tv [untitled] June 19, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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your budget? >> yes. are you referring under expenditures to the total community investments? >> unto cultural equity i'm showing from 2013-2014 fiscal year to-fiscal year to 2014-2015. and another $500,000 increase in the budget. i'm trying to understand specifically where the increase for cultural equity grants came from, those specific increases? >> yes. so looking at these numbers, i know there have been increases related to the cost of doing business increases that have been included across city contractors because cultural equity grants are administered on an annual competitive basis through a panel process. we pull that cost of doing business increase as an
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addition to the total grant pool. so i believe that is a portion of those funds. let me confer with our cf o to ensure if that's the complete allocation of that $76,000. >> hi. the grandz are going up because of the cola and we did receive some one time funding in our grants line for special project, one time special projects. >> okay. i know there is a cola. there's a cola and increase forlt -- for the arts in the previous fiscal year and for this case there was a cola for my understanding. the number is low. it's 5846 in terms of the increase. i'm trying to understand why. >> the cost of doing business
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increased citywide in the mayor's proposed budget i believe is being administered centrally and we are going to request and receive those funds through year. the increase is our special projects that we received for the budget year that we haven't had in years past. >> there is a possibility that these numbers will change? >> yes. >> there would be an increase of 1.9 percent. 1.5 percent, excuse me. >> yes. that's why i thought the number was a little low. okay. thank you. thanks for the clarity. >> okay. colleagues, any further questions? okay. supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: could you just explain where we are at for the process for support for the non-profits facing displace ments? >> sure. brian from development and myself and my
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team have a final draft of request of proposals through intermediary that would administer the total 1.5 in funds. we will be releasing that rfp next week. we will have a window open for applicants for those funds that would apply to the city to administer those funds both the technical assistance to non-profits but also the direct financial assistance in the form of subgrants for things like tenant improvements and down payments and security deposit. and then when we have the intermediary contract in august, we'll work for a public rfp for all non-profits that are facing displacement in the city and we hope to do that bycep. >> we are on time? >> we are on schedule so far.
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>> great. any other comments, questions? okay. mr. rose, can we go to your report. >> yes, mr. chairman, on page 4 of our report. can i comment on item 3? >> please. >> we have described item 3 on page four, we consider approval of that ordinance to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors. our recommended budget include $275,000. of that amount on going savings and $50,000 one time savings our recommended budget. all of the recommends reductions are on going savings and we'll report back to the committee next week on the final recommendations. >> thank you, mr. rose. any last comments otherwise we'll see you back next wednesday. >> no, thur for the consideration of our budget. >> great. thank you. up next
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we have our department of building inspection. madam clerk, can you call item 5 and 6. city clerk: item 5: [building code - temporary fee reduction] sponsor: mayor ordinance amending the building code to reduce all fees for staff services by 7 a 6-month period and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental city clerk: sf 51234 item 6: [building code - use of repair and demolition fund for telegraph hill stabilization] 6. 140627 sponsor: mayor ordinance amending the building code to authorize use of the repair and demolition fund specified in building code, section 102a.13, to address costs associated with private property owner responsibility to stabilize telegraph hill, as part of the rock slope improvement project, and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. city clerk: sf 51234 sf 61234 >> >> thank you. welcome. >> good morning, supervisor. my name is tom hoit department of building inspector. we are presenting our two 2-year budget for 2014-2015 and
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2015-2016. thank you for helping me out and also the mayor's budget office. we all worked together and then my staff, gail is day and night working on this budget. because of the growing economy, our budget is getting more exact. that's why we have both help us from controllers office and the mayor's office to work out this budget. first of all you can see our mission statement. our department mainly function inspection and enforcement for different building code, mechanical, electrical and housing. the second slide you
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can see our budget because the economy growing so rapidly and the revenue come in. then you can see 2013, 2014. and then increase to 2014, 2015 and project out to 2015, 2016. you can see the related budget. it's related to our project. the fee increase 16 percent for 2014 and 2015. the additional 30 percent for 2015 and 2016. the technology
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reserve, we try to do a little bit more there and then the funding for the emergency order and the new legislation for illegal in law and also additional housing unit for $30,000 by year. then due to this we increase our staff as you see of 20.77 of personnel. this slide is showing you how much is coming in from the economic down turn and rapidly growing. besides the number of permits, you need to keep in mind the complexity of the project. the building is more
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higher and higher and also go down deeper and deeper for exploration. the pension is getting more involved. also to keep up with these changes, that's why we request to increase staff for all those legalization and also the 40,000 units. and then this slide is showing you the performance and then we are lying to to do the number required inspection increased because of the number of permits increased. we also emphasize the code enforcement. sometimes we need to worry about eviction, how to deal with those. those are unexpected. but we are going to deal with it. then, because of all this starting july
