tv [untitled] June 19, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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growth factor of 28.05 percent. and the multiyear projected that we shared with you at the last meeting was also based on the department of the fine estimates and on the revenue side again, we the leases and rental income is projected to increase by one million dollars. and this is from the 1235 mission street property lease, sales tax, is going, and it is up by 1.5 million or 5 percent over the 13/14 level. and this is in line with the city's projection for the sales tax revenue growth. all other local revenue is projected to increase slightly by a little over a half a million dollars because of this one time settlement pay out. and we did discuss the rainy day reserve. and it appears that there will be a significant increase in the rainy day reserve for 14,
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15, and this is exactly what the rainy day reserve is for is to provide the security in the future. and that we are using the duf projections and if they do not materialize and the reserve will be a good buffer. >> on the expenditure side, the increase in the 14, 15 expenditure budget are due to a number of factor and most that are highlighted that the salary and related benefit increases due to the collective bargaining that is about ten million dollars. and that is built into the budget. that sight based allocations and the and five million dollars and budgeted the
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support to the sites under mtsf and increase by 4.4 million dollars. and i just want to point out there is a new chart, and a new exhibit, and in the book that shows the resources under these central allocations that each school receives. >> and increases in the retirement and that is about $4.3 million dollars. >> and special education, as we explained, and the last time. and because of the 13, 14 contribution coming in. slightly lower than what was budgeted and comparing that level to the contribution for 14/15 it shows a 4.1 million increase and the contribution of $3 million that is based on
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the governor's proposal, of stepping column increases 2.3 million, and that is also a 2.2 loss of an offset because of the discontinuation of revenue reallocation from qtea and that we had last year and or in the current year and transitional kindergarten classrooms have expanded and in that additional 1.1 million dollars. >> so, on the state budget updates, last week, the legislative budget conference committee began to reconcile the differences between the plans proposed by the senate and both houses as well as the administration and it appears that they, and the one big sticking point is the revenue assumptions where the assembly and senate are working off of higher revenue assumptions than
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the governor may revises in cooperating and some other issues include lcsf funding, and additional funding and additional one time funding for common core. paying back the mandate backlog, for the school districts and it is an issue that is being discussed. and not so much whether, that deficit needs to be made whole, or how much and by what? and what percent increases does have this to be or does the gap have to be filled. >> child care and funding is also on the agenda and career tech ed funding. negotiations are taking place, and the latest is that they will meet all the way up to june 15th. which is when the constitutional deadline is to pass a budget. is sunday. and then if a deal is reached,
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the committee will convene quickly to act. and once approved by the committee, the proposed budget will go to both of the houses for consideration and action. >> so, as we mentioned, this is a effort of continuous improvement, and self-improvement, and the, we have come a long way from almost two to three years ago, in terms of our budget book, with the striving to make it as transparent and accessible as any budget can get. as complicated as the district's budget is. some of the highlights that are worth pointing out that are in this year's budget book. we have included district strategies and descriptions of the tiered support on page nine and we have included the summaries of the lcap and the
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lcsf updates and we will probably add a little more information to this in the second reading book and these are on page 11 and 16 respectively and there is a summary of the common core standards implementation funds and that was the spending plan that was also approved at the last board meeting. there are an exhibit on page 72, that i referred to earlier that describes in details the centralized supports, under mtss that each school site is receiving. and, we have also improved on the division summary and the department budget details that you will find under each division section. and the book is available the first reading is available on the sfusd website in a
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searchable format. >> next step, we will have our second meeting on the lcap and budget on june 17th. the second reading of the lcap and the budget will be presented at the full board meeting on june 24th. the governor will hopefully sign the budget by june 15th. but it is a date yet to be determined. or at least a budget should pass if not enacted by june 15th. the sfusd staff will analyze the final state budget doing it over the summer, and we will determine the variances from our current assumptions, and analyze the impact on school site budgets, and recommend appropriate adjustments to the adopted budget. school sites will revise the final budgets between september and october. and we have, just kicked off
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the process for closing the books for 13/14 and that is an activity that will continue all the way through october when the actuals are presented and the audited financial statements, and will be in december and the first interim report and the first opportunity to present a revised budget, and multiyear projections and assumptions both, and that concludes our presentation. >> how would you prefer to do this discussion, given the hour, and i have a number of
