that you can see all of their planned projects over the next five years. the highlights of the street resurfacing category, over the next five years, we continued the plan to advance the funds and in order to help the city achieve its goals, it does reduce the amount of funds available in the out years of prop k, so it takes about ten years off of the availability of funds, but the funds are available through the fiscal
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year, 2526. >> pedestrian and bike facility maintenance, this funds dpw five lock repair program and also mta meet and the buy facilities safe hip post screen paint. curb ramps, this is the category that funds the dpw curb ramp program along with the funds from the general fund and the mayor's office of disability. and dpw has done the targeted out reach over the years and the neighborhoods with a high population with the folks of disability and are aware and there are a low number of usable curb ramps and then through the mailings and also the various different types of advertisements. and people can request curb ramp
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