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1st, this year we have a new energy call and that's why you will see lots of people try to submit the permit this year by june 30 th to award the new energy code. also that's the budget proficiency that we have. keep in mind we learned from the last economic down turn. some of the project will be temporary and then we will budget those positions based on project as a temporary position. then this is summary of what we are talking about. the new legislation and what is the work load. for example, i mentioned about one time project. those are summarized
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here. we increased the capital reserve by $5.25 million. create a technology project reserve for $7 million. and increased the funding and repair fund by $5 million. and create a work order to access office. because we find out there is a time between access office to increase the property tax by doing -- with them. by $1.3 million. interest rear -- interim fee reduction because of the high generated revenues. then the 2-piece of legislation i want to mention is the 6-month reduction all fee for staff
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service. we just get approval from best of bic yesterday and then do the permit fee we had. hopefully by august 15th, we will finish it and then we will adjust our permit fee at that time permanently. another piece 5027 the hill rock slide. i remember i was the guy respond to the rock slide at that time. i think it's 17-18 years ago. this is a rare exact hillside. we have a combination of recs park and private property. we'll take the private property side because the land is hard to develop too because the
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vertical hillside. then we are going to from our emergency fund to fund that part to repair to make sure protect the life safety of the public. that concludes my part. any questions? >> thank you for your presentation. colleagues, any questions for dbi? supervisor avalos? >>supervisor john avalos: thank you for your presentation. are we seeing any activity around the in law legislation? >> actually i tried to do more outreach in radio and tv. up to now it's over 200 inquiries and then we only approved one project on baker street. >> i'm sorry what street? >> i encourage them to come
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forward because they will be oh -- obey the law and they protect the owner. >> great, thank you. then, if you could explain what, we have the capital reserve will be increased to $5.2 million. the technology project reserve $7 million and repair and demolition fund to $5 million. what will these funds be able to, what purpose will they serve in terms of actual brick and mortar projects? >> first the emergency fund. we realize last year for first street, we did the demolition on those buildings because the life safety with the health department, fire department and police. then the telegraph hill. then the way we see if
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any emergency comes like earthquake, we need to prepare for it. if we do not have the funding, we could not operate. our department was the first and the whole department has to move to the marina district. >> this is to support not publically owned buildings but privately owned buildings as well, is that correct? >> yes. >> is that there is demolition fund was that also the technology project reserve? >> okay. the technology is, for our new technology for the permit checking system more transparent for the public, right now it's only working with planning and dbi, but we
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are planning with the office and then the department will get public tax will increase. then we also want to look at other department for fire and health and everyone to come on board. >> currently there is not a technology reserve, you will be creating a technology reserve and it will be available for upgrading your system to integrate with other departments in the city. >> yeah. >> then you expect that reserve to stay at a certain amount after you initiate the work or is that a one time reserve when you expand to actually being able to do the integration? >> we have one time reserve right now. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. colleagues, any questions. mr. rose, can we move to your report, please. >> yes, mr. chairman and members of the committee. on page 11 of our report our
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recommended reductions of the proposed budget totaled of that 126,000 are on going savings. $203,000 one time savings. the reduction will allow $13 million $381,000 for the 2015 budget. we also recommend the budget and finance committee place $9 million in reserve. this $9 million is for new and on going projects. the final scope has not been determined. our recommended budget total $1.3. of that amount 185,000 $185,000 one time savings. as i understand it the department concurs with our recommended
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deductions and they are shown on page 15 and 12 of our report. >> supervisor breed? breed breed >>supervisor london breed: thank you can you supply why we would place the $900,000 on reserve since there is no plans to send the money? >> well, mr. chairman, members of the committee, supervisor breed, you are referring to page 15 of our report. the reason why we are recommending that that $9 million be placed on reserve is because as we have stated in the report that they have not provided details on the project scope, budget, and timeline. so we believe the board of supervisors should know how that money is going to be expended before we release the funds. we are not
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taking the money out of the budget. our recommendation is to leave it in the budget but the department to come back to provide you with a specific spending plan so the board knows how it's going to be expended. that's why it's for the reserve. >> it can only be used in the department? >> that is correct. >> any if you further questions? >> the funds can be used for the department to enable say residents to improve in their buildings, not directly but it's funding outreach to residents living in housing so they can have the ability to express their needs too. >> all those for the coverage. >> okay. thank you. >> colleagues, any further questions. to confirm you are in agreement with the budget
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analyst report? >> yes. >> okay i would imagine we accept those recommendations. thank you very much. you are off the hook for next week. up next we have our fine arts museum. mr. bailey i see here and mr. garcia. thank you all for being here. >> good morning, supervisor. i'm dee willse. i'm here to introduce our director collin bailey. last year he had been here about 5 days. i was really introducing him then. i'm very pleased to tell you he's here a year now and we are thrilled to have him. i want to thank you for your past support and i want to introduce him now as a veteran of the fine arts museum. he will make our report. >> welcome, mr. bailey. >> good morning supervisor.