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questions and i am sure that everybody has a lot *f questions, do we want to dig in now or do we want to transmit them in another way and have the answers. >> i have some questions, too. and i know that this is the first reading and so you don't have a huge discussion on it and so we are going to have a huge discussion, i think next week, is that right? deputy superintendent? >> that is up to you, commissioners. and a huge factor and but i guess that the one thing if you have questions or for that matter, i guess that we should limit the questions i guess, but if there are clarifications or the topics that you would like the staff to be prepared to address, it would be really helpful to know that. and so that we can try to prepare for that committee the whole meeting and to the extent that is difficult, and then we
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will definitely engage to the best of our if we need to follow up between the 17th and 24th with additional information. >> so i am sorry, we had one public comment on this. >> one thing that i will see about the unified school district is that i am really excited that it does allow the processes, that are going on across the state. where, a low control funding is being spent on police officers, or security cameras or the things that kind of really go against the essence of it. and i think that one of the struggles that we have had as
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community advocates and with our members is a lack of transparency and seeing how the dollars are actually going to be making it to the students. and how, things are going to benefit with the way that the money is being spent and so i look forward as the board continues to have these conversation and more information becomes present and how we can see that these dollars are going to benefit the students who need it most and not kind of following into the historic trends of the dollars and kind of following the most privileged, and most well off students verses the students with the money was intended for and we will be able to go through the budget and kind of identify all of the needs that all of the students are being met in ways, that reflect the values and all of the energy and effort that community groups put in to create the low control funding form law to bring more money into the district. >> thank you for your comments. >> you know, i think that considering it is late, and we have another meeting after this and the staff has been you
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know, breathing. and you know, i have to go to work tomorrow. i am wondering if my colleagues, would agree to send any questions to the deputy superintendent in prepare for a very long meeting next tuesday night. and any way i think that we will have a lot of questions because this is so new, and deputy, so i think that if my colleagues will agree with that, i would suggest that. and commissioner wynns it looks like you have a comment. >> i want to ask a process question quickly, if we get you the questions that we would have questioned tonight, i would like to know whether you could answer them as much as possible. not waiting for next tuesday, just answer them by, and you could send them to everybody but just by e-mail and especially not the full discussion, but because those things, and the initial questions often raised the deeper questions, right? and so, by, and i don't want to do this tonight, but i do want to have the answers, some of
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them are, and i know that some of my questions have simple answers and that will make me think about that. >> is that doable? >> and that is where we will look out for the questions and we will try to turn around the responses as quick as we can. >> and you will get the questions in as quickly as possible and on the deputy superintendent. so that he can prepare and i think that after they it is a good idea because some of the questions that we will be asking is what the questions of the public might be asking too. and again, this will be a lengthy meeting and i invite everyone to join us next tuesday at six and bring your sleeping bags and no, i think that it will be a very informative and a lively discussion, held by our deputy superintendent. thank you very much. >> okay
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let's go to the board members reports, a report from the committee of the whole of june third? >> commissioner murase? >> yes. we had one informational item. which was the fiscal year, 2014, 15 budget development and local control development, and i just really want to acknowledge the amazing collaborativive of community groups including the dlac, that we heard from earlier today and the pac and the chinese action and the children youth and the mission graduates and support for families with children with disabilities and uesf and seiu and we all came together and there were over 400 participants, across 29 conversations, including 7 that were conducted in spanish. and two in cantones and that came up with nine very solid recommendations and so, it is now up to the board to make sure that these recommendations
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have been probably reflected in the budget. and that was presented to us. and i just want to thank everyone who participated in the process. >> and, also, i wanted to thank rita for your presentation here. sorry. i got a little distracted there. but i just wanted to say thank you for staying late and for your presentation tonight. commissioner maufas i believe that you report from the augmented curriculum committee of june 9, 14. >> i will be brief and we already had the adoption of the high school mathematics materials at least we sent that forward with a positive recommendation. and we also had the presentation from the delac and what that begs is an ongoing conversation and the dlac and the role as members operates with our supporting staff, for that committee.
