tv [untitled] June 17, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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that the puc has held off on approving not to exceed rates that were part of our cleanpowersf community choice aggregation program and we used the time in the budget process to negotiate a pulse in the program to make sure we could have some of that continue and bring before the puc at any other time. ~ at another time. i know it's a lot of work to do to get a mix the puc could support and the political challenges facing us in getting approval there, but i think it's important that we keep this program before us and provide san franciscans -- that could provide san franciscans with a choice for renewable energy in their homes. that's what this program, the cleanpowersf program could ultimately provide. but that's a small part of what is before us today. the puc is one of our largest departments and its mission is
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to provide water, power, and deal with wastewater across the bay area, northern california, and it's important that we approve these projects and move the puc forward, and also put a small part of keeping cca alive. so, colleagues, i hope for your support. thank you. >> thank you. , supervisor avalos. any further comments? ~ all right, colleague, can we take these items same house same call? without objection these ordinances are passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> madam clerk, could you call items 15 through 16? >> item 1a is the interim proposed annual budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and expenditures for selected departments for the city and county of san francisco as of june 2nd, 2014, for the fiscal years ending june 40th, 2015 and june 30th 2016. item 16 is the interim annual salary ordinance [speaker not understood] positionses in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance ~ for the fiscal years ending june 30th, 2015 and 2016. >> colleagues, same house same call?
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the ordinances for the interim proposed end year budgets are passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> item 17. >> item 17 is a resolution to retroactively approve the new project modification between city and guard smart for services human services agency for the period february 1st 2014 through january 31st 2018 including the three option years in the amount of approximately 19.8 million. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item? >> item 18 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the public defenders office to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately 230,000 to implement a legal advocacy program from january 31st 2013 to january 31st 2014. >> i had a question -- >> should we rescind the vote? >> yes. >> motion by [speaker not understood], without objection,
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the vote is rescinded. and supervisor campos. >> thank you. just wondering if we could hear from the department as to why this contract is retroactive. >> it's on now. >> my name is [speaker not understood]. we were here to present the last item. it is retroactive because we rent through the solicitation proset and in that process we ended up receiving -- we were tentatively awarded [speaker not understood] security services. in that award guards mark, the one that we have now, [speaker not understood] contract to, sued tikon and the contract was actually hung up in litigation for quite sometime, about a hundred days approximately. and because of that we weren't able to award the contract until now. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> okay. with that, colleague, can we take item 17 same house same call? without objection, the resolution is adopted item 17. [gavel] >> item 18 has already been called. with that can we take item 18 same house same call? without objection, the resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> item 19. >> item 19 is a resolution to authorize the acceptance and expenditure of state transportation development act article 3 funds for pedestrian and bicycle projects for fiscal years 2014-15 totaling approximately 882,000. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> item 20. >> item 20 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the department of public health, community behavioral health services to enter into an amended fiscal year 2013-2014 contract for substance use disorder services with the state department of health care services for the term of july 1st, 2010 through june 30th 2014 in the amounts of approximately 71 million. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted.
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[gavel] >> item 21. supervisor breed, did you have a question on item 20 or 21? >> item 20. >> okay, why don't we rescind the vote on 20. supervisor breed has made a motion to rescind seconded by supervisor campos without objection that item is rescinded. [gavel] >> supervisor breed. >> i had a question for clarification. are we retro acting this retroactively approving the contract july 1, 2010, is that not a typo, is that a typo? >> just want to ask the representative from dph here. mr. rose?
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>> mr. president and members of the board, this item actually did not have fiscal impact. we have not reported on this item. >> okay. supervisor avalos, do you have any additional perspective on this? >> yes. i think it's great that we're actually questioning retroactive contracts that come before us. it's something that i think we brought before us in previous items that didn't go anywhere, but i think we all want to take a collective stand by holding our departments accountable to bringing us contracts in a timely way, it would be great. so, i really appreciate people questioning these item that come before us. >> supervisor breed. >> just a point of clarification. i think i'm specifically concerned that this contract predates my service on the board of supervisors and i've never agreed to be supportive
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of any contract that dates back this far before. i know we've had some issues with leases in particular. i know we've had issues with grant applications. i can understand when things are caught up in litigation, but i am just not very comfortable with supporting this item because it's a retroactive term of july 1st, 2010, and without a clear understanding of why we would approve such an item. i just don't feel comfortable. i mean, it actually would be expiring at the end of this month. it makes absolutely no sense to me and i just can't support it at this time. >> supervisor breed -- sorry. supervisor campos. >> thank you. i do want to thank supervisor breed for raising this issue. my question had to do also with the retroactivity and also there's only a couple of weeks left on this $70 million contract. so, just wondering how we got
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here. thank you. >> let me ask mr. elliott, representative of administration, would you give us a call from dph to answer some of these questions or should we vote on it? >> i just noted from the mayor's office i'm happy to [speaker not understood]. i apologize, i don't have an answer for you right now. >> colleagues, why don't i suggest unless folks are ready to pass now, hold it to another meeting. supervisor farrell. >> colleagues, we actually get [speaker not understood] all of our contracts we're required to vote on. we did have a pretty robust discussion two or three weeks ago on one contract that came before us. so, it was retroactive. i've really kind of made a strong statement statement to our city departments not to come back to us with retroactive contracts. sometimes it's unavoidable. we have to laugh at those exceptions, but as a policy we want to send a strong statement. this one i'm going to reserve judgment on and likely follow supervisor breed given she's technically the sponsor of it right here. but why don't we continue it.