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on behalf of the board our president and the staff of the fine arts museum of san francisco i want to thank you board of supervisors and the mayor's budget analyst for this year's budgeting process. i will address budget topics having to do with the fine arts museum and we'll share the museums recent and current activity. we at the museum are pleased with the recommended budget of $17.6 million which is three 3 percent higher than last year. the rise is to increase salaries and capital projects. capital funding projects is proposed to rise this year to $8.1 million in
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fiscal year 2014-2015. in current year much of the allegiance was addressed included modifications and complying with the emissions standards and partial roof replacement. next fiscal year at the legion we'll continue to work on the roof and the exterior masonry and the story on the arts collection where the gallery is stored and safe guarded. then we'll replace exterior lighting and correct drainage problems in the courtyard by the main entrance. in fiscal year 2014-2015 we'll include 112 full time employees. the change is due to increase in temporary salaries made to adequately staff the museum.
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although we have a thriving institution with a dynamic exhibition program schedule we have no major new policy initiatives or investment changes to report. if i may now, it was founded in may 1985, the museum has served the public for over a century. we continue to serve our region for communities all over with exhibitions programs and education while caring for the city's esteemed and growing arts collection. we are museums in the city and for the city. on the left is the legion, the region is the deyoung. the attendance this year will be over 1.7 million visitors and we project 1.5 million visitors next year. our visitors come from around the globe but they are
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predominantly from the bay area and san francisco. this marked achievement in attendance is in large part by diverse and exciting excellent exhibitions. the berkeley years, i'm going through the deyoung project. the berkeley years. the hockney show at the deyoung which brought 125,000 visitors to the visitors. 200,000 visitors. at the legion this past year we celebrated the america's cup on the water and an exhibition to an artist from sweden, someone who was vitally known but 98,000 saw this exhibition from the national gallery and art. the donations made by
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the thomas foundation by the american native art that committeely changes the holding in our area. this is a gift of member of ceramics and northwestern sculpture that will be an endearing resort for the year. we have a collection for the legion one of the dor a one of the greatest 18th century in the country. this is achieved with private funding. this is today. we have renovated galleries and showing you our british room and the work for over 2 years. our exhibition schedule is thriving. we opened last week. my half exhibition from the national gallery post world war ii art and the gay assay from
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1969-1972 taken in los angeles to san francisco. we will be opening next week at the end of the month, masters of fireworks from capes found in israel to 4,000 to 5,000 years old. we'll bring a masterpiece from italy, a portrait of someone called the turk a, the turkish slave. she was neither a turkish or a slave. that will be shown in the gallery. we'll bring treasures from the 18th century country house and the mission devoted to a brief career of king herring of a political edge and the dancing figures from the mess skoeney
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center by the arts commission. this will be an entrance to the exhibition. we have improved our website. explore the arts allows for display of all collections and maintain to access adults and families. many participated in the program this year and the program allows for art exploration for veterans, the top slide shows from veterans, american sign language tours and discovery with people with suffering with dementia these are programs being maintained and increased. we have a museum ambassador over 3 decades moving the san francisco unified school district engaging younger school kids to the museum and making them comfortable with visiting. we have formal
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interaction with docents and k-12 and in fact 241,000 visitors have participated in our programs over the past year. friday night we have had 27 free friday nights at the deyoung. 65,000 in attendance. we bring the world to our museum. we have a thousand local artist friday night at the deyoung. we bring the world to our museum and bring the city to the world. i thank the volunteers of the museums. joining me in thanking the supervisors and mayor's office for their support and participation. >> thank you, mr. bailey. i appreciate it. colleagues, do we have any questions? okay.
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mr. rose can we go to your report? >> yes, on page 19 of our report the recommendation, all of which are on going, these reductions will still allow an increase of 494909. 2.9 percent of the department's 15 budget. the total $96,000 in 15-16. on going, these reductions will allow an increase of 2.8 percent in the department 15-16 budget. the department does concur with these recommended reductions. they are shown on page 24. >> colleagues, thank you. are you in agreement with these? >> we are in agreement. >> okay. any comments? okay.
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thank you very much for your leadership. likewise mr. bailey, no need to come back next week. up next the academy of sciences. >> good morning, i'm greg farg ton. i'm not allowed to start. we have such a nice first slide for you. >> last year was a penguin, i think. >> this year we don't have a penguin. okay. anyway, i'm still greg and nothing has changed and for the last eight years 8 years i have had the pleasure of heading the indicated academy of sciences. this is
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