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and i think that there definitely was just some bluring of the lines but i really believe that our committee made it quite clear to the dlac but also the dlac support staff on what role each of their entities should play, and how acknowledged frustration by the dlac was trying to get the access to information that they have requested over and over again. it needs to be supported by our staff. and the delay. definitely, sorry. the delay in that, definitely caused i think, some unnecessary activity on their part. when they could have been up supported by the staff, but also, how again our committees operate, and where they find some areas where it is a little gray for them. i think that we should be able and probably through the rules committee really be able to articulate what their role is
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and how they advise us as a board from the out reach in the community and not just the staff perspective but also the dlac perspective? what their role and objectives should be and how they support not only families but also how they offer advice to us as a board of education. and so that was really discussed deeply in the curriculum committee. and we also had the california commission on teacher credentials and results for the programs and the beginning teachers and the support and assessment program that we have here and we are credentialed district. and really we received high marks on that report, and so, i definitely wanted to commend our staff hel enand carol for all of their work and really just a small department, and
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really bringing us through san francisco unified school district with flying colors. we are a district to definitely be admired in regard to our support for beginning teachers and so i want to congratulate them and congratulate the district in that work and we also had a presentation from the stem offerings and i will just repeat some of the fantastic information that is happening in the summer here at sfusd. k, to 5, the summer stem services will be happening at brent elementary, early ed and at brett mar and charles drew and that starts june 16th and 200 kids student, particularly the early ed students will be going on field trips throughout the city five specific field trips, and then be experiencing summer camp which is a very exciting, we have 1600 sixth graders from across the city
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that will be experiencing a step up to stem and for all of the students and that will be supported by 80 and there will be some teachers, supporting that and also be professional development provided by the curriculum and instruction department, and there they will have a learning experience and focusing on coding and robotics and lastly for the high school students, this summer, there will be some credit recovery courses in biology, at thur good marshal and washington and we will be providing professional development for our teachers but really focusing on the 385 students who did not pass biology and have an opportunity to get some credit recovery, in that course and it is designed to be amazing hands on based biology curriculum. and those were the stem summer programs and we had a
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presentation from the office of extended learning. and just really a wrap up for the year. and what has been happening, and via steven cuff man and the assistance of julie in the department and all that they are doing, and we had a presentation regarding the sprout funding which has been an amazing asset to the school sites, to do some really nuanced programs for their students. and that have been incredibly instrumental in helping bring the students along that needed resources. and each school site was able to create a proposal that was funded through the sprout funding and it was just wonderful to hear. and we saw two case studies. in regard to that funding. so i want to commend that department, and then also just really the department of curriculum and instruction, for a year's worth of really hard
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work. and just going above and beyond the cool of duty in regards to all of the transitions that happened in usfd and presenting that thoroughly to the curriculum committee and i also want to thank the colleagues that sit with me on that committee, president and vice president murase your guidance have been insightful and thank you so much for really bringing it to the curriculum and instruction. and then, also to the curriculum and program committee. thank you deputy superintendent. also for your leadership. >> thank you. >> i now call a recess to the regular meeting since the board will be going into closed session. >> before you do that, could i make two... >> yes, you may. >> i just want to acknowledge
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judith powell who is moving back to new york and she has served 40,000 of our students here and has taught them the discipline and cooperation and has really built the self-esteem through golf. and we are going to miss her and then i wanted to announce that we will be the mayor's office will be hosting a public housing graduation, and so graduation honoring all of our students in our public housing who have graduated this year, and so we will have a public acknowledgment, on the behalf tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. in the north south court. at city hall. so please join us and congratulations to the graduates. >> thank you. >> and now, we will have a recess, because we are going to go 3
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and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. mr. president, i'd like to take roll. please do. commissioner hwang. commissioner turman. vice president marshall. president gloria's. sxhuch. supervisor tang. we have a quorum and with us are the police chief chief greg suhr >> welcome to the june 11, 2014, police commission without further ado,. >> think public comment of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the
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