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i want to make sure we all know as a collective body that we have sent that message through budget committee and i think we did have unanimous thought on that that departments should be forewarned not to bring those before us any more. >> thank you, supervisor. i do have one question to the budget analyst who i understand -- i think he's -- excuse me, colleagues, if we could just have one conversation. supervisor breed? >> i'm specifically talking about item number 20, not item number 21. >> sorry, sorry, sorry. >> okay. i do have one question of mr. rose who i understand is on the phone but maybe i could ask the controller. it states in the agenda this item does have a fiscal impact. so, was there no analysis that was done? >> supervisors, [speaker not understood] controller. mr. rose will need to speak to that question. just to clarify, though, another department should be here to speak to it in detail. there is retroactivity [speaker not understood].
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[speaker not understood] and the period of retroactivity is in the fiscal year we're in. so, not to excuse the department because of re row activity, if folks get a reading from the summary it is retroactive to 2010. the amount of 70 million is not accurate. >> thank you. question to mr. rose, it said in the agenda there is a fiscal impact. i assume under your standard that was -- that didn't rise to the level of an analysis? >> mr. president, member of the board, it is my understanding that this is revenue to the city which did not meet the fiscal impact threshold. we would certainly be glad to take another look at this if the board wanted us to. the other thing is i might add, supervisors, that during -- this came to us on a very late timetable where we didn't even have a chance to report to the board on this item. if the board would like a report on it, we would be happy to do so. >> thank you. supervisor campos. >> just a quick note.
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i would simply respectfully ask the departments if you have a contract, an item on the agenda, don't assume that it's simply going to be passed. you know, take into account the responsibility there may be questions asked. i think that certainly makes meetings move along a lot quicker. thank you. >> so, colleague, unless there are any follow-up questions, why don't i suggest we defer item 20 until a dph representative comes in. madam clerk, item 21. >> item 21 is a resolution to approve the issuance and sale of a tax exempt bond by the california municipal finance authority in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed 15 million for financing the acquisition and rehabilitation of the buchanan park apartments. >> roll call vote, please. >> on item 21. supervisor campos. campos aye. supervisor chiu. chiu aye. supervisor cohen. cohen aye. supervisor farrell. farrell aye. supervisor kim.
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kim aye. supervisor mar. mar aye. supervisor tang. tang aye. supervisor wiener. wiener aye. supervisor yee. yee aye. supervisor avalos. avalos aye. supervisor breed. breed aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> items 22 and 23. >> items 22 and 23 together are the resolutions to declare the intent of the city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness authorizing the director of the mayor's office of housing and community development to submit an application and related documents to the california debt limit allocation committee to promote the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $32.5 million for 2600 and 2700 a railious walker drive. >> colleagues, same house same call, these items are approved. [gavel] >> add item 24, madam clerk. >> item 24 was referred without recommendation from the land
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use and development committee. it is an ordinance to a medv the general plan by repealing ordinance number 108-11 and adopting -- an adoption of the 2009 housing element and making the requisite findings ~. >> colleagues, this item is related to items 33 through 36 which i understand must be resolved first. so, i ask that we pass over this item until that time. item 25. >> item 25 is a resolution to determine that the transfer of a type 48 on sale general public premise of license for the expansion of premises located at 246 kearny street for future beverages [speaker not understood] which will serve the public convenience and necessity of the city. >> same house same call. this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> aye item 26. >> item 26 is an ordinance to amend the municipal elections code ~ regarding proponents and opponents ballot arguments. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. president. this is a piece of legislation that will finally put an end
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to the gaming of our system for selecting the official proponent and opponent ar youthv in the ballot handbook ~. as you know, many voters rely on the integrity of the voter handbook so they know who is the official proponent or supporter of the measure, who is the official opponent and they can review those arguments and be assured that the best pro and con arguments are being made so voters can make the best decision. voters understandably assume that the arguments that are being presented to them as the official proponent and opponent arguments are exactly that, proponents and opponents. unfortunately, we've seen over the years through a flaw in our municipal elections code that some people have been able to game the system to be able to take on the role of official proponent or opponent, and they do this because when the board of supervisors itself does not
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keep the official proponent or opponent role, anyone from the public can submit a proposed argument to be official, to be official proponent or opponent. and if there is more than one submitted, a lottery is conducted and one of those arguments is selected. over time we have seen a number of situations where someone will come along and will submit 5 or 10 or 15 or 25 or even more arguments and make them very, very slightly different from each other and will basically overwhelm the process, overwhelm the lottery and become the official proponent or opponent, even though other people have only tried to be very meticulous and only submitted one argument. and it's an unfair system that someone can come in and submit dozens of similar arguments and game the system that way. over time, it wasn't that big of an issue because at least the people who were gaming the system that way were actually
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supporters or opponents of the ballot measure. unfortunately for this last june's primary relating to proposition b, the campaign manager for the yes side gamed the system through should i cainery and got himself appointed as the official opponent even though he was the campaign manager for the yes side. and he did this by submitting something like 25 almost identical ballot arguments ~. the actual opponents of prop b were very diligent and submitted one and they got overwhelmed in the blatery. fortunately the department of elections was able to get his argument removed so that the voters were not fraudulently misled into thinking he was the actual official opponent ~. but it really brought to light the need to reform this aspect of our municipal elections code. so, this legislation will do two very simple things. first, if you or the member of the public are submitting a
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proposed official proponent or opponent argument, you can submit one and only one argument. everyone will be on an equal footing. and second, you will have to sign a certification under penalty of perjury that if you are submitting an official argument on one side or the other that you are not in some sort of leadership role -- and i think that's very well defined in the legislation -- but that you're not in some sort of official or leadership role for the opposite came pain. this is common sense and overdue legislation and will close a significant loophole in the ballot handbook and law, and it will significantly reduce the odds in the future of this kind of chicanery happening. so, colleagues, i ask for your support. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? without objection this ordinance is passed on first reading. [gavel] >> item 27. >> item 27 is a motion to confirm the mayor's
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reappointment of leslie katz to the port commission for a term ending may 1st, 2018. >> colleagues same house same call, this motion is approved. [gavel] >> item 28. >> item 28 is the motion to reappoint linda richardson to the treasure island board of directors for a term ending april 28, 2018. >> same house same call, this motion is approved. [gavel] >> colleagues, why don't we go to our 2:30 special orders. we have two today. first will be district 1 colleague supervisor mar. >> thank you, president chiu. today there's a number of companies that are here with us today and i'm pleased to recognize them as winners of san francisco and the bay area's great race for clean era wards. as some of you know, supervisor john avalos and i sit on the bay area quality management district board and it's been an honor to help clean the air, fight pollution, and create healthier environments for everyone. but these companies from san francisco joined a number of other companies from the bay
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area in reducing greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, and pollutants from the air and environment. as i say, the great race is a two-month long bay area wide competition that helps to clean the air by reducing c.o.2 emissions and encouraging workers and employees to use alternative and cleaner and greener commuting methods. and this spring over 1,000 employees from 70 bay area companies saved more than 770,000 pounds of c.o.2 from entering the environment. and the winners have been chosen, they're recognized for, one, the highest c.o.2 savings, two, the highest level of employee participation, and the highest percentage of clean commute days, days when employees used cleaner, greener alternatives to driving alone to just transit, biking and car pooling. i'm really proud to say san francisco businesses took the top spots in a number of the category.
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and i'd like to thank the executive director of community focus stephanie anderson who is here with us. if she could come forward. but i'd like to thank her and her staff for their efforts in coordinating this annual event. also we'll be honoring and introducing a number of san francisco's winners, 7 of them, and if you can please come forward as i call your name one by one, i would appreciate it. so, for the highest level of employee participation in the mini size, the smaller companies, organizations with up to 25 employees, the second place winner is a well known one and we'll hear them a little later in the meeting. livable cities. accepting the trophy on their behalf is beth bern and liza [speaker not understood]. third place winner is alexa internet and accepting is stephanie anderson. the smallest, 25 to 100 employees, the first place
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winner is hdr architecture. accepting their trophy is jean hanson and matthew rig by. second place in that category is interior architects, and it's eric zimmer accepting their award from interior architects. third place is footster, and that's the from the winners circle the second year in a row. and we have hanna [speaker not understood] from [speaker not understood] with us today. for the highest level of employee participation in a larger size company, that's 101 to 500 employees, the fourth place winner is nekto therapeutics. we have brenda chu [speaker not understood]. they won fourth place [speaker not understood]. congratulations in every single year. 38% of nektar employees participated. that's over one-third of their full workforce. for the highest overall c.o.2
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savings the second place winner was also nektar therapeutics. thanks so much to brenda chu and the whole staff there as well. lastly, for most clean commute days per participants, the first place winner is another san francisco entity, san francisco maritime national historic park. and accepting on their behalf is lynn sullivan. and the third place winner in the most clean commute days per participant is alexa internet, almost sweeping it in many categories. so, thanks again to alexa internet and stephanie anderson for accepting on their behalf. we have so many san francisco businesses and their employees improving the environment by cleaning their commute habits, and i'd like to ask if supervisor avalos has anything to say about our champions and companies. thank you so much for the 22 member bay area management air district board. it is a pleasure to serve with supervisor avalos and others on that board. and thank you so much to these
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companies for creating a healthier environment and cleaning the air. and let me turn it over to stephanie anderson as well. >> thank you so much. we really appreciate this opportunity. i just want to congratulate all the winners and all the companies who participated in the great race for clean air this year. it is a fun way to encourage your employees to try commute alternatives. the most important take away from this, if people can car pool once a week or take a bus once or twice a week it can have a huge impact on the traffic congestion or the air quality. it's worth giving it a go even for a couple days a week. you don't have to go in for all five days. every bit helps and if it's fun and your employees like doing it you'll have a lot of fun. so, thank you so much for this opportunity. >> i'd like to ask if any of the businesses and entities would like to say anything. thank you so much for everything. supervisor avalos, you want to join us for a photo?
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i'm also happy to invite a family. just for a little background, since 1971 raymond and carol have been the owners of j.c. market which is a neighborhood serving store at 830 jackson street in the heart of my district in chinatown selling fresh meats, dry goods, vegetable and other chinese groceries. they immigrated here decades ago from china. carol taught for many years in public elementary school while raymond has managed j.c. market as a stable presence within the chinatown community for over 43 years. and i want to thank you for your leadership in helping to anchor that place within our chinatown community, particularly during significant neighborhood change. raymond and carol during the construction of the new chinese hospital have continued to not only taken credibly good care of their dedicated employees,
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many of whom have been with the market for many, many years, but they have been strong supporters and incredible advocates for the new chinese hospital building during construction, even though the market has been impacted by their construction work. and i know there are many members of the chinatown community that are very grateful for the work that you have done and for continuing j.c. market and helping to [speaker not understood] the community and on behalf of our districts and our neighborhoods i want to thank you for your leadership, thank you for your stewardship, and we want to wish you all the best for at least another 43 years to come for j.c. market. thank you so much. (applause) >> i want to thank supervisor chiu for this high recognition for my husband.
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actually, i have not very much to do with him. he's just too shy to come and say to the board of supervisors so he asked me to come and do it. but i'm glad to accept this commendation and i really appreciate it. and i'm sure raymond does, too. he started off in 1971 as an importer and he did that for about 20 years. but with the change of the clientele and all that, he just gave it up, but he still enjoy going in the store every morning at 9 o'clock and getting off at 6 o'clock. and he looked forward to it, actually. i told him he's supposed to retire with me, but he said that as long as he's able to walk he's going to keep the store open and greet the
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the day. why don't we skip over our 3:00 p.m. special orders and go to our committee reports. madam clerk, could you call items 39 through 69, the m-o-us. >> items 39 through 16 were considered by the government audit and oversight committee at a regular meeting on thursday, june 12th, 2014 and forwarded to the board as committee reports. the following are the ordinances to fixed compensation or adopt and implement various arbitration awards or mediation agreements establishving a memorandum of understanding or a medving and adopting various amendments to the m-o-u between the city and the following. the building inspectors association of san francisco years 2014 through 2017. local 798 unit 2 firefighters 2014 through 2018. local 78 [speaker not understood] fiscal year 2014 through 2018. item 42, the compensation for unrepresented employees effective fiscal year july 1st
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through 2014. local 38 united association of journeymen and apprentices of the plumbing and pipe fitting industry fiscal years 2014 through 2017. local 258, [speaker not understood] multi-unit fiscal years 2014 through 17. local 250 a, the transpour workers union of america 7410, effective fiscal years 2014 through 17. local 200, the transport workers union of america, effective fiscal years 2014 through 17. local 856, the teamsters, multi-unit effective fiscal years 2014 through 17. the supervising probation officers effective fiscal [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. local 10 to 1 service employees international union effective fiscal years 2014 through 17. the sheriff's managers and supervisors association, effective fiscal years 2014 through 17. the san francisco